How to use the ChromeApp to connect to a node.js server? - google-chrome-extension

I have a Node.js server and I'd like to know how I could do for the ChromeApp to work with it. I tried putting "http://localhost:3000" (server address) on the runtime: () {'http://localhost:3000');
But it doesn't even launch. Does someone have an idea on what I could do?

You cannot launch external URLs with In fact if you check the chrome.runtime.lastError property you will see the following error:
The URL used for window creation must be local for security reasons.
I suggest you look into using the <webview> tag as it is much more appropriate for your use-case.


Does Golang's net.LookupHost() use all DNS servers in "/etc/resolv.conf"?

I have an application, that's written in Go that uses this function and it keeps failing to resolve a DNS name. I can resolve the DNS name on the server just fine using other applications but not the Go-based one that uses this function.
When in doubt, "Use the source, Luke". Reading dnsclient_unix.go reveals that it iterates over all configured servers.
But mind the note:
// If answer errored for rcodes dnsRcodeSuccess or dnsRcodeNameError,
// it means the response in msg was not useful and trying another
// server probably won't help. Return now in those cases.
// TODO: indicate this in a more obvious way, such as a field on DNSError?

What is the proper way to use the bluemix.getServiceCreds() function in node.js?

I have cloned the Concept Insights demo from Bluemix and made some minor changes to use my own corpus. It runs OK locally, but when I deploy it to Bluemix I get an authorization error when it tries to access my corpus. I'm certain that the error is a result of the early call in app.js to bluemix.getServiceCreds('concept_insights'), which apparently replaces my service credentials with some that must be stored in the environment on Bluemix.
Can someone explain the purpose of this function, and the proper approach to what I am trying to do? I could probably just delete the call to that function, but I'm afraid that I may be missing part of the larger picture if I do. Is this a way to keep my credentials out of the code base? If so, how do I make it work?
bluemix.getServiceCreds('concept_insights') gets the concept_insights service credentials from the VCAP_SERVICES variable that is created by Bluemix. (see VCAP_SERVICES)
You probably want to use the credentials from the environment instead of hardcoding them in your app.js file.
When your app runs locally you hardcode the credentials in app.js, but when it runs in Bluemix those credentials are overwritten. If you don't want this to happen remove the bluemix.getServiceCreds('concept_insights')
var credentials = {
url: '',
username: '<username>',
password: '<password>',
version: 'v2'
When creating a service make sure you use the Standard plan.
If you use the Beta plan you will have to use as url.

How do I check custom TURN server is working with easyRTC

I am working on an application for Audio/Video calls using easyrtc.
I have added turn server details in server.js file to configure the turn servers I want to use.
var myIceServers = [
{url: ""},
{url: "", "username":"xxxxx", "credential":"xxxxx"},
{url: "", "username":"xxxxx", "credential":"xxxxx"}
then set options for appIceServers using below line of code.
easyrtc.setOption("appIceServers", myIceServers);
and configured the listener as well.
easyrtc.on("getIceConfig", function(connectionObj, callback){
callback(null, myIceServers);
After this when I am running easyrtc simple audio-video demo, from local machine, in chrome using two tabs it works fine.
Now I have two questions:
How do I make sure that easyrtc is using custom supplied TURN server configuration ?
And from where I need to test the links for my application, which will make sure that easyrtc is using custom supplied TURN url for tcp ? (i.e. firewall check).
You can turn the "log level" to "3" in server.js to see more detail logs, and use chrome://werbrtc-internals to see the chrome webrtc logs . I just set up a TURN server yesterday and in my way , I modified the easyrtc_default_options to using my own TURN,I think your configuration will work if you test with two client in different network, the Turn server will give you a feedback.
"from local machine, in chrome using two tabs it works fine." this is not using you TURN server.

Drag 'n' Drop files to a Chrome Package App?

Has anyone successfully implemented drag and drop with files from desktop to the app?
I've tried just putting this drag 'n' drop example into the index file but I just get this error:
Can't open same-window link to "file:///C:/Users....whatever"; try target="_blank".
Please share your stories, what you've tried and if you have succeed :)
Some resources to help you:
New Chrome Packaged Apps codelab that we've been working on covers drag-and-drop in both AngularJS and pure JavaScript.
AngularJS drag-and-drop:
JavaScript drag-and-drop:
There's an early version of docs too for AngularJS drag-and-drop for Chrome at
We're working on the docs to cover both samples though.
I have done this a while ago and it worked.
The problem you've got is that you are creating a file url, then trying to navigate to the url. The navigation is failing, not the read. It's failing due to CSP, and you probably won't be able to override that with a different CSP due to security restrictions we've placed on allowable CSPs.
But, you should be able to just read the file and use the content. You need to change that sample code to use ReadAsText or ReadAsArrayBuffer instead of readAsDataURL. Look here for more details.
Please let us know how you get on!
Just listening for drop won't work. You will have to prevent the default functionality of dragover.
document.body.addEventListener('dragover', function(e) {
document.body.addEventListener('drop', function(e) {
alert('it works!')

Output to Chrome console from Node.js

I'm looking for a way to output Node variables directly into the google chrome browser console. The same way a console.log() works on the client side. Something like this for php. This would greatly speed up development.
Since the old answer (written in september 2014) refers to an older version of node-inspector, my instructions are not relevant anymore in 2017. Also, the documentation has gotten a lot better, so I have updated my original answer:
node-inspector is what you need.
It opens up an instance of Chrome with its developer tools for debugging.
It's also easy to use:
1. Install
$ npm install -g node-inspector
2. Start
$ node-debug app.js
You might want to try NodeMonkey -
I know it's an old question but came on top of my Google search so maybe somebody will find my answer useful.
So you can use node --inspect-brk index.js
Now, all you have to do is basically just type chrome://inspect in your Chrome address bar and click Open dedicated DevTools for Node
In DevTools, now connected to Node, you’ll have all the Chrome DevTools features you’re used to:
Complete breakpoint debugging, stepping w/ blackboxing
Source maps for transpiled code
LiveEdit: JavaScript hot-swap evaluation w/ V8
Console evaluation with ES6 feature/object support and custom object formatting
Sampling JavaScript profiler w/ flamechart
Heap snapshot inspection, heap allocation timeline, allocation profiling
Asynchronous stacks for native promises
Hope that helped.
The closest thing to this I've seen is Node JS console object debug inspector
See this post for usage and potential issues:
For users with nodejs on linux via ssh-shell (putty):
Problem with nodejs on linux-ssh-shell is, that you have no browser connected.
I tried all this solutions, but didnt get it to work.
So i worked out a solution with firebase (, because my project uses firebase.
If you are familiar with firebase, than this is a great way. If not, firebase is worth using in combination with nodejs - and its free!
In the server-side-script (started with node) use a own function log():
// server-side:
// using new firebase v3 !
var fbRootRef = firebase.database();
var fbConsoleRef = fbRootRef.ref("/console");
var log = function(args) {
fbConsoleRef.set({'obj': args});
// inside your server-code:
On client-side you create a firebase-reference on this console-object:
// client side:
fbRootRef.child('/console').on('value', function(d) {
var v = d.val();
Now everything logged on server-side with the log() - function is transferred in realtime to the firebase-database and from there triggering the client-console-reference and logged into the browsers console.
If anyone needs help, i will explain in more detail and could give a more extended version of this logging with types (console./log/warn/info), grouping with title-info (i.e. server says: (filename + line).
Setting up firebase for your project is done in max 30 minutes, inserting the console-function in 30 minutes. I think its worth the time!
You can use bonsole, a simple way to log something in browser. Even in Linux, you can go to the LAN's ip to check it.
The most simple way with least dependencies is using a WebSocket connection to send the messages to the browser. Any WebSocket example you can find on the internet will suffice to accomplish this. Everything else requires to be heavily integrated into the host system and wouldn't work if you want to actually run this on a remote server. You can also send commands to the server directly from the browser console this way.
