Import struct from another package and file golang - struct

I have a problem trying to import a type from another package and file. The struct that I'm trying to import is the one underneath.
type PriorityQueue []*Item
type Item struct {
value string
priority int
index int
If I would put the PriorityQueue alongside with all of its methods in the same file I'd declare it with
pq:= &PriorityQueue{}
I've been searching the internet like a madman for an answer on this simple question but I have not found an answer. I usually program in java and import classes is so elementary.

In Go you don't import types or functions, you import packages (see Spec: Import declarations).
An example import declaration:
import "container/list"
And by importing a package you get access to all of its exported identifiers and you can refer to them as packagename.Identifiername, for example:
var mylist *list.List = list.New()
// Or simply:
l := list.New()
There are some tricks in import declaration, for example by doing:
import m "container/list"
You could refer to the exported identifiers with "m.Identifiername", e.g.
l := m.New()
Also by doing:
import . "container/list"
You can leave out the package name completely:
l := New()
But only use these "in emergency" or when there are name collisions (which are rare).

What #icza said above plus:
With Go 1.9 there are type aliases that allow you to import types from packages and alias them into what look like local types:
package.go contents:
type A struct {
X, Y int
main.go contents:
import myTypes "path/to/package"
// Note the equal sign (not empty space)
// It does NOT create a new "subclass"
// It's an actual alias that is local.
// Allows you to avoid whole-sale `import . "path/to/package"` which imports all objects from there into local scope.
type A = myTypes.A

Also, if you want to export a struct and init this struct value outside of it's package than all fields of the struct must start with capital letter, otherwise you will get an error "Unexported field 'fieldName' usage"
type Item struct {
Value string // uppercase V
Priority int // uppercase P
Index int // uppercase I
Thanks to #Vasantha Ganesh comment


Empty property of a string in DLang says that string has empty property.
But it does not, as the following program fails to compile:
import std.stdio;
string s = "";
void main() {
What is wrong?
Also is this empty property of strings of zero length or for null string? I am confused.
What does toStringz does if called with null argument?
I dont' think empty is a property of string but it's a function of that can be applied to ranges. Thanks to uniform function call syntax (UFCS) it might look like a property, but it's not. The following compiles and prints true three times:
import std.stdio;
import std.array : empty;
string s = "";
void main()
writeln(empty(s)); // normal function call syntax
writeln(s.empty()); // UFCS
writeln(s.empty); // UFCS - empty parenthesis can be left out
This has been explained e.g. in Programming in D:
Merely importing the std.array module makes the most common container type conform to the most capable range type: slices can seamlessly be used as RandomAccessRange objects.
The std.array module provides the functions empty, front, popFront() and other range functions for slices. As a result, slices are ready to be used with any range function.
It is not necessary to import std.array if the std.range module has already been imported.

Does any one no how to get value from one haskell program to another

I am a newbie to function programming. How can I pass a value from one Haskell program to another? Suppose we have
in a file called Addition.hs:
Addition = value+10
in a file called Value.hs:
With PHP, for example, if include a file in another, I can access its classes. Is it possible in Haskell? That would make my program clearer.
You can reference members of other modules if you import that module, and the module exports the member:
module Value ( value ) where
value :: Int
value = 20
module Addition ( addition ) where
import Value
addition :: Int
addition = value + 10

Not in scope data constructor

I have two .hs files: one contains a new type declaration, and the other uses it.
module first () where
type S = SetType
data SetType = S[Integer]
module second () where
import first
When I run second.hs, both modules first, second are loaded just fine.
But, when I write :type S on Haskell platform, the following error appears
Not in scope : data constructor 'S'
Note: There are some functions in each module for sure, I'm just skipping it for brevity
module first () where
Assuming in reality the module name starts with an upper case letter, as it must, the empty export list - () - says the module doesn't export anything, so the things defined in First aren't in scope in Second.
Completely omit the export list to export all top-level bindings, or list the exported entities in the export list
module First (S, SetType(..)) where
(the (..) exports also the constructors of SetType, without that, only the type would be exported).
And use as
module Second where
import First
foo :: SetType
foo = S [1 .. 10]
or, to limit the imports to specific types and constructors:
module Second where
import First (S, SetType(..))
You can also indent the top level,
module Second where
import First
foo :: SetType
foo = S [1 .. 10]
but that is ugly, and one can get errors due to miscounting the indentation easily.
Module names start with a capital - Haskell is case sensitive
Line up your code at the left margin - layout is important in Haskell.
The bit in brackets is the export list - miss it out if you want to export all the functions, or put everything you want to export in it.
module First where
type S = SetType
data SetType = S[Integer]
module Second where
import First

How do I use Unboxed Vectors?

I am trying to implement a ray data type using the Vector type found here:
The Vector will only hold doubles, so I would like to use the Unboxed version of the Vector type.
Here is the code I am trying to compile:
module Main where
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as Vector
data Ray = Ray Data.Vector.Unboxed Data.Vector.Unboxed
The error I get is
Not in scope: type constructor or class `Data.Vector.Unboxed'
Failed, modules loaded: none.
The module Data.Vector.Unboxed exports a type constructor Vector which takes as an argument the type you want to store. Since you renamed this module to Vector as well, the qualified name for this type is Vector.Vector. Assuming you want two vectors of doubles, you should therefore use it like this:
data Ray = Ray (Vector.Vector Double) (Vector.Vector Double)
Normally, when you import something, you do it like this:
import Data.Foo -- A module that contains "data Bar = Bar ..."
myfunction = Bar 3 2 4 -- Use Bar
As you can see, you can access all of the stuff in the Data.Foo module directly, as if you were writing code in that same module.
You can instead import something with qualification, which means that you must specify the full module "path" to the thing that you are referring to every time you access it:
import qualified Data.Foo -- A module that contains "data Bar = Bar ..."
myfunction = Data.Foo.Bar 3 2 4 -- Use Bar
Here, you must specify the full "path" to the data type that you're accessing, because the module has been imported as qualified.
There is another way to import something with qualification; you can specify an alias for the module "path" like so:
import qualified Data.Foo as Foo -- A module that contains "data Bar = Bar ..."
myfunction = Foo.Bar 3 2 4 -- Use Bar
We have renamed the Data.Foo part to simply Foo. This way, we can write Foo.Bar when referring to the data constructor.
You imported the module Data.Vector.Unboxed with the alias Vector. This means that when you want to access the Vector data type, you must use Vector.Vector. I'd recommend that you import vectors like this instead:
import Data.Vector.Unboxed (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as Vector
This way, you import the Vector type directly, so that you can access it without any module qualifiers, but when you want to use Vector functions, you need to add the Vector prefix (For example Vector.null ...).

Re-export qualified?

suppose you have two modules like
module Foo.A where
foo = 42
module Foo.B where
foo = 12
and you want to write a super module
module Foo (
module Foo.A
, module Foo.B
) where
import Foo.A
import Foo.B
which re-exports those modules, you would get a name clash.
Is there a solution for this?
Basically, no. This has been a long-standing feature request by people like the authors of Gtk2hs. Gtk2hs has a very broad module hierarchy where it might make sense to both:
Use the same name in several different modules (e.g. newButton in both Graphics.UI.Gtk.Buttons.Button and Graphics.UI.Gtk.Buttons.CheckButton)
Provide the convenience to the user of importing all these modules with a single import statement
For now, if you want to reexport several modules together all you can do is:
Avoid reusing names in the modules you wish to reexport
Where appropriate, use type classes to allow the same name to be used for several different purposes
Good question. The Haskell Report addresses this:
Exports lists are cumulative: the set of entities exported by an export list is the union of the entities exported by the individual items of the list.
The unqualified names of the entities exported by a module must all be distinct (within their respective namespace).
According to my limited Haskell knowledge I'd say it's not possible.
You can't export both foos without the name clash unless you use a typeclass (which I shall elaborate on), but there are other options.
You could opt to hide one of the versions of foo:
module Foo
module Foo.A,
module Foo.B
import Foo.A
import Foo.B hiding (foo)
This isn't ideal if you genuinely need both, but if one is rarerly used then it may be simpler to just hide it and expect people to manually reinclude (e.g. by import qualified Foo.B as B (foo), providing it if they need it.
You could opt to hide both versions of foo and document that you expect the end user to manually import them if they need them. Under such a scheme, the user could do something like the following:
import Foo.A as A (foo)
import Foo.B as B (foo)
main :: IO ()
main = do
This is actually a fairly common thing to have to do when dealing with multiple container types since many different container types export functions like empty, null and singleton. (To the point where I wish there were actually typeclasses for those, since they are such common operations.)
If you really need both and you're prepared to do a bit of export gymnasics, you can reexport both under different names from within Foo itself:
module Foo (module Foo) where
-- Note that in this case it is important
-- that the module alias matches the
-- name of the exporting module ('Foo')
import Foo.A as Foo hiding (foo)
import Foo.B as Foo hiding (foo)
import qualified Foo.A
import qualified Foo.B
fooA =
fooB =
Thus any module importing Foo will get as fooA (with a value of 42) and as fooB (with a value of 12).
If you only have a few clashes to resolve then this is probably the most balanced solution
As another answer has already mentioned, you can use a typeclass, though depending on the context this may be a misuse of the typeclass system.
You could achieve that like so:
module Foo.C where
-- The 'a' dummy argument is necessary to disambiguate
-- which version of 'foo' you intend to use.
class FooProvider a where
foo :: a -> Int
module Foo.B where
import Foo.C
data FooB = FooB
instance FooProvider FooB where
foo _ = 12
module Foo.A where
import Foo.C
data FooA = FooA
instance FooProvider FooA where
foo _ = 42
module Foo (module Exports) where
-- In this case the name of the
-- module alias is unimportant
-- as long as all modules use the same alias.
import Foo.A as Exports
import Foo.B as Exports
import Foo.C as Exports
import Foo
-- 'FooA' and 'FooB' exist solely for
-- the purpose of disambiguating the
-- different versions of 'foo'.
main :: IO ()
main = do
print (foo FooA)
print (foo FooB)
Generally this is less desirable than the aforementioned solutions, particularly for something as simple as a named constant, but sometimes it makes sense to introduce a typeclass. For example, a typeclass such as this:
class Container c where
empty :: c a
singleton :: a -> c a
null :: c a -> Bool
Would work for a number of container types, including [] ('List'), Set, Maybe. Without singleton, it would apply to even more types (e.g. Map, Seq, IntMap). (Note that this could also have included some kind of length function since an empty container would have a length of 0 and a singleton container would have a length of 1. It would however clash with the length in Prelude, which is based on Foldable.)
There may be other possibilities that make use of typeclasses and possibly compiler extensions, but I suspect they'll only increase in complexity from herein.
