From Eclipse to Android Studio: Why is proguard.cfg used when NOT building Release? - android-studio

So, I have been trying to migrate the development of a multi-project (eclipse projects that is) app to Android Studio (v1.1).
Importing via File > Import Project was really easy and went without incident.
However, when I tried Make/Rebuild project I encountered numerous surprises. The first, not Proguard-related, had to do with source file encoding (originally in Windows-1252), but I quickly found a solution using this Windows-1252 > Reload > UTF-8 > Convert answer.
Then, "error: cannot find symbol class" for a com.comp.mod.X class of mine. I then solved it by going to the module (Android Studio module that is, previously an Eclipse project) that contains that class and added to its proguard.cfg the following:
-keep public class com.comp.mod.X
Which left me with an "error: cannot find symbol variable" for a const BB defined in the aforementioned class. I solved this by adding to the same proguard.cfg the following:
-keepclassmembers class com.comp.mod.X {
public static final boolean BB;
That left me with only one "error: cannot find symbol method getPreferenceX()". I solve this by adding to the same -keepclassmembers that method, so that the above now looks:
-keepclassmembers class com.comp.mod.X {
public static final boolean BB;
public static java.lang.String getPreferenceX();
I thought I was done, but to my dismay, when I attempted to rebuild the project, I received numerous additional errors from other modules in the project, all of the type to "error: cannot find symbol class/variable/method" and related to some proguard.cfg.
I could have continued butchering the proguard.cfg files for each and every module but at this point I am beginning to suspect that I am doing something fundamentally wrong, because those proguard.cfg files work perfectly under Eclipse. So,
Why all of a sudden these are no longer good for Android Studio?
If ProGuard runs only when you build your application in release mode, why is the Android Studio based build complaining about "cannot find symbol" due to Proguard's obfuscation?
What am I missing?
Note: I have not attempted "Generate Signed APK". All I do is "Rebuild Project".

Currently (as of 2015-04-24), minifyEnabled's default value of false for all build types is incorrect for multi-module projects, in which some modules (app included) are dependent on other modules. This is due to bug #52962 that causes build types to not propagate to libraries -- they are always built as RELEASE.
Suggestions to work around this bug or notifications of its fix are most welcome.


Kotlin Compose Preview reference unresolved

I am working on a Kotlin Multiplatform project for Android and Desktop using Compose and have the Compose Multiplatform IDE Support plugin installed.
What I am trying to do is add the #Preview annotation so I can get a preview of the composables that I'm working on. I tried following this guide to implement that:
I want to have my shared Compose classes in the module shared-ui, so I added the following dependencies to the build.gradle.kts in that module:
dependencies {
However, even after a synchronization, when I try to use or import the #Preview annotation in my class (shared-ui/src/commonMain/kotlin/.../MyScreen.kt), I get this error:
Unresolved reference: preview
That happens twice: Once in the import statement, where the final word Preview is in red, and once in the annotation, where it is also the word Preview that is in red:
import androidx.compose.ui.tooling.preview.Preview
Incidentally, I also tried the quick fix option that Android Studio offered me there: "Add dependency on androidx.compose.ui.ui-tooling-preview and import". What that does is add the dependencies exactly where I added them (provided I remove them first, otherwise it does nothing), which apparently means that Android Studio agrees with me that this is where the dependencies should go.
Which brings me to my ultimate question: Why does this not work? What am I doing wrong? Based on my understanding, this should work. But it doesn't. Am I missing something?

AndroidStudio preview class not found org.json.JSONObject

I work with Android Studio 2.1.1. I am writing a class which extends LinearLayout. This class has a string attribute which I try to parse with basic android JSON lib in the class constructor. The code seems fine as it compiles and installs to the device. But Android Studio cannot find the class in the Preview (see screenshot below).
What is the solution of problem?
How do I set 'JSON lib' of Android Studio Preview?
Android Studio Screenshot
Android Studio error stack:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.json.JSONException
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredConstructors0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredConstructors(
at java.lang.Class.getConstructor0(
at java.lang.Class.getConstructor(
at ...
Using Android Studio 2.2.3, I had the same problem, and sky's workaround worked for me, but I looked deeper and discovered the ClassNotFoundException was caused specifically by a reference to JSONException in code not ever executed in the view draw code needed for the layout preview. Interestingly, non executed references to JSONObject do not cause a ClassNotFoundException, but apparently the compiler wants to load the JSONException class regardless.
My solution was to catch Exception instead of JSONException in my code (which would be unaffected by the change). I decided this was preferable to adding the otherwise unnecessary library.
I did found only the WORKAROUND for this kind of issue. I did download 'json-20160212.jar' from maven repo. Then placed it to project's root directory (or other directory you like), and did add the dependency in project's build.gradle:
dependencies {
provided files('json-20160212.jar')
I'm using 'provided' scope to avoid json library been compiled with my project, but have an ability to 'preview' my layout without ClassNotFoundException.

ProGuard issues with Android Archieve(.aar) library

I've a library project which I want to distribute, in AAR format. I've applied ProGuard on it.
ProGuard settings works well if I use this lib as a module, but not when I use resulting AAR. Basically it fails with exception "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: already added Lmy/lib/package/name/R;" in Application project.
ProGuard is renaming one of my lib class to R, and I feel which is causing problem in Application project as R is used for Resources.
How do I specify proguard mapping in Studio to tell it not to rename to R.
after adding AAR file as a new module, am getting this error:
UNEXPECTED TOP-LEVEL EXCEPTION: Multiple dex files define Lmy/lib/package/name/R;
Okay then, answering myself.
Tried running ProGuard manually on .aar, worked with latest version v5.2.1. Didn't work with default version v4.7 which came with Studio v1.2.2. Hope this helps.

Typescript giving "Output Generation Failed" in Visual Studio 2012 with 0.9.5

I've been using Typescript 0.9.5 for the last few days, and then suddenly today the JavaScript files just stopped being generated. I see an error "Output generation failed" in the Visual Studio status bar, but nothing in any of the output windows.
I've rebooted, and restarted Visual Studio, disabled Web Essentials, tried all the usual things.
The files are set as TypescriptCompile in the properties. I've tried adding new files, or editing old ones with no effect. The Project file hasn't been changed as far as I can tell (its in TFS and none of the TypeScript sections have been altered).
I've made sure both files are checked out, still nothing.
Update: I've managed to compile manually using tsc.exe from the command line, so it must be something in Visual Studio.
OK, so I solved the problem.
One of my files contained invalid typescript, specifically trying to export a class when not inside a module. This caused all typescript files to fail to generate, but with no useful error message.
The following file would cause the problem:
export class Test {
public DoSomething() {
Either removing the export keyword, or adding a wrapping module solved the problem.
I've raised it as an issue here:
Update: More details.
The above syntax is valid if you are using the CommonJS or AMD module patterns.
To enable this in visual studio you need to edit the .csproj file and insert a new PropertyGroup:
If you have an export outside of an internal module Typescript tries to compile it as either commonjs or amd module format. The compilation will fail if the a --module flag is not present on the command line. Use your project properties to set it to the desired value (probably amd in your case).
More info on TypeScript modules :

Groovy and IntelliJ - getting code compiled

I have IntelliJ 12 and some groovy code (along with a pile of java code) in a project.
In intelliJ, i can see class A's import of some groovy code, and i have also included the library that has that code.
However, while the package itself is in one colour (for the import), the actual class being imported is in red, which implies an issue of some sort. Hovering the mouse over it reveals no issue though.
When i run a "make" or a "rebuild project" is where the problems start - i get
Groovyc: unable to resolve class com.blah.blah.blah.A
How can i resolve this?
Currently, my project setup is like so:
Under "Libraries" in (Project Structure -> Project Settings -> Libraries) I have:
the jar file with all the groovy code
the src jar file with all the groovy code
In the "Modules" section i have the - well, i don't know what to call it, the column isn't labelled - the library name from the libraries section associated with the src and class files, and the little "export" button beside it is ticked.
Incidentally, opening the class in intelliJ never shows the source code, which given the source is included struck me as weird.
Is there anything else I should need to do?
I've worked this one out, but if anybody knows why groovy cannot be in the "Resource Patterns" list and wants an upvote, do chime in
Oh, right.
I removed the !?*.groovy entry from the list of, um, entries in the File : Settings -> Compiler -> Resource Patterns thingy.
It doesn't seem to matter if "use external build" is on or off for this, but the !?*.groovy; entry cannot be there.
I wonder if anybody knows why?
I had the same problem and had to Add Framework Support and add Groovy to the project to get round this problem.
I created the project using gradle.
I just got your question in my Google results as I had a similar issue. My problem was that I was able to get the groovy code in my IntelliJ 12 project to compile ok, but it wasn't getting wired in properly when I tried to run unit tests within the IDE.
After some investigation, I uncovered that groovy and logback libraries were all set up in the project to be available in the runtime stage of the Maven build of the project, but that resulted in them not being available in the test stage. To fix this, I ended up manually updating the groovy-all and the logback libraries scope from runtime to provided under File->Project Structure->Modules->Dependencies. This allowed me to both compile and test within the IDE while including the Groovy modules as well as the Java modules.
Perhaps you had something similar going on in your project?
Six years later, I also just got this question near the top of my search results.
In my project my Unable to load class 'groovy.text.SimpleTemplateEngine' problem was actually due to a codenarc issue. I was able to resolve the issue by adding the following to build.gradle:
// codenarc version issue work-around
configurations.codenarc {
resolutionStrategy.eachDependency { DependencyResolveDetails d ->
if ( == 'org.codehaus.groovy') {
d.useVersion '2.4.7'
