Can Gulp be modularized? - node.js

I hope I'm close with this, it's starting to get really frustrating.
I've asked this before: Is it possible to setup Gulp in a distributed fashion?
...but I'm still not quite able to get it to work.
I've created a gist with the two files I'm working with.
my-gulp is installed via npm.
It's hitting my-gulp/gulpfile.js just fine, but I'm getting the following output:
> gulp
CWD: /Users/will/projects/my-app
[15:49:11] Using gulpfile ~/projects/my-app/gulpfile.js
[15:49:11] Task 'default' is not in your gulpfile
[15:49:11] Please check the documentation for proper gulpfile formatting
If I had to take a guess, it's something to do with the cwd being the root of the app, however I would assume it would error long before making an attempt to load a task (this fails when attempting to run any task, btw, not just default).
Does anyone have any ideas? I'm really at a blocker here :(.


How to get build error messages from browserify

We are using Gulp with browserify, and I am having a problem diagnosing an error. Browserify runs, reporting no problems, however, many of the scripts that should have been concatenated into my output js file are missing.
We have found that this can happen if we are missing an npm package (if we need to run npm install), or if there is something wrong with an npm package. The past couple of times it has happened, we have been lucky in that we had only just added 1 package and so we immediately knew where to look.
Now, I have it failing on a dev machine (by fail, I mean that my output .js file is 1/10th the size it should be an missing many js files, but no errors reported). I am not sure which package it is failing on, and I am getting no diagnostics.
I tried hooking .on('error') as described here:, but there was no additional output.
The output from the Visual Studio Task Runner Explorer looks like this:
[18:17:21] Using gulpfile C:\git\...\Gulpfile.js
[18:17:21] Starting 'browserify:local'...
[18:17:24] Finished 'browserify:local' after 2.63 s
[18:17:24] Starting 'build:local'...
[18:17:24] Finished 'build:local' after 31 ms
Process terminated with code 0.
What can I do to get additional information from Browserify? Is there some sort of logging that I can turn on?
The problem you experienced was caused by the tsify plugin.
Prior to version 1.0.4, there were a number of path-related bugs that could result in empty modules being emitted without any errors being reported to Browserify. These bugs have been fixed and errors are now emitted to Browserify in situations that would have previously resulted in an empty module.

Cannot find module 'assetmanager'

I'm trying to run the MEAN stack on windows. I've installed all the pre-requisites (I think) but when I try to start the server via the gulp command I get the error:
Error: Cannot find module 'assetmanager'.
I have tried running npm install assetmanager which run fine but I still get this error.
This is my first time trying to run node on a machine (I should have used a linux box) so go easy on me as I am learning :-).
Any and all help appreciated.
I had exactly the same problem on Linux Mint 17.2.
The failing way: This was my first project that I'd generated and I don't think I had all the dependencies installed before I ran the init command (g++ was missing).
I tried the npm install assetmanager command as you did and then install worked. Running gulp after this, it got further but this time I was missing mongoose. I installed that then it couldn't find .../config/env/all so I sylinked the default.js config. Then running gulp again, errorhandler was missing. I figured it shouldn't be this hard so...
The working way: I deleted that failure of a project and init'd a new one and it worked. Unfortunately I'm not sure if the init didn't work the first time but I missed the error/warning or something else caused it. All I can recommend is try creating another project and see if that works.

Debugging node app in WebStorm when run from gulp

I am using webstorm 10.0.2 and have used the bangular yeoman template to generate a project. I can run the gulp commands via the gulp window, and I can set a breakpoint in the gulpfile.js and it will hit it, but I can't seem to get it to hit a breakpoint in my server.js
It looks to me like the gulp file is launching another instance of node and thus when you do "debug" from webstorm you are just debugging the gulp.
I also tried with another project using yo hottowel but get the same thing - I am unable to debug the actual application through webstorm.
Can anybody tell me how to configure webstorm so that I can debug the actual server side node code but still use the gulp build tool?
I contacted JetBrains support back in May 2015 and their response was:
It seems this cannot be done quickly. In short, the problem is that serve-dev task starts new process (nodemon) that takes app.js
There is no workaround how to debug such spawned processes right now. We would really appreciate if you'll submit a feature request about it in our YouTrack:
The only way you can try to avoid it - try to create a separate task that will run app.js directly without nodemon process and debug this task instead.
It seems the best option is to use

Issues installing swiper.js (node.js/grunt noob)

Having issues getting swiper.js to work. Requires grunt/bower. I'm completely new to js generators and am only able to get through about half the walkthrough before running into issues.
When I type $grunt dist into terminal, I get the following response: -bash: dist: command not found
What step am I missing?
Followed the idangerous steps to the letter:
I have most often see "X command not found" for one of the following reasons:
The project's Grunt dependencies aren't installed or aren't installed properly
Your Gruntfile is mis-configured or missing
To fix this, first make sure there is a package.json file in your project. This will tell the npm what dependencies the project has and install them accordingly (assuming the package.json file is also configured correctly).
Next, make sure you have installed grunt correctly.
If you're still having issues, open your Gruntfile and search for:
This will show where the "dist" task is being defined. If you for some reason don't find it, then there's your problem. If you do find it, then check the proceeding commands inside square brackets that look like this:
grunt.registerTask('dist', ['clean', 'dist-css', 'copy:fonts', 'dist-js', 'dist-docs']);
'clean', 'dist-css', etc. are all other tasks defined in the Gruntfile, and there could be an issue with those as well.
If there's an issue with your package.json or Gruntfile, then trying re-installing the project with bower and repeat the above steps to ensure that it's not an issue on your end.
If it's not, then something is probably wrong with the author's source code.

heroku running gulp build

i am trying to install a node app onto heroku. My application requires both gulp build and gulp install to be called on the server upon instillation, however i am having troubles doing this.
I have tried writing this inside of the package.json:
"scripts":"gulp build && gulp install"
which works at first, but after about an hour the server must restart and recall the script causing for the contents of the server to be rebuilt. this removes all of my content such as newly written blogs or changes.
I have also tried using the heroku toolbelt
heroku run gulp build
heroku run gulp install
However, even though it produces the correct console write lines and looks asif it has made the necessary changes, it hasn't, the server produces an error which proves that the resources haven't been built meaning that the console command didnt make any changes to the actual server files.
Am i missing something out here? Thanks in advance.
So i have figured out that the problem lies with the fact that i have tried to use a LevelDB database on heroku. Apparently, heroku uses no-writable dynos, meaning that the levelDB database is unable to save.
