higher order functions in haskell - haskell

i have a list with functions and one other list with "arguments" to make a new list where each element of the one list, map with the other element of the other list. (apply :: Ord u => [v->u]->[v]->[u] )
For example,
apply [(^2),(^3),(^4),(2^)] [10] = [100,1000,1024,10000]. or
apply [reverse,(++"ing"),reverse.(++"ing"),(++"ing").reverse] ["play","do"] = ["doing","gniod","gniyalp","od","oding","playing","yalp","yalping"]..
What can i do, because i do my first steps in haskel..

Let us take your first list:
It's type is xs :: Integral a => [a -> a]
Now you want to apply it to to a list [10]. What you want is exactly Applicative function <*> whose type is Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b:
λ> import Control.Applicative
λ> let xs = [(^2),(^3),(^4),(2^)]
λ> xs <*> [10]
You can work out the types to see how they fit together. Your second example doesn't seem to be correct as you are not passing any second parameter to your apply function. I would suggest you to start reading LYAH to further solidify the concepts.


Expanding left binder in Haskell

I am trying to understand monads in Haskell so I am reading https://wiki.haskell.org/All_About_Monads
Let's consider a piece of code from above site:
maternalGrandfather :: Sheep -> Maybe Sheep
maternalGrandfather s = (return s) >>= mother >>= father
fathersMaternalGrandmother :: Sheep -> Maybe Sheep
fathersMaternalGrandmother s = (return s) >>= father >>= mother >>= mother
And everything is clear. But I wonder how to make a long ( perhaps infinite ) sequence. I mean for example:
expand :: Int -> Sheep -> MaybeSheep
and for example expand for expand 10 s makes (return s) >>= father >>= father >>= father >>= father >>= father .. ( 10 times)
How to implement it. Maybe expanding using recursion but I cannot imagine what can be returned on stop.
Instead of thinking about how to apply a "monadic function" repeatedly to a monadic value, let's think instead about how to "collapse" a list of monadic functions into a single function that can be later applied to the monadic value.
In Haskell, the archetypal combinator that "collapses" lists is called foldr:
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
foldr receives a function, an initial value, and a list as arguments. What it does is to substitute every constructor : of the list with the function, and the empty constructor [] at the end of the list with the initial value. For example, consider the following list of ints:
4 : 5 : 77 : 34 : []
Assume we want to add all the elements of the list to 88. We can do it like this
foldr (+) 88 (4 : 5 : 77 : 34 : [])
which is really equal to
4 + 5 + 77 + 34 + 88.
Ok, now imagine that the elements of the list are functions of type a -> a. We can combine two functions with the composition operator (.) but, with what function shall we substitute the end of the list []? We don't want to add any further modification, so we put the "neutral element" for composition, the identity function id:
foldr (.) id ((\x -> x + 1) : (\y -> y + 2) : [])
This is equal to
(\x -> x + 1) . (\y -> y + 2) . id
We are getting closer. We need a composition operator like (.) but for monadic functions, that can combine two monadic functions and produce another. Something of type Monad m => (a -> m a) -> (a -> m a) -> a -> m a. Looking for the signature in Hoogle, we find the slightly more general (but still appropriate) operator (<=<):
(<=<) :: Monad m => (b -> m c) -> (a -> m b) -> a -> m c
There's only one detail left: what is the "identity" for monadic function composition? Well, it is return, that puts a pure value in a "neutral" monadic context. In the case of Maybe, return is simply the Just constructor.
So, in conclusion: if you want to combine a list of monadic functions, you can do it like this:
combineMonadicFunctions :: Monad m => [a -> m a] -> a -> m a
combineMonadicFunctions fs = foldr (<=<) return fs
And now you can apply the result to the original monadic value using (>>=).
You can do this using iterate
iterate (>>= father) (return s) !! 10
Change 10 to the number of desired applications of father.
If you have a list on monadic actions (e.g., [IO x] or [Maybe Int] or something), you can use the sequence function to chain all those actions together. (Notice that they all have to have identical types to put them in a list in the first place.)
If you have a list of inputs and you want to pass them to a monadic function (e.g., String -> Maybe Int), you can map your function over the list, resulting in a list of monadic actions. You can then use sequence to chain those. But that's a common pattern, so there's a function for that: you can use mapM directly for that case.
In general, have a poke around in Control.Monad to see what other helpful monad-related functions are around.

List of polymorphic functions in haskell?

Consider the code below:
t1 :: [Int] -> (Int,String)
t1 xs = (sum xs,show $ length xs)
t2 :: [Int] -> (Int,String)
t2 xs = (length xs, (\x -> '?') <$> xs)
t3 :: [Int] -> (Char,String)
t3 (x:xs) = ('Y',"1+" ++ (show $ length xs))
t3 [] = ('N',"empty")
These three functions have a type that only varies partially -- they are entirely usable without needing to know the type of the first component of the tuple they produce. This means that I can operate on them without needing to refer to that type:
fnListToStrs vs fs = (\x -> snd $ x vs) <$> fs
Loading these definitions into GHCi, all three of the functions work independently as an argument to fnListToStrs, and indeed I can pass in a list containing both t1 and t2 because they have the same type:
*Imprec> fnListToStrs [1,2] [t1,t2]
*Imprec> fnListToStrs [1,2] [t3]
But I can't pass all 3 at the same time, even though the divergence of types is actually irrelevant to the calculation performed:
*Imprec> fnListToStrs [1,2] [t1,t2]
*Imprec> fnListToStrs [1,2] [t3]
I have the feeling that making this work has something to do with either existential or impredicative types, but neither extension has worked for me when using the type declaration I expect fnListToStrs to be able to take, namely:
fnListToStrs :: [Int] -> [forall a.[Int]->(a,String)] -> [String]
Is there some other way to make this work?
Existential is correct, not impredicative. And Haskell doesn't have existentials, except through an explicit wrapper...
data SomeFstRes x z where
SFR :: (x -> (y,z)) -> SomeFstRes x z
> fmap (\(SFR f) -> snd $ f [1,2]) [SFR t1, SFR t2, SFR t3]
but, this really is a bit useless. Since you can't possibly do anything with the first result anyway, it's more sensible to just throw it away immediately and put the remaining function in a simple monomorphic list:
> fmap ($[1,2]) [snd . t1, snd . t2, snd . t3]
Any way to put these functions into a list will require "wrapping" each of them in some fashion. The simplest wrapping is just
wrap :: (a -> (b, c)) -> a -> c
wrap f = snd . f
There are, indeed, other ways to wrap these (notably with existential types), but you've not given any information to suggest that any of those would be even slightly better in your application than this simplest version.
Here's an example where something more sophisticated might make sense. Suppose you have
data Blob a b = Blob [a -> b] [a]
Now imagine you want to make a list of values of type Blob a b that all have the same b type, but may have different a types. Actually applying each function to each argument could lead to a prohibitively large list of potential results, so it would make sense to write
data WrapBlob b where
WrapBlob :: Blob a b -> WrapBlob b
Now you can make the list and postpone the decision of which function(s) to apply to which argument(s) without paying a prohibitive price.

How to restrict a tuple?

I think tuples in Haskell are like
tuple :: (a,b)
which means a and b can be the same type or can be diffrent types
so if i define a function without giving the type for it then i will get probably (t,t1) or some diffrent types when i write :t function in ghci.
So is it possible to get only the same types without defining it in function.
I heard its not allowed in haskell
so i cant write some function like
function [(x,x)]=[(x,x,x)]
to get the
:t function
function :: [(a,a)]->[(a,a,a)]
This is an exercise that i am trying to do and this exercise want me to write a function without defining a type.For example to get
when i give
:t function
in ghci. i should ve write--
function True=('A',True)
i am not allowed to define the type part of a function
So i cant write
function::(Eq a)=>[(a,a)]->[(a,a,a)]
or something like that
You can use the function asTypeOf from the Prelude to restrict the type of the second component of your tuple to be the same as the type of the first component. For example, in GHCi:
> let f (x, y) = (x, y `asTypeOf` x, x)
> :t f
f :: (t, t) -> (t, t, t)
You can happily restrict the types to be equivalent .. by writing out the required type.
type Pair a = (a,a)
type Triple a = (a,a,a)
and then:
fn :: [Pair a] -> [Triple a]
will enforce the constraint you want.
You can use type, as Don says. Or, if you don't want to bother with that (perhaps you only need it for one function), you can specify the type signature of the function like this:
function :: [(a,a)] -> [(a,a,a)]
function xs = map (\(a, b) -> (a, b, a)) xs -- just an example
I guess what you're looking for is the asTypeOf function. Using it you can restrict a type of some value to be the same as the one of another value in the function definition. E.g.:
Prelude> :t \(a, b) -> (a, b `asTypeOf` a)
\(a, b) -> (a, b `asTypeOf` a) :: (t, t) -> (t, t)
The following should work without asTypeOf:
trans (a,b) = case [a,b] of _ -> (a,b,a)
function xs = map trans xs
OK, if I've understood this correctly, the problem you're having really has nothing to do with types. Your definition,
function [(x,x)]=[(x,x,x)]
won't work because you're saying, in effect, "if the argument to
function is a list with one element, and that element is a tuple,
then call then bind x to the first part of the tuple and also bind
x to the second part of the tuple".
You can't bind a symbol to two expressions at once.
If what you really want is to ensure that both parts of the tuple
are the same, then you can do something like this:
function [(x,y)] = if x == y then [(x,x,x)] else error "mismatch"
or this:
function2 [(x,y)] | x == y = [(x,x,x)]
...but that will fail when the parts of the tuple don't match.
Now I suspect what you really want is to handle lists with more than
one element. So you might want to do something like:
function3 xs = map f xs
where f (x, y) = if x == y then [(x,x,x)] else error "mismatch"
Any of these functions will have the type you want, Eq t => [(t, t)] -> [(t, t, t)] without you having to specify it.

What type signature do I need to allow a list of functions to be converted to haskell code? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Why is such a function definition not allowed in haskell?
I made a haskell function called funlist. What it does is it takes a starting value, and a list of functions, and applies all of the functions in the list to the starting value.
funlist thing [function] = function thing
funlist thing (function:functions) = funlist (function thing) functions
funlist _ _ = error "need a list of functions"
The problem with this function is that it has a type of funlist :: t -> [t -> t] -> t. That type means that while ghc will allow a list of functions that don't convert the starting value to a completely different type (e.g [sin,cos,tan] will be allowed), a function that converts the starting value to a different type (e.g show) will generate an error because that function doesn't match the type signature.
This isn't how the function should work. It should be able to take a list of functions that change the starting values type (e.g. [sin,show]). This function basically converts funlist 5 [sin,cos,tan,isInfinite,show] to show $ isInfinite $ tan $ cos $ sin $ 5, and while the latter works, the former doesn't.
Is there any way that I can get this function to work properly?
EDIT: I know about . and >>>, I'm just wondering if there's a way to make this work.
You can write what you want with a GADT:
module Funlist where
data F x y where
Id :: F a a
Ap :: (a->b) -> F b c -> F a c
-- A very round about way to write f x = x + x
f1 :: Int -> Char
f1 = toEnum
f2 :: Char -> String
f2 x = x:x:[]
f3 :: String -> [Int]
f3 = map fromEnum
f4 :: [Int] -> Integer
f4 = foldr (+) 0 . map toInteger
f_list :: F Int Integer
f_list = Ap f1 (Ap f2 (Ap f3 (Ap f4 Id)))
ap :: F a b -> a -> b
ap Id x = x
ap (Ap f gs) x = ap gs (f x)
Now ap f_list 65 is 130
This does not work with normal functions/normal lists in Haskell, since it requires a dynamically typed language, and not a statically typed language like Haskell. The funlist function can't have a different type depending on what the contents of the function list is at runtime; its type must be known at compile-time. Further, the compiler must be able to check that the function chain is valid, so that you can't use the list [tan, show, sin] for example.
There are two solutions to this problem.
You can either use heterogenous lists. These lists can store lists where each element is a different type. You can then check the constraint that each element must be a function and that one elements return type must be the next function's parameter type. This can become very difficult very quickly.
You can also use Data.Dynamic to let your functions take and return dynamic types. You have to perform some dynamic type casts in that case.
If all you're going to do with this list of functions is apply them to a single value in a pipeline, then instead of writing and calling your funlist function, do this:
show . isInfinite . tan . cos . sin $ 5
or, if you don't want the list reversed in your code, do this:
import Control.Arrow (>>>)
(sin >>> cos >>> tan >>> isInfinite >>> show) 5
Functions in Haskell, in general, have types that look like a -> b, for some choice of a and b. In your case, you have a list [f0, ..., fn] of functions, and you want to compute this:
funlist [f0, ..., fn] x == f0 (funlist [f1, ..., fn] x)
== f0 (f1 (funlist [f2, ..., fn] x))
== f0 (f1 (... (fn x)))
The t -> t problem you're having is a consequence of these two things:
This computation requires the argument type of f0 to be the return type of f1, the argument type of f1 to be the return type of f2, and so on: f0 :: y -> z, f1 :: x -> y, ..., fn :: a -> b.
But you're putting all those functions in a list, and all the elements of a list in Haskell must have the same type.
These two, taken together, imply that the list of functions used in funlist must have type [t -> t], because that's the only way both conditions can be met at the same time.
Other than that, dave4420's answer is the best simple answer, IMO: use function composition. If you can't use it because the computation to be done is only known at runtime, then you want to have some data structure more complex than the list to represent the possible computations. Chris Kuklewicz presents a very generic solution for that, but I'd normally do something custom-made for the specific problem area at hand.
Also good to know that your funlist can be written like this:
funlist :: a -> [a -> a] -> a
funlist x fs = foldr (.) id fs x
Short answer: No, there's no way to do what you want with lists (in a sensible way, at least).
The reason is that lists in Haskell are always homogenous, i.e. each element of a list must have the same type. The functions you want to put to the list have types:
sin :: Floating a => a -> a
isInfinite :: Floating b => b -> Bool
show :: Show c => c -> String
So you can't just put the functions in the same list. Your two main options are to:
Use a structure other than list (e.g. HList or a custom GADT)
Use dynamic typing
Since the other answers already gave GADT examples, here's how you could implement your function using dynamic types:
import Data.Dynamic
funlist :: Dynamic -> [Dynamic] -> Dynamic
funlist thing (function:functions) = funlist (dynApp function thing) functions
funlist thing [] = thing
However, using dynamic types causes some boilerplate, because you have to convert between static and dynamic types. So, to call the function, you'd need to write
funlist (toDyn 5) [toDyn sin, toDyn cos, toDyn tan, toDyn isInfinite, toDyn show]
And unfortunately, even that is not enough. The next problem is that dynamic values must have homomorphic types, so for example instead of the function show :: Show a => a -> String you need to manually specify e.g. the concrete type show :: Bool -> String, so the above becomes:
funlist (toDyn (5::Double)) [toDyn sin, toDyn cos, toDyn tan, toDyn isInfinite,
toDyn (show :: Bool -> String)]
What's more, the result of the function is another dynamic value, so we need to convert it back to a static value if we want to use it in regular functions.
fromDyn (funlist (toDyn (5::Double)) [toDyn sin, toDyn cos, toDyn tan,
toDyn isInfinite, toDyn (show :: Bool -> String)]) ""
What you want works in Haskell, but it's not a list. It is a function composition and can actually be wrapped in a GADT:
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Category
import Prelude hiding ((.), id)
data Chain :: * -> * -> * where
Chain :: (a -> c) -> Chain c b -> Chain a b
Id :: Chain a a
apply :: Chain a b -> a -> b
apply (Chain f k) x = apply k (f x)
apply Id x = x
Now you can inspect the structure of the function chain to some extent. There isn't much you can find out, but you can add further meta information to the Chain constructor, if you need more.
The type also forms an interesting category that preserves the additional information:
instance Category Chain where
id = Id
Id . c = c
c . Id = c
c2 . Chain f1 k1 = Chain f1 (c2 . k1)
instance Arrow Chain where
arr f = Chain f Id
first (Chain f c) = Chain (first f) (first c)
first Id = Id
There where some answers using GADTs, which is a good way to do such things. What I want to add here is that the structure used in these answers already exists in a more general fashion: it's called a thrist ("type threaded list"):
Prelude Data.Thrist> let fs = Cons (show :: Char -> String) (Cons length Nil)
Prelude Data.Thrist> let f = foldl1Thrist (flip (.)) fs
Prelude Data.Thrist> :t fs
fs :: Thrist (->) Char Int
Prelude Data.Thrist> :t f
f :: Char -> Int
Prelude Data.Thrist> f 'a'
Of course, you could also use foldl1Thrist (>>>) fs instead. Note that thrists form a category, an arrow and a monoid (with appendThrist).

"Zipping" a plain list with a nested list

I am looking for an elegant solution to the following problem. I have two lists of the following types:
[Float] and, [[Float]]
The first list contains an infinite amount of random values. The second list contains values I no longer care about. Its structure is finite and must be preserved. The values of the first list needs to be replacing those of the second.
Obviously, since the first list contains random values, I do not want to use them twice. Can anyone help me do this in a clear, concise, and terse way?
scramble :: [Float] -> [[Float]] -> [[Float]]
Give me your best shot
Using the split package for splitting:
import Data.List.Split (splitPlaces)
scramble x y = splitPlaces (map length y) x
Will this do?
flip . (evalState .) . traverse . traverse . const . state $ head &&& tail
EDIT: let me expand on the construction...
The essential centre of it is traverse . traverse. If you stare at the problem with sufficiently poor spectacles, you can see that it's "do something with the elements of a container of containers". For that sort of thing, traverse (from Data.Traversable) is a very useful gadget (ok, I'm biased).
traverse :: (Traversable f, Applicative a) => (s -> a t) -> f s -> a (f t)
or, if I change to longer but more suggestive type variables
traverse :: (Traversable containerOf, Applicative doingSomethingToGet) =>
(s -> doingSomethingToGet t) ->
containerOf s -> doingSomethingToGet (containerOf t)
Crucially, traverse preserves the structure of the container it operates on, whatever that might be. If you view traverse as a higher-order function, you can see that it gives back an operator on containers whose type fits with the type of operators on elements it demands. That's to say (traverse . traverse) makes sense, and gives you structure-preserving operations on two layers of container.
traverse . traverse ::
(Traversable g, Traversable f, Applicative a) => (s -> a t) -> g (f s) -> a (g (f t))
So we've got the key gadget for structure-preserving "do something" operations on lists of lists. The length and splitAt approach works fine for lists (the structure of a list is given by its length), but the essential characteristic of lists which enables that approach is already pretty much bottled by the Traversable class.
Now we need to figure out how to "do something". We want to replace the old elements with new things drawn successively from a supply stream. If we were allowed the side-effect of updating the supply, we could say what to do at each element: "return head of supply, updating supply with its tail". The State s monad (in Control.Monad.State which is an instance of Applicative, from Control.Applicative) lets us capture that idea. The type State s a represents computations which deliver a value of type a whilst mutating a state of type s. Typical such computations are made by this gadget.
state :: (s -> (a, s)) -> State s a
That's to say, given an initial state, just compute the value and the new state. In our case, s is a stream, head gets the value, tail gets the new state. The &&& operator (from Control.Arrow) is a nice way to glue two functions on the same data to get a function making a pair. So
head &&& tail :: [x] -> (x, [x])
which makes
state $ head &&& tail :: State [x] x
and thus
const . state $ head &&& tail :: u -> State [x] x
explains what to "do" with each element of the old container, namely ignore it and take a new element from the head of the supply stream.
Feeding that into (traverse . traverse) gives us a big mutatey traversal of type
f (g u) -> State [x] (f (g x))
where f and g are any Traversable structures (e.g. lists).
Now, to extract the function we want, taking the initial supply stream, we need to unpack the state-mutating computation as a function from initial state to final value. That's what this does:
evalState :: State s a -> s -> a
So we end up with something in
f (g u) -> [x] -> f (g x)
which had better get flipped if it's to match the original spec.
tl;dr The State [x] monad is a readymade tool for describing computations which read and update an input stream. The Traversable class captures a readymade notion of structure-preserving operation on containers. The rest is plumbing (and/or golf).
This is the obvious way to do it, but I take it this isn't terse enough?
scramble :: [a] -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
scramble _ [] = []
scramble xs (y : ys) = some : scramble rest ys
where (some, rest) = splitAt (length y) xs
