How to show total user online OpenCart 2.0x - opencart2.x

I'm new,
I want to show how many users (customer & visitor) online. All I could find is commercial extension and it's for older version.
Can anyone point to right direction on this ?

Edit 2:
Add this function in
public function getTotalCustomersOnline($data = array()) {
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "customer_online`";
$query = $this->db->query($sql);
return $query->row['total'];
and add the code in
$customer_total = $this->model_catalog_category->getTotalCustomersOnline();
echo "Customer Online".$customer_total;
Edit 1
Opencart already have function to show online visitor/customer (On admin Dashboard)
You can edit code and display on your website
Tell me if u didn't understand


Replace all in a specific folder

In my Test Plan I have two folders. One with all my active test cases and one with all my archived test cases. I need to replace a lot of 'Affected Module' from one value to another, however - I don't want the folder with archived to be affected by this.
So, is there a way of doing search and replace only on a specific folder (and all the sub-folders) in HP ALM?
As far as I know the search and replace function in grid view replaces all instances of the value so I can't use that directly.
Here is a simple OTA code that updates the field ts_user_04 for all the test case in folder Subject\Automated and its sub-folder from whatever value to Quoting.
Please, change the column name as per your requirement. You can easily find the DB column for any field in HP ALM by going to the Management tab if you have access to it. Even otherwise you can get all the mapping by using OTA. (I hope you have the necessary access)
Inorder to run the OTA code, you need to install ALM Connectivity add-in which you can get it from the tools section in your ALM home page
Public TDconnection
Public reqPath
Public testPath
'Call the main Function
Public Function login()
Dim almURL, almUserName, almPassword, domain, project
almURL = ""
almUserName = ""
almPassword = ""
domain = ""
project = ""
testPath = "Subject\Automated" ' Change it as per your folder structure
Set TDconnection = CreateObject("tdapiole80.tdconnection")
TDconnection.InitConnectionEx almURL
TDconnection.login almUserName, almPassword
TDconnection.Connect domain, project
End Function
Public Function updateAllTests()
Set TreeMgr = TDconnection.TreeManager
Set TestTree = TreeMgr.NodeByPath(testPath)
If Err.Number = 0 Then
Set comm = TDconnection.Command
comm.CommandText = "update test set ts_user_04='Quoting' where ts_test_id in (select ts_test_id from test, all_lists where ts_subject in (select al_item_id from all_lists where al_absolute_path like (select al_absolute_path from all_lists where al_item_id=" & TestTree.NodeID & ") || '%' ) and ts_subject = al_item_id)"
End If
MsgBox "Flag Update successful", vbInformation
End Function
Public Function logout()
Set TDconnection = Nothing
End Function

How do I disable products in Kentico 10?

I am performing CRUD operations for products of e-commerce site in kentico 10.I can add and update products using below API
Also there is an API for deleting product
But I do not wish to delete the product from database,rather just disable them so that they do not show up to the end users and still stay in the database .
This are the SKU Objects for the product :
var sku = new SKUInfo
//SKUName = Convert.ToString(dr["SHORT_DESCRIPTION"]).Trim('"') + " (" + Convert.ToString(dr["MANUFACTURER_PART_NUMBER"]) + ")",
SKUName = Convert.ToString(dr["MANUFACTURER_PART_NUMBER"]),
SKUDescription = Convert.ToString(dr["TECHNICAL_SPECIFICATIONS"]).Trim('"'),
SKUShortDescription = Convert.ToString(dr["SHORT_DESCRIPTION"]).Trim('"'),
SKUPrice = ValidationHelper.GetDouble(dr["RESELLER_BUY_INC"], 0),
SKURetailPrice = ValidationHelper.GetDouble(dr["RRP_INC"], 0),
SKUEnabled = true,
SKUSiteID = siteId,
SKUProductType = SKUProductTypeEnum.Product,
SKUManufacturerID = manufacturer.ManufacturerID,
SKUDepartmentID = department.DepartmentID,
SKUHeight = 100,
SKUWidth = 100,
SKUAvailableItems = 1,
SKUSellOnlyAvailable = true
I tried to set SKUEnabled as false but still user can see the product.So, is there any property to disable products ?
How are you displaying the Sku? If it's a repeater, you may need to filter by the "SKUEnabled = 1" in your where condition.
Another option is if the Product has a Page (it's not a stand alone sku) you can unpublish the page itself.
Well... A user doesn't see products per say - he sees pages that are connected to your SKUs/products. When you disable the SKU - the page is still visible, but (if I am not mistaken) "Add To Cart" is not shown. You need to unpublish product pages. You need to set DocumentPublishTo of the document to some date before for ex:
ProductNode.SetValue("DocumentPublishTo", DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1));

xpages partial - full search

I saw a great tutorial from IBM explaining creating a search modulo into a view panel.
The code from the viewpanel ( search property ) I adjusted:
"(Field txt_autor = \"" + sessionScope.searchAutor + "\")";
Is there any chance I can modify the code so that it offers the search results for the partial string matches also, for example: if Autor = Smith and in the string searchAutor = Smit currently I get 0 documents / 0 results. Something like CONTAINS will be useful, if it's possible.
Thanks for your time.
Add a star "*" in front and at the end of every search string like "*Smit*".
Your code would look like this then
tmpArray[cTerms++]= "(Field txt_titlu = \"*" + sessionScope.searchTitle + "*\")";

Sharepoint Alerts on List Folders

I would like to programatically add alert to folders inside a sharepoint list. I have found how to set alerts to a list and this works perfect.
Could someone please help me on how to set alerts to a specific folder which is inside a list.
Below is the code i currently have which sets alerts only to the list.
using (SPSite site = new SPSite("http://site/"))
using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
SPUser user = web.SiteUsers["domain\\user"];
SPAlert newAlert = user.Alerts.Add();
newAlert.AlertType = SPAlertType.List;
newAlert.List = web.Lists["Documents"];
newAlert.EventType = SPEventType.All;
newAlert.AlertFrequency = SPAlertFrequency.Immediate;
//passing true to Update method will send alert confirmation mail
Your help will be much appreciated
That's not possible out of the box, but after googling I found an interesting possibility though, check out Mike Walsh's answer on this post, it entails creating a view in the folder and then attaching the alert to that view.
You need to update the line with
newAlert.List = web.Lists["Documents"];
SPFolder fldr = web.GetFolder("/ListName/FolderName");
Also note that Folder is also another item.

Filtering Sharepoint Lists on a "Now" or "Today"

I'm trying to find an effective method of filtering Sharepoint lists based on the age of an item. In other words, if I want to find list items that are 7 days old, I should be able to build a filtered view on the data.
There is a hack to build a "Today" field that works, but doesn't filter properly.
Does anyone have any good ideas?
If you want to filter only items that are less than 7 days old then you just use
is greater than or equal to
Note - the screenshot is incorrect.
[Today] is fully supported in view filters in 2007 and onwards (just keep the spaces out!) and you only need to muck around with calculated columns in 2003.
Have you tried this: create a Computed column, called 'Expiry', with a formula that amounts to '[Created] + 7 days'. Then use the computed column in your View's filter. Let us know whether this worked or what problems this poses!
In the View, modify the current view or create a new view and make a filter change, select the radio button "Show items only when the following is true", in the below columns type "Created" and in the next dropdown select "is less than" and fill the next column [Today]-7.
The keyword [Today] denotes the current day for the calculation and this view will show as per your requirement
Warning about using TODAY (or any calcs in a column).
If you set up a filter and have JUST [Today] it it you should be fine.
But the moment you do something like [Today]-1 ... the view will no longer show up when trying to pick it for alerts.
Another microsoft wonder.
Pass Today as value as mentioned below in $viewQuery property :
$web = Get-SPWeb "http://sitename"
$list = $web.Lists.TryGetList($listtitle)
write-host "Exporting '$($list.Title)' data from '$($web.Title)' site.."
$viewTitle = "Program Events" #Title property
#Add the column names from the ViewField property to a string collection
$viewFields = New-Object System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection
$viewFields.Add("Event Date") > $null
$viewFields.Add("Title") > $null
#Query property
$viewQuery = "<Where><Geq><FieldRef Name='EventDate' /><Value IncludeTimeValue='TRUE' Type='DateTime'><Today/></Value></Geq></Where><OrderBy><FieldRef Name='EventDate' Ascending='True' /></OrderBy>"
#RowLimit property
$viewRowLimit = 30
#Paged property
$viewPaged = $true
#DefaultView property
$viewDefaultView = $false
#Create the view in the destination list
$newview = $list.Views.Add($viewTitle, $viewFields, $viewQuery, $viewRowLimit, $viewPaged, $viewDefaultView)
Write-Host ("View '" + $newview.Title + "' created in list '" + $list.Title + "' on site " + $web.Url)
