Which operations preserve RDD order? - apache-spark

RDD has a meaningful (as opposed to some random order imposed by the storage model) order if it was processed by sortBy(), as explained in this reply.
Now, which operations preserve that order?
E.g., is it guaranteed that (after a.sortBy())
a.map(f).zip(a) ===
a.map(x => (f(x),x))
How about
a.filter(f).map(g) ===
a.map(x => (x,g(x))).filter(f(_._1)).map(_._2)
what about
a.filter(f).flatMap(g) ===
a.flatMap(x => g(x).map((x,_))).filter(f(_._1)).map(_._2)
Here "equality" === is understood as "functional equivalence", i.e., there is no way to distinguish the outcome using user-level operations (i.e., without reading logs &c).

All operations preserve the order, except those that explicitly do not. Ordering is always "meaningful", not just after a sortBy. For example, if you read a file (sc.textFile) the lines of the RDD will be in the order that they were in the file.
Without trying to give a complete list, map, filter and flatMap do preserve the order. sortBy, partitionBy, join do not preserve the order.
The reason is that most RDD operations work on Iterators inside the partitions. So map or filter just has no way to mess up the order. You can take a look at the code to see for yourself.
You may now ask: What if I have an RDD with a HashPartitioner. What happens when I use map to change the keys? Well, they will stay in place, and now the RDD is not partitioned by the key. You can use partitionBy to restore the partitioning with a shuffle.

In Spark 2.0.0+ coalesce doesn't guarantee partitions order during merge. DefaultPartitionCoalescer has optimization algorithm which is based on partition locality. When a partition contains information about its locality DefaultPartitionCoalescer tries to merge partitions on the same host. And only when there is no locality information it simply splits partition based on their index and preserves partitions order.
If you load DataFrame from files, like parquet, Spark breaks order when it plans file splits. You can see it in DataSourceScanExec.scala#L629 or in new Spark 3.x FileScan#L152 if you use it. It just sorts partitions by size and the splits which are less than spark.sql.files.maxPartitionBytes gets to last partitions.
So, if you need to load sorted dataset from files you need to implement your own reader.


Spark Dataframe needs to be repartition after filter like RDD?

According so many good resources, it is advisable to re-partition a RDD after filter operation. since, there is a possibility that most of the partitions are now empty.
I have a doubt that in case of Data Frames has this been handled in current versions or do we still need to repartition it after a filter operation?
I have a doubt that in case of Data Frames has this been handled in current versions or do we still need to repartition it after a filter operation?
If you ask if Spark automatically repartitions data the answer is negative (and I hope it won't change in the future)
According so many good resources, it is advisable to re-partition a RDD after filter operation. since, there is a possibility that most of the partitions are now empty.
This really depends on two factors:
How selective is the filter (what is the expected fraction of the records preserved).
What is the distribution of data, in respect to predicate, prior to filter.
Unless you expect that predicate prunes majority of data or prior distribution will leave significant fraction of partitions empty, costs of repartitioning usually outweigh potential benefits, so the main reason to call repartition is to limit the number of the output files.
Spark does not automatically repartition data. It would be a good idea to repartition the data after filtering if you need to do operations such as join and aggregate. Based on your needs you should either use repartition or coalesce. Typically coalesce is preferable since it tries to group data together without shuffling, therefore it only decreases the # of partitions. (good link for understanding coalesce and repartition)
There aren't huge performance boost if you don't do any heavy computation after your filtering operation. Keep in mind that repartition by itself could also be expensive. You must know your data to make that decision
I am assuming that this is your question.
Shall I run a filter operation before repartition or after repartition?
Based on this assumption, a filter will always try to find records matching some conditions. So, the resultant data frame/RDD is always either less than or equal to the previous data frame/RDD. In most cases, the resultant set is less than the previous one.
Whereas repartition is one of the most expensive operations because it does a shuffle. Always remember whenever we are performing a repartition the less the data is in memory the better the performance we can get out of it.
I don't even have to talk more about how Spark handles it etc, in
general filter before repartition is good for performance!
For example, catalyst optimizer itself uses before and after filter to improve performance.
Blog Link:
For example, Spark knows how and when to do things like combine
filters, or move filters before joins. Spark 2.0 even allows you to
define, add, and test out your own additional optimization rules at
runtime. 1[2]

What is prefer , bucket or repartition?

I have 2 spark jobs one is pre-process and the second is the process.
Process job needs to calculate for each user in the data.
I want to avoid shuffle like groupBy so I think about to save the result of the pre-process as bucket by user in Parquet or to re-partition by user and save the result .
What is prefer ? and why
Choice between partitionBy and bucketBy can be reduced to determine data cardinality:
Low cardinality -> partition
Hight cardinality -> bucket
However neither is used for aggregations. There are used for predicate pushdown, nothing more. Therefore they won't be of much use when your goal is to to avoid shuffle like groupBy although it might change in the future with the new API.
Please read this twice or thrice to understand this.
In my recommendation you should use repartition as partitionby has lot of shuffle. As it will create the folder in HDFS with all the partition key and further it will add data into different files which is very expensive process. Also bucketby attribute adds up the same but create files inside the folder in order of their previous partition.
Repartition on the other hand create hash table of all the data being stored in the file which is sorted by the key you mention here. And data shuffle is just to match the number of files u mention in the repartition attribute whihh is less expensive and pretty fast. Also if u want to groupby on this data that the running time will be same as of partitionby. By repartition u just reduce the run time for pre-process.

Can the partition number of a Spark RDD be manually changed without repartitioning

In Spark I have two PairRDDs (let us call them A and B) consisting of n partitions each. I want to join those RDDs based upon their keys.
Both RDDs are consistently partitioned, i.e., if keys x and y are in the same partition in RDD A, they are also in the same partition in RDD B. For RDD A, I can assure that the partitioning is done using a particular Partitioner. But for RDD B, the partition indices may be different than those from RDD A (RDD B is the output of some legacy library that I am reluctant to touch if not absolutely necessary).
I would like to efficiently join RDD A and B without performing a shuffle. In theory this would be easy if I could reassign the partition numbers of RDD B such that they match those in RDD A.
My question now is: Is it possible to edit the partition numbers of an RDD (basically permuting them)? Or alternatively can one assign a partitioner without causing a shuffle operation? Or do you see another way for solving this task that I am currently too blind to see?
Yes, you can change the partition. but to reduce shuffling data must be co-located on the same cluster nodes.
Control the partitioning at data source level and/or using .partition operator
If the small RDD can fit in memory of all workers, then using broadcast variable is the faster option.
As you mentioned, there is consistent partitioning, you do not need to repartition(or editing the existing number of partitions).
Keep in mind to gurantee of data colocation is hard to achieve

Ordering of rows in JavaRdds after union

I am trying to find out any information on the ordering of the rows in a RDD.
Here is what I am trying to do:
Rdd1, Rdd2
Rdd3 = Rdd1.union(rdd2);
in Rdd3, is there any guarantee that rdd1 records will appear first and rdd2 afterwards?
For my tests I saw this behaviorunion
happening but wasn't able to find it in any docs.
just FI, I really do not care about the ordering of RDDs in itself (i.e. rdd2's or rdd1's data order is really not concern but after union Rdd1 record data must come first is the requirement).
In Spark, the elements within a particular partition are unordered, however the partitions themselves are ordered http://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/programming-guide.html#background
If you check your RDD3, you should find that RDD3 is just all the partitions of RDD1 followed by all the partitions of RDD2, so in this case the results happen to be ordered in the way you want. You can read here that simply concatenating the partitions from the 2 RDDs is the standard behaviour of Spark In Apache Spark, why does RDD.union not preserve the partitioner?
So in this case, it appears that Union will give you what you want. However this behaviour is an implementation detail of Union, it is not part of its interface definition, so you cannot rely on the fact that it won't be reimplemented with different behaviour in the future.

Operations and methods to be careful about in Apache Spark?

What operations and/or methods do I need to be careful about in Apache Spark? I've heard you should be careful about:
Are there other methods?
There're what you could call 'expensive' operations in Spark: all those that require a shuffle (data reorganization) fall in this category. Checking for the presence of ShuffleRDD on the result of rdd.toDebugString give those away.
If you mean "careful" as "with the potential of causing problems", some operations in Spark will cause memory-related issues when used without care:
groupByKey requires that all values falling under one key to fit in memory in one executor. This means that large datasets grouped with low-cardinality keys have the potential to crash the execution of the job. (think allTweets.keyBy(_.date.dayOfTheWeek).groupByKey -> bumm)
favor the use of aggregateByKey or reduceByKey to apply map-side reduction before collecting values for a key.
collect materializes the RDD (forces computation) and sends the all the data to the driver. (think allTweets.collect -> bumm)
If you want to trigger the computation of an rdd, favor the use of rdd.count
To check the data of your rdd, use bounded operations like rdd.first (first element) or rdd.take(n) for n elements
If you really need to do collect, use rdd.filter or rdd.reduce to reduce its cardinality
collectAsMap is just collect behind the scenes
cartesian: creates the product of one RDD with another, potentially creating a very large RDD. oneKRdd.cartesian(onekRdd).count = 1000000
consider adding keys and join in order to combine 2 rdds.
In general, having an idea of the volume of data flowing through the stages of a Spark job and what each operation will do with it will help you keep mentally sane.
