ZingChart how to modify node upon click/select - zingchart

I am using ZingChart for a standard bar graph. I have the selected state for individual bars working as I would like but for one thing. Is there a way to show the value box (set to visible:false globally) to show just for the selected node when it is clicked/selected? I was able to make the value box for every node show in a click event I added to call an outside function using the modifyplot method but I don't see a similar method for nodes such as modifynode. If this is not an option, is there any way to insert a "fake" value box the markup of which would be created on the fly during the click event and have that element show above the selected node? Below is my render code for the chart in question. Thanks for your time!
id: "vsSelfChartDiv",
width: '100%',
height: '100%',
output: 'svg',
data: myChartVsSelf,
zingchart.exec('vsSelfChartDiv', 'modifyplot', {
graphid : 0,
plotindex : p.plotindex,
nodeindex : p.nodeindex,
data : {
var indexThis = p.nodeindex;
var indexDateVal = $('#vsSelfChartDiv-graph-id0-scale_x-item_'+indexThis).find('tspan').html();

You'd probably be better off using a label instead of a value-box. I've put together a demo here.
I'm on the ZingChart team. Feel free to hit me up if you have any more questions.
// Set up your data
var myChart = {
"text":"Average Metric"
// The label below will be your 'value-box'
// This id allows you to access it via the API
// The hook describes where it attaches
// Hide it to start
// Tooltips are turned off so we don't have
// hover info boxes and click info boxes
// Render the chart
// Bind your events
// Shows label and sets it to the plotindex and nodeindex
// of the clicked node
zingchart.exec("myChart","updateobject", {
// Hides callout label when click is not on a node
if (p.target != 'node') {
zingchart.exec("myChart","updateobject", {
<script src='http://cdn.zingchart.com/zingchart.min.js'></script>
<div id="myChart" style="width:100%;height:300px;"></div>


Show cytoscape qtip on right click

I am trying to show a qtip when the user right-clicks on a node using the following code:
cy.on("cxttap", "node", function (evt) {
content: {
text: "test"
When I right-click a node no tooltip is shown, but as soon as I left-click on the same node then the tooltip shows.
I have made sure that cytoscape-qtip is working and I have not added any event handlers for the click or tap events.
qTip handles events itself, so you have to specify something like cxttap for the show event. If you want to write your own listeners, like you have above, then your call to qtip will need a call to the qtip API to manually show.
Set show property for right click
content: '<p> [SUM Outgoing call :42, THUVAPPARA</p><button id="add-to-report" class="btn btn-success">Add to report</button><br><button class="btn btn-danger">Remove</button>',
show: { event: 'cxttap' },
position: {
my: 'top center',
at: 'bottom center'
style: {
classes: 'qtip-bootstrap',
tip: {
width: 16,
height: 8

Using JQuery to display different image based item hovered

I'm trying to accomplish two things:
Left Column: Steps are faded by default, but individual steps fade in to full color on hover.
Right Column: A different image is displayed based on the step being hovered in the left column. By default, the first image should be displayed.
I am using the fadeIn function, but I cant get it to work the way I'm hoping. Whats the best way to go about doing this?
Jsfiddle Example
$(document).ready(function() {
function() {
}, function() {
function() {
}, function() {
function() {
}, function() {
If you use "hover" the images will disappear always when you leave the left column (I not sure if you want it). You may use "fadeIn" and "fadeOut" inside a "mouseenter" event:
(Maybe you need to put the images on absolute position to avoid the flickering)
//---Show images on mouseenter
$("div[id^='step-']").on("mouseenter", function(){
var image = $("img[id='" + $(this).attr("id") + "-image-holder']");
//---Hide images by default

Restrict qtip2 inside a container

How to keep all the qtips inside a container (I have already tried position.container, position.viewport and position.adjust.method) without any luck, my best guess is that I am not using them correctly.
Update:1 I have created a sample app with more details on below url
Update:2 I have created jsfiddle link too. http://jsfiddle.net/Lde45mmv/2/
Please refer below screen shot for layout details.
I am calling the area shown between two lines as $container in my js code.
So far I have tried tweaking viewport, adjust method but nothing helped. I am hoping this is possible and I would greatly appreciate any help.
Below is my javascript code which creates qtip2.
//Now create tooltip for each of this Comment number
$('#cn_' + num).qtip({
id: contentElementID,
content: {
text: .....
var $control = $('<div class="qtip-parent">' +
' <div class="qtip-comment-contents">......</div>' +
' <div class="clearfix"></div>' +
' <div class="qtip-footer"><span class="qtip-commenter">...</span><span class="pull-right">...</span></div>' +
return $control;
button: false
show: 'click',
hide: {
fixed: true,
event: 'unfocus'
position: {
my: 'top right',
at: 'bottom right',
target: $('#cn_' + num),
container: $container,
//viewport: true,
adjust: { method: 'shift none' }
style: {
tip: {
corner: true,
mimic: 'center',
width: 12,
height: 12,
border: true, // Detect border from tooltip style
//offset: 25
classes: 'qtip-comment'
events: {
show: function (event, api) {
hide: function (event, api) {
Example of jalopnik page which shows what I am looking for (FWIW jalopnik example doesn't use qtip2).
I don't think qtip API supports this functionality. I ended up re-positioning the tooltip on visible event.
I have updated the demo page and jsfiddle link below is code for doing this.
events: {
visible: function (event, api) {
var $qtipControl = $(event.target);
$qtipControl.css({ 'left': contentPosition.left + "px" });
var $qtipTipControl = $qtipControl.find(".qtip-tip");
var $target = api.get("position.target");
$qtipTipControl.css({ "right": 'auto' });
//I am using jquery.ui position
my: "center top",
at: "center bottom",
of: $target
Problem with this approach is that there is noticeable jump when I re-position the qTip. But in lack of any other option for time being I will settle with this.
The ideal approach would be to allow callback method thru position.adjust currently it only supports static values for x and y, if a method was allowed here it would make things much smoother.

Why does YUI transitions use fixed heights?

So I'm trying to add animations/transitions using YUI and I'm wondering why on earth it uses fixed heights?
What's the deal with that?
The examples you mean? They do not have to, they are just poor examples. YUI Transition can use all possible values, it even support completely dynamic animations like so:
// Will create a slideDown effect on #thing
height: function(node) {
return node.get('scrollHeight') + 'px';
duration: 0.1,
easing: 'ease-out',
on: {
start: function() {
var overflow = this.getStyle('overflow');
if (overflow !== 'hidden') { // enable scrollHeight/Width
this.setStyle('overflow', 'hidden');
this._transitionOverflow = overflow;
end: function() {
if (this._transitionOverflow) { // revert overridden value
this.setStyle('overflow', this._transitionOverflow);
delete this._transitionOverflow;
This example will expand an element that was previously 0px high to its expected height.

Backbone events applied to an el that is an svg element

I have an SVG canvas with text that I would like to respond to clicks. The code below isn't getting the job done:
var MyView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName : "text",
events : {
"click" : "clickhandler"
initialize : function() {
this.centerX = this.options.centerX;
this.centerY = this.options.centerY;
this.svg = this.options.svg;
this.tagText = this.model.get("tag_name");
clickhandler : function(event) {
console.log("I was clicked!"); //This is not firing on click
render : function() {
this.el = this.svg.text(this.centerX, this.centerY, this.tagText, {});
return this;
This is being called in the render function of another view as such :
onLoad : function(svg) {
for ( var i = 1; i < that.relatedTags.length; i++) {
tagView = new MyView({
model : this.relatedTags.at(i),
centerX : 100,
centerY : 200,
svg : svg
It shows up just fine and if I throw this in at the end of the for loop :
$(tagView.el).click(function() {
Then the clicking works but I need to access the Backbone Model associated with the view so I'd much prefer the backbone event to a straight JQuery event.
The problem here is, that you set the element of the view in the render method. But backbone tries to add the events on initialization. So when backbone tries to add the events there is no element in you case. So either you have to start your view with your svg text, or you add the events by hand in your render method.
Maybe you can add the events on the svg itself and jquery is clever enough to handle the delegation. But I'm not sure in this case.
