GNUplot doesn't print lines - gnuplot

I'm having this script to plot some data in Gnuplot. Unfortunately, my plot doesn't print the lines, only the dots.
What have I done wrong?
set terminal png
set output 'picture.png'
set xlabel "n"
set ylabel "time (s)"
set yrange [0:2]
set title "title"
set key reverse Left outside
set grid
set style data linespoints
plot "bla.txt" using 1:2 title "bla" with linespoints ls 1

Most probably, your data file contains empty lines between successive data entries.
A data file with
1 2
2 4
5 6
shows only three points when plotted with
plot 'data.txt' using 1:2 with linespoints
whereas a data file
1 2
3 4
5 6
also shows connecting lines.
That is simply how gnuplot handles its data files.


How can i plot 2 boxplot with diferent files? Gnuplot

So, im trying to plot two diferent box plot with diferent files, here my code:
set boxwidth 0.5
set style fill solid 0.5
set xlabel ""
set ylabel "Boxplot Value"
set grid layerdefault
set xtics ("Data A" 1, "Data B" 2)
set xtics rotate by -50
plot "out4.txt" using (1):1 notitle with boxplot, "out20.txt" using (1):2 notitle with boxplot
And this error shows up: "boxplot.gnu", line 8: warning: Skipping data file with no valid points
My data is arranged like this:
Just one column, its the same data in both files.
If your file "out20.txt" also consists of only one column, what should gnuplot plot if you write "out20.txt" using (1):2? There is no second column to plot. That's what gnuplot is telling you "Skipping data file with no valid points".
If "out4.txt" corresponds to Data A at x=1 and "out20.txt" to Data B at x=2, then changing line 8 to the following should show your graph:
plot "out4.txt" using (1):1 notitle with boxplot, "out20.txt" using (2):1 notitle with boxplot

Gnuplot: Violin plot with data from file

I created a script to plot the columns of a dataset using violin plots to show the distribution of the data points starting from the Gnuplot Demo Scripts. However, I can't solve the following error:
"violinplot.gnu", line 27: all points y value undefined!
Does anyone have any idea?
The script:
set terminal pdfcairo size 20,14 enhanced font 'Times,28'
set output 'violinplot.0.pdf'
set datafile separator ','
set table $kdensity1
plot 'profile.csv' using 2:(1) smooth kdensity bandwidth 10. with filledcurves above y lt 9 title 'B'
unset table
unset key
print $kdensity1
set border 2
#unset margins
#unset xtics
set ytics nomirror rangelimited
set title "Distribution of times in milliseconds"
set boxwidth 0.075
set style fill solid bo -1
set errorbars lt black lw 5
set xrange [-6:6]
plot $kdensity1 using (1 + $2/1.):1 with filledcurve x=1 lt 10, \
$kdensity1 using (1 - $2/1.):1 with filledcurve x=1 lt 10
The dataset is in a CSV format as follows (and each column contains time in milliseconds):
Gnuplot Version 5.2 patchlevel 2
The reason for your error is simple but "nasty" and hidden.
Your input data is comma separated. However, if you plot to a table via set table $kdensity the default column separator is whitespace. That's why gnuplot doesn't find any data in column 2.
I guess since gnuplot 5.2.2. you could set set table $kdensity separator comma. But in order to get a comma as separator you have to use the "plotting style" with table (e.g. plot FILE u 1:2 w table). However, with table and smooth ... do not work together. Either you use with table and you will get the comma but not "smoothed" or you "smooth" and you will not get the comma.
Two possible solutions:
after plotting to the smoothed table set your separator to whitespace (see example below).
or alternatively,
change your input data to whitespace separated.
If you want plot the original (comma separated) data as well, then you have two different column separators. Then you have to apply another workaround.
Script: (works with gnuplot>=5.2.2)
### violin plot with comma separated input data
reset session
# create some random test data (comma separated)
set table $Data separator comma
set samples 100
n = 0
plot for [i=1:3] '+' u (n=n+1):(invnorm(rand(0))*i*25 +i*200) w table
unset table
set datafile separator ','
set table $kdensity
set samples 1000
plot $Data using 2:(1) smooth kdensity bandwidth 10.
unset table
set datafile separator whitespace
set key noautotitle
set style fill solid 0.7
plot $kdensity u (1 + $2/1.):1 w filledcurves x=1 lt 10, \
'' u (1 - $2/1.):1 w filledcurves x=1 lt 10
### end of script

Gnuplot plotting wrong lines and some strange values as well

I am using gnuplot to postprocess some calculation that I have done and I am having hard time getting gnuplot to select the right lines as it is outputting some strange values that I do not know where come from.
The first 200 points of the results start in line 3 and stop in 202 but that is not working when I use every ::3::202.
Does anyone have any suggestions of what I am doing wrong?
Gnuplot image:
set terminal pngcairo transparent nocrop enhanced size 3200,2400 font "arial,40"
set output "Mast41_voltage_muffe.png"
set key right
set samples 500, 500
set xzeroaxis ls 1 lt 8 lw 3
set style line 12 lc rgb '#808080' lt 0 lw 1
set style line 13 lt 0 lw 3
set grid back ls 12
set decimalsign '.'
set datafile separator whitespace
set ylabel "Spenna [pu]"
set xlabel "Timi [s]"
plot "mrunout_01.out" every ::3::202 using 2:3 title '5 ohm' with lines lw 3 linecolor rgb '#D0006E',\
"mrunout_01.out" every ::203::402 using 2:3 title '10 ohm' with lines lw 3 linecolor rgb '#015DD4',\
"mrunout_01.out" every ::403::602 using 2:3 title '15 ohm' with lines lw 3 linecolor rgb '#F80419',\
"mrunout_01.out" every ::603::802 using 2:3 title '20 ohm' with lines lw 3 linecolor rgb '#07826A'
unset output
unset zeroaxis
unset terminal
every refers to the actual plottable points. In your case, you have to skip 2 lines and the bunch of data at the end of your datafile.
Since you know the actual lines you need to plot I would pre-parse the file with some external tools like sed
So you can omit the every and your plot line becomes:
plot "< sed -n '3,202p' mrunout_01.out" using 2:3 title '5 ohm' with lp lw 3 linecolor rgb '#D0006E'
With yor datafile as it is, gnuplot has problems reading it. It can't even run stats on it:
stats 'mrunout_01.out'
bad data on line 1 of file mrunout_01.out
There is no need for using external tools, you can simply do it with gnuplot.
It's advantageous with your data that it is regular, every 200 points plotted in a different color.
And the data you want to plot is separated by one empty line from some additional data at the end of the file which you don't want to plot.
So, you simply address the 4th set of 200 lines in the 0th block via every ::600:0:799:0.
From help every:
plot 'file' every {<point_incr>}
you can skip two lines at the beginning of the files with skip 2
you can plot your curves in a loop plot for [i=1:4] ...
you can define your color myColor(n) via index n from a string "#D0006E #015DD4 #F80419 #07826A"
you can define the legend myTitle(n) also from a list "5 10 15 20"
Script: (tested with gnuplot 5.0.0, version at the time of OP's question)
### plot parts of a file in a loop
reset session
FILE = "SO36103041.dat"
myColor(n) = word("#D0006E #015DD4 #F80419 #07826A",n)
myTitle(n) = word("5 10 15 20",n)
set xlabel "Timi [s]"
set ylabel "Spenna [pu]"
set yrange[0:30]
plot for [i=1:4] FILE u 2:3 skip 2 every ::((i-1)*200):0:(200*i-1):0 \
w l lw 3 lc rgb myColor(i) ti myTitle(i)
### end of script

Plotting from a data file - dots on a figure are not in the exact positions

My data file Im using for plotting:
0.005200 1
0.005333 2
0.005333 3
0.005333 4
0.005333 5
0.005467 6
0.005467 7
0.005467 8
My GNUplot script used for plotting:
set xlabel "test"
set ylabel "value"
set grid ytics lt 0 lw 1 lc rgb "#bbbbbb"
set grid xtics lt 0 lw 1 lc rgb "#bbbbbb"
set autoscale
set terminal postscript portrait enhanced color dashed lw 1 'Helvetica' 14
set style line 2 lc rgb 'red' pt 7 # circle
set output 'test.eps'
plot 'data.txt' using 2:1 with points ls 2 title "time series plot"
Output image generated with GNUplot:
As you see in the data file I posted, value for the second, third, fourth and the fifth test is 0.005333. (As well as for the sixth, seventh and eighth test - there is a value of 0.005467).
But you can't see that on a figure - take a look at it. For the second, third, fourth and the fifth test the value on the figure is in somewhere between the 0.0053 and 0.00535 and I need the dots to be in the EXACT position on figure as its on the text file.
I have so much such files, is there any "portable" way to use it for every file I have?
The points are of course in the correct position. Add
set ytics add (0.005333, 0.005467)
to your script to see this:

In the gnuplot how do I plot data from two different files into a single plot?

I have two different files to plot in the gnuplot. they use a) different separator b) different time on x-axis
hence for each of them to plot separately I need to pass
set datafile separator
set timefmt
I would like to impose/overlay both data in a single graph such, that they are aligned with time
how could I do this?
The problem with the different separators can be addressed by using the format after the using modifier to specify a different separator for each file, e.g.:
plot 'file1.dat' u 1:2 '%lf,%lf'
plots a two column file with comma separator. See help\using for some more detail.
I am not expert of time formats, so I don't know how to deal with the timestamp format problem. But maybe you can use some function like strftime(). I never tried it, but it seems to me it does what you need.
You're right, you will need to pass set datafile separator and set timefmt once per file. You can do it like this:
set terminal <whatever>
set output <whatever.wht>
set xdata time # tell gnuplot to parse x data as time
set format x '%F' # time format to display on plot x axis
set datafile separator ' ' # separator 1
set timefmt '%F' # time format 1
plot 'file1'
set datafile separator ',' # separator 2
set timefmt '%s' # time format 2
replot 'file2'
The replot command by itself replots the previous line, and if you specify another line to be plotted that will go on top of the first one like I did here.
It seems to me that you have 2 options. The first is to pick a datafile format and beat both datafiles into that format, maybe using awk:
plot '<awk "-f;" "{print $1,$2}" data1' using 1:2 w lines,\
'data2' using 1:2 w lines
*Note, your awk command will almost certainly be different, this just shows how to use awk in an inline pipe.
Your second option is to use multiplot with explicit axes alignment:
set multiplot
set xdata time
set datafile sep ';' #separator for first file
set timefmt "..." #time format for first file
set lmargin at screen 0.9
set rmargin at screen 0.1
set tmargin at screen 0.9
set bmargin at screen 0.1
unset key
plot 'data1' u 1:2 w lines ls 1 nontitle
set key #The second plot command needs to add both "titles" to the legend/key.
set datafile sep ',' #separator for second file
set timefmt "..." #time format for second file
unset border
unset xtics
unset ytics
#unset other stuff that you set to prevent it from being plotted twice.
plot NaN w lines ls 1 title "title-for-plot-1", \
'data1' u 1:2 w lines ls 2 title "title-for-plot-2"
The plot NaN trick is only necessary if you want to have things show up correctly in the legend. If you're not using a legend, you can not worry about it.
This works for me :
set term pngcairo
set output 'wall.png'
set xlabel "Length (meter)"
set ylabel "error (meter)"
set style line 1 lt 1 linecolor rgb "yellow" lw 10 pt 1
set style line 2 lt 1 linecolor rgb "green" lw 10 pt 1
set style line 3 lt 1 linecolor rgb "blue" lw 10 pt 1
set datafile separator ","
set key
set auto x
set xtics 1, 2, 9
set yrange [2:7]
set grid
set label "(Disabled)" at -.8, 1.8
plot "file1.csv" using 1:2 ls 1 title "one" with lines ,\
"file2.csv" using 1:2 ls 2 title "two" with lines ,\
"file3.csv" using 1:2 ls 3 title "three" with lines
set output
