Apache Cassandra table not sorting by name or title correctly - cassandra

I have the following Apache Cassandra Table working.
CREATE TABLE user_songs (
member_id int,
song_id int,
title text,
timestamp timeuuid,
album_id int,
album_title text,
artist_names set<text>,
PRIMARY KEY ((member_id, song_id), title)
CREATE INDEX user_songs_member_id_idx ON music.user_songs (member_id);
When I try to do a select * FROM user_songs WHERE member_id = 1; I thought the Clustering Order by title would have given me a sorted ASC of the return - but it doesn't
Two questions:
Is there something with the table in terms of ordering or PK?
Do I need more tables for my needs in order to have a sorted title by member_id.
Note - my Cassandra queries for this table are:
Find all songs with member_id
Remove a song from memeber_id given song_id
Hence why the PK is composite
It is simialr to: Query results not ordered despite WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY
However one of the suggestion in the comments is to put member_id,song_id,title as primary instead of the composite that I currently have. When I do that It seems that I cannot delete with only song_id and member_id which is the data that I get for deleting (hence title is missing when deleting)


Not able to run multiple where clause without Cassandra allow filtering

Hi I am new to Cassandra.
We are working on IOT project where car sensor data will be stored in cassandra.
Here is the example of one table where I am going to store one of the sensor data.
This is some sample data.
The way I want to partition the data is based on the organization_id so that different organization data is partitioned.
Here is the create table command:
id UUID,
engine_speed_rpm text,
position int,
vin_number text,
last_updated timestamp,
organization_id int,
odometer int,
PRIMARY KEY ((id, organization_id), vin_number)
This works fine. However all my queries will be as bellow:
select * from engine_speed
where vin_number='xyz'
and organization_id = 1
and last_updated >='from time stamp' and last_updated <='to timestamp'
Almost all queries in all the table will have similar / same where clause.
I am getting error and it is asking to add "Allow filtering".
Kindly let me know how do I partition the table and define right primary key and indexs so that I don't have to add "allow filtering" in the query.
Apologies for this basic question but I'm just starting using cassandra.(using apache cassandra:3.11.12 )
The order of where clause should match with the order of partition and clustering keys you have defined in your DDL and you cannot skip any part of primary key while applying the WHERE clause before using the next key. So as per the query pattern u have defined, you can try the below DDL:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS autonostix360.engine_speed (
vin_number text,
organization_id int,
last_updated timestamp,
id UUID,
engine_speed_rpm text,
position int,
odometer int,
PRIMARY KEY ((vin_number, organization_id), last_updated)
But remember,
PRIMARY KEY ((vin_number, organization_id), last_updated)
PRIMARY KEY ((vin_number), organization_id, last_updated)
above two are different in Cassandra, In case 1 your data will be partitioned by combination of vin_number and organization_id while last_updated will act as ordering key. In case 2, your data will be partitioned only by vin_number while organization_id and last_updated will act as ordering key. So you need to figure out which case suits your use case.

How should I design the schema to get the last 2 records of each clustering key in Cassandra?

Each row in my table has 4 values product_id, user_id, updated_at, rating.
I'd like to create a table to find out how many users changed rating during a given period.
Currently my schema looks like:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ratings_by_product (
product_id int,
updated_at timestamp,
user_id int,
rating int,
PRIMARY KEY ((product_id ), updated_at , user_id ))
WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (updated_at DESC, user_id ASC);
but I couldn't figure out the way to only get the last 2 rows of each user in a given time window.
Any advice on query or changing the schema would be appreciated.
Cassandra requires a query-based approach to table design. Which means that typically one table will serve one query. So to serve the query you are talking about (last two updated rows per user) you should build a table specifically designed to serve it:
CREATE TABLE ratings_by_user_by_time (
product_id int,
updated_at timestamp,
user_id int,
rating int,
PRIMARY KEY ((user_id ), updated_at, product_id ))
WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (updated_at DESC, product_id ASC );
Then you will be able to get the last two updated ratings for a user by doing the following:
SELECT * FROM ratings_by_user_by_time
WHERE user_id = 'Bob' LIMIT 2;
Note that you'll need to keep the two ratings tables in-sync yourself, and using a batch statement is a good way to accomplish that.

how to do the query in cassandra If i have two cluster key in column family

I have a column family and syntax like this:
CREATE TABLE sr_number_callrecord (
id int,
callerph text,
sr_number text,
callid text,
start_time text,
plan_id int,
PRIMARY KEY((sr_number), start_time, callerph)
I want to do the query like :
a) select * from dummy where sr_number='+919xxxx8383'
and start_time >='2014-12-02 08:23:18' limit 10;
b) select * from dummy where sr_number='+919xxxxxx83'
and start_time >='2014-12-02 08:23:18'
and callerph='+9120xxxxxxxx0' limit 10;
First query works fine but second query is giving error like
Bad Request: PRIMARY KEY column "callerph" cannot be restricted
(preceding column "start_time" is either not restricted or by a non-EQ
If I get the result in first query, In second query I am just adding one
more cluster key to get filter result and the row will be less
Just like you cannot skip PRIMARY KEY components, you may only use a non-equals operator on the last component that you query (which is why your 1st query works).
If you do need to serve both of the queries you have listed above, then you will need to have separate query tables for each. To serve the second query, a query table (with the same columns) will work if you define it with a PRIMARY KEY like this:
PRIMARY KEY((sr_number), callerph, start_time)
That way you are still specifying the parts of your PRIMARY KEY in order, and your non-equals condition is on the last PRIMARY KEY component.
There are certain restrictions in the way the primary key columns are to be used in the where clause http://docs.datastax.com/en/cql/3.1/cql/cql_reference/select_r.html
One solution that will work in your situation is to change the order of clustering columns in the primary key
CREATE TABLE sr_number_callrecord (
id int,
callerph text,
sr_number text,
callid text,
start_time text,
plan_id int,
PRIMARY KEY((sr_number), callerph, start_time,)
Now you can use range query on the last column as
select * from sr_number_callrecord where sr_number = '1234' and callerph = '+91123' and start_time >= '1234';

IN operator in Cassandra doesn't work for table having a column with type-collection(Map or List)

I'm working on Cassandra, trying to get to know how it works. Encountered something strange while using IN operator. Example:
CREATE TABLE test_time (
name text,
age int,
time timeuuid,
"timestamp" timestamp,
PRIMARY KEY ((name, age), time)
I have inserted few dummy data. Used IN operator as follows:
SELECT * from test_time
where name="9" and age=81
and time IN (c7c88000-190e-11e4-8000-000000000000, c7c88000-190e-11e4-7000-000000000000);
It worked properly.
Then, added a column of type Map. Table will look like:
CREATE TABLE test_time (
name text,
age int,
time timeuuid,
name_age map<text, int>,
"timestamp" timestamp,
PRIMARY KEY ((name, age), time)
On executing same query, I got following error:
Bad Request: Cannot restrict PRIMARY KEY part time by IN relation as a collection is selected by the query
From the above examples, we can say, IN operator doesn't work if there are any column of type collection(Map or List) in the table.
I don't understand why it behaves like this. Please let me know If I'm missing anything here. Thanks in advance.
Yup...that is a limitation. You can do the following:
select * from ...where name='9' and age=81 and time > x and time < y
select [columns except collection] from ...where name='9' and age=81 and time in (...)
You can then filter client side, or do another query.
You can either include your column as a part of partitioning expression in the primary key
CREATE TABLE test_time (
name text,
age int,
time timeuuid,
"timestamp" timestamp,
PRIMARY KEY ((name, time), age)
or create a separate Materialized View to satisfy your query requirements:
SELECT * FROM test_time
PRIMARY KEY ((name, time), age);
Now use the Materialized View in your query instead of the base table:
SELECT * from test_time_mv
where name='9'
and age=81
and time IN (c7c88000-190e-11e4-8000-000000000000,

Cassandra data model with obsolete data removal possibility

I'm new to cassandra and would like to ask what would be correct model design pattern for such tasks.
I would like to model data with future removal possibility.
I have 100,000,000 records per day of this structure:
transaction_id <- this is unique
... some other information
I will need to fetch data by user_name (I have about 5,000,000 users).
Also I will need to find transaction details by its id.
All the data will be irrelevant after say about 30 days, so need to find a way to delete outdated rows.
As much I have found, TTL-s expire column values, not rows.
So far I came across with this model, and as I understand it will imply really wide rows:
CREATE TABLE user_transactions (
transaction_date timestamp, //date part of transactiom
user_name text,
transaction_id text,
transaction_time timestamp, //original transaction time
transaction_type int,
PRIMARY KEY ((transaction_date, user_name), transaction_id)
CREATE INDEX idx_user_transactions_uname ON USER_TRANSACTIONS(user_name);
CREATE INDEX idx_user_transactions_tid ON USER_TRANSACTIONS(transaction_id);
but this model does not allow deletions by transaction_date.
this also builds indexes with high cardinality, what cassandra docs strongly discourages
So what will be the correct model for this task?
Ugly workaround I came with so far is to create single table per date partition. Mind you, I call this workaround and not a solution. I'm still looking for right data model
CREATE TABLE user_transactions_YYYYMMDD (
user_name text,
transaction_id text,
transaction_time timestamp,
transaction_type int,
PRIMARY KEY (user_name)
YYYYMMDD is date part of transaction. we can create similar table with transaction_id for transaction lookup. obsolete tables can be dropped or truncated.
Maybe you should denormalized your data model. For example to query by user_name you can use a cf like this:
CREATE TABLE user_transactions (
transaction_date timestamp, //date part of transactiom
user_name text,
transaction_id text,
transaction_time timestamp, //original transaction time
transaction_type int,
PRIMARY KEY (user_name, transaction_id)
So you can query using the partition key directly like this:
SELECT * FROM user_transactions WHERE user_name = 'USER_NAME';
And for the id you can use a cf like this:
CREATE TABLE user_transactions (
transaction_date timestamp, //date part of transactiom
user_name text,
transaction_id text,
transaction_time timestamp, //original transaction time
transaction_type int,
PRIMARY KEY (transaction_id)
so the query could be something like this:
SELECT * FROM user_transactions WHERE transaction_id = 'ID';
By this way you dont need indexes.
About the TTL, maybe you could programatically ensure that you update all the columns in the row at the same time (same cql sentence).
Perhaps my answer will be a little useful.
I would have done so:
CREATE TABLE user_transactions (
date timestamp,
user_name text,
id text,
type int,
CREATE INDEX idx_user_transactions_uname ON user_transactions (user_name);
No need in 'transaction_time timestamp', because this time will be set by Cassandra to each column, and can be fetched by WRITETIME(column name) function. Because you write all the columns simultaneously, then you can call this function on any column.
INSERT INTO user_transactions ... USING TTL 86400;
will expire all columns simultaneously. So do not worry about deleting rows. See here: Expiring columns.
But as far as I know, you can not delete an entire row - key column still remains, and in the other columns will be written NULL.
If you want to delete the rows manually, or just want to have an estimate of rows to be deleted by a TTL, then I recommend driver Astyanax: AllRowsReader All rows query.
And indeed as a driver to work with Cassandra I recommend you use Astyanax.
