Callback redirect not preserving session - cucumber

I have a scenario that works just fine when I am using real omniauth, but fails when I run it with the mock auth in cucumber/capybara.
In the callback, when I do sign_in #user, it successfully creates the user and logs in... current_user is set. But when I then do redirect_to request.env['omniauth.origin'] || '/', inside the action that follows, current_user is now nil.
I've confirmed via screenshots/pausing the browser that it's not working with the mock auth. The same error occurs in firefox and chrome drivers.
Any idea as to why this would be happening?
Cucumber::Rails::Database.javascript_strategy = :truncation
Given I am on the home page
When I press "Login"
And I should see "Login with Twitter" in the selector "#login-modal"
Given Omniauth returns a user with provider "twitter" and uid "1" and nickname "foo"
When I login with Twitter
Then I should be logged in as "foo"
Step Definitions:
Given(/^Omniauth returns a user with provider "(.*?)" and uid "(.*?)" and nickname "(.*?)"$/) do |provider, uid, nickname|
OmniAuth.config.test_mode = true
OmniAuth.config.add_mock(provider.to_sym, {
:uid => uid,
:info => {
:name => nickname
Then(/^I should be logged in as "(.*?)"$/) do |nickname|
expect(page).to have_content(nickname)
Auth callback:
def twitter
#user = User.from_omniauth(request.env["omniauth.auth"]) # this works-- I get the mock
sign_in #user
puts ">> in auth callback: just signed in user #{}"
redirect_to request.env['omniauth.origin'] || '/'
def new
puts ">> in my_controller#new: current_user = #{ if current_user}"
Cucumber Output:
Given Omniauth returns a user with provider "twitter" and uid "1" and nickname "foo"
>> in auth callback: just signed in user 1
>> in my_controller#new: current_user =
When I login with Twitter
Then I should be logged in as "foo"
expected to find text "foo" in [redacted] (RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError)

You are getting the user and collecting it to new variable #user but while you are calling the sign_in method again you did initialize the new variable user with using(eg. #user)


How to update already existing data using token only?

I have been trying to complete a login/Sign Up API using Node Js and MongoDB, and everything works fine except Forgot Password. I send an email to the user with a link to add new password.
The issue I am having is, How will I extract that specific user when he/she presses the reset button and only update that user's data in the database.
Classic rest password should have this flow:
user select the reset password
user enter its mail
a mail is sent from the system
mail contains a link (with expiration time for security) something like this:
code=8df024dfd526 in the link is related to the mail, so when is clicked, a final UI form will be prompted to the user. You could use this code to identify the email, sending it to your backend
You cannot ask the email again because anyone could change anyone's password.
Some times this code is known as one-time password (OTP).
As its name says: You must ensure that this code works just one time. I mean if user click again, you should show an error.
More details here.
You just need to persist somewhere (database) the following information:
the generated alphanumeric code with the requested email.
an expiration time for any code
usage count of code
Your email link to the user should be unique and can identify the user.
I do this:
// Generate hashed reset password token
User.resetPasswordToken = (user) => {
const resetToken = crypto.randomBytes(20).toString('hex')
// Update user with hashed token and expire time
user.resetPasswordToken = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(resetToken).digest('hex')
user.resetPasswordExpire = + 10 * 60 * 1000
// Return unhashed token for use in email url
return resetToken
Here I do two things: 1) update the User in the DB with a resetPasswordToken and an expiration time/date for the resetPassword. Both saved in the database. 2) return an unhashed resetPassword for use in the email link to be sent (see below).
const resetToken = User.resetPasswordToken(user)
const resetUrl = `this link`
// Send email
const message = `<p>Please follow ${resetUrl} in order to create a new password. The link is valid for 10 minutes.</p>`
User now clicks the link and the endpoint extracts the reset token, hashes it and checks if it corresponds with the token saved on this particular user in the database from req.params.resettoken:
const resetPasswordToken = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(req.params.resettoken).digest('hex')
const timeNow =
let user = await User.findOne({
where: {
deletedAt: null,
Then I perform some checks before I save the new password (encrypted) the user has typed in. I reset the reset token and expiration password in the database to null.
user.password = await encrypt(req.body.password)
user.resetPasswordToken = null
user.resetPasswordExpire = null
try {
} catch (error) {
return next(new ErrorResponse(`The new password could not be saved, please try again later`, 500))

ServerError: AADSTS50058: A silent sign-in request was sent but none of the currently signed in user(s) match the requested login hint"

SSO fails "ServerError: AADSTS50058: A silent sign-in request was sent but none of the currently signed in user(s) match the requested login hint"
when I use same account for both work and personal azure account.
I have 2 AAD accounts (one is with my work account and the other one is personal account but both attached with same email and both are using same credentials). When I use msal.js library for single sign on application. It takes me to my work account where it asks me to validate the credentials (using standard pop up dialog) by giving full email address and does not authenticate properly even if give right credentials. As I need to login using my personal account
I expect this should validate using my ad credentials. I tried with different account option in the dialog, but it fails and shows up same full email account.
How can I use my as a default user id?
Here are the piece of the code I am trying to use.
var msalConfig = {
auth: {
clientId: 'xxxxxxxxxx', // This is your client ID
authority: "{tenantid}" // This is tenant info
cache: {
cacheLocation: "localStorage",
storeAuthStateInCookie: true
var graphConfig = {
graphMeEndpoint: ""
var requestObj = {scopes: ["", "email"]};
// Is there a way to change here to get the required user id?
var myMSALObj = new Msal.UserAgentApplication(msalConfig);
// Register Callbacks for redirect flow
function signIn() {
myMSALObj.loginRedirect(requestObj).then(function (loginResponse) {
// Successful login
}).catch(function (error) {
// Please check the console for errors
Here is the error message I get:
ServerError: AADSTS50058: A silent sign-in request was sent but none of the
currently signed in user(s) match the requested login hint
The expected result is seamless login to other application.
If you want to provide a login_hint to indicate the user you are trying to authenticate try:
var requestObj = {scopes: ["", "email"], loginHint: ""};

Spotify node web api - trouble with multiple users

I am working on an app that uses Spotify Node web API and having trouble when multiple users login into my application. I am successfully able to go through authentication flow and get the tokens and user ID after a user logs in. I am using the Authorization Code to authorize user (since I would like to get refresh tokens after expiration). However, the current problem is that getUserPlaylists function described here (FYI, if the first argument is undefined, it will return the playlists of the authenticated user) returns playlists of the most recently authenticated user instead of the user currently using the app.
Example 1: if user A logins in to the application, it will get its playlists fine. If user B logins in to the application, it also sees its own playlists. BUT, if user A refreshes the page, user A sees the playlists of the user B (instead of its own, user A playlists).
Example 2: user A logs in, user B can see user A's playlists just by going to the app/myplaylists route.
My guess is, the problem is with this section of the code
The latest user tokens override whatever user was before it and hence the previous user is losing grants to do actions such as viewing its own playlists.
Expected behavior: user A sees own playlists after user B logs in event after refreshing the page.
Actual behavior: user A sees user B's playlists after user B logged in and user A refreshes the page.
I am aware that I could use the tokens without using the Spotify Node API
and just use the tokens to make requests and it should probably be fine, however, it would be great to still be able to use the Node API and to handle multiple users.
Here is the portion of code that most likely has problems:
export const createAuthorizeURL = (
scopes = SCOPE_LIST,
state = 'spotify-auth'
) => {
const authUrl = spotifyApi.createAuthorizeURL(scopes, state);
return {
export async function authorizationCodeGrant(code) {
let params = {
clientAppURL: `${APP_CLIENT_URL || DEV_HOST}/app`
try {
const payload = await spotifyApi.authorizationCodeGrant(code);
const { body: { expires_in, access_token, refresh_token } } = payload;
params['accessToken'] = access_token;
params['refreshToken'] = refresh_token;
return params;
} catch (error) {
return error;
return params;
export async function getMyPlaylists(options = {}) {
try {
// if undefined, should return currently authenticated user
return await spotifyApi.getUserPlaylists(undefined, options);
} catch (error) {
return error;
Would appreciate any help on this. I am really excited about what I am making so it would mean a LOT if someone could help me find the issue...
You're on the right track. When you set your access token and refresh token, though, you're setting it for your entire application, and all users who call your server will use it. Not ideal.
Here's a working example of the Authorization Code Flow in Node:!/spotify-authorization-code
As you can see, it uses a general instance of SpotifyWebApi to handle authentication, but it instantiates a new loggedInSpotifyApi for every request to user data, so you get the data for the user who's asking for it.
If you want to use the above example, you can just start editing to "remix" and create your own copy of the project.
Happy hacking!

Identity 2.0 After Login go to Infinite Loop mvc 5

I have added email confirmation process like below:
var code = await _users.GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(model.UserName);
var callbackUrl = Url.Action(
"ConfirmEmail", "Account",
new { username = model.UserName, code = code },
protocol: Request.Url.Scheme);
then confirm email with below code:
public async Task ConfirmationEmailAsync(CmsUser user, string token)
var provider = new DpapiDataProtectionProvider(WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AppName"].ToString());
_manager.UserTokenProvider = new DataProtectorTokenProvider<CmsUser>(
await _manager.ConfirmEmailAsync(user.Id, token);
after that I will login it will go to infinite loop.
Here, I have calling below method:
public async Task<string> GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(CmsUser user)
var provider = new DpapiDataProtectionProvider(WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AppName"].ToString());
_manager.UserTokenProvider = new DataProtectorTokenProvider<CmsUser>(
return await _manager.GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(user.Id);
The problem is not about your Generate EMail action. It is about your authentication.
Probably, your Login action in Account controller is requiring authorization. For instance, you can have AuthorizeAttribute on an action or a controller. Maybe, it's a global filter or something's wrong with Web.config.
Anyway, that's what actually happens:
User tries to access your Generate EMail method
He is unauthorized. Then, he is redirected to Account / Login method.
This method requires authorization. Goto 2.
You need to review your authentication, debug it and find the basic problem before you continue implementing your EMail confirmation.

Refresh window when username and password mismatch

I am building an application using node.js. I made a login form and it is working fine, but if the user enters the wrong username and password then he has to refresh the window and then type the right username and password in order to continue with the next screen.
What should I do to let the user enter after the login window without a refresh?
Explaining the above problem step-by-step:
User enters username and password (if both are correct).
User is logged in.
User enters username and password (if either of them is wrong).
Refresh window.
User enters correct username and password.
User is logged in.
How can I avoid the "refresh window" step? I can explain more if this is not clear.
I have edited the answer, you can do it like this.
socket.on('login_check', function(email, pwd) {
connection.query("SELECT id,user_type FROM user WHERE email = '"+email+"' AND password = '"+pwd+"'ORDER BY name ",
function (error, results, fields) {
if (error) {
if (results[0]) {
// some code
} else {
response.writeHead(200, {
'Location': '/login-path'
// add other headers here...
// you may also show the email in the text box
// again by passing the variable email to the template
// engine you are using or how ever you are doing it
