Was wondering if there is a plug-in already available for FLOT chart legend to be interactive like in highcharts
Providing the example out here
However, in a turn of event I tried my hand on mouseover event through jquery
// Unhighlight all points
// The X value to highlight
var value = parseInt($(this).context.innerText.replace('Series ',''))-1;
// Retrieve the data the plot is currently using
var data = plot.getData();
// Iterate over each series and all points
for (var s=0; s<data.length; s++) {
var series = data[s];
for (var p=0; p<series.data.length; p++) {
plot.highlight(s, p);
Can anyone help me achieve the interactivity like in the example?
Extended togglePlot function for different plot types (we save the original plot type in the hidden property):
togglePlot = function (seriesIdx) {
var plotTypes = ['lines', 'points', 'bars'];
var someData = somePlot.getData();
var series = someData[seriesIdx];
$.each(plotTypes, function (index, plotType) {
if (series[plotType]) {
if (series[plotType].show) {
series[plotType].show = false;
series[plotType].hidden = true;
else if (series[plotType].hidden) {
series[plotType].show = true;
series[plotType].hidden = false;
For highlighting a data series like in highcharts add a highlightPlot function like this (here only for line series):
highlightPlot = function (seriesIdx) {
var someData = somePlot.getData();
$.each(someData, function (index, series) {
someData[index].lines.lineWidth = (index == seriesIdx ? 4 : 2);
I also changed the inline event handlers to jQuery event handling to make it cleaner:
click: function () {
return false;
mouseover: function () {
mouseout: function () {
}, 'a.legend');
See this updated fiddle for the full example.
I am using joint js and rappid with the angular 8 and I have done most of the tasks but in using keyboard events there seems to be a issue. When I copy an element and pasted it on graph it works fine. But for the next element selected it is pasting that new element multiple times.
Here is my code.
var keyboard = this.keyboard = new joint.ui.Keyboard();
var clipboard = this.clipboard = new joint.ui.Clipboard();
selection.collection.on('reset add remove', this.onSelectionChange.bind(this));
paper.on('element:pointerdown', function(elementView: joint.dia.ElementView,evt: joint.dia.Event) {
'ctrl+c': function(evt) {
clipboard.copyElements(selection.collection, paper.model);
'ctrl+v': function(evt) {
var pastedCells = clipboard.pasteCells(graph, {
translate: { dx: 20, dy: 20 },
useLocalStorage: true
var elements = _.filter(pastedCells, function(cell) {
return cell.isElement();
// Make sure pasted elements get selected immediately. This makes the UX better as
// the user can immediately manipulate the pasted elements.
onSelectionChange() {
const { paper, selection,clipboard } = this;
const { collection } = selection;
// collection.models.forEach(function(model: joint.dia.Element) { if(!model.collection) { clipboard.clear();}});
if(collection.first() == undefined){
if (collection.length === 1) {
var primaryCell = collection.first();
var primaryCellView = paper.requireView(primaryCell);
} else if (collection.length === 2) {
collection.each(function(cell) {
selectPrimaryCell(cellView) {
var cell = cellView.model
if (cell.isElement()) {
} else {
selectPrimaryElement(elementView) {
var element = elementView.model;
new joint.ui.FreeTransform({
cellView: elementView,
allowRotation: false,
preserveAspectRatio: !!element.get('preserveAspectRatio'),
allowOrthogonalResize: element.get('allowOrthogonalResize') !== false
I have different thing like resetting the clipboard , resetting the selection and resetting the keyboard but nothing seems to be working.
I need to prevent/disable nested lists in text editor implemented in Angular. So far i wrote a hack that undos a nested list when created by the user. But if the user creates a normal list and presses the tab-key the list is shown as nested for a few milliseconds until my hack sets in back to a normal list. I need something like event.preventDefault() or stopPropagation() on tab-event keydown but unfortunately that event is not tracked for some reason. Also the froala settings with tabSpaces: falseis not showing any difference when it comes to nested list...in summary i want is: if the user creates a list and presses the tab-key that nothing happens, not even for a millisecond. Has anyone an idea about that?
Froala’s support told us, there’s no built-in way to suppress nested list creation. They result from TAB key getting hit with the caret on a list item. However we found a way to get around this using MutationObserver
Basically we move the now nested list item to his former sibling and remove the newly created list. Finally we take care of the caret position.
var observer = new MutationObserver(mutationObserverCallback);
observer.observe(editorNode, {
childList: true,
subtree: true
var mutationObserverCallback = function (mutationList) {
var setCaret = function (ele) {
if (ele.nextSibling) {
ele = ele.nextSibling;
var range = document.createRange();
var sel = window.getSelection();
range.setStart(ele, 0);
var handleAddedListNode = function (listNode) {
if (! listNode.parentNode) {
var parentListItem = listNode.parentNode.closest('li');
if (!parentListItem) {
var idx = listNode.children.length - 1;
while (idx >= 0) {
var childNode = listNode.children[idx];
if (parentListItem.nextSibling) {
parentListItem.parentNode.insertBefore(childNode, parentListItem.nextSibling);
} else {
mutationList.forEach(function (mutation) {
var addedNodes = mutation.addedNodes;
if (!addedNodes.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < addedNodes.length; i++) {
var currentNode = addedNodes[i];
switch (currentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase()) {
case 'ol':
case 'ul':
// more optimizations
I am new to Phaserjs, trying to create basic drag-drop style game.
I have created the game and add arcade physics (this.game.physics.arcade.enable(this.orange_outline);)
Currently overlap happen as soon as the edges collide.
I want to detect that my code should trigger when 50% overlap happen. is it possible in phaserjs?
var GameState = {
create: function () {
this.background = this.game.add.sprite(0, 0, 'background');
this.overlapHappen = false;
this.orange_outline = this.game.add.sprite(459,199,'orange_outline');
this.orange_outline.frame = 2;
this.orange_outline.customParams = {myName:'orange_outline',questionImg:'orange'};
this.orange_inner = this.game.add.sprite(150,197,'orange_inner');
this.orange_inner.customParams = {myName:'orange_inner',questionImg:'orange',targetKey:this.orange_outline,targetImg:'orange_outline'};
this.orange_inner.frame = 1;
this.orange_inner.inputEnabled = true;
this.orange_inner.input.pixelPerfectOver = true;
// this.game.physics.enable(this.orange_inner,Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);
update: function () {
//console.log(sprite.key + " dragged")
var endSprite = sprite.customParams.targetKey;
if (!this.game.physics.arcade.overlap(currentSprite, endSprite, function() {
var currentSpriteTarget = currentSprite.customParams.targetImg;
var endSpriteName = endSprite.customParams.myName;
if(currentSpriteTarget === endSpriteName){
currentSprite.input.draggable = false;
currentSprite.anchor.setTo(endSprite.anchor.x, endSprite.anchor.y);
})) {
In stopDrag() I am detecting overlap.
You can try to get the amount of horizontal and vertical overlap amount and check if it satisfies a certain threshold. This can be done in additional overlap function callback, that is called processCallback in documentation. As an example:
if (!this.game.physics.arcade.overlap(currentSprite, endSprite, function() {
//your callback !
},function() {
if (this.game.physics.arcade.getOverlapX(currentSprite, endSprite) > currentSprite.width / 2
&& this.game.physics.arcade.getOverlapY(currentSprite, endSprite) > currentSprite.height / 2) {
//Overlaping !
return true;
} else {
//as if no overlap occured
return false;
},this) {
Another way to do this (other than what Hamdi Douss offers) is to resize your body to only take up 50% of the area. This will automatically ensure that collisions/overlap don't occur unless the reduced bodies touch each other.
To view your current body, use Phaser's debug methods
this.game.debug.body(someSprite, 'rgba(255,0,0,0.5)');
I am trying to perform a special action whenever the user double clicks any object located inside the canvas. I have read the docs and not found any mouse:dblclick-like event in the documentation. I tried doing something like:
fabric.util.addListener(fabric.document, 'dblclick', callback);
Which does trigger the dblclick event but does not give specific information about the actual object that is being clicked on the canvas.
Any ideas of the most FabricJS-y way of doing this?
The more elegant way is to override fabric.Canvas._initEventListeners to add the dblclick support
_initEventListeners: function() {
var self = this;
addListener(self.upperCanvasEl, 'dblclick', self._onDoubleClick);
_onDoubleClick: function(e) {
var self = this;
var target = self.findTarget(e);
self.fire('mouse:dblclick', {
target: target,
e: e
if (target && !self.isDrawingMode) {
// To unify the behavior, the object's double click event does not fire on drawing mode.
target.fire('object:dblclick', {
e: e
I've also developed a library to implement more events missed in fabricjs : https://github.com/mazong1123/fabric.ext
This is similar to #LeoCreer's answer but actually gets access to the targeted object
fabric.util.addListener(canvas.upperCanvasEl, 'dblclick', function (e) {
var target = canvas.findTarget(e);
The Correct way to add custom events to Fabric.js
window.fabric.util.addListener(canvas.upperCanvasEl, 'dblclick', function (event, self) {
or use fabric.ext
I'm using this workaround:
var timer = 0;
canvas.item(0).on('mouseup', function() {
var d = new Date();
timer = d.getTime();
canvas.item(0).on('mousedown', function() {
var d = new Date();
if ((d.getTime() - timer) < 300) {
console.log('double click')
Here is a quick and easy way to add a double click event handler to Fabric JS -
Include following code snippet to your html file. Just ensure this is loaded after the main fabric.js library
<script type="text/javascript">
fabric = (function(f) { var nativeOn = f.on; var dblClickSubscribers = []; var nativeCanvas = f.Canvas; f.Canvas = (function(domId, options) { var canvasDomElement = document.getElementById(domId); var c = new nativeCanvas(domId, options); c.dblclick = function(handler) { dblClickSubscribers.push(handler) }; canvasDomElement.nextSibling.ondblclick = function(ev){ for(var i = 0; i < dblClickSubscribers.length; i++) { console.log(ev); dblClickSubscribers[i]({ e :ev }); } }; return c; }); return f; }(fabric));
Then add this code to listen a double click event:
canvas.dblclick(function(e) {
To get information about the actual object that is being clicked on the canvas, use following method -
canvas.dblclick(function(e) {
activeObject = canvas.getActiveObject();
I am late but now fabricjs has mousedblclick event.
Listed at: http://fabricjs.com/docs/fabric.Object.html
See all events:
I know that I can easily allow a user to select multiple Features/Geometries in OpenLayers but I then want enable the user to easily drag/move all of the selected features at the same time.
With the ModifyFeature control it only moves one feature at a time ... is there a way to easily extend this control (or whatever works) to move all of the selected features on that layer?
Okay, skip the ModifyFeature control and just hook into the SelectFeature control to keep track of the selected features and then use the DragControl to manipulate the selected points at the same time.
Example of the control instantiation:
var drag = new OpenLayers.Control.DragFeature(vectors, {
onStart: startDrag,
onDrag: doDrag,
onComplete: endDrag
var select = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(vectors, {
box: true,
multiple: true,
onSelect: addSelected,
onUnselect: clearSelected
Example of the event handling functions:
/* Keep track of the selected features */
function addSelected(feature) {
/* Clear the list of selected features */
function clearSelected(feature) {
selectedFeatures = [];
/* Feature starting to move */
function startDrag(feature, pixel) {
lastPixel = pixel;
/* Feature moving */
function doDrag(feature, pixel) {
for (f in selectedFeatures) {
if (feature != selectedFeatures[f]) {
var res = map.getResolution();
selectedFeatures[f].geometry.move(res * (pixel.x - lastPixel.x), res * (lastPixel.y - pixel.y));
lastPixel = pixel;
/* Featrue stopped moving */
function endDrag(feature, pixel) {
for (f in selectedFeatures) {
f.state = OpenLayers.State.UPDATE;
I tried the code above, and couldn't make it work. Two issues:
1) To move each feature, you need to use the original position of that feature, and add the "drag vector" from whatever feature the DragControl is moving around by itself (i.e. the feature-parameter to doDrag).
2) Since DragFeatures own code sets lastPixel=pixel before calling onDrag, the line calling move() will move the feature to (0,0).
My code looks something like this:
var lastPixels;
function startDrag(feature, pixel) {
// save hash with selected features start position
lastPixels = [];
for( var f=0; f<wfs.selectedFeatures.length; f++){
lastPixels.push({ fid: layer.selectedFeatures[f].fid,
lastPixel: map.getPixelFromLonLat( layer.selectedFeatures[f].geometry.getBounds().getCenterLonLat() )
function doDrag(feature, pixel) {
/* because DragFeatures own handler overwrites dragSelected.lastPixel with pixel before this is called, calculate drag vector from movement of "feature" */
var g = 0;
while( lastPixels[g].fid != feature.fid ){ g++; }
var lastPixel = lastPixels[g].lastPixel;
var currentCenter = map.getPixelFromLonLat( feature.geometry.getBounds().getCenterLonLat() );
var dragVector = { dx: currentCenter.x - lastPixel.x, dy: lastPixel.y - currentCenter.y };
for( var f=0; f<layer.selectedFeatures.length; f++){
if (feature != layer.selectedFeatures[f]) {
// get lastpixel of this feature
lastPixel = null;
var h = 0;
while( lastPixels[h].fid != layer.selectedFeatures[f].fid ){ h++; }
lastPixel = lastPixels[h].lastPixel;
var newPixel = new OpenLayers.Pixel( lastPixel.x + dragVector.dx, lastPixel.y - dragVector.dy );
// move() moves polygon feature so that centre is at location given as parameter
I had a similar problem and solved it by overriding DragFeature's moveFeature function and putting this.lastPixel = pixel inside the for loop that applies the move to all features within my layer vector. Until I moved this.lastPixel = pixel inside the loop, all features except the one being dragged got crazily distorted.
`OpenLayers.Control.DragFeature.prototype.moveFeature = function (pixel) {
var res = this.map.getResolution();
for (var i = 0; i < vector.features.length; i++) {
var feature = vector.features[i];
feature .geometry.move(res * (pixel.x - this.lastPixel.x),
res * (this.lastPixel.y - pixel.y));
this.layer.drawFeature(feature );
this.lastPixel = pixel;
this.onDrag(this.feature, pixel);