How to break from the blocking TcpListener::accept call? - multithreading

I'm running the accept function of a TCP listener in a loop in a separate thread. I would like to shutdown this thread gracefully, but I can't see any kind of shutdown mechanism which I could use to break from accepting.
My current approach looks something like this:
use std::net::TcpListener;
use std::thread::spawn;
fn main() {
let tcp_listener = TcpListener::bind(((""), 0)).unwrap();
let tcp_listener2 = tcp_listener.try_clone().unwrap();
let t = spawn(move || {
loop {
match tcp_listener2.accept() {
Ok(_) => { }
Err(_) => { break; }
But that doesn't do the trick (probably because I drop only the cloned copy?). Any thought on how to properly shutdown such thread?
(for reference, I asked this question on rust user forum as well)

The question is a fundamental one, as in the end the accept() call translates down to a libc::accept() (see here and here).
The solution would be to use nonblocking-io, look at mio for example.
Edi: After some consideration I researched the possibility to interrupt the accept() using close(). It seems to be unreliable. But this turned up: Using shutdown(). TcpStream exposes this function, but it seems to be the only case. Might be a shortcoming of the API?


How can I release a std::io::StdinLock externally? [duplicate]

Coming from Java, I am used to idioms along the lines of
while (true) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
Thread.currentThread.interrupt(); // re-set the interrupted flag
cleanup(); // whatever is necessary
This works, as far as I know, across the whole JDK for anything that might block, like reading from files, from sockets, from a queue and even for Thread.sleep().
Reading on how this is done in Rust, I find lots of seemingly special solutions mentioned like mio, tokio. I also find ErrorKind::Interrupted and tried to get this ErrorKind with sending SIGINT to the thread, but the thread seems to die immediately without leaving any (back)trace.
Here is the code I used (note: not very well versed in Rust yet, so it might look a bit strange, but it runs):
use std::io;
use std::io::Read;
use std::thread;
pub fn main() {
let sub_thread = thread::spawn(|| {
let mut buffer = [0; 10];
loop {
let d = io::stdin().read(&mut buffer);
println!("{:?}", d);
let n = d.unwrap();
if n == 0 {
println!("-> {:?}", &buffer[0..n]);
By "blocking operations", I mean:
socket IO
file IO
queue IO (not sure yet where the queues are in Rust)
What would be the respective means to signal to a thread, like Thread.interrupt() in Java, that its time to pack up and go home?
There is no such thing. Blocking means blocking.
Instead, you deliberately use tools that are non-blocking. That's where libraries like mio, Tokio, or futures come in — they handle the architecture of sticking all of these non-blocking, asynchronous pieces together.
catch (InterruptedException e)
Rust doesn't have exceptions. If you expect to handle a failure case, that's better represented with a Result.
This doesn't actually do anything beyond setting a flag in the thread that some code may check and then throw an exception for. You could build the same structure yourself. One simple implementation:
use std::{
atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering},
fn main() {
let please_stop = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false));
let t = thread::spawn({
let should_i_stop = please_stop.clone();
move || {
while !should_i_stop.load(Ordering::SeqCst) {
thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1));, Ordering::SeqCst);
No way of interrupting, as far as I know. The documentation even says:
On Unix platforms this function will not return early due to a signal
Socket IO
You put the socket into nonblocking mode using methods like set_nonblocking and then handle ErrorKind::WouldBlock.
See also:
File IO
There isn't really a good cross-platform way of performing asynchronous file IO. Most implementations spin up a thread pool and perform blocking operations there, sending the data over something that does non-blocking.
See also:
Queue IO
Perhaps you mean something like a MPSC channel, in which case you'd use tools like try_recv.
See also:
How to terminate or suspend a Rust thread from another thread?
What is the best approach to encapsulate blocking I/O in future-rs?
What does java.lang.Thread.interrupt() do?

Does rust currently have a library implement function similar to JavaScript's setTimeout and setInterval?

Does rust currently have a library implement function similar to JavaScript's setTimeout and setInverval?, that is, a library that can call multiple setTimeout and setInterval to implement management of multiple tasks at the same time.
I feel that tokio is not particularly convenient to use. I imagine it to be used like this:
fn callback1() {
fn callback2() {
set_interval(callback1, 10);
set_interval(callback1, 20);
set_timeout(callback1, 30);
Of course, I can simulate a function to make it work:
// just for test, not what I wanted at all
type rust_listener_callback = fn();
fn set_interval(func: rust_listener_callback, duration: i32) {
fn set_timeout(func: rust_listener_callback, duration: i32) {
If a set_interval is implemented in this way, multiple combinations, dynamic addition and deletion, and cancellation are not particularly convenient:
use tokio::time;
async fn set_interval(func: rust_listener_callback, duration: u64) {
let mut interval = time::interval(Duration::from_millis(duration));
tokio::spawn(async move {
loop {
// emm maybe loop can be removed, just a sample
While, What I want to know is if there is a library to do this, instead of writing it myself.
I have some idea if I would write it myself. Generally, all functions are turned into a task queue or task tree, and then tokio::time::delay_for can be used to execute them one by one, but the details are actually more complicated.
However, I think that this general capability may have already been implemented but I has not found for the time being, so I want to ask here, Thank you very much.
And importantly, I hope it can support single thread
setTimeout can be done like this without the need for a crate:
tokio::spawn(async move {
// code goes here
I asked myself the same question a few days ago, created a solution for this (for tokio runtimes), and found your stackoverflow post just now.
use std::time::Duration;
use tokio_js_set_interval::{set_interval, set_timeout};
async fn main() {
set_timeout!(println!("hello2"), 0);
set_timeout!(println!("hello4"), 0);
// give enough time before tokios runtime exits
But this must be used with caution. There is no guarantee that the futures will be executed (because tokios runtime must run long enough). Use it only:
for educational purposes,
and if you have low priority background tasks that you don't expect to get executed always
I created a library just for this which allows setting many timeouts using only 1 tokio task (instead of spawning a new task for each timeout) which provides better performance and lower memory usage.
The library also supports cancelling timeouts, and provides some ways to optimize the performance of the timeouts.
Check it out:
Usage example:
async fn main() {
let scheduler = TimeoutScheduler::new(None);
// schedule a future which will run after 1.234 seconds from now.
scheduler.set_timeout(Duration::from_secs_f32(1.234), async move {
println!("It works!");
// make sure that the main task doesn't end before the timeout is executed, because if the main
// task returns the runtime stops running.

What is the standard way to get a Rust thread out of blocking operations?

Coming from Java, I am used to idioms along the lines of
while (true) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
Thread.currentThread.interrupt(); // re-set the interrupted flag
cleanup(); // whatever is necessary
This works, as far as I know, across the whole JDK for anything that might block, like reading from files, from sockets, from a queue and even for Thread.sleep().
Reading on how this is done in Rust, I find lots of seemingly special solutions mentioned like mio, tokio. I also find ErrorKind::Interrupted and tried to get this ErrorKind with sending SIGINT to the thread, but the thread seems to die immediately without leaving any (back)trace.
Here is the code I used (note: not very well versed in Rust yet, so it might look a bit strange, but it runs):
use std::io;
use std::io::Read;
use std::thread;
pub fn main() {
let sub_thread = thread::spawn(|| {
let mut buffer = [0; 10];
loop {
let d = io::stdin().read(&mut buffer);
println!("{:?}", d);
let n = d.unwrap();
if n == 0 {
println!("-> {:?}", &buffer[0..n]);
By "blocking operations", I mean:
socket IO
file IO
queue IO (not sure yet where the queues are in Rust)
What would be the respective means to signal to a thread, like Thread.interrupt() in Java, that its time to pack up and go home?
There is no such thing. Blocking means blocking.
Instead, you deliberately use tools that are non-blocking. That's where libraries like mio, Tokio, or futures come in — they handle the architecture of sticking all of these non-blocking, asynchronous pieces together.
catch (InterruptedException e)
Rust doesn't have exceptions. If you expect to handle a failure case, that's better represented with a Result.
This doesn't actually do anything beyond setting a flag in the thread that some code may check and then throw an exception for. You could build the same structure yourself. One simple implementation:
use std::{
atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering},
fn main() {
let please_stop = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false));
let t = thread::spawn({
let should_i_stop = please_stop.clone();
move || {
while !should_i_stop.load(Ordering::SeqCst) {
thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1));, Ordering::SeqCst);
No way of interrupting, as far as I know. The documentation even says:
On Unix platforms this function will not return early due to a signal
Socket IO
You put the socket into nonblocking mode using methods like set_nonblocking and then handle ErrorKind::WouldBlock.
See also:
File IO
There isn't really a good cross-platform way of performing asynchronous file IO. Most implementations spin up a thread pool and perform blocking operations there, sending the data over something that does non-blocking.
See also:
Queue IO
Perhaps you mean something like a MPSC channel, in which case you'd use tools like try_recv.
See also:
How to terminate or suspend a Rust thread from another thread?
What is the best approach to encapsulate blocking I/O in future-rs?
What does java.lang.Thread.interrupt() do?

Is it possible to force resume a sleeping thread?

Is it possible to force resume a sleeping thread which has been paused? For example, by calling sleep:
std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_secs(60 * 20));
I know that I can communicate between threads using std::sync::mpsc but if the thread is asleep, this does not force it to wake up before the time indicated.
I have thought that using std::sync::mpsc and maybe
Builder and .name associated with the thread, but I do not know how to get the thread to wake up.
If you want to be woken up by an event, thread::sleep() is not the correct function to use, as it's not supposed to be stopped.
There are other methods of waiting while being able to be woken up by an event (this is usually called blocking). Probably the easiest way is to use a channel together with Receiver::recv_timeout(). Often it's also sufficient to send () through the channel. That way we just communicate a signal, but don't send actual data.
If you don't want to wake up after a specific timeout, but only when a signal arrives, just use Receiver::recv().
Example with timeout:
use std::thread;
use std::sync::mpsc::{self, RecvTimeoutError};
use std::time::Duration;
use std::io;
fn main() {
let (sender, receiver) = mpsc::channel();
thread::spawn(move || {
loop {
match receiver.recv_timeout(Duration::from_secs(2)) {
Err(RecvTimeoutError::Timeout) => {
println!("Still waiting... I'm bored!");
// we'll try later...
Err(RecvTimeoutError::Disconnected) => {
// no point in waiting anymore :'(
Ok(_) => {
println!("Finally got a signal! ♥♥♥");
// doing work now...
loop {
let mut s = String::new();
io::stdin().read_line(&mut s).expect("reading from stdin failed");
if s.trim() == "start" {
Here, the second thread is woken up at least every two seconds (the timeout), but also earlier once something was sent through the channel.
park_timeout allows timed sleeps with wakeups from unpark, but it can also wake up early.
See std::thread module documentation

How to freeze a thread and notify it from another?

I need to pause the current thread in Rust and notify it from another thread. In Java I would write:
synchronized(myThread) {
and from the second thread (to resume main thread):
Is is possible to do the same in Rust?
Using a channel that sends type () is probably easiest:
use std::sync::mpsc::channel;
use std::thread;
let (tx,rx) = channel();
// Spawn your worker thread, giving it `send` and whatever else it needs
thread::spawn(move|| {
// Do whatever
tx.send(()).expect("Could not send signal on channel.");
// Continue
// Do whatever
rx.recv().expect("Could not receive from channel.");
// Continue working
The () type is because it's effectively zero-information, which means it's pretty clear you're only using it as a signal. The fact that it's size zero means it's also potentially faster in some scenarios (but realistically probably not any faster than a normal machine word write).
If you just need to notify the program that a thread is done, you can grab its join guard and wait for it to join.
let guard = thread::spawn( ... ); // This will automatically join when finished computing
guard.join().expect("Could not join thread");
You can use std::thread::park() and std::thread::Thread::unpark() to achieve this.
In the thread you want to wait,
fn worker_thread() {
in the controlling thread, which has a thread handle already,
fn main_thread(worker_thread: std::thread::Thread) {
Note that the parking thread can wake up spuriously, which means the thread can sometimes wake up without the any other threads calling unpark on it. You should prepare for this situation in your code, or use something like std::sync::mpsc::channel that is suggested in the accepted answer.
There are multiple ways to achieve this in Rust.
The underlying model in Java is that each object contains both a mutex and a condition variable, if I remember correctly. So using a mutex and condition variable would work...
... however, I would personally switch to using a channel instead:
the "waiting" thread has the receiving end of the channel, and waits for it
the "notifying" thread has the sending end of the channel, and sends a message
It is easier to manipulate than a condition variable, notably because there is no risk to accidentally use a different mutex when locking the variable.
The std::sync::mpsc has two channels (asynchronous and synchronous) depending on your needs. Here, the asynchronous one matches more closely: std::sync::mpsc::channel.
There is a monitor crate that provides this functionality by combining Mutex with Condvar in a convenience structure.
(Full disclosure: I am the author.)
Briefly, it can be used like this:
let mon = Arc::new(Monitor::new(false));
let mon = mon.clone();
let _ = thread::spawn(move || {
mon.with_lock(|mut done| { // done is a monitor::MonitorGuard<bool>
*done = true;
mon.with_lock(|mut done| {
while !*done {
println!("finished waiting");
Here, mon.with_lock(...) is semantically equivalent to Java's synchronized(mon) {...}.
