Show/Hide Sprites & Texts in Phaser - phaser-framework

I have an image and some text that I want to show/hide:
overlay = 0, 0, this.custom_texture.generateTexture() );
overlay_text = 0, 0, 'TESTING 123', style );
I tried the destroy() function, but I wasn't able to bring them back, plus I don't think it's necessary to destroy them if I simply want to hide & show them.

It's more intuitive than I thought it would be.
To hide:
overlay.visible = false;
overlay_text.visible = false;
To Show:
overlay.visible = true;
overlay_text.visible = true;

In one Liner, we can toggle hide/show.
overlay.visible= !overlay.visible;
overlay_text.visible = !overlay_text.visible;


How to make a button with dynamic text using Phaser?

What is the workaround to create 3 buttons with the same design but different texts (short text, medium length text, long text):
a) do I need 3 different images as a background ? What if i don’t know the length of the text ?
b) or I can use a single image and shrink/stretch it horizontally/vertically somehow when a text needs more/less space to fit in?
I hope i don’t need hundreds of images for each button :)
I’m just a beginner. What is the best practice ?
Here is how I create a responsive button and text:
buttonSprite2 = game.add.sprite(352, 76,'button');
buttonSprite2.position.set(200, 0);
buttonSprite2.inputEnabled = true;, this);
var style = { font: "32px Arial", fill: "#ffffff", wordWrap: true, align: "center", backgroundImage:'button'};
buttonText2 = game.add.text(0, 0, "stop text", style);
buttonText2.wordWrapWidth = - 400;
// trying to center the text within the button
buttonText2.position.set(buttonSprite2.x + 100, buttonSprite2.y+15);
// trying to make the button responsive
if(buttonText2.width < - 400){
buttonSprite2.width = buttonText2.width + 200;
buttonSprite2.width = - 300;
buttonSprite2.height = buttonText2.height + 30;
You need to load(in preload function) image only once. But you need to add(in create function) 3 images for 3 buttons.
For changing size of this button images according to text size. First you add image then add text. Now, after adding text, check for height or width of that text object and change size of the button image according to the height and width of text.
You may define seperate function to do this. So, you can get rid of redundant code if you have too many buttons.

Change color instead of background color of text in etherpad

I am trying to find solution for "Authorship color" in etherpad. People who never used etherpad, please ignore this question as they will not understand.
So normally "Authorship Color" is the color provided as a background-color of the text and it can be given as parameter when initializing the pad. It helps recognizing who has written what in pad.
I want to have white background for all text and change the text-color instead of background color depending upon the user. So its like if I provided red color when initializing the pad, I want to have red writing in pad instead of red background and white writing in pad(as usual).
Please dont put this question on hold as I dont have any specific code to provide related to this problem. Ask in comment instead, i will clear whatever is not understandable.
First of all, Thanks to everyone for not blocking or making this question on Post as no piece of code was provided.
I was about to put bounty on this question when I decided to try myself one more time and well I have resolved the problem after going through a lot. Though, it helped me understand etherpad better.
I want to list two important links related to etherpad:
About src -
They can be very important if you are trying to understand etherpad or want to do some modification yourself.
So here is how you do it:
In src/static/js/ace2_inner.js , go to setAuthorStyle function and Replace:
// author color
authorStyle.backgroundColor = bgcolor;
parentAuthorStyle.backgroundColor = bgcolor;
// text contrast
if(colorutils.luminosity(colorutils.css2triple(bgcolor)) < 0.5)
authorStyle.color = '#ffffff';
parentAuthorStyle.color = '#ffffff';
authorStyle.color = null;
parentAuthorStyle.color = null;
// anchor text contrast
if(colorutils.luminosity(colorutils.css2triple(bgcolor)) < 0.55)
anchorStyle.color = colorutils.triple2css(colorutils.complementary(colorutils.css2triple(bgcolor)));
anchorStyle.color = null;
authorStyle.backgroundColor = '#ffffff';
parentAuthorStyle.backgroundColor = '#ffffff';
authorStyle.color = bgcolor;
parentAuthorStyle.color = bgcolor;
And comment Out:
if ((typeof info.fade) == "number")
bgcolor = fadeColor(bgcolor, info.fade);
Ofcource dont forget to restart process by bin/ for changes to take place.
People, who are interested to understand how it works can keep reading.
So etherpad receives parameters with which etherpad has been initialized in src/static/js/pad.js so if you have defined: 'userColor' when you have initialized the pad, it will go in globalUserColor in mentioned file.
Then this variable globalUserColor populates pad.myUserInfo.colorId in same file.
Now in collab_client.js , this colorId gets stored in cssColor in function tellAceAuthorInfo and editor.setAuthorInfo is being called by giving parameter bgcolor: cssColor.
Now this function setAuthorInfo exists in src/static/js/ace2_inner.js which calls to other native function(same file) setAuthorStyle where we have made changes.
What I did is that instead of changing background color with provided variable bgcolor which actually holds userColor :
authorStyle.backgroundColor = bgcolor;
parentAuthorStyle.backgroundColor = bgcolor;
I changed backgroundColor to white(#ffffff) and color of text to bgcolor :
authorStyle.backgroundColor = '#ffffff';
parentAuthorStyle.backgroundColor = '#ffffff';
authorStyle.color = bgcolor;
parentAuthorStyle.color = bgcolor;
I also deleted:
// text contrast
if(colorutils.luminosity(colorutils.css2triple(bgcolor)) < 0.5)
authorStyle.color = '#ffffff';
parentAuthorStyle.color = '#ffffff';
authorStyle.color = null;
parentAuthorStyle.color = null;
// anchor text contrast
if(colorutils.luminosity(colorutils.css2triple(bgcolor)) < 0.55)
anchorStyle.color = colorutils.triple2css(colorutils.complementary(colorutils.css2triple(bgcolor)));
anchorStyle.color = null;
Because, these lines set the contrast of text color depending upon the background chosen color. But I have made background white and set text color to given userColor so I don't need the contrast functionality anymore.
Ultimately I also commented:
if ((typeof info.fade) == "number")
bgcolor = fadeColor(bgcolor, info.fade);
Because it makes the text fade when user is not online, at least for me it did.
So that's it. I hope it will help someone who wants same functionality as I did.

Phaser inputEnabled Sprite has mouseover even if not on stage

I found that if I add a Sprite (with inputEnabled = true) to a group and don't add the group to the stage, I can still interact with the Sprite (although it's not shown).
var group =, null, false, false);
var bmd = App.phaser.add.bitmapData(100, 100);
bmd.ctx.rect(0, 0, 100, 100);
bmd.ctx.fillStyle = '#ff9900';
var sprite = App.phaser.add.sprite(0, 0, bmd);
// group.visible = false;
sprite.x = 100;
sprite.y = 100;
sprite.inputEnabled = true;
sprite.input.useHandCursor = true;
The stage is completely blank (which is good). But when I move my mouse over the top left corner I see a mousecursor (and any added event handlers would also respond).
Only way to prevent this form happening is to set the group's visibility to false, but this is clearly not the best solution.
I'm doing somthing wrong or this is a bug in Phaser?
Sprites don't have to be on the display list in order to be interactive, they just have to have 'inputEnabled' set on them. This is commonly used to allow you to create 'invisible' hit areas.
If you want the sprite to be ignored for input you can call sprite.input.stop() and toggle it back on as needed with start.
Also please use Group.add otherwise the sprite doesn't get assigned a z value, throwing it out of sequence in the Group.

How to add Images to CListCtrl in MFC

How do you add Images to a ClistCtrl in MFC? I have tried and found that it's quite difficult.
I used CImageList to add images and then passed it to the CListCtrl. Can you provide some samples?
m_sentToCListCtrl.InsertColumn(0, _T("Item Name"), LVCFMT_LEFT,nColInterval*3);
m_sentToCListCtrl.InsertColumn(1, _T("Value"),LVCFMT_LEFT, nColInterval);
m_sentToCListCtrl.InsertColumn(2, _T("Time"), LVCFMT_LEFT, rect.Width()-4*nColInterval);
ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyle(m_sentToCListCtrl.m_hWnd,LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES );
// Create 256 color image lists
HIMAGELIST hSentToList =ImageList_Create(84,71, ILC_COLOR8 |ILC_MASK , 8, 1);
You need to add some bitmaps to your CImageList after you have created it. Something like this:
m_myImageList.Create(84,71, ILC_COLOR8 |ILC_MASK , 8, 1);
CBitmap bm;
m_myImageList.Add(&bm, RGB(0, 0, 0));
m_myImageList.Add(&bm, RGB(0, 0, 0));
Then, attach it to the CListCtrl:
m_sentToCListCtrl.SetImageList(&m_imageList, LVSIL_SMALL);
Finally, you add items to your CListCtrl by using the InsertItem method:
LVITEM lvItem;
lvItem.iItem = 0;
lvItem.iImage = 0; // image index that refers to your image list
lvItem.pszText = L"Item 1";
lvItem.mask = LVIF_TEXT;
For more info refer to CListCtrl documentation. There are examples too.

XNA 4.0 weird color error

I am having problems drawing a terrain with XNA, specifically with colors (It happens with VertexPositionColorNormal and with VertexPositionTextureNormal). My code is following:
public BasicEffect GetEffectForColoredTerrain()
this.coloredTerrainEffect.SpecularPower = 0.01f; //Power of the light
this.coloredTerrainEffect.AmbientLightColor = new Vector3(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f); //Color of the light when it reflects on a surface
this.coloredTerrainEffect.EmissiveColor = new Vector3(1, 0, 0);
this.coloredTerrainEffect.DirectionalLight0.Enabled = true; //Enable directional light
this.coloredTerrainEffect.DirectionalLight0.DiffuseColor = (new Vector3(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f)); //Diffuse color
this.coloredTerrainEffect.DirectionalLight0.SpecularColor = (new Vector3(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f)); //Specular color
this.coloredTerrainEffect.DirectionalLight0.Direction = Vector3.Normalize(new Vector3(1, -1f, 1)); //Direction where the light comes from.
this.coloredTerrainEffect.View = Camera.GetInstance().GetViewMatrix();
this.coloredTerrainEffect.Projection = Camera.GetInstance().GetProjectionMatrix();
this.coloredTerrainEffect.Alpha = (float)((float)Configuration.GetInstance().TerrainOpacity / (float)100);
this.coloredTerrainEffect.VertexColorEnabled = true;
return this.coloredTerrainEffect;
And this code for drawing terrain:
RasterizerState rs = new RasterizerState();
rs.CullMode = CullMode.None;
WorldContent.CommonGraphicsDevice.RasterizerState = rs;
//Restore things that SpriteBatch can have overriden
WorldContent.CommonGraphicsDevice.BlendState = BlendState.AlphaBlend;
WorldContent.CommonGraphicsDevice.DepthStencilState = DepthStencilState.Default;
WorldContent.CommonGraphicsDevice.SamplerStates[0] = SamplerState.LinearClamp;
BasicEffect shader = ShadersHandler.GetInstance().GetEffectForColoredTerrain();
foreach (EffectPass pass in shader.CurrentTechnique.Passes)
WorldContent.CommonGraphicsDevice.Indices = indexBufferVertices;
WorldContent.CommonGraphicsDevice.DrawIndexedPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleList, 0, 0, vertexPositionColorNormalList.Length, 0, indicesVertices.Length / 3);
However, the result is really weird, as you can see in the following images:
Terrain laterally
Terrain bottom
Color is a gradient from Yellow to white (yellow up, white down). However, if I use the effects file from Riemers tutorial (effects.fx from 3D Series 1), everything is correct, as you can see here:
Terrain good laterally
Terrain good bottom
If you wish, you can see the effect code here: Effects file
So QUESTION: Does anyone knows what is happening here with BasicEffect? I would like to use the Riemers file (everything seems correct with it), but I need to use transparency and the BasicEffect object provides me alpha property, which is perfect for what I am looking for.
PD: The same problem happens with textured terrain, using VertexPositionNormalTexture
Looking at the images, the discoloration appears to be a very nice circle, as from a directional light. I would try removing the DirectionalLight0 property settings you are using in the BasicEffect example and see if that corrects the discoloration.
