Why am I getting "A route named 'swagger_docs' is already in the route collection" after I publish my API App? - azure

After publishing my API App I'm getting the yellow error screen of ASP.NET. The error message says "A route named 'swagger_docs' is already in the route collection".
How can I fix this?

This is not related to API Apps per se but more around Web API. What triggers the error is pretty simple:
You publish the API App which is based on Web API.
You discard your project and start working on a new API App based on Web API
You want to publish the new API App instead of the old API App you created at step 1.
You select the API App during "Publish.." and you get the publishing profile of the existing API App we deployed at step 1.
You deploy using Web Deploy and the publishing profile, the new API App on top of the old one.
That will trigger the issue I've explained before. That happens because there are two routes being registered by Swashbuckle when you try to start the app. One of the old one and one of the new one. That's because the old files are still present at the destination.
To solve this, during Web Deploy, click on the Settings tab and then expand the "File Publish Options". There is a checkbox there, called "Remove additional files from destination". This will fix the issue as it will only leave the files you deploy at the destination and not the old ones as well.
Hope it helps.

What if it happens when trying to debug the app locally ?
This happened for me, and the reason was, I renamed my assembly name. So the bin folder had two dlls for the same project with different names which caused this error. Once I deleted the old named dll all is well. Hope this helps.

This happens because You probally are configuring you route in your WebApiConfig class and SwaggerConfig class, as explained below:
WebApiConfig file:
public static class WebApiConfig
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
SwaggerConfig file:
using Swashbuckle.Application;
[assembly: PreApplicationStartMethod(typeof(SwaggerConfig), "Register")]
namespace NEOH.Api
public class SwaggerConfig
public static void Register()
What you should do is remove the assembly call on SwaggerConfig file.
It should work.

My Solution & Cause:
I had the same problem when I renamed NamesSpaces,Refactored,etc.
After reading what everyone else did here's what I tried:
Cleaned the Solution in Visual Studio
Cleaned the Bin folder manually
Checked the nameSpace in the Project Properties (copied it just in case) >> Build tab >> Scrolldown to Output and ensure the XML documentation file is correct. You will need this name later.
Opened up: SwaggerConfig.cs >> fixed the name space in here (copy,paste) c.SingleApiVersion("vX","NameSpace")
Scrolled down until I found: GetXmlCommentsPath() copied and pasted the correct name space in the .xml file path.
Ran, smoke tested, finished this post.

My issue was that I was referencing another project that had the Swashbuckle extension.
Here is how I kept both projects without changing the anything in project that was referenced:
Remove the routes created by the project referenced under SwaggerConfig.cs > Register right before GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.EnableSwagger(...).EnableSwaggerUi(...);:
// Clears the previous routes as this solution references another Swagger ASP.NET project which adds the swagger routes.
// Trying to add the Swagger routes more than once will prevent the application from starting
Then, the application will be able to start, but you will see the operations/functions that are in both projects. To remove the operations from the project being referenced...
Create the following class
using Swashbuckle.Swagger;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Http.Description;
namespace yournamespace.Models
/// <summary>
/// This class allows to manage the Swagger document filters.
/// </summary>
public class SwaggerCustomOperationsFilter : IDocumentFilter
/// <summary>
/// Applies the Swagger operation filter to exclude the Swagger operations/functions
/// that are inherited by the other Swagger projects referenced.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="p_swaggerDoc">Swagger document</param>
/// <param name="p_schemaRegistry">Swagger schema registry</param>
/// <param name="p_apiExplorer">Api description collection</param>
public void Apply(SwaggerDocument p_swaggerDoc, SchemaRegistry p_schemaRegistry, IApiExplorer p_apiExplorer)
IEnumerable<ApiDescription> externalApiDescriptions = p_apiExplorer.ApiDescriptions
.Where(d => d.ActionDescriptor.ControllerDescriptor.ControllerType.Module.Name != GetType().Module.Name);
IEnumerable<int> externalApiDescriptionIndexes = externalApiDescriptions
.Select(d => p_apiExplorer.ApiDescriptions.IndexOf(d))
.OrderByDescending(i => i);
IEnumerable<string> externalPaths = externalApiDescriptions.Select(d => $"/{d.RelativePathSansQueryString()}");
foreach (string path in externalPaths)
foreach (int apiDescriptionIndex in externalApiDescriptionIndexes)
And add the following in SwaggerConfig.cs > Register > GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.EnableSwagger(...)

Alternative cause of this problem:
Seems like a lot of people have this issue resolved by deleting their "bin" and "obj" folders as per the other answers.
However the cause of the issue might be that you are configuring your Swagger Config in a referenced project, as per this comment: https://github.com/domaindrivendev/Swashbuckle/issues/364#issuecomment-226013593
I received this error when one project with Swagger referenced another
project with Swagger. Removing the reference fixed the problem.
This caused me to split some core functionality out into a Third project that both of my API's could reference, rather than them referencing each other.


Blazor Component (in library) and JSInterop

I've created a Blazor Component within a full Blazor project and all works well.
However, when I move this component to it's own Razor Class Library project, I am now getting an error that I cannot use JSInterop until a connection with the server is made. I am running my code in the OnAfterRenderAsync() method.
I had to alter the code a little when I made the change.
In a full Blazor project, JSInterop is provided for you with DI in the Startup class. But this is not the case with a calss library.
So instead of "#inject JSInterop js" in the page, I had to set it up like this -
private IJSRuntime js { get; set; }
protected override void OnInitialized()
js = ScopedServices.GetRequiredService<IJSRuntime>();
From the sketchy details available on the web, I'm assuming this gets the service from the Parent project.
Using debugging, I can see that js is NOT null. It does seem to have been set to a valid object.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
The server pre-renders, so your code will run before there is a client connection to the server. When rendering in OnAfterRenderAsync you should only use IJSRuntime when the firstRender parameter is true, or any point after that, but never before.
Found the solution to my problem and it has rendered my initial question irrelevant.
When I copied my component to it's own class library project, it would not compile. It gave me an error on the line #inject JSInterop js.
This led me to believe that it didn't know how to inject this as it is not set during the Startup of the project, as it is in a Blazor app.
So I cobbled together the code to get a reference via ScopedServices.GetRequiredService().
This did create an object but did not have _clientProxy set which contains the connection to the server.
So digging round I managed to find a complete component library example project at BlazorHelp Website
This did have the JSInterop injected in the Blazor file. So I reverted my code back to the original code that worked in the full project and tried to compile. It gave me the same error. So I deleted the #inject JSInterop js line and typed it in again.
It still failed to compile, not recognizing a custom type (Pivot) and asking whether I had included a reference to it.
[CascadingParameter] public Pivot OwnerPivot { get; set; }
I deleted the word Pivot and retyped it and, voila, it compiled.
So it looks like there some sort of error in VS2019 or the razor compiler, where deleting code in the source file and re-entering caused it to recognize and compile.

asp.net mvc area not working on iis

I crated area/modular MVC5 application according to this tutorial:
it worked perfectly on local. but i got 404 error, when i deployed project on iis and clicked on specified area link.
and i didn't find any solution for that.
The resource cannot be found.
Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.
Requested URL: /Sale
and this is my action links which are perfectly working on local run:
#Html.ActionLink("Sale","Index","Sale",new { Area="Sale"},null)
public class SaleAreaRegistration:AreaRegistration
public override string AreaName
return "Sale";
public override void RegisterArea(AreaRegistrationContext context)
new { controller = "Sale", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional },
new string[] { "MVCPluggableDemo.Controllers" }
attention: according to the tutorial which i said in first line. i created my module project in another virtual project in solution(the real path is in area folder of main project like"~/ProjectName/Areas/"). but i think the publisher does't understand it...because i don't see any of my module views in deployed path.
its better to completing my help request by this obvious question:
How to deploy MVC project include areas, and the modules which are in areas folder?
Its simply obvious:
Check your page directory. The server cannot locate your the file,
it maybe in different folder.
Also try to Check this.
the main Reason of my problem was this:
VisualStudio doesn't include my Area folder, in publish path..why? i don't know
Solution: no solution yet!..but i added my module dll inside bin folder manually. and created my areas folder and his modules projects solution(dlls' are not not necessary) in main published solution, manually to ..
finally it worked, but i dont thing is the standard solution

How do I get telemetry into a Windows 10 UWP App?

The Azure documentation for App Insights doesn't appear to have fresh articles relating to Windows 10 UWP Apps specifically. This appears to be endemic throughout all services (Notification Hub, Mobile Apps, Azure AD, etc.). So far I have found only references to Windows 8/8.1 Universal apps. I'm not sure how applicable they are but some code snippets do seem to compile at least.
My problem is that I have just setup a new App Insights instance for a 'WindowsStore App'. This is intended for a Windows 10 UWP app.
In my app, I have done the following:
Ingested the nuget package for App Insights which has created an ApplicationInsights.config file.
Updated the Instrumentation Key with the one from my WindowsStore App Insights Instance in the Azure Portal.
Added Internet (Client) capability in application manifest.
Created a static TelemetryClient that I use throughout all my Views / View Models.
private static TelemetryClient telemetry = new TelemetryClient();
public static TelemetryClient Telemetry
get { return telemetry; }
Updated the WindowsAppInitializer to include several WindowsCollectors.
WindowsCollectors.Metadata |
WindowsCollectors.Session |
WindowsCollectors.PageView |
Added an event handler within App.xaml.cs for Unhandled Exception and call TelemetryClient.TrackException on the exception.
private void App_UnhandledException(object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e)
Added TelemetryClient.TrackPageViews to OnNavigatedTo overrides in my views.
But so far, after doing all that, my App Insights dashboard in the Azure Portal is showing zip, zilch, nada. :\
This makes me think one of two things is going on. Either I am missing some critical piece of this recipe or I'm still within the refresh window for the App Insights Dashboard.
Have you tried to include your instrumentation key to the call of InitializeAsync?
I'm using the following code at the constructor of App class.
WindowsCollectors.Metadata |
WindowsCollectors.PageView |
WindowsCollectors.Session |
I haven't confirmed the current specs (yes...the documentation of ApplicationInsight is an labyrinth :( ), but from AI v1.0, you have not to include your instrumentation key to your applicationinsight.config. Instead of it, you can specify the key with the call of initializer.
Recently found this (i work on the AI team and it still happened to me!).
If you manually added the applicationinsights.config file, make sure it is set to "Content" and "Copy if newer" in the project settings. If it isn't, then the sdk can't find the instrumentation key at runtime, since the applicationinsights.config file didn't get deployed to the device.
Update 1/11/2016: i just learned of another issue that can cause this: comments in the xml file that look like xml tags.
If your config file has any comments of the form:
<!-- <InstrumentationKey>anything</InstrumentationKey> -->
Learn more about Application Insights configuration with ApplicationInsights.config here:
Note: If not present, please add <InstrumentationKey>Your Key</InstrumentationKey> to the top of this file.
(Like is common in examples you might have gotten online, or migrating from a previous version of the AI SDK's)
If those comments appear in your config file before your real key, then the win10 sdk startup code will find those in the comments instead of your real key.
So if you see debug output that says it is using the literal string "YourKey" instead your actual key, that's the reason. (The win10 sdk uses a regex to find your key instead of loading system.xml assemblies to parse the file)

How to document models & services which are in a separate project

I'm looking to demonstrate ServiceStack to my team, and as part of the demo I want to create some documentation. The UseCases.SwaggerHelloWorld runs fine, but my project (which has 1 functioning service) returns an empty swagger page. When I visit /resources it returns:
I then copied the Hello* service and models into my API project (in the same assembly as the host) and this worked. I then moved the service and models out into separate projects and the docs disappeared again.
So my question is, how can you document APIs when the models are in a separate DLL? The project structure is the same as recommended when you create a solution using the servicestack solution template.
The AppHost constructor tells ServiceStack which assemblies it should scan to locate, register and auto-wire your Services, e.g:
public class AppHost : AppHostBase
public AppHost() : base("Hello App", typeof(HelloService).Assembly) {}
It supports specifying multiple Assemblies if your Services are maintained in different projects, e.g:
public class AppHost : AppHostBase
public AppHost() : base("Hello App",
typeof(HelloService).Assembly, typeof(OtherService).Assembly) {}
The Modularizing Services docs has more info.
The DTO's used by the Service can be in a different project, you just need to specify which assemblies the Services are in. Although it's recommended the DTO's are maintained in a separate dep-free project which is the recommended Physical Project Structure that's contained in each ServiceStackVS VS.NET Project Template.

Add WebRole.cs - and have it called - in an existing ASP.NET MVC site converted to web role

I have an ASP.NET MVC 4 site running perfectly well in an Azure WebRole. The ASP.NET MVC project was started on its own, after which I added an Azure Cloud Service project to the solution and added the ASP.NET project/site as one of the 'roles' of the service (so it shows up in the 'Roles' folder).
My problem is that I would like to have working a WebRole.cs file within the ASP.NET MVC project, but no matter what I've tried to do, it appears that when deployed, it just never gets called. OnStart and the override of Run (which I know, must never leave the loop) -- these just apparently never get called.
But if you startup a new CloudService project and add, at that time from the start, an ASP.NET MVC project, it automatically has a WebRole.cs file in it, so my guess is that I need to configure something somewhere for the WebRole.cs (actually speaking, the WebRole class, which inherits RoleEntryPoint) to get called. What might that be?
using System;
using System.Web;
//using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
namespace Us.WebUI
public class WebRole : Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime.RoleEntryPoint
public override bool OnStart()
return true; //return base.OnStart(); // CALL THIS???
public override void Run()
while (true) {
try {
EmailFuncs.SendEmailToUs("An email from our WebRole?????", "Email me this, email me that.");
catch { }
UPDATE: Thanks, the question has been answered. But I will add: On doing this, while it clearly was working (fully deployed and in emulator), that suddenly I was having problems doing a full publish of the site. After a azure publish took 3 hours:
Verifying storage account 'xyz'... > Uploading Package... > - Updating... [stayed here for 3 hours], it failed with this error: The server encountered an internal error. Please retry the request. So one thing I was wondering is, did I need to override OnStop in WebRole.cs?
UPDATE 2: Those previous problems were fixed, and had nothing to do with this issue. Actually, I've learned this: If you ever have any warnings generated in your build, Azure often will not work with them even when they don't cause problems locally or in other hosts. Since then, I've been much more studious to tackling build warnings (but critical to this is turning off with warning codes the many warning types you want to ignore!).
Adding a class to your Web Project which inherits from RoleEntryPoint is sufficient, it should just work. Did you try setting a breakpoint in the emulator?
What you might be experiencing is that EmailFuncs.SendEmailToUs requires info from the app/web.config and that this info is not available. You need to know that your WebRole class runs in a different process (not your web application), meaning it's not using your web.config. If you want the WebRole.cs to read info from the configuration file, you'll need to add these settings in WaIISHost.exe.config
