As in azure to update database structure, and save the data? - azure

There is a local and azure database, you need from your local drag the structure to the cloud, is it possible to do this?

Absolutely, please see the following article on Migrating Databases to Azure SQL Database


Apply local DB changes to Azure SQL Database

I have a backup file that came from Server A and I copied that .bak files into my local and setup that DB into my Sql Server Management Studio. Now After setting it up I deployed it in Azure Sql Database. But now there were change in the Data in Server A because it's still being used, so I need to get all those changes to the Azure SQL Database that I just deployed. How am I going to do that?
Note: I'm using Azure for my server and I have a local copy of Server A database. So basically in terms of data and structure my local and the previous Server A db is the same. But after a few days Server A data is now updated and my local DB is still the same as when I just backup the db in Server A.
How can I update the DB in Azure to take all the changes in Server A and deploy it in Azure?
You've got a few choices. It's just about migrating data. It's also a question of which data you're going to migrate. Let's say it's a neat, complete replacement. Then, I'd suggest looking at the bacpac mechanism. That's a way to export a database, it's structure and data, then import it into a new location. This is one mechanism of moving to Azure.
If you can't simply replace everything, you need to look at other options. First, there's SSIS. You can build a pipeline to move the data you need. There's also export and import through sqlcmd, which can connect to Azure SQL Database. You can also look to a third party tool like Redgate SQL Data Compare as a way to pick and choose the data that gets moved. There are a whole bunch of other possible Extract/Transform/Load (ETL) tools out there that can help.
Do you want to sync schema changes as well as Data change or just Data? If it is just Data then the best service to be used would be Azure Data Migration Service, where this service can help you copy the delta with respect to Data to Azure incrementally, both is online and offline manner and you can also decide on the schedule.

Near real-time ETL of Oracle data to Azure SQL

I have an Oracle DB with data that I need to load and transform into an Azure SQL Database. I have no control over either the DB nor the application that updates its data.
I'm looking at Azure Data Factory, but I really need data changes in Oracle to be reflected as near to real-time as possible.
I would appreciate any suggestions / insights.
Is ADF the correct tool for the job? If so, what is a good approach to use? If not suitable, what should I consider using instead?
For real-time you don't really want an ELT/ETL tool like ADF. Consider a replication agent like Attunity or (gulp at the licensing costs) GoldenGate.
I don't think Data Factory is not good for you. Yes you can copy data from Oracle to Azure SQL database with it. But like #Thiago Custodio said, we need need to do it to each table you have. That's too complicated.
Just reference: Copy data from and to Oracle by using Azure Data Factory.
As you said, you really need data changes in Oracle to be reflected as near to real-time as possible.
The migration/copy time must be very short. Then the data in Oracle and Azure SQL database could be same before the Oracle data changed next time. I searched a lot and didn't find any real-time copy tools. Actually, I think you want the copy could be something like 'data sync'.
I found this link Sync Oracle Database with SQL Azure, hope it could give some good ideas for you.
About the data migration or copy, You can using bellow ways:
SQL Server Migration Assistant for Oracle (OracleToSQL)
Azure Database Migration Service (DMS)
Reference tutorial:
Migrating Oracle Databases to SQL Server (OracleToSQL): SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) for Oracle is a comprehensive environment that helps you quickly migrate Oracle databases to Azure SQL database.
How to migrate Oracle to Azure SQL Database with minimum downtime:
Hope this helps.
For the record, we went with a product named QLik Replicate (aka Attunity) and it is working very well!

Upload SQL Database and its Data to Azure

I created an SQL database using ASP.NET Core 1.1 Migrations.
After I created the database I added some data to the database.
What options do I have to upload this database to Azure?
I need to send the Scheme and the initial data.
Is it possible to run Entity Framework migrations on Azure?
This article describes the possibilities to migrate an existing database to SQL Azure.
However, in your scenario, this might be overkill to go through the steps of realy doing a migration.
If your number of tables and data is rather small, why not create a SQL script to create the tables & insert the data?
Connect to your SQL Azure using SQL Server Management Studio and execute the script.
As for the Entity Framework, yes, you can run those on SQL Azure as well.

Migrating DB With Encrpytion

Recently I was informed that Azure SQL V12 now supports
databases that use encryption. I have tried all methods documented here,
When attempting to migrate a database I get these kind of errors:
[dbo].[someitem] cannot be deployed as the script body is encrypted
Here is a recent response from an Azure AMA,
what am I doing wrong to get this feature working? As I believe I have performed all the steps as documented.
Azure SQL Database V12 supports two types of encryption:
Transparent Data Encryption as documented here:
Cell Level Encryption: and
Which of these are you trying to use?
Do you need to migrate the database between 2 different Azure SQL DB servers or between an on premise SQL Server and Azure SQL DB?
Between 2 Azure SQL DB servers, you can do a true backup restore via CREATE DATABASE ... AS COPY OF... syntax ( This works because the key is in the database backup.
Between SQL Server and Azure SQL DB, there is no term plan to support moving of encrypted procedures or views.
If you could elaborate why you are encrypting procedures and views, that would help us understand the problems you are trying to solve. Many of the scenarios we've encountered in the past where customers desired procedure and view encryption with SQL Server don't apply to Azure SQL Database, but we're always learning of new challenges people have protecting their databases.

ORM code for Azure Dev storage emulator

Tricky question - Does anyone know where the ORM SQL code lives that the Azure Dev storage emulator uses for Table Storage?
I'm wanting to implement a SQL version of Azure Table storage for use on-premises (outside of Azure).
And before explaining to me the differences between a relational db like SQL Server and a NoSQL key/value store like Azure Table storage - I know already, thanks :)
Go to the SQL server you installed the Storage Emulator. You will see a database called "DevelopmentStorageDb20110816" if you have installed the Azure SDK v1.5+ (It was a different date previous to that - something like DevelopmentStorageDb20090919 I think).
In that database you will find all the tables, stored procedures and functions needed to emulate Windows Azure storage.
