How do I properly reset the clip in cairocffi? - python-3.x

I am trying to write a module for myself for doing some simple drawing with cairocffi to make using the package a bit less cumbersome. However, I seem to have run into some trouble with properly implementing clipping. Specifically, I am having trouble properly resetting the clipping region.
I wrote an example Python script, whose result should be a PostScript file with:
1 red circle (circle_1)
1 black line from the bottom left to the top right of the circle (line1)
1 black line from the top left of the image to the bottom right of the image (line2)
Instead of line2 extending from corner to corner, though, it is still being clipped by the previous call to clip().
Here's the example script:
import cairocffi as cairo
from math import pi
fig_w, fig_h = 237.6, 237.6
test_surf = cairo.PSSurface('', fig_w, fig_h)
temp_surf = cairo.PSSurface('', fig_w, fig_h)
line1 = cairo.Context(temp_surf)
line1.move_to(0, fig_h)
line1.line_to(fig_w, 0)
circle_1 = cairo.Context(test_surf)
circle_1.arc(fig_w/2, fig_h/2, fig_w/4, 0, 2*pi)
with circle_1:
line2 = cairo.Context(test_surf)
line2.move_to(0, 0)
line2.line_to(fig_w, fig_h)
I'm not really sure what I'm doing wrong. This seems to be how the cairocffi documentation would suggest that it should be done (i.e., see reset_clip() and save()).
If anyone can point out what I'm doing incorrectly, I'd really appreciate it.


cannot set position of wx.frame on openbox

i am playing with wxPython and try to set position of frame:
import wx
app = wx.App()
p = wx.Point(200, 200)
frame = wx.Frame(None, title = 'test position', pos = p)
print('frame position: ', frame.GetPosition())
even though print('frame position: ', frame.GetPosition()) shows the correct postion, the frame is shown in top left corner of screen.
Alternatively i tried
without success.
my environment: ArchLinux 5.3.13, python 3.8.0, wxpython 4.0.7, openbox 3.6.1
On cinnamom the code works as expected. How to solve this on openbox?
edit 07,12,2019:
i could set postion of a dialog in openbox config ~/.config/openbox/rc.xml:
<application name=""
title="Fahrplan *"
<position force="no">
i got name, class etc. from obxprop. x and y are calculated to center a dialog of 400 x 250 px on screen of 1920 x 1080 px.
This static solution is not suitable for me. I want to place dynamically generated popups.
I had the same problem under Windows and played around with the style flags. With wxICONIZE sytle set active the window finally used the positioning information
The position is provided to the window manager as a "hint". It is totally up to the window manager whether it will actually honor the hint or not. Check the openbox settings or preferences and see if there is anything relevant that can be changed.

Deriving boolean expressions from hand drawn logic gate diagrams with python OpenCv

Using tensorflow I identified all the gates, letters and nodes.
When identifying all above components, it draws a rectangle box around each component.
Therefore, in the following array it contains list of all the components detected. Each list is in the following order.
Name of component
X, Y coordinates of top left corner of rectangle
X, Y coordinates of right bottom of rectangle
Nodes (Black Points) are used to indicate a bridge over a line without crossing.
Array of all above components.
labels =[['NODE',(1002.9702758789062, 896.4686675071716), (1220.212585389614, 1067.1142654418945)], ['NODE',(1032.444071739912, 635.7160077095032),(1211.6839590370655, 763.4382424354553)],['M', (57.093908578157425,607.6229677200317),(311.9765570014715,833.807623386383)],['NODE', (344.5295810997486, 806.3690414428711), (501.8982524871826, 930.6454839706421)], ['Z', (21.986433800309896, 1327.9791088104248), (266.36098374426365, 1565.158670425415)], ['OR', (476.0066536962986, 574.401759147644), (918.3125713765621, 1177.1423168182373)], ['NODE', (333.50814148783684, 1058.0092916488647), (497.6142471432686, 1202.9034795761108)], ['K', (37.06201596558094, 870.0414619445801), (311.77860628068447, 1105.8665227890015)], ['AND', (665.9987451732159, 1227.940999031067), (1062.7052736580372, 1594.6843948364258)],['AND', (1373.9987451732159, 204.940999031067), (1703.7052736580372, 612.6843948364258)], ['NOT', (694.2882044911385, 260.5083291530609), (1027.812717139721, 450.35294365882874)], ['XOR', (2027.6711627840996, 593.0362477302551), (2457.9011510014534, 1093.9836854934692)], ['J', (85.69029207900167, 253.8458535671234), (334.48535946011543, 456.5887498855591)], ['OUTPUT', (2657.3825285434723, 670.8418045043945), (2929.8974316120148, 975.4852895736694)]]
Then, using line detection algorithm I identified all the 17 lines connecting each component.
All above 17 lines take as a list of arrays, and those lines are not in a correct order and each line has 2 end points.
lines = [[(60, 1502), (787, 1467)], [(125, 1031), (691, 988)], [(128, 772), (685, 758)], [(131, 336),(709,347)], [(927,350),(1455, 348)], [(400, 1361), (792, 1369)], [(834, 843), (2343, 939)], [(915, 1430), (1119, 1424)], [(1125, 468), (1453, 470)], [(1587, 399), (1911, 405)], [(1884, 755), (2245, 814)],[(2372, 831), (2918, 859)], [(1891, 397), (1901, 767)], [(1138, 457), (1128, 738)], [(441, 738), (421, 903)], [(1125, 946), (1101, 1437)], [(420, 1098), (408, 1373)]]
When connecting those lines, it is must to consider following scenario.
It means nodes are used to indicate a bridge without crossing lines.
M is an input to the AND gate and (M.Z) is an input to the other AND gate.
So how can I generate the following Boolean Expression using above 2 arrays and above scenario? This should be a function that works for all logic gates.
It can be assumed that image is always going to read from left to right.

How to draw a horizontal line at the large y-axis integer?

For the following data.dat file:
08:01:59 451206975237005878
08:04:07 451207335040839108
08:05:56 451207643872368805
08:07:49 451207961547842270
08:09:56 451208317883903787
08:10:12 451208364811411904
08:14:09 451209030026853864
08:16:19 451209395116787156
08:17:14 451209552481002386
08:20:22 451210080432357203
08:25:36 451210963309583903
08:30:23 451211772783766177
08:34:04 451212394854723707
08:35:53 451212702239472024
08:48:46 451214876715294857
08:49:56 451215072475511660
08:51:24 451215321890488523
08:52:39 451215533925588479
08:52:42 451215542324801784
08:54:30 451215845971562410
08:55:08 451215951262906948
08:58:30 451216519498960432
I'd like to draw a horizontal line at the specific level (e.g. 451211772783766177). However, the number is too large to process.
Here is my attempt (based on this post):
$ gnuplot -p -e 'set arrow from 451211772783766177 to 451211772783766177; plot "data.dat" using 2 with lines'
which gives the following error:
line 0: warning: integer overflow; changing to floating point
How I should proceed?
I would treat your large number as a constant function, and plot it right after your data. Also, writing it on a exponential notation X.XE+YY = X.X times 10 to the +YY power (more info on format specifiers here) also takes care of the error:
plot "data.dat" using 2 with lines, 4.51211772783766177E17 with lines
Let me know if this works!

DPI aware screen capture

I used AutoIt's _ScreenCapture_Capture() before without any trouble. But on Windows 10 with a 4k resolution screen I'm using DPI scaling at 200%. _ScreenCapture_capture() now gets something 2x zoomed in and half the location I asked for.
For instance :
_ScreenCapture_Capture("c:\a.bmp", 100, 100, 200, 200)
; Path, X1, Y1, X2, Y2
Does not return a 100x100 pixel square of the screen (at 100,100 to 200,200). It returns a 100x100 pixel square (at 50,50 to 100,100) instead.
I did find a solution :
DllCall("User32.dll", "bool", "SetProcessDPIAware")
However this screws up the GUI looks. So I then found this code:
GUISetFont(8.5 * _GDIPlus_GraphicsGetDPIRatio()[0])
Func _GDIPlus_GraphicsGetDPIRatio($iDPIDef = 96)
Local $aResults[2] = [1, 1]
Local $hGfx = _GDIPlus_GraphicsCreateFromHWND(0)
If #error Then Return SetError(1, #extended, $aResults)
#forcedef $__g_hGDIPDll, $ghGDIPDll
$aResult = DllCall($__g_hGDIPDll, "int", "GdipGetDpiX", "handle", $hGfx, "float*", 0)
If #error Then Return SetError(2, #extended, $aResults)
Local $iDPI = $aResult[2]
Local $aresults[2] = [$iDPIDef / $iDPI, $iDPI / $iDPIDef]
Return $aresults
EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus_GraphicsGetDPIRatio
Which works great for the GUI but doesn't help for _ScreenCapture_Capture() calls. Seems I can either have a good looking- or a functioning program, not both.
How could I combine these two solutions to get both a good GUI and a functioning program? If I knew how to do the opposite of :
DllCall("User32.dll", "bool", "SetProcessDPIAware")
Then when I need to capture a screen portion I could turn on compatibility, then immediately turn it off when done capturing. But I don't know how to 'UNsetprocessdpiaware'.
If you are using Windows 10 A update (10.0.14393) you can spin up a separate thread and make the thread alone Per Monitor DPI aware, and leave your main GUI as dpi unaware.
SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext function
If you are building using a version of visual studio before 2015 you can declare a pointer to the function prototype
and use GetProcAddress to test for the presence of the function before you call it. Anything in that thread will give you raw physical information if you used
Note that this function is not available on Windows 10 10.0.10586. You must test for its availability.

R simplify heatmap to pdf

I want to plot a simplified heatmap that is not so difficult to edit with the scalar vector graphics program I am using (inkscape). The original heatmap as produced below contains lots of rectangles, and I wonder if they could be merged together in the different sectors to simplify the output pdf file:
## Generate some data (4 factors)
i = data.frame(
minvalue = 10
# Discretise values to 1 or 0
m0 = matrix(as.numeric(i>minvalue),nrow=nrow(i))
# Remove rows with all zeros
m = m0[rowSums(m0)>0,]
# Reorder with 1,1,1,1 on top
ms =m[order(as.vector(m %*% matrix(2^((ncol(m)-1):0),ncol=1)), decreasing=TRUE),]
rowci = rainbow(nrow(ms))
colci = rainbow(ncol(ms))
toname=round((limits[-l]+ limits[-1])/2)
rn=rep("", nrow(ms))
for(i in toname) rn[i]=paste(colnames(ms)[which(ms[i,]==1)],collapse="")
rn[toname]=paste(rn[toname], ": ", sprintf( "%.5f", freq ), "%")
keep.dendro = FALSE,
Why don't you try RSvgDevice? Using it you could save your image as svg file, which is much convenient to Inkscape than pdf
I use the Cairo package for producing svg. It's incredibly easy. Here is a much simpler plot than the one you have in your example:
CairoSVG(file = "tmp.svg", width = 6, height = 6)
Upon opening in Inkscape, you can ungroup the elements and edit as you like.
Example (point moved, swirl added):
I don't think we (the internet) are being clear enough on this one.
Let me just start off with a successful export example
png("heatmap.png") #Ruby dev's think of this as kind of like opening a `"asdfsd") do |f|` block
heatmap(sample_matrix, Rowv=NA, Colv=NA, col=terrain.colors(256), scale="column", margins=c(5,10))
The bit, in my mind, reminds me of an end call to a ruby block or method, in that, the last line of the "nested" or enclosed (between png() and code's output is what gets dumped into the png file.
For example, if you ran this code:
heatmap(sample_matrix, Rowv=NA, Colv=NA, col=terrain.colors(32), scale="column", margins=c(5,15))
heatmap(sample_matrix, Rowv=NA, Colv=NA, col=greenred(32), scale="column", margins=c(5,15))
it would output the 2nd (greenred color scheme, I just tested it) heatmap to the heatmap4.png file, just like how a ruby method returns its last line by default
