Populating form fields automatically from active directory in sharepoint - sharepoint

I have a custom list in my SharePoint 2010 website. When I am adding a new item to a custom SharePoint 2010 list, I want to auto populate data from active directory in the respective fields (other details of the user) when I enter the exact user Id in the first field and I will also like to send the field content as an email.
- I understand that I can do this easily with MS Infopath, however my organization use the SharePoint standard edition which does not support creating forms using MS Infopath and creating a custom webpart is also not allowed by the company standard.
Can it be done through SharePoint designer or any other way besides out of the box options. Will gladly appreciate you guys help..

This cannot be done in SharePoint 2010 without creating an InfoPath form or publishing a solution. You can use a people picker field to get some user data, but you cannot make it fill in other fields. If you upgrade your SharePoint to handle InfoPath, you would connect to the User Profile service to get Active Directory data. If you want to publish a solution, you'll need to set up and learn about developing SharePoint solutions in Visual Studio.
SharePoint 2013 has better javascript integration. If you upgrade to 2013 and still desire this functionality, you should come to the SharePoint SE and search/ask for javascript to scrape the User Profile service and to populate fields by default. It might not be possible, but it would be worth a shot.


Customize the Add Location Box : Dynamics CRM 2016

I have a requirement where I need to auto fill the values in the Add Document Location Box when a User clicks on Documents in the Dynamics CRM 2016. I don't think there is an out of the box way to do this. Any hints or suggestions are appreciated.
I tried creating a sharepoint document location record on creating the record. When I click on Documents, it tries to find the URL for the location and gives an error that the location does not exist. I had hoped that the sharepoint folder will be created once the Sharepoint document location record has been created and associated with the record but that is not the case.
In case you have ever faced this problem, or if you have an alternative solution, please let me know.
In CRM 2016 you can enable server-based SharePoint integration. As a side note, in previous versions of CRM the List Component was required for the functionality you describe, but that is now deprecated.
When clicking on Documents on a SharePoint enabled record, you will see a popup similar to the following after enabling the server-based SharePoint integration:

Create Dynamic TFS Query in SharePoint Portal

We have recently moved our project over to TFS 2010 for CM control and issue tracking. For the most part we have been happy with the move. However, we have found that we need a way to allow users (notably our help desk) to write dynamic queries against our Product Backlog. The Query Results Web Part works fine for displaying information like Outstanding Work Items and Recent Issues, but our users need the ability to query for specific information that can change from support call to support call. Is there a way to allow a user to create a custom, dynamic query in TFS? If not are there any 3rd party tools that integrate with SharePoint that would allow this?
TFS 2010 has a web based user interface called Web Access. Users can create and view their own queries from there with the queries part of te app; they can also search for work items by words contained in their titles
By default, there is typically a link on the upper-left to it from the SharePoint site that TFS 2010 creates. If the link is not there you can access it directly its (default) URL: [http://address-of-your-TFS-server:8080/tfs/web]
I decided to use the Page Viewer Web Part to embed the actual query form from the Team Web Access to the Project Portal. Everything seems to work great when doing that. The only downside is you get a 'Nag Dialog' whenever you leave the page.

Sharepoint 2010 add,edit,delete forms replace to custome visual web parts

It`s possible in sharepoint 2010, will set up a list of custom data source and then adapt new input forms from visual web parts which will replace the existing add, edit and delete forms?
if it is possible, then how?
Here is an article on MSDN that describes how to use InfoPath to customise the Display, Edit and New forms for external list data (business connectivity services).
Just like in SharePoint 2007 you can change the association of the New, Edit and Display forms using SharePoint Designer in SharePoint 2010. You can create new ASPX pages, or use InfoPath forms as per the above. These ASPX pages can contain the functionality you want directly, or host visual web parts with the right permissions.
Here is an article that describes how to change the associated forms for a list with SharePoint Designer. I would recommend creating new pages and associating the list to those rather than trying to update the existing pages. This avoids any problems if the out of the box files are updated by a service pack / hotfix etc, and also allows you to revert to the out of the box forms if needed.

Best way to create Sharepoint forms using Designer 2007 / WSS 3.0

My company is running its own server with WSS 3.0, and I am using Sharepoint Designer 2007 to make changes. I am new to the world of sharepoint (but experienced with webservers and web programming), but basically what I am trying to accomplish is this:
We are trying to automate forms that all employees must fill out (for example, our Employment Application). Since all employees have access to our sharepoint intranet, we will put it on there. It must do the following:
Display a form where users can enter their data. Once submitted, the data is stored in a database (sharepoint uses Lists for this I believe).
A user can go back to the form to edit things if need be (and their old data will be automatically loaded).
User’s should only be able to access their own form and not see everyone else’s. Only admin’s should be able to see everyone’s stuff.
What is the best way to go about accomplishing this? Can I create a standard list and modify it to suit my needs? Do I need to code some ASP forms to make this work? Is there an inexpensive web part that can do this sorta stuff?
I don’t think using Infopath is an option for me since I have wss 3.0 I would need the end user to have infopath as well, and many won’t have it, so that rules that out.
I think you want to adjust the Item Level Permissions setting of the list. (List Settings->Advanced Settings)
The form in SharePoint States:
"Item-level Permissions
Specify which items users can read and edit.
Note: Users with the Manage Lists permission can read and edit all items. Learn about managing permission settings."
There are settings for Read access and Create and Edit access:
Read access: Specify which items users are allowed to read
-Read all items
-Read items that were created by the user
Create and Edit access: Specify which items users are allowed to create and edit
-Create and edit all items
-Create items and edit items that were created by the user
This sounds like you simply need a custom list, possibly with custom forms (edited with SharePoint Designer) in case the default forms aren't adequate.

Sharepoint - Showing calendar events in multiple calendars in diff't sub-sites

I am trying to show events from a calendar in the main site to a calendar in a sub-site of the main site (or vice-versa)...I can't alter any server files or use custom-built web parts...is there anyway to do this w/ OOTB moss 2007?
Altering Server files is a big no-no anyway, so that's good :-D. YOu could try using SharePoint designer to create a so-called aggregation webpart, pulling data from all sites in the site collection (which of course get security trimmed by sharepoint, so people see only what they are allowed to see).
YOu can create use a DataFormWebPart in SharePoint designer to build an aggregation webpart. This is still ootb, but allows you to configure the datasource: i.e. have the datasource query the entire site collection for calendar items, then display them in a list. Disdplay them in a "new" calendar will be a lot of work though.
There is no way to "copy" or deisgnate specific calendar items to be visible in specific other calendars, this will take custom code.
Not strictly OOTB MOSS 2007, but I recenlty wrote an article about syncing any list using a simple workflow. As a Calendar is just a list it works for that as well and it maintains the Calendar look and feel.
Check it out here, it works great and deals with attachments as well. As it is part of a workflow you can add your own logic easily, e.g. Only sync calendar events that have field 'x' set to 'y'.
I wanted to point out that RSSBus Web Part can handle a task like this with minimal code. This, although not ootb is quite simple and does not require use of SharePoint Designer.
<rsb:import lib="RSSBus.SpsOps"/>
<rsb:set attr="url" value="http://mysharepointsite/subSite/"/>
<rsb:set attr="list" value="Calendar"/>
<rsb:set attr="user" value="someuser"/>
<rsb:set attr="password" value="theirpassword"/>
<rsb:call op="spsListItems">
The code above can be placed within the RSSBus Web Part on the main site and through the use of "SpsOps" have access to all lists/items on all sites/subsites.
