Mongoose $ project - node.js

Using Mongoose 4.0.x, I need to execute the following (working) MongoDB query:
user: ObjectId("10"), // I replaced the real ID
'flights.busy.from': {$gte: ISODate("2015-04-01T00:00:00Z")},
'': {$lte: ISODate("2015-04-01T23:59:00Z")}
'flights.$': 1 // This is what I don't know to replicate
The Mongoose find operator does not accept a projection operator, like the MongoDB find one does.
How can I replicate the above query in Mongoose? Filtering the array once the query is returned is a solution I would like to avoid.

You want to look at the docs for Model.find, not Query.find. The second parameter can be used for field selection:
user: ObjectId("10"), // I replaced the real ID
'flights.busy.from': {$gte: ISODate("2015-04-01T00:00:00Z")},
'': {$lte: ISODate("2015-04-01T23:59:00Z")}
).exec(function(err, docs) {...});


Update a value inside array of objects, inside a document in MongoDB

Here is what my collection looks like
Now suppose I have to update count of 2nd document whose reportTypes.reasonId is 300. I have access to _id as well as reasonId to update the count. I am using Mongoose to query things in my Node application.
What can I try to solve this?
You can do it via arrayFilters:
arrayFilters:[{"x.reasonId":300 }]
Specify the matching document in the query part and create arrayFilter "x" matching the correct reportTYpes array subdocument , in the update part use the $inc operation to increment the count value in the example with 1
you should use dot notation and the $ update operator to do this:
(I'm assuming your collection is called Reason)
var conditions = {
'_id': '6244........',
'reasonTypes.reasonId': 300
var update = {
$inc: {
'reasonTypes.$.count': 1
Reason.update(conditions, update, function(err) {
// Handle error here
You can find more on the operator here mongo $ update operator

MongoDB: How to perform a second match using the results (an array of ObjectIds) of the previous match in aggregation pipeline

I have a MongoDB collection called users with documents that look like:
_id: ObjectId('123'),
username: "abc",
avatar: "avatar/long-unique-random-string.jpg",
connections: [ObjectId('abc'), ObjectId('xyz'), ObjectId('lmn'), ObjectId('efg')]
This document belongs to the users collection.
What I want to do:
First, find one document from the users' collection that matches _id -> '123'.
Project the connections field received from step 1, which is an array of ObjectIds of other users within the same collection.
Find all documents of users from the array field projected in step 2.
Project and return an array of only the username and avatar of all those users from step 3.
While I know that I can do this in two separate queries. First using findOne which returns the friends array. Then, using find with the results of findOne to get all the corresponding usernames and avatars.
But, I would like to do this in one single query, using the aggregation pipeline.
What I want to know, is it even possible to do this in one query using aggregation?
If so, what would the query look like?
What, I currently have:
await usersCollection
{ $match: { _id: new ObjectId(userId) } },
{ $project: { ids: "$connections" } },
{ $match: { _id: { $in: "ids" } } },
$project: {
username: "$username",
avatar: { $ifNull: ["$avatar", "$$REMOVE"] },
I know this is wrong because each aggregation stage receives the results from the previous stage. So, the second match cannot query on the entire users' collection, as far as I know.
I'm using MongoDB drivers for nodeJS. And I would like to avoid $lookup for possible solutions.

Mongoose $push cannot push object into correct document

I have a mongoose schema like this:
A = {
_id: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
nestedArray: [Schema.Types.ObjectId]
arrayB: [Schema.Types.ObjectId]
I would like to push an Object Id into nestedArray in specific arrayA object AND
arrayB should contains an specific Object Id by following code:
A.update({'arrayA._id': arrayAId, arrayB: {$in: [arrayContainsSomeArrayBIds]}},
{$push: {'arrayA.$.nestedArray': nestedArrayId}}, function(err) {
However, the Object Id is pushed into nestedArray of the last object in arrayA.
If arrayB: {$in: [arrayContainsSomeArrayBIds]} is removed, the Object Id can be pushed into correct object in arrayA.
mongoose version: 3.8.21
Can anyone help me to find out the problem?
Currently it is not possible in MongoDB to update an a array element with the positional operator, when the query document contains references to other arrays apart from the one being updated.
The below code, contains reference to two arrays fields: arrayA and arrayB, when
the update is issued on arrayA. This is invalid and would lead to undesired behavior.
A.update({'arrayA._id': arrayAId, arrayB: {$in: [arrayContainsSomeArrayBIds]}},
{$push: {'arrayA.$.nestedArray': nestedArrayId}}, function(err) {
From the docs,
Only one array field may appear in the query document.
The query document should only contain a single condition on the array field
being projected.
Multiple conditions may override each other
internally and lead to undefined behavior.
Under these requirements,
the following query is incorrect:
db.collection.find( { <array>: <value>, <someOtherArray>: <value2> },
{ "<array>.$": 1 } )
The solution is to modify your code to fire two queries:
Get the _ids of the documents, which match our condition.
Then perform the update.
Sample Code flow:
A.find({'arrayA._id': arrayAId, arrayB: {$in: [arrayContainsSomeArrayBIds]}},
A.update({'arrayA._id': arrayAId,
{$push: {'arrayA.$.nestedArray': nestedArrayId}},
function(err) {

Using the find method on a MongoDB collection with Monk

I am working through a MEAN stack tutorial. It contains the following code as a route in index.js. The name of my Mongo collection is brandcollection.
/* GET Brand Complaints page. */
router.get('/brands', function(req, res) {
var db = req.db;
var collection = db.get('brandcollection');
res.render('brands', {
"brands" : docs
I would like to modify this code but I don't fully understand how the .find method is being invoked. Specifically, I have the following questions:
What objects are being passed to function(e, docs) as its arguments?
Is function(e, docs) part of the MongoDB syntax? I have looked at the docs on Mongo CRUD operations and couldn't find a reference to it. And it seems like the standard syntax for a Mongo .find operation is collection.find({},{}).someCursorLimit(). I have not seen a reference to a third parameter in the .find operation, so why is one allowed here?
If function(e, docs) is not a MongoDB operation, is it part of the Monk API?
It is clear from the tutorial that this block of code returns all of the documents in the collection and places them in an object as an attribute called "brands." However, what role specifically does function(e, docs) play in that process?
Any clarification would be much appreciated!
The first parameter is the query.
The second parameter(which is optional) is the projection i.e if you want to restrict the contents of the matched documents
collection.find( { qty: { $gt: 25 } }, { item: 1, qty: 1 },function(e,docs){})
would mean to get only the item and qty fields in the matched documents
The third parameter is the callback function which is called after the query is complete. function(e, docs) is the mongodb driver for node.js syntax. The 1st parameter e is the error. docs is the array of matched documents. If an error occurs it is given in e. If the query is successful the matched documents are given in the 2nd parameter docs(the name can be anything you want).
The cursor has various methods which can be used to manipulate the matched documents before mongoDB returns them.
collection.find( { qty: { $gt: 25 } }, { item: 1, qty: 1 })
is a cursor you can do various operations on it.
collection.find( { qty: { $gt: 25 } }, { item: 1, qty: 1 }).skip(10).limit(5).toArray(function(e,docs){
meaning you will skip the first 10 matched documents and then return a maximum of 5 documents.
All this stuff is given in the docs. I think it's better to use mongoose instead of the native driver because of the features and the popularity.

Mongoose Query: compare two values on same document

How can I query a Mongo collection using Mongoose to find all the documents that have a specific relation between two of their own properties?
For example, how can I query a characters collections to find all those characters that have their currentHitPoints value less than their maximumHitPoints value? Or all those projects that have their currentPledgedMoney less than their pledgeGoal?
I tried to something like this:
player: _currentPlayer
but I am getting errors since the lt argument must be a Number. The same goes if I use $.status.maximumHitpoints (I was hoping Mongoose would be able to resolve it like it does when doing collection operations).
Is this something that can be done within a Query? I would expect so, but can't find out how. Otherwise I can filter the whole collection with underscore but I suspect that is going to have a negative impact on performance.
PS: I also tried using similar approaches with the find call, no dice.
MongoDB 3.6 and above supports aggregation expressions within the query language:
db.monthlyBudget.find( { $expr: { $gt: [ "$spent" , "$budget" ] } } )
Thanks to Aniket's suggestion in the question's comments, I found that the same can be done with Mongoose using the following syntax:
player: _currentPlayer
.$where('this.status.currentHitpoints < this.status.maximumHitpoints')
Notice the $where method is used instead of the where method.
EDIT: To expand on Derick's comment below, a more performance sensitive solution would be to have a boolean property inside your Mongoose schema containing the result of the comparison, and update it everytime the document is saved. This can be easily achieved through the use of Mongoose Schema Plugin, so you would have something like:
var CharacterSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
// ...
status: {
hitpoints: Number,
maxHitpoints: Number,
isInFullHealth: {type: Boolean, default: false}
.plugin(function(schema, options) {
schema.pre('save', function(next) {
this.status.isInFullHealth = (this.status.hitPoints >= this.status.maxHitpoints);
player: _currentPlayer, $expr: { $lt: ['$currentHitpoints', '$maximumHitpoints'] }
This above query means find the record which has currentHitpoints less than maximumHitpoints
Starting in MongoDB 5.0, the $eq, $lt, $lte, $gt, and $gte comparison operators placed in an $expr operator can use an index on the from collection referenced in a $lookup stage.
The following operation uses $expr to find documents where the spent amount exceeds the budget:
db.monthlyBudget.find( { $expr: { $gt: [ "$spent" , "$budget" ] } } )
