Accessing vector element by index using lens - haskell

I'm looking for a way to reference an element of a vector using lens library...
Let me try to explain what I'm trying to achieve using a simplified example of my code.
I'm working in this monad transformer stack (where StateT is the focus, everything else is not important)
newtype MyType a = MyType (StateT MyState (ExceptT String IO) a)
MyState has a lot of fields but one of those is a vector of clients which is a data type I defined:
data MyState = MyState { ...
, _clients :: V.Vector ClientT
Whenever I need to access one of my clients I tend to do it like this:
import Control.Lens (use)
c <- use clients
let neededClient = c V.! someIndex
... -- calculate something, update client if needed
clients %= (V.// [(someIndex, updatedClient)])
Now, here is what I'm looking for: I would like my function to receive a "reference" to the client I'm interested in and use it (retrieve it from State, update it if needed).
In order to clear up what I mean here is a snippet (that won't compile even in pseudo code):
myFunction (clients.ix 0)
myFunction clientLens = do
c <- use clientLens -- I would like to access a client in the vector
... -- calculate stuff
clientLens .= updatedClient
Basically, I would like to pass to myFunction something from Lens library (I don't know what I'm passing here... Lens? Traversal? Getting? some other thingy?) which will allow me to point at particular element in the vector which is kept in my StateT. Is it at all possible? Currently, when using "clients.ix 0" I get an error that my ClientT is not an instance of Monoid.
It is a very dumbed down version of what I have. In order to answer the question "why I need it this way" requires a lot more explanation. I'm interested if it is possible to pass this "reference" which will point to some element in my vector which is kept in State.

clients.ix 0 is a traversal. In particular, traversals are setters, so setting and modifying should work fine:
clients.ix 0 .= updatedClient
Your problem is with use. Because a traversal doesn't necessarily contain exactly one value, when you use a traversal (or use some other getter function on it), it combines all the values assuming they are of a Monoid type.
In particular,
use (clients.ix n)
would want to return mempty if n is out of bounds.
Instead, you can use the preuse function, which discards all but the first target of a traversal (or more generally, a fold), and wraps it in a Maybe. E.g.
Just c <- preuse (clients.ix n)
Note this will give a pattern match error if n is out of bounds, since preuse returns Nothing then.


Haskell: Monad transformers and global state

I'm trying to learn Haskell. I'm trying to write a programm that contains a "global state": Vars. I want to change a component of the state (e.g. var1) each time I call a function. The change can be a simple function on the components (e.g. +4). Also, it prints out the component changed. Here is what I've done so far (but I'm stuck). Edit: after running the code I want to see the recent version of the global state.
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
data Vars = Vars {
var1 :: Int,
var2 :: Float
} deriving (Show)
sample :: StateT Vars IO a
sample = do
a <- change
liftIO $ print a
-- I want to call change again and apply more change to the state
change :: StateT Vars IO a
change = do
dd <- get
-- I don't know what to do next!
main = do
runStateT sample (Vars 20 3)
evalStateT sample (Vars 20 3)
Let's try to solve your problem step-by-step starting from easier and small parts. It's important skill in programming and FP teaches you that skill in nice way. Also, working with State monad and especially with several effects in monad-transformers helps you to reason about effects and understand things better.
You want to update var1 inside your immutable data type. This can be done only by creating new object. So let's write such function:
plusFour :: Vars -> Vars
plusFour (Vars v1 v2) = Vars (v1 + 4) v2
There exist ways in Haskell to write this function much shorter though less understandable, but we don't care about those things now.
Now you want to use this function inside State monad to update immutable state and by this simulate mutability. What can be told about this function only by looking at its type signature: change :: StateT Vars IO a? We can say that this function have several effects: it has access to Vars state and it can do arbitrary IO actions. Also this function returns value of type a. Hmm, this last one is strange. What is a? What this function should return? In imperative programming this function will have type void or Unit. It just do things, it doesn't return everything. Only updates context. So it's result type should be (). It can be different. For example we might want to return new Vars after change. But this is generally bad approach in programming. It makes this function more complex.
After we understood what type function should have (try to always start with defining types) we can implement it. We want to change our state. There're functions that operates with stateful parts of our context. Basically, you interested in this one:
modify :: Monad m => (s -> s) -> StateT s m ()
modify function takes function which updates state. After you run this function you can observe that state is modified according to passed function. Now change can be written like this:
change :: StateT Vars IO ()
change = modify plusFour
You can implement modify (and thus change using only put and get functions which is nice exercise for beginner).
Let's now call change function from some other function. What does calling mean in this case? It means that you execute monadic action change. This action changes your context, you don't care about it's result because it's (). But if you run get function (which binds whole state to variable) after change you can observe new change. If you want to print only changed component, like var1 you can use gets function. And, again, what type should sample have? What should it return? If on the caller side you're interested only in resulting state, then, again, it should be () like this:
sample :: StateT Vars IO ()
sample = do
v1 <- gets var1
liftIO $ print v1
v1' <- gets var1
liftIO $ print v1' -- this should be v1 + 4
This should add you some understanding of what is happening. Monad transformers require some time to get used to them though it's a powerful tool (not perfect but extremely useful).
As as a side note I want to add that these function can be written much nicer using common Haskell design patterns. But you don't need to care about those right now, just try to understand what's going on here.

Sharing observer function code between mutable and frozen versions of a type

I was working on creating my own custom mutable/frozen data type that internally contains an MVector/Vector. It needs to be mutable for performance reasons so switching to an immutable data structure is not something I am considering.
It seems like implementing an observer function for one of the two versions should allow me to just steal that implementation for the other type. Here are the two options I am considering:
render :: Show a => MCustom s a -> ST s String
render mc = ...non trivial implementation...
show :: Show a => Custom a -> a
show c = runST $ render =<< unsafeThaw c
Where unsafeThaw calls Vector.unsafeThaw under the covers, which should be safe as that thawed vector is never mutated, only read. This approach feels the cleanest, the only downside is that render is strict, which forces show to be strict whereas a duplicate implementation could correctly stream the String without forcing it all at once.
The other option, which feels much more dirty but that I think is safe is to do this:
show :: Show a => Custom a -> a
show c = ...non trivial implementation that allows lazy streaming...
render :: Show a => MCustom s a -> ST s String
render mc = do
s <- show <$> unsafeFreeze mc
s `deepseq` pure s
Are either of these my best option? If not what else should I do?
To me it seemed most intuitive to build one version off of the other. But it seems like if I make the mutable version the base version then I will end up with a lot more strictness then I want, even if the implementations seem fairly clean and logical, just because ST necessitates strictness unless I throw in some unsafeInterleaveST calls, but these would only be safe when the mutable observer was called via an immutable object.
On the other hand if I make the immutable version the base version then I will end up with more dirty, deepseq code, and sometimes I would just have to reimplement things. For example all in place editing functions can be done on a frozen object pretty easily by just copying the frozen object and then calling unsafeThaw on it and modifying the copy in place before calling unsafeFreeze and returning it. But doing the opposite isn't really doable, as a copy modification that is used for the immutable version cannot be converted to an in place modification.
Should I perhaps write all modification functions alongside the mutable implementation, and all observer functions alongside the immutable implementation. And then have a file that depends on both that unifies everything via unsafeThaw and unsafeFreeze?
How about having a pure function
show :: (StringLike s, Show a) => Custom a -> s
You can get both lazy and strict output with different instantiations of s, in which cons is either lazy or strict; e.g. String or Text:
class StringLike s where
cons :: Char -> s -> s
nil :: s
uncons :: s -> Maybe (Char, s)
instance StringLike String where ...
instance StringLike Text where ...
You could use other methods, e.g. phantom types, or simply having two functions (showString and showText), to distinguish between lazy and strict output if you like. But if you look at types as specifications of a function's semantics, then the place to indicate laziness or strictness is in the return type of that operation. This removes the need for some sort of strict show for Custom inside of ST.
For the MCustom version, you probably do not export the String version, e.g:
render :: MCustom s a -> ST s Text
render a = show <$> unsafeFreeze a
You can throw in a seq to force the result when the function runs but the entire Text would be forced when any character is used anyways.
But the simplest solution seems to just abstract the pattern of using a mutable structure in an immutable fashion, e.g.
atomically :: (NFData a) => (Custom x -> a) -> MCustom s x -> ST s a
atomically f v = do
r <- f <$> unsafeFreeze v
r `deepseq` pure r
This saves you from using unsafeFreeze/deepseq all over your code, just as you have modify to do immutable operations on mutable vectors.

Can I declare a NULL value in Haskell?

Just curious, seems when declaring a name, we always specify some valid values, like let a = 3. Question is, in imperative languages include c/java there's always a keyword of "null". Does Haskell has similar thing? When could a function object be null?
There is a “null” value that you can use for variables of any type. It's called ⟂ (pronounced bottom). We don't need a keyword to produce bottom values; actually ⟂ is the value of any computation which doesn't terminate. For instance,
bottom = let x = x in x -- or simply `bottom = bottom`
will infinitely loop. It's obviously not a good idea to do this deliberately, however you can use undefined as a “standard bottom value”. It's perhaps the closest thing Haskell has to Java's null keyword.
But you definitely shouldn't/can't use this for most of the applications where Java programmers would grab for null.
Since everything in Haskell is immutable, a value that's undefined will always stay undefined. It's not possible to use this as a “hold on a second, I'll define it later” indication†.
It's not possible to check whether a value is bottom or not. For rather deep theoretical reasons, in fact. So you can't use this for values that may or may not be defined.
And you know what? It's really good that Haskell does't allow this! In Java, you constantly need to be wary that values might be null. In Haskell, if a value is bottom than something is plain broken, but this will never be part of intended behaviour / something you might need to check for. If for some value it's intended that it might not be defined, then you must always make this explicit by wrapping the type in a Maybe. By doing this, you make sure that anybody trying to use the value must first check whether it's there. Not possible to forget this and run into a null-reference exception at runtime!
And because Haskell is so good at handling variant types, checking the contents of a Maybe-wrapped value is really not too cumbersome. You can just do it explicitly with pattern matching,
quun :: Int -> String
quun i = case computationWhichMayFail i of
Just j -> show j
Nothing -> "blearg, failed"
computationWhichMayFail :: Int -> Maybe Int
or you can use the fact that Maybe is a functor. Indeed it is an instance of almost every specific functor class: Functor, Applicative, Alternative, Foldable, Traversable, Monad, MonadPlus. It also lifts semigroups to monoids.
Dᴏɴ'ᴛ Pᴀɴɪᴄ now,
you don't need to know what the heck these things are. But when you've learned what they do, you will be able to write very concise code that automagically handles missing values always in the right way, with zero risk of missing a check.
†Because Haskell is lazy, you generally don't need to defer any calculations to be done later. The compiler will automatically see to it that the computation is done when it's necessary, and no sooner.
There is no null in Haskell. What you want is the Maybe monad.
data Maybe a
= Just a
| Nothing
Nothing refers to classic null and Just contains a value.
You can then pattern match against it:
foo Nothing = Nothing
foo (Just a) = Just (a * 10)
Or with case syntax:
let m = Just 10
in case m of
Just v -> print v
Nothing -> putStrLn "Sorry, there's no value. :("
Or use the supperior functionality provided by the typeclass instances for Functor, Applicative, Alternative, Monad, MonadPlus and Foldable.
This could then look like this:
foo :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
foo x y = do
a <- x
b <- y
return $ a + b
You can even use the more general signature:
foo :: (Monad m, Num a) => m a -> m a -> m a
Which makes this function work for ANY data type that is capable of the functionality provided by Monad. So you can use foo with (Num a) => Maybe a, (Num a) => [a], (Num a) => Either e a and so on.
Haskell does not have "null". This is a design feature. It completely prevents any possibility of your code crashing due to a null-pointer exception.
If you look at code written in an imperative language, 99% of the code expects stuff to never be null, and will malfunction catastrophically if you give it null. But then 1% of the code does expect nulls, and uses this feature to specify optional arguments or whatever. But you can't easily tell, by looking at the code, which parts are expecting nulls as legal arguments, and which parts aren't. Hopefully it's documented — but don't hold your breath!
In Haskell, there is no null. If that argument is declared as Customer, then there must be an actual, real Customer there. You can't just pass in a null (intentionally or by mistake). So the 99% of the code that is expecting a real Customer will always work.
But what about the other 1%? Well, for that we have Maybe. But it's an explicit thing; you have to explicitly say "this value is optional". And you have to explicitly check when you use it. You cannot "forget" to check; it won't compile.
So yes, there is no "null", but there is Maybe which is kinda similar, but safer.
Not in Haskell (or in many other FP languages). If you have some expression of some type T, its evaluation will give a value of type T, with the following exceptions:
infinite recursion may make the program "loop forever" and failing to return anything
let f n = f (n+1) in f 0
runtime errors can abort the program early, e.g.:
division by zero, square root of negative, and other numerical errors
head [], fromJust Nothing, and other partial functions used on invalid inputs
explicit calls to undefined, error "message", or other exception-throwing primitives
Note that even if the above cases might be regarded as "special" values called "bottoms" (the name comes from domain theory), you can not test against these values at runtime, in general. So, these are not at all the same thing as Java's null. More precisely, you can't write things like
-- assume f :: Int -> Int
if (f 5) is a division-by-zero or infinite recursion
then 12
else 4
Some exceptional values can be caught in the IO monad, but forget about that -- exceptions in Haskell are not idiomatic, and roughly only used for IO errors.
If you want an exceptional value which can be tested at run-time, use the Maybe a type, as #bash0r already suggested. This type is similar to Scala's Option[A] or Java's not-so-much-used Optional<A>.
The value is having both a type T and type Maybe T is to be able to precisely identify which functions always succeed, and which ones can fail. In Haskell the following is frowned upon, for instance:
-- Finds a value in a list. Returns -1 if not present.
findIndex :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> Int
Instead this is preferred:
-- Finds a value in a list. Returns Nothing if not present.
findIndex :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> Maybe Int
The result of the latter is less convenient than the one of the former, since the Int must be unwrapped at every call. This is good, since in this way each user of the function is prevented to simply "ignore" the not-present case, and write buggy code.

How to modify parts of a State in Haskell

I have a number of operations which modify a System. System is defined like this:
data System = Sys {
sysId :: Int,
sysRand :: StdGen,
sysProcesses :: ProcessDb,
sysItems :: ItemDb
with e.g.
type ProcessDb = M.Map Int Process
But I also have some functions, which do not need access to the full System, but have types like this:
foo' :: (Process, ItemDb) -> ((Process, ItemDb),[Event])
Currently I gave them types like
foo: System -> (System, [Event])
But this is a needlessly broad interface. To use the narrow interface above in conjuntion with System I would have to extract a single Process and the ItemDb from System, run foo' and then modify System with the results.
This is quite some unwrapping and wrapping and results in more lines of code than just passing system as a whole and let foo extract whatever it needs. In the latter case, the wrapping and unwrapping is mingled with the actual foo' operation and I have the feeling that these two aspects should be separated.
I suppose I need some kind of lifting operation which turns a narrow foo' into a foo. I suppose I could write this, but I would have to write such a lifter for every signature of the narrow functions, resulting is lots of different lifters.
is there an idiom how to solve such problems?
is it worth bothering?
One common solution is to use a class, possibly created by the Template Haskell magic of Control.Lens.TH.makeClassy. The gist is that you pass in the whole System, but you don't let the function know that that's what you're giving it. All it's allowed to know is that what you're giving it offers methods for getting and/or modifying the pieces it's supposed to handle.
I ended up writing a function which work on any State and which requires a "Lens" which captures the specfic transformation from the bigger State to the smaller State and back
focus :: (Lens s' s) -> State s' a -> State s a
focus lens ms'= do
s <- get
let (s', set) = lens s
(a, s'') = runState ms' s'
put (set s'')
return a
It allows me to write things like
run :: ExitP -> State SimState Log
evqs' <-focus onSys $ step (t,evt)
Where step operates on the "smaller" state
step :: Timed Event -> State Sys.System [EventQu]
Here onSys is a "Lens" and it works like this:
onSys :: Lens Sys.System SimState
onSys (Sis e s) = (s, Sis e)
data SimState = Sis {
events :: EventQu,
sisSys :: Sys.System
I suppose the existing Lens libraries follow a similar approach, but do much more magic, like creating lenses automatically. I did shy away from lenses. Instead I was pleased to realise that all it takes was a few lines of codes to get what I need.

How to pick a random list element in a pure function?

I want to make a Haskell function that can pick out a random number from a given list.
My type signature is:
randomPick :: [a] -> a
What should I do?
Part of the definition of a "pure" function in Haskell is that it is referentially transparent, that is, interchangeable with the result of evaluating it. This implies that the result of evaluating it must be the same every time. Ergo, the function you want isn't possible, I'm afraid. To generate random numbers in Haskell, a function needs to do one of two things:
Take and return a pseudorandom number generator, e.g.:
randomPick :: RNG -> [a] -> (a, RNG)
Or use IO to access randomness from "the outside world":
randomPick :: [a] -> IO a
Both styles are provided by the module System.Random. Also, in the former case, passing the PRNG around can be abstracted out using the State monad, or perhaps a special-purpose Random monad.
What you've described can't be done in pure functional code.
Pure functional code implies that you will get the same output for the same input, every time. Since a randomizing function, by definition, gives you different output for the same input, this is impossible in pure functional code.
Unless you pass around an extra value as explained in #camccann's answer. Technically, it doesn't even have to be as advanced as an RNG, depending on your needs. You could pass around an integer, and multiply it by 10 and subtract 3 (or whatever), then take the modulo of that to find your index. Then your function remains pure, but you do directly control the randomness.
Another option is to use RandomRIO to generate a number in a range, which you can then use to select an index from the list. This will require you to enter the IO monad.
If you want to use random number generators in purely functional code but not have to explicitly pass around generator state then you can use state monad (or monad transformer) and hide the plumbing. State monads are still referentially transparent and it's safe & normal to escape a state monad. You could also use the ST monad if you want true local mutable state that is purely functional on the outside.
Here is some useful code I wrote and use sometimes:
rand :: (Random a, RandomGen g, MonadState g m) => a -> a -> m a
rand lo hi = do
r <- get
let (val, r') = randomR (lo, hi) r
put r'
return val
