jsf compositeComponent stateHelper reset after updating form - jsf

I'm using a compositeComponent in my application which allows a user to input an address. I store some specific data in the stateHelper to retreive it afterwards on submitting the form. The problem is when I click my button which submits AND updates the form, the stateHelper value is null. But if I add a panel layer under the form and update this one, they keep their values. Does anyone know how or why this is behaving like this?
ExampleCode (doesn't work):
<form id="inputForm>
<custComp:inputAddress />
<p:commandButton value="submitForm" update="inputForm/>
Example code (works)
<form id="inputForm">
<p:panel id="inputPanel">
<custComp:inputAddress />
<p:commandButton value="submitForm" update="inputPanel" />


Bootsfaces modal not working inside <h:form>

I am new to JSF and I am currently building a web-auction type of application, based on it. I have also used multiple elements from Bootsfaces. What I would like to do is have an inputText where bidders can type their bids and then press a button that will trigger a Bootsfaces modal. Inside the modal, the bidder will have to confirm that he actually wants to bid, by pressing a commandButton that will eventually "submit" his bid. In order for this to work (if I have understood correctly how JSF works), I need the inputText and the commandButton inside the same h:form element. The only problem is that, whenever I put the code of the modal inside the form, the modal doesn't show up when I press the button that triggers it. My code is the following:
<b:inputText class="bid1" value="#{detailedViewBean.current}" placeholder="Type the amount you would like to bid..." style="width: 90%" onfocus="enableButton('atrigger1')" onblur="bidAmount(this.value, '#{detailedViewBean.previous}')"> <!--current highest bid-->
<f:facet name="prepend">
<h:outputText value="$" />
<f:facet name="append">
<a id="atrigger1" class="btn btn-primary" href="#amodal1" data-toggle="modal">Bid!</a>
<b:modal id="amodal1" title="Warning!" styleClass="modalPseudoClass">
<p id="amodal1body"> Are you sure ?</p>
<f:facet name="footer">
<b:button value="Close" dismiss="modal" onclick="return false;"/>
<b:commandButton value="Yes, submit my bid!" id="modalbidbutton" type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-dismiss="modal" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#amodal2"/>
Does anyone know why this might happen or how I can correct it?
Moving the <b:modal /> into a form modifies its id. That's an annoying property of the JSF framework: it sees to it that ids are always unique - and of of the measures to achieve that goal is to prepend the form's id to the id of <b:modal >. Most of the time, this works just great, but sometimes you need the HTML id. Your button uses a jQuery expression, so this is one of those times. Adding insult to injury, JSF uses the colon as a separator, and jQuery doesn't cope well with the colon.
Cutting a long story short, I suggest to use the CSS class of the modal dialog instead of the id. You already gave it a pseudo CSS class. This class doesn't bear any layout information. Instead, you can use it in the button:
<a id="atrigger1" class="btn btn-primary disabled"
href=".modalPseudoClass" data-toggle="modal">Bid!</a>
TL;DR: If you run into trouble with id, replace your jQuery expression ("#id") with a CSS pseudo class expression (".pseudoClass").

Disabling items in JavaServer Faces

I’m new in JavaServer Faces.
I have a simply form:
<div id="respond" class="comment-respond">
<h3 id="reply-title" class="comment-reply-title">#{msgs.leavereply}</h3>
<h:inputTextarea value="#{forumpostsBean.text}" style="resize:none"/>
<h:commandButton value="#{msgs.add}" action="#{forumpostsBean.addForumpost}"/>
By clicking command button all it’s fine, executes method forumpostsBean.addForumpost.
But when I modify code to this:
<div id="respond" class="comment-respond">
<h3 id="reply-title" class="comment-reply-title">#{msgs.leavereply}</h3>
<h:inputTextarea value="#{forumpostsBean.text}" style="resize:none" disabled="#{not forumsBean.active}"/>
<h:commandButton value="#{msgs.add}" action="#{forumpostsBean.addForumpost}" disabled="#{not forumsBean.active}"/>
When items not disabled, current page only have refreshed, but method forumpostsBean.addForumpost don’t executes.
In both variants, <h1>#{!forumsBean.activeWithProject}</h1> shows correct value.
You have 2 beans? one called forumpostsBean and another just forumsBean? I can't see if you've got them both but maybe its the main error? as the comment above says, maybe your logic is out of place.
You may want to use rendered="" on the button rather that just disabling it so its not part of the dom at all upon page load and then use an ajax call when you type data in your input field to do partial ajax render the div again and show it. good for testing.

Confusion JSF Updating Value of Input text in Backing bean

Today, i was solving a small problem in JSF. Actually, i have an InputText on my xhtml page with readyOnly attribute set to true.Requirement was on click of a boolean checkbox, i should make the input text editable, means readyOnly false. The code somewhat seemed like this.
<div class="div-form-col" >
<h:outputLabel value="#{msgs.violationAmount} " for="violationAmt" />
<h:inputText value="#{outpassMBean.violationWebDTO.violationAmount}" id="violationAmt" readonly="true"/>
<div class="div-form-row">
<div class="div-form-col">
<h:outputLabel value="#{msgs.violationExemptionApplicable} " for="violationExempted" />
<h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{outpassMBean.violationWebDTO.violationExemptionApplicable}" id="violationExempted" onchange="makeViolationAmountEditable(this);">
The script of that method was given as below :-
function makeViolationAmountEditable(id){
document.getElementById('violationAmt' ).readOnly=false;
Now my first problem was, if i am editing the value in the text field, how i can update the value of violationAmt in backing bean. What can be the best possible way? As i am using PrimeFaces, i came across concept remoteCommand. So here is what i added.
<p:remoteCommand name="makeViolationAmountEditableOnServer" action="#{outpassMBean.makeViolationAmountEditable}" update="amountPanelApplicant"/>
The method at the backing bean level was something like this
public void makeViolationAmountEditable(){
//Set updated value
//Some other code.
Problem was that, whenever this code was running, the violation amount in violationWebDTO was the old one, not the one which i was entering after making the input field editable. Though i saw in firebug the updated value was part of request but in the backing bean, however still old value was getting referred. I don't understand why?
My senior told me, you are updating value of readOnly on client side not server side, and updated my code something like this.
<p:outputPanel id="amountPanelApplicant">
<p:outputPanel rendered="#{outpassMBean.violationWebDTO.violationForCmb eq 2 and outpassMBean.violationWebDTO.isViolationExists}">
<p:outputPanel styleClass="div-form twoCol">
<div class="div-form-row">
<div class="div-form-col" >
<h:outputLabel value="#{msgs.violationAmount} " for="violationAmt" />
<h:inputText value="#{outpassMBean.violationWebDTO.violationAmount}" id="violationAmt" readonly="#{outpassMBean.violationAmtEditable}">
<div class="div-form-col">
<h:outputLabel value="#{msgs.outPayTot} " for="totalViolationAmount" />
<h:outputLabel styleClass="readOnly" value="#{outpassMBean.violationWebDTO.totalViolationAmount}" id="totalViolationAmount" />
<p:outputPanel styleClass="div-form twoCol" rendered="#{outpassMBean.outpassApplication.applicationSubType.id eq 2 }" >
<div class="div-form-row">
<div class="div-form-col">
<h:outputLabel value="#{msgs.violationExemptionApplicable} " for="violationExempted" />
<h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{outpassMBean.violationWebDTO.violationExemptionApplicable}" id="violationExempted" onchange="makeViolationAmountEditableOnServer();">
<p:remoteCommand name="makeViolationAmountEditableOnServer" action="#{outpassMBean.makeViolationAmountEditable}" update="amountPanelApplicant"/>
public void makeViolationAmountEditable(){
logger.debug("Inside makeViolationAmountEditable...");
//setting violation amount editable flag
//Preserving original and total amount.
In the above updated code, no javascript called. The readyOnly value is set to true and false from the backing bean itself. After this update, basically the new edited value was updated in the violationWebDTO.
Can someone explain? Why not in the first snapshot? It's not a complete code but i tried to explain the confusion. Any pointers would be helpful.
This is JSF's safeguard against tampered/hacked requests wherein the enduser uses client side languages/tools like HTML or JS to manipulate the HTML DOM tree and/or HTTP request parameters in such way that the outcome of JSF's disabled, readonly or even rendered attribute is altered.
Imagine what would happen if the JSF developer checked an user's role in such a boolean attribute against the admin role like so disabled="#{not user.hasRole('ADMIN')}" and a hacker manipulated it in such way that it isn't disabled anymore for non-admin users. That's exactly why you can only change the mentioned attributes (and the required attribute and all converters, validators, event listeners, etc) on the server side.
This can however be solved in a simpler manner without the need for an additional property, without the <p:remoteCommand> and the additional bean method.
<h:inputText id="violationAmount" ... readonly="#{makeViolationAmountEditable.value}" />
<h:selectBooleanCheckbox binding="#{makeViolationAmountEditable}">
<f:ajax render="violationAmount" />
See also:
Why JSF saves the state of UI components on server?
How does the 'binding' attribute work in JSF? When and how should it be used?.

jsf inputtext to bean

In my JSF Application, I have a page with several inputtext components. When the page is displayed, those inputtext components are populated with data from the database. When I hit the submit button, I want to pass those values as parameters to the next facelet.
What is happening is when I hit Submit, the old values are being passed, and not the updated values that the user has typed in. Here is what one of the inputtext components looks like:
<div align="center">
<h:outputLabel value="Product Quantity " />
<h:inputText id="quantity" value="#{product.quantity}" />
Then, in the submit button I am trying to get the values that the user types in:
<h:button value="Save Edits" outcome="welcome">
<f:param name="quantity" value="#{product.quantity}" />
Let's say that 100 was the original quantity that the field was populated with. When the user changes it to 110, and hits submit, the welcome facelet still thinks 100 is the value. Any ideas?
Is there any particular reason you've decided to use a <h:button/> instead of an <h:commandButton/>? Because that's the reason why your parameters are not making it to the next page
<h:commandButton/> processes it's enclosing <h:form/>, submitting it's content to the server in a POST request (and the JSF processing lifecycle kicks in e.t.c.) while the <h:button/> will generate a GET request. <h:button/> is generally used for navigation. Stick to <h:commandButton/> if you want to do more than navigate

Is it possible to forward to Siteminder login.fcc from a JSF action?

I have a "custom" (JSF) login page for my application. My company uses Siteminder for authentication. So, in order to login to Siteminder with a "custom" page, I have to have a form that posts to /login.fcc with the appropriate form fields (username/password and a couple of Siteminder specific hidden fields).
What I am trying to do is to continue to leverage the form validations and such of JSF and still post to login.fcc.
Here is a stripped down version of my custom form:
<rich:messages />
<h:form id="adminLogin" prependId="false">
<h:panelGrid columns="2" styleClass="center">
<h:outputLabel value="HUB USERNAME:" />
<h:inputText id="USER" label="Username" size="12" required="true" />
<h:outputLabel value="HUB PASSWORD:" />
<h:inputSecret id="PASSWORD" label="Password" size="12" required="true" />
<input type="hidden" name="target" value="#{loginController.smTarget}" />
<input type="hidden" name="smagentname" value="#{loginController.smAgentName}" />
<h:panelGroup layout="block" styleClass="max-width button-panel">
<a4j:commandButton id="adminLoginBtn" value="LOGIN"
action="#{loginController.managerLogin}" />
Note that I have used standard hidden inputs for the target and smagentname fields. This is because I have no need to have both setters and getters in my controller for these fields. I simply want the controller to provide the values when the page renders.
My controller method looks like this:
public void managerLogin()
LoginController.LOG.debug("manager is logging in...");
LoginController.LOG.debug("user: " + getRequestParameterValue("USER"));
LoginController.LOG.debug("smagent: " + getRequestParameterValue("smagentname"));
LoginController.LOG.debug("target: " + getRequestParameterValue("target"));
You can see that I am logging the values from all fields except the password field and they all print correctly in my log...so I know I am getting the values. My "forwardTo()" method simply gets the ExternalContext and calls dispatch() on it...passing in the path to the login.fcc page (which is "/forms/login.fcc").
When I input values in the form and click the login button, I see my values in the console but I get a 404 message in my browser.
I can manually put the "/forms/login.fcc" page in the address line and I have no problems with the GET rendering the login.fcc page. But I, of course, don't want to render the login.fcc (GET) I want to peform the Siteminder login (via POST).
It is my understanding that all request parameters are made available through a forward process I was expecting this to work.
I can take this same form and un-JSF-ize it...and make the login button simply submit the form (whose action would be the /forms/login.fcc via POST and it works fine too, but then I loose the benefits of the form/field validations that JSF provides.
Any ideas?
Use the following process:
Follow the SiteMinder redirect
Send your credentials (username/password)
Follow the SiteMinder redirect again
Send the SiteMinder cookies
Here is an article which explains the process in detail:
How to Connect to a SiteMinder Protected Resource
