VirtoCommerce Azure Email Provider - azure

I have deployed VirtoCommerce to the azure cloud service and the website is pretty functional aside from a few quirks. One of these quirks is that, after completing the checkout process no email gets sent to the user account.
The email account does exist and I have full access.
Do i need to set up something like SendGrid?
Or does it natively support that and how do i activate it?
Thanks for helping!

To get VirtoCommerce sending emails you will need to set up and account with SendGrid as mentioned in their documentation.
You can get setup with SendGrid for free on Azure, via this sign up form.
Once you have your account details, you can add them to VirtoCommerce by following the instructions for configuring mailSettings (see 'Quick Overview') in the Virto docs.


Azure Logic Apps - When a new email arrives workflow does not trigger

I'm trying to create an Azure Logic App Workflow to extract attachments when email arrives.
I have a workflow on my account to generate Logic App design.
This workflow is directly paste in our azuredeploy.json file to be deploy with our pipeline on the Azure Logic App main account.
This workflow works perfectly on my app but not in the deployed app. In the deployed app, when I send an email to test the workflow, it does not trigger the event like it does in my account.
It seems that our issue came from the office365 email that we specially created (which is different from ours) the be used to get email with attachments.
And now I just tried with the trigger "When a new email arrives in a shared mailbox" and it work exactly as expected. But it's not a shared mailbox !
Has anyone encountered this issue before?
I believe you have created your connection to Office 365 (Outlook) using your own account, which would explain why it works for you, and the Shared Mailbox (which only requires one having access to it).
However, your scenario requires the "delegated permissions" model, for which Graph API is better suited.
May I kindly suggest you read

Missing Dialogflow Integrations Service Account after making Agent

I'm not able to find the Service Account that usually shows up under the Project ID in this screenshot. I see online when people create an agent, they have a service account (already created) that is linked under the Project ID. Once Clicked, the Service Account will show it is of Dialogflow Integrations and you can make a key. How come I do not have a Service Account already made and how do I get a Dialogflow Integrations Service account like everyone else?
What I see:
Dialogflow Dashboard
What others see when they make an agent:Dialogflow with Service Account
Service Account for Dialogflow Integrations
I've read elsewhere that the integrations feature is only available for region US ("global") so I suggest you try making your agent on region "global".
This worked for me today.

How this DocuSign normal account and developer account is different?

I had created one DocuSign trial account but here i need to Use the DocuSign API then i created developer account(Sandbox) with the same credentials that i used while creating a DocuSign trial account.
Here i am having an issue .. I have tool in which i am using that API to create and send the envelope but to get the envelope status i want to use the pipeline to get the latest envelope status.
But the pipeline does not connect with the developer account and it can connect with the normal account.
Can you please let me know is there any way where we can communicate 2 accounts or can we call API with the normal trial account?
Sandbox accounts are in the Demo environment, Trial accounts are in the Production environment. Those two systems are effectively air-gapped and cannot communicate.
In order to make API calls against your trial account, you will need to authenticate as a member of that trial account.

How to call docusign apis for sending envelopes in node.js?

I have a standard DocuSign account and I want to add an integration key but I am not able to add that key as there is no option to in my standard account to add the key. Further, I want to hit DocuSign API either through nodejs-sdk or postman to create and send an envelope with the use of the template. So, for this what should I do? Can anybody help, please?
Sounds like you're just getting started with the DocuSign eSignature API. Welcome! We have a variety of resources that you will find helpful.
I would start here on the DocuSign Developer Center.
To begin experimenting with our API, you'll first need to create a demo sandbox account. Within this account, you can provision your own integrator keys. Later down the road, you will follow our "Go-Live" process to transition your integration to our paid, production environment.
Once you have your account created, I would suggest you check out this quickstart code example.
That should get you started!
You should create a new developer/sandbox account to create an integration key. You cannot do that in production.
For node.JS we have a few different resources you can use, the most complete one is our code example "launcher" that can be used as a full app to try the code. We also have a quickstart that you an use without configuring the API authentication part.

How do I get an Azure SendGrid api key?

I've followed the instructions for How to Send Email Using SendGrid with Azure to set up a SendGrid account on Azure. When I use NuGet to get the SendGrid package, it's a much newer version (8.0.5 vs 6.3.4) so the sample for actually sending email is no longer valid.
So, I went over to the GitHub page and looked at the Quick Start section to see how the newer api works and I'm stuck--where in the world do I find/get my SendGrid api key? It's nowhere to be found on my Azure SendGrid account page.
The SendGrid api keys documentation page has some info on API Keys management, but it makes no sense relative to Azure.
You have to take your username and password from the Azure portal and log in to itself. From there, you should be taken to In the left menu, under settings, you can create API keys for your account.
