Post build event command line - not working - visual-studio-2012

In my ASP.NET web application, I am trying to copy the common configuration file 'application.Common.dll.config' to WebUI project's 'Web.config' location.
The below lines were in Post build event command line section in project properties and they are not working. Am I missing anything?
Copy /Y "$(SolutionDir)Common\bin\$(ConfigName)\application.Common.dll.config" "$(SolutionDir)WebUI\Web.config"
Thanks in advance.

I think you should not use $(ConfigName). Instead, it should be $(ConfigurationName). Try with $(ConfigurationName) and let us know if you still have issue,=


Looking for example of raw json configuration file per builtType in Android Studio/Gradle

I have an Android App and need a JSON configuration file for AAD B2C in the raw directory which is called by like this:
I need a R.raw.auth_config_multiple_account for each buildType (and possibly flavor). Let's just assume I need a dev, test, prod. I read this article on providing alternate resources and this one for Configure build types, but I don't know exactly how this is supposed to work.
I assumed it might be a subdirectory in raw which is named for the buildType, but that does not seem to be the case. Does anybody have a simple example of this?
Also which buildType is used when you press play on Android Studio and run the app in the emulator?
I figured it out in case anybody else has questions around this. This article and this documentation helped.
I went into the project view in Project explorer, created a debug directory (to match my debug buildType in the build.gradle) in the src directory (making it a peer of main, test and androidTest), created a res directory under the new debug directory and a raw directory under the new res directory. I copied the auth_config_multiple_account.json file into it and altered the configuration to test it. All worked ok.

Azure Web App deploy.cmd disappearing

I've created my own deploy.cmd for customizing my app's behavior when pulling new code but, unfortunately, I can't see it in the site\deployments\tools folder where it usually belongs.
Typically, the file is auto-generated and placed in the tools folder automatically and I've been successfully modifying it. I've been advised to simply place it in the root of my repository and it will be handled automatically. After doing that, I'm unable to find the deploy.cmd file in the expected place.
Where is it?
It is normal for it not to be there when you use a custom deployment script. It only ends up there when your script is generated.
Generally speaking, you should never modify this file when you see it in the tools folder. It is stored there as a cache for the system. You either use a custom deployment script, or you end up using the generated one.
It sounds like you forgot to add a .deployment file alongside deploy.cmd. Without it, it will be ignored. It should contain:
command = deploy.cmd
See this post for details.

Specflow TestProfile file

I want to use specflow and specrun to parallelize my test execution. I understand I need a profile file with the Execution element set as following: <Execution testThreadCount="2" />.
However, I need a sample profile file to insert the above into. Does anyone know a link for a sample profile file? Perhaps an explanation of the profile settings file and how its used? I understand you can also configure multiple browser version testing with this file also? Please let me know.
If you add the SpecRun.SpecFlow nuget package to your project, it adds a "Default.srprofile" that you can use a starting point.
Now there is a detailed documentation at, that you can look at.
You can also download the nuget package (, open it as zip and in the content folder you will find the template for the Default.srprofile file.

HowTo create InstallShield MSI with no files needed locally?

Hello everyone and good day!
Question: I had create a Basic InstallShield Project in my MSVC2010, added some files and primary outputs and press build. Project compiled normally: there was created MSI, setup.exe, setup.ini and (WTF?!) local directory structure of files, which I'm trying to install (for example, "Program Files\My Company\app.exe, ..." files was copied there). I throught that this is not needed folder, so copied my setup files (MSI, setup.exe, setup.ini) to another folder and start installation. When process of installation come on to copy state, installer gave me the error, that no required files (app.exe,...) was found.
Does anybody solve this problem? I think this is the simple one.
You can achieve this by making some changes to the properties in solution explorer. This is so simple as you can compress all in single .exe file. Follow the given below step:
Right Click On Entire solution and Choose Properties as given below
Second step as you can see the dialog box. click on configuration Properties
Third Step
Last step
This is finest and easiest way to achieve the required task.
Answer was found by myself, but thank you all any way...
To create a self-extracted install file you need to open "Releases" tab in your InstallShield Basic project and right click on configuration click "Release WIzard...".
All what I need is at this figure:
Select Compressed from Compression option in properties view.
Simple use the "single image" build. Not cd nor dvd

How do I add a project to CruiseControl.NET?

I am looking at the cruisecontrol web dashboard. I can see one farm and one server. However, I don't see any way to add a project?
Is this something I can do with the UI or do I need to edit the config file by hand?
You'll need to edit the ccnet.config file by hand (located within the CruiseControl directory) to add projects. There are some graphical tools to help you do this however you do get used to doing it by hand fairly quickly - just have the documentation near by!
Update: An example of one such tool is
You can use CCNETConfig to edit the config file through an UI although it doesn't support higher version > CruiseControl.NET 1.4.
You have to basically edit the configuration file by hand, however I have it setup so that the raw config file is split into different include files, each of which is setup in my source control system. Then I created a project for the configuration, and then for the whole config. So when something changes in the config, CC.NET itself pulls out the changes, recreates it's config files and the refreshes the system configuration.
This means that anyone can edit the config (if they can access the files in sourcecontrol), and no-one has to go into the program files directory of the CC.NET machine itself.
Not sure whether this answers the question you asked, but this is how our setup works
