Get bandwidth statistics of network by ip from a linux terminal - linux

I am connected to a local network through a linux system (Ubuntu 14.04).
Is it possible to get the bandwidth usage of other systems connected to the same network? All other systems are also using Ubuntu, however the version are different on some.

this would probably help you:
BandwidthD tracks usage of TCP/IP network subnets and builds html files with graphs to display utilization.
What you can see on the network without having access to the machines depends on the network structure and where the monitoring system is placed.


Security Onion monitor interface in vmware

I am following the security onion docs and am using vmware. I created the 2nd network adapter and set it to bridged for the monitor interface, ran the setup, selected evaluation mode, and setup the network interfaces.
My monitor interface does not see any traffic, I used wireshark to to test both interfaces and the management interface sees the traffic but the monitor interface does not. Has anyone else come across this issue?
Would be useful if you'll provide your Host OS, and versions of OS, VMWare and Security Onion- to be clear from the start and helpful for any future requests.
Out of assumption that you are using MAC-I may say it may be a known issue, see:
-here is short excerpt from it:
"Users are unable to capture transfer packets in the same subnet of a virtual network inside a virtual machine.
Virtual machine's virtual interface doesn't report packet exchanges between other virtual machines in the same subnet on Big Sur hosts.
Workaround: Use the virtual interface on the host to capture traffic information in the subnet. For example, use the interface bridge100 on macOS host to capture the traffic in the subnet"
It was reported as a known issue in Fusion 12.0, but it isn't listed in the Resolved Issues for 12.1, so it so safe to assume that it is known pending issue by now.

Is it possible to simulate Linux on USB devices using VMware?

I have successfully installed RedHat Linux and run them on harddrive using VMware simulation. Things work quite smooth if I put all the nodes VM on my physical machine.
For management purposes, I want to use USB devices to store ISO and plug one if more nodes are needed. I would like to run VMware on my physical machines.
Can I just build one virtual machine on one USB device? So I can plug one node if needed.
I mean, if I simulate machine A one USB 1 and another machine B on USB 2, can I build a network using my physical machine as server?
(1) If so, are there problems I should pay attention to?
(2) If not, are there any alternative solution for my management purpose?(I do not want to make VMs on partitions of my physical machine now) Can I use multiple mobile hard drives instead?
Actually I want to start up master-slaves Hadoop2.x deployments using virtual machines. Are there any good reference for this purpose?
I shall explain that am not too lazy to have a try on my idea, however, it is now rather expensive to do so if I do not even know something about the feasibility of this solution.
Thanks for your time.
I'm not an expert on VMWare, but I know that this is common on almost any virtualization system. You can install a system :
on a physical device (a hard disk, a hard disk partition)
or on a file
The physical device way allows normally better performances since you only use one driver between the OS and the device, while the file way offer greater simplicity to add one VM.
Now for your questions :
Can I just build one virtual machine on one USB device? Yes, you can always do it on a file, and depending on host OS directly on the physical device
... can I build a network using my physical machine as server? Yes, VMWare will allow the VM to communicate with each other and/or with the host and/or with external world depending on how you configure the network interfaces of your VMs.
If so, are there problems I should pay attention to?
USB devices are pluggable and unpluggable. If you unadvertantly unplug one while the OS is active bad things could happen. That's why I advised you to use files on the hard disk to host your VMs.
memory sticks (no concern for USB disks) support a limited number of writes and generally perform poorly on writes. Never put temp filesystem of swap there but use a memory filesystem for that usage, as is done for live filesystems on read-only CD or DVD
every VMs uses memory from the host system. That is often the first limitation for the number of simultaneous VMs on a personnal system

Simulate slow connection between two ubuntu server machines

I want to simulate the following scenario: given that I have 4 ubuntu server machines A,B,C and D. I want to reduce the network bandwidth by 20% between machine A and machine C and 10% between A and B. How to do this using network simulation/throttling tools ?
Ubuntu comes with a tool called NetEm. It can control most of the network layer metrics (bandwidth, delay, packetloss). There are tons of tutorials online.
Dummynet is one such tool to do it.
KauNet a tool developed by karlstad university, which can introduce packet level control.
The simple program wondershaper fits here very well.
Just execute:
sudo wondershaper eth0 1024 1024
It will limit your network bandwidth on the eth0 interface to 1Mbps download and upload rate.

Virtual box based development for Embedded Linux

I am new to embedded linux development.I have inherited a particular way of Embedded linux development from the previous developer.
I was just wondering if there is a more industry standard way of working.
This is how he was working,
There is an ARM embedded linux board which is not on the corporate network and has a fixed IP address of have a virtualbox based linux host which is connected directly to this linux board via an Ethernet cable.This host has an NFS shared with the target for running the cross compiled binaries.I have to set a fixed IP address for the host of I can telnet with the target to run the compiled binaries on the NFS folder. Also as the VM host is not connected to the corporate network.I cannot use the company issued SVN for version control.So what I do is have a shared folder via virtual box between Windows and Linux host and I manually keep transferring the files which I have to commit/test.
What I would I ideally like, is both networks connected to the corporate network,so that I can update the OS,use version control.Is there way by which the VM on Windows access the corporate network and also be connected to the target.IT is not willing to give a static IP to the target.If we connect the target via DHCP what is the best way to discover it on the network.Also IT is concerned about the traffic it will generate.Can I use a switch to create a subnetwork,so that the target can have a fixed address?
Another question is they are open to a linux based host as well.Is a VM based linux any worse off than a Linux PC.The only problem I have been having are networking based issues,not really Virtualbox issues.But I am curious to know if there are any limitations at all.
In order to have the VM connected to the corporate network, you can setup the VM network adapter in bridge mode.
In order to discover the embedded device, you can use the arp command (for instance: arm -i eth0 -a).
If you have got two network interfaces you could also connect the remote device directly through this interface and setup a dhcp server in your VM.
Personally, I think that with the VM you can do everything that you need (cross-compiling the Kernel and bootloader and creating the remote File System). I have been using a VM for embedded linux development on a AT91SAM board without problems at all.

Figuring out if a server you are connecting to is virtualised?

Is there a way to figure out if a win 2003 server server you are connecting to is virtualised? I tried asking but not 100% sure of the answer is correct.
This is a duplicate of this question: How to identify that you’re running under a VM?.
Quoting from the accepted answer to that question by JawnV6:
The classic trick to detect a VM is to populate the ITLB, run an instruction that must be virtualized (which necessarily clears out such processor state when it gives control to the hypervisor), then run some more code to detect if the ITLB is still populated. The first paper on it is located here, and a rather colorful explanation from a researcher's blog is located here.
I guess looking at the Device Manager (Control Panel | System | Hardware | Device Manager) should give you a good idea.
On one server, running on VMWare ESX, I see the following tell-tale signs of a virtual machine:
System Devices: VMware server memory controller
Network adapters: VMware Accelerated AMD PCNet Adapter
Mice: VMware Pointing Device
Disk drives: VMware Virtual disk SCSI Disk Device
A simple test that detects a VMware network adapter, is:
ipconfig /all | grep "VMware Accelerated"
(would perhaps also detect a host running VMware workstation)
Here's a decent explanation. You can check the manufacturer of a piece of hardware from WMI or within Device Manager to determine if it's a physical device or not.
Can you tell us any more about how you're connecting to this server?
This depends on a couple of factors.
Are you using remote desktop to connect to the server and can you gain access to system files and folders?
Do you know what type of virtualization software is running the server?
Without know that information this question may be a litle difficult to answer correctly. There are a large number of virtualization software vendors and each of them have different setups that are in the virtual servers.
Without more information, the short answer is no. To the actual guest operating system it looks and acts like an operating system that is running on bare metal.
You could look for support software installed, for instance VMware usually installs VMware Tools on the guest operating system.
