Digitally sign data in browser using smart card or certificate - browser

I need to create digital signature of some XML data with a client certificate(smart card) using web browser. Usually I used to do it with a java applet executing on the client side. The benefit being multiplatform in terms of OS and browsers.
However this option is getting increasingly harder and harder to implement and support in the long term. Virtually all browsers require some sort of action in order to execute such applet, code signing with a trusted certificate is almost mandatory nowadays, new manifest attributes and so on. Well there is nothing wrong with some extra layer of security and I am ok with that.
However Google Chrome as of April 2015 has stopped support for Java applets (and other plugins as well) - there is a configuration switch but it won't be available for much longer as stated here.
Mozilla Firefox does not have end of support date for NPAPI but they call it "legacy technology".
As for IE - it does not support plugins in Modern UI.
So with Java applets no longer really a universal option what are my choices?
What I have investigated so far:
ActiveX - IE only
Silverlight - no access to certificates at all and as a plugin faces the same limitations as Java
Browser specific extensions; For example Firefox up until version 33 used to have window.crypto.signText but not anymore
local applications installed on the client - not easy to install, support, develop and update for several OS and their different versions.
Web Cryptography - "only basic cryptographic functions", no certificates support
I ran out of ideas. All suggestions are welcome and appreciated.

I did same research few weeks ago, and the first option for me is migrate to firefox (at least for now).
An alternative, could be migrate applets to JNLP java client application (maybe with some websocket/restful synchronization between java client/server/web page).
I think the options that you mentioned have less support among browsers than java applet.

Proprietary API available
I want to revive an answer previously deleted for lack of information. My answer does not provide complete info but since I had the same problem and stumbled upon this question, I'd like to share my findings.
I also have an additional requirement so that the browser signature works on "older" (IE9) browsers.
There is a web API at distributed by Italian smart card manufacturer Bit4id.
The 4identity API, however, is not really a full "web API" that relies on plain Javascript, as it still requires to download a Windows-only client (sic!). The client, as far as I could understand, responds on a custom keychain URL protocol (I had a past Oauth-2 related question on how to handle desktop applications....) which is not standard according to my findings. The client has access to the key store so it can upload the signed file to the remote web service who is being polled by the Ajax page.
I need to do some paperwork to get full API access, and I have no information about pricing. Still, I deem worth to give a detailed look.
Part 2 of the question
Supporting a real digital signature from browser requires browser vendors and W3C, who oversees web standards, to do a lot of effort, maybe just the same effort they did for standardizing DRM solutions in HTML5 for sake of multimedia companies (criticism mode on). Currently there is WebCrypto standard but according to research it is not available in "mainstream browsers"
Digital signing a remote file with a smart card requires access to the key store and the implementation of cryptography libraries. An open source implementation of PaDES/CaDES is expectable by the community, but without a final implementation of a standard way to access the key store the smart card cannot be accessed.
See also this answer.
This additional part of the answer does not apply to my case as I require this to work on older browsers.
Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with Bit4id but I know them since I had the opportunity to integrate their work in my apps. One of our customers is a Bit4id partner


Uploading Entire CdRom through browser

I am a doctor who is seeking a solution for my patients. I often receive medical CDs from my patients which contain their radiological data. What I need is a web solution which I can integrate with my web site. But the caveat is that I dont want this to happen via Choose File. Most of my patients are old people who doesnt know much about internet or computers. So I want a single button on my web site which will copy the entire CD in the CD drive and send it to me without any user intervention. Is it possible?
OK thank you all. I did not intend to break copyright issues. Actually, I thought a user who will hit that "button" will also give permission to access their files. I completely understand your concerns and I completely agree however - as an end-user - this is the problem requiring a solution in my case. After the COVID none of my patients can come to clinical visits and I need to see their follow-up. In neurosurgery, this is very important. I do not know if it is OK to send links (and sorry if it is not) here but for example, this web site makes something similar to my idea but it is not free and it is so complicated for my -low socioeconomic - patient profile.
My target population mostly deals with brain tumors and their level of concern for copyright issues is so low for that reason. I don't mean taking everything from them without their will but this is the case. So again thank you all for enlightening me and I am again sorry if I break the rules of this website.
I'm going to go through the reasons as to why the specification as stated, cannot be implemented, and also as to why older technologies that may have allowed this implementation cannot be used.
Do note that even older technologies, would have required some sort of installation or agreement from the user- as a minimum 1 click.
Also note: It is possible to get files from a users system, but you still have to get their agreement through an action or prompt from their part!**
As to what you could do? Tukan already covers some nice alternatives but if I do think of something I will add it!
Basic Explanation
The most basic explanation is that this would be a giant unprecedented security hole. It would mean that browsers would allow a site to access files from a users computer hardware (DVD) without the permission of the user or the active actions of the user.
In your case you do have a valid non-malicious use for it. Imagine however all the malicious websites that would use this mechanism to steal stuff off the DVD/CD that is in the users tray. Imagine the privacy issues, security breaches, and even minor stuff like copyright issues.
Finally, and even worse, if the specific requested allowed access to the whole file system (including all drives like C:), a malicious site could steal everything on a user's system.
The positive (and negative for you) is that browsers have been incrementally locked down over the years and technologies/plugins/extensions/features have been incrementally either locked down, or deprecated/removed. Such technologies include: active X, java applets, and flash.
Finally, browsers like chrome and internet explorer themselves now'a'days run in sandboxes. See for example the article (and this is from 2013!!): Sandboxes Explained: How They’re Already Protecting You and How to Sandbox Any Program
They’re restricted to running in your browser and accessing a limited set of resources — they can’t view your webcam without permission or read your computer’s local files. If websites you visit weren’t sandboxed and isolated from the rest of your system, visiting a malicious website would be as bad as installing a virus.
Other programs on your computer are also sandboxed. For example,
Google Chrome and Internet Explorer both run in a sandbox themselves.
These browsers are programs running on your computer, but they don’t
have access to your entire computer. They run in a low-permission
mode. Even if the web page found a security vulnerability and managed
to take control of the browser, it would then have to escape the
browser’s sandbox to do real damage.
Active X (Deprecated) (Internet Explorer)
Let's start by saying that Active X would require the user to change their Internet Explorer Security Settings so we can strike it off immediately.
If a user did change their settings (see: Enable ActiveX controls in Internet Explorer ) and Enable for IE 11, a developer could use active x to access files on a users system.
Also note Active X is deprecated and rumour has it that it may not be around for long.
Java Signed Applets
Java Signed Applets could access the local file system.
However, Applets are no longer supported in firefox and chrome. They do run in Internet Explorer though IE is deprecated as well (since people are moving to Edge).
There's a very well written answer on the topic here: How do I run Java applets? [duplicate] and Why is the Java plugin (JRE) disabled in Chrome?
Adobe Flash (Previously Macromedia)
First off, flash has been removed from most Internet Browsers and is officially considered dead. Additionally, after Flash Player 10 it was possible to load a file but the user had to select it himself through a dialog (see: Can Flash action script read and write local file system? ).
FileSystem and FileWriter APIs
You can read and write using this API. However, it again requires the user to interact with the webpage and to select the files themselves.
Is it possible to access local file via javascript?
Sandboxes Explained: How They’re Already Protecting You and How to Sandbox Any Program
Enable ActiveX controls in Internet Explorer , Enable for IE 11, and active x to access files on a users system
Java Signed Applets could access the local file system, How do I run Java applets? [duplicate], Why is the Java plugin (JRE) disabled in Chrome?
Can Flash action script read and write local file system?
As Andrew mentioned this SO is used for Q&A from/to developers. I'll try to give you a general idea what could be done.
Who should do it?
I think you need some freelancer who would create a code for you.
The mechanism you are describing is not possible due to security issues.
Web page should not have access to the HW, as you would like, without user
What is then feasible?
I think what is feasible is an application (thick - meaning .exe file) which would be executed by your patients which would search for a CD/DVD drive, pack it and send it via secure channel to your server. They would need to download it and execute it.
If you have elderly patients you need to visually confirm that the data has been send using some clear message.
Something like: Thank you for sending the data to Dr. Jones. All data has been received.
Secure channel can be for example: ftps, sftp, https, etc.
On your side you would a have a daemon which would serve as endpoint for your patient's data. After receiving the data it should be moved immediately outside the uploading folder.
One more option that came into my mind would be to distribute a tailored USB key to your patients with such application, which would be executed upon insertion.

Xamarin SSL/TLS Pinning with ServicePointManager

We're developing a mobile application with Xamarin which will operate on Android and iOS initially, with plans to port to Windows phone in the future (if the 3 people who use it scream loud enough).
The nature of the data being transmitted and the actions that this application will allow (SSO into another read/write system) we want to take every step we can to secure the data transfer layer as much as possible.
Naturally this takes us down the path of SSL/TLS Certificate Pinning (in addition to other mitigations in the API calls themselves) to protect the clients from connecting to MITM proxies and the like.
We operate the API endpoint and have complete control of the certificates and thus we are comfortable with storing public keys in the app to pin to, as we will be able to update our certs and deploy with new pins in sufficient time. All certificates are valid 3rd party signed certs (not self signed).
Unfortunately it appears that doing the SSL Pinning with Xamarin is not performed very often, as we've found it difficult to find implemented examples.
OWASP provide some .NET sample SSL Pinning code which uses ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback to provide a callback to check the SSL pin; but doesn't specifically mention it working under Xamarin.
Additional Google searches for this code often returns people using it to do the exact opposite of what we're wanting - they use it reduce the SSL certificate checking, not increase it!
I can see one answer which suggests this approach works OK Android and iOS - but I'm most interested in specific experiences in around using this in Xamarin, specifically Xamarin.Forms, to pin SSL/TLS Certificates.
I have validated that SSL/TLS Key Pinning works on Android (though only in an emulator at this point) using ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback

What's the "gadget vulnerability"?

In a recent security advisory, Microsoft warns that "Vulnerabilities in Gadgets Could Allow Remote Code Execution":
An attacker who successfully exploited a Gadget vulnerability could run arbitrary code in the context of the current user.
(Microsoft Security Advisory 2719662)
I don't really understand the point. As far as I know, gadgets are (by design) HTML-based application running with full trust!
Full Trust
The choice to run a gadget is presented to the user in the same way that the choice to run any application downloaded from the Internet is presented. Information about the author of the gadget is displayed in a dialog box that indicates there is risk associated with this file. After the user accepts the warning, the gadget will run with all of the permissions associated with the user's login account.
(MSDN: Gadgets for Windows Sidebar Security)
For example, nothing prevents you from adding
<script language="VBScript">
Set shell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
shell.Run "notepad.exe"
and executing arbitrary commands from your gadget. This works and it's by design.
Obviously, they can do everything that another application running in the local user's context can do. So, where is the vulnerability the MS Security Advisory is mentioning which "can be exploited"?
Well the "gadget vulnerability" is the problem that:
the risks that gadgets are exposed to are the same as those faced by any web-based
application, e.g. Man-In-The-Middle or code injection. Similar issues existed in earlier versions of most web browsers but modern browsers have specifically implemented controls to attempt to mitigate many of these issues. These controls have not been implemented in the Gadgets platform, leaving them vulnerable to well-known and thoroughly discussed attacks.
- We have you by the gadgets, black hat.
so you can see the main exploit is that there were no controls to limit the gadgets from running code with no restraint.
Another problem:
Microsoft has said that it has discovered that some Vista and Win7 gadgets don’t adhere to secure coding practices and should be regarded as causing
risk to the systems on which they’re run.
so indeed running arbitrary code is part of HTA's but because the sidebar and gadgets platform didn't mitigate it and were quite pessimistic, thinking that all gadget programmers would write safe code and wouldn't try to exploit or do things gadgets aren't suppose to do.
Hope it answered what you asked.
I still think the question is quite vague because you say: well they allow to run arbitrary code and it's part of the model and concept and they didn't mitigate it so what's the exploit? it's already exploited... - this is the whole idea :)
It can be asked about every flaw and attack and that's exactly the problem - it was by design a problem and wasn't secure it was discovered that since no mitigation and since you are really able to run and execute the malicious code with no problem these gadgets have a flaw.
Agreed, the Gadgets platform appears to be no more or less vulnerable than if the user executed an unsigned application.
Why the same system-level execution prevention, heuristic analysis & other methods applied to applications could not be applied to Gadgets is mystifying to me.
This smacks of laziness on the part of Microsoft: The Gadgets platform was not highly regarded or widely used (despite the potential of delivering an unprecedented level of capability and integration of web-features directly into the desktop), so rather than make any attempt whatsoever to safeguard the user from malicious Gadgets, they simply discontinued them.
With the direction the User Interfaces in Windows, Mac and Android are headed, the average user has less and less idea how an app (or plugin) actually does what it is doing, so the proliferation of needless, opportunistic or even malicious apps continues. I've been back and forth over the Gadgets specification, and as near as I can tell, it is no more insecure than the plugins system used by Chrome and FireFox.
Execution of ActiveX and Java within a Gadget is subject to the Security settings in Internet Explorer. If your security settings allow a Gadget to do something, most of those functions are exploitable within a plugin or Java app as well.
The analyst reports I've read indicate that these vulnerabilities have been patched in "most modern browsers" but that clearly isn't true of Internet Explorer, as every Gadget exploit I've seen can also be run within the IE browser.
In short it is the "toggle-switch" style handling of ActiveX, Java and other plugins which is at fault here. By trying to spare the user endless prompting and eliminating the requirement of making an informed decision, Microsoft continues to leave uninformed or careless users wide open to malicious web apps and plugins.
Trust certificates & security patches would have been vastly preferable to discontinuing the feature.
As I see it, I think the security issue is a smoke screen. These "security issues" exists across many vectors, and gadgets, if they were such a problem would have been addressed much sooner than the dawn of the release of Windows 8. My opinion is that gadgets were jettisoned because they are a power drain on a Windows 8 tablet. It reminds me of how the ribbon interface was "to expose deeply buried functionality" when I think in reality Microsoft was really planning for a touch interface. So, whatever "excuse" Microsoft gives for doing something, I tend to look for a deeper purpose. Hopefully this will change with the new management. Does anyone know if it is possible to install some sort of gadget platform on Windows 8.1? Thanks!
These attacks happen in this way:
An attacker would have to convince a user to install and enable a vulnerable Gadget
An attacker who successfully exploited a Gadget vulnerability could gain the same user rights as a logged-on user. If the user is logged on with administrative user rights, an attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could take complete control of an affected system. An attacker could then install programs; view, change, or delete data; or create new accounts with full user rights.
as you see it is simple if you install a vulnerable gadget, now tell me who authorize your gadgets? in the world wild web there are many many fake careful.
also microsoft has a hotfix to disable sidebar and gadgets that you can find in this link :
microsoft advisory
and they killed gadgets and sidebar in windows 8
I appreciate you to find the exact details, here is the article presented in blackhat which made Microsoft disable gadgets:
We have you by the gadgets - Black Hat (pdf file)

SCORM Cross Domain, SCO-Fetcher, or any other solution

Trying to find a solution to this, we have our LMS Server, and content servers all across the US, so the user gets their content from the closest location.
I've come across a solution using SCO-Fetcher, mentioned in these two links below and illustrated below, but I cannot find any information on how to implement a similar solution.
and here:
If anyone has any thoughts or information regarding this, it would be most appreciated.
I work for a content provider who has had to interface with a lot of different LMSs and cross-domain has always been a painful issue.
The document you linked to not-withstanding, SCORM doesn't really cater for cross-domain at all. My experiences with cross-domain has been against the AICC standard. In the past we've used a signed java applet to perform the cross-domain communications, but currently we are using a little hidden flash* SWF file which we talk to via javascript. This requires the LMS to have a crossdomain.xml file installed on their web server to allow the communication, which some of our customers balk at.
* Our product heavily uses flash already, so this was not an onerous requirement for us.
The solution that we are seriously considering now is a variation on the "Run-time service on Content Server" as suggested in section 4.8 of the cross-domain scripting document.
The content server would run the courseware itself, as if it were an LMS, and proxy all the API calls to the real LMS. The diagram below shows the communication paths:
Also, your launch URL wouldn't be directly to the content (e.g., but to the software application on the content server (e.g.,, which would then serve the content as if it was an LMS itself.
Also, just came across this article on cross-domain communication which, while not SCORM specific, might provide some alternative ideas for implementation.
I know this is an old question, but thought I'd share: I had a similar situation a few years ago and settled on an iframe hack to get around the cross-domain restrictions. All it requires is a bit of JavaScript and HTML. It works on older browsers, including IE6.
Chuck, what solution did you wind up using?

How Big a Security Risk are Browser Extensions?

One of the more powerful features of modern day browsers is the ability for software developers to write browser extensions to enhance, modify and tweak the pages visited by the user. As more of our lives migrate onto the browser, aren't we potentially exposing ourselves to a massive privacy and security holes created by the installation of a browser extension that is malicious in nature?
I realize the source code of these extensions is extractable and readable if the author has not made attempts to obfuscate the behavior. But the effectiveness of this type of review is compromised by the browser encouraging users to keep their extensions up to date. While version 1.0 of an extension may be innocuous, a users browser may suggest an upgrade to version 1.1 which could contain malicious code which could be used to scrape information from the screen of the compromised browser.
As both a user and developer of browser extensions, is the developer's reputation the only thing in place to provide assurances to their users that their browsing activity will be secure? Are there any mechanisms in place to help protect users from a compromised browser extension?
Are there any best-practices to develop extensions in a manner that provides users with the assurance that the code they install and update is benign in nature?
Browser extensions can do almost anything user can do. They can send your bank passwords, read files on local disk, execute commands etc. Security of a browser depends not only on browser itself, but also on all installed extensions.
I've written a few extensions for Chrome recently, and I had no idea how much harm extensions could really do before that.
Extensions ask for permissions, but these are very broad. Any non-trivial extension would most likely end up asking for "Full Permission", and most users would just bang the "YES" button. Even a tech savvy user may shrug this off as legitimate, I know I have.
Most extensions are free. It costs time and money to code them up, so how are developers getting their investment back? Some do it for fun, but chrome web store specifically asks if you are planning to inject adds - I can only deduce that this is a common practice for extension developers. Extensions could also act as tracking cookies, and sell usage stats to whomever.
It's near trivial to write an extension that would glob up your passwords and send them on to a third party. Even if these passwords are 'saved'. One of my extensions had a legitimate use case to modify all input fields on all pages, and I found out that chrome would just happily paste-in stored passwords in plain text. Same goes for CC information.
Many extensions include analytics packages, to help developers identify who their users are, which parts of the app is used and so forth. I think that this is a legitimate use case, but you may not necessarily agree.
If you are a developer, be advised that Chrome extensions could significantly impact page load times. My own extension, which I tirelessly optimized to be as lightweight as possible, caused all pages to have an additional 50-200ms load time.
So after I've seen what's possible, I've disabled all extensions in Chrome except for my own. I really only miss AdBlock.
Internet Explorer Browser Helper Objects are extremely unsafe. They basically allow the browser to run native code, which could be anything. I'm not sure if they're still as pervasive now as they were in years past, but they're one of the reasons why Internet Explorer is so much less secure than Firefox and other browsers.
Mozilla style plug-ins using XUL and Microsoft's Silverlight plug-ins are sandboxed to try and prevent malicious behavior. Ultimately it rests on the developer's reputation for any kind of software to be deemed trustworthy by its users, however. Even in cases where the developer is not trying to write malware, bugs in the program may expose security exploits.
Which is why you have multiple machines, and if you can't afford a new one, use a virtual machine to run most of the stuff and monitor it's behavior. Its what i do atleast before I do anything.
