Internal Variable PIPESTATUS - linux

I am new to linux and bash scripting and i have query about this internal variable PIPESTATUS which is an array and stores the exit status of individual commands in pipe.
On command line:
$ find /home | /bin/pax -dwx ustar | /bin/gzip -c > myfile.tar.gz
$ echo ${PIPESTATUS[*]}
$ 0 0 0
working fine on command line but when I am putting this code in a bash script it is showing only one exit status. My default SHELL on command line is bash only.
Somebody please help me to understand why this behaviour is changing? And what should I do to get this work in script?
find_fun() {
find /home
cmd1="find_fun | /bin/pax -dwx ustar"
cmd2="/bin/gzip -c"
eval "$cmd1 | $cmd2 > $backfile.tar.gz " 2>/dev/null
echo -e " find ${PIPESTATUS[0]} \npax ${PIPESTATUS[1]} \ncompress ${PIPESTATUS[2]} > $cmdfile

The problem you are having with your script is that you aren't running the same code as you ran on the command line. You are running different code. Namely the script has the addition of eval. If you were to wrap your command line test in eval you would see that it fails in a similar manner.
The reason the eval version fails (only gives you one value in PIPESTATUS) is because you aren't executing a pipeline anymore. You are executing eval on a string that contains a pipeline. This is similar to executing /bin/bash -c 'some | pipe | line'. The thing actually being run by the current shell is a single command so it has a single exit code.
You have two choices here:
Get rid of eval (which you should do anyway as eval is generally something to avoid) and stop using a string for a command (see Bash FAQ 050 for more on why doing this is a bad idea.
Move the echo "${PIPESTATUS[#]}" into the eval and then capture (and split/parse) the resulting output. (This is clearly a worse solution in just about every way.)

Instead of ${PIPESTATUS[0]} use ${PIPESTATUS[#]}
As with any array in bash PIPESTATUS[0] contains the first command exit status. If you want to get all of them you have to use PIPESTATUS[#] which returns all the contents of the array.
I'm not sure why it worked for you when you tried it in the command line. I tested it and I didn't get the same result as you.


Any way to capture Windows specific exit codes in in git-bash?

I have a scenario where a windows application that I execute in CI exits with -1073740791 eg Stack Overflow. One cmd, this can be caught obviously via %errorlevel% but on bash, at least this exit code maps to 127 in $?.
Obviously, bash on windows should not break scripting so anything above or beyond 0-255 is not fine.
Question is: Is there any special variables or mechanism directly in git-bash itself to catch this actual value ? In this case, the executable is testsuite (think off google benchhmark or google test) and exit code 127 - command not found is not helpful at all.
I had the same issue and i do not think that there is any way to do that within bash.
I decided to wrap my executable in a powershell call, append the exit code to stdout and extract it afterwards like this:
OUTPUT=$(powershell ".\"$EXECUTABLE\" $PARAMETERS 2>&1 | % ToString; echo \$LASTEXITCODE")
# Save exit code to separate variable and remove it from $OUTPUT.
EXITCODE=$(echo "$OUTPUT" | tail -n1 | tr -d '\r\n')
OUTPUT=$(sed '$d' <<< "$OUTPUT")
Some notes:
This solution does combine all stdout and stderr output into the variable $OUTPUT.
Redirecting stderr in powershell wraps the output in some error class. Calling ToString() on these returns them as normal text. This is what the | % ToString is for. Cmp. this SO Answer.
Invoking Powershell can be surprisingly slow due to Windows Defender. This can possibly be fixed by adding powershell to the list of Windows Defender exclusions.

Using "read" to set variables

In bash from the CLI I can do:
$ echo $ERR_TYPE
$ read ${ERR_TYPE}_ERROR
This works great to set my variable name dynamically; in a script it doesn't work. I tried:
#!/bin/env bash
for i in "${ERR_TYPE[#]}"
sh -c $(echo ${i}_ERROR=$"1234")
echo $OVERLOAD_ERROR # output is blank
# I also tried these:
# ${i}_ERROR=$(echo ${i}_ERROR=$"1234") # command not found
# read ${i}_ERROR=$(echo ${i}_ERROR=$"1234") # it never terminates
How would I set a variable as I do from CLI, but in a script? thanks
When you use dynamic variables names instead of associative arrays, you really need to question your approach.
err_type=("OVERLOAD" "PANIC" "FATAL")
declare -A error
for type in "${err_type[#]}"; do
Nevertheless, in bash you'd use declare:
declare "${i}_error=1234"
Your approach fails because you spawn a new shell, passing the command OVERLOAD_ERROR=1234, and then the shell exits. Your current shell is not affected at all.
Get out of the habit of using ALLCAPSVARNAMES. One day you'll write PATH=... and then wonder why your script is broken.
If the variable will hold a number, you can use let.
for i in "${ERR_TYPE[#]}"
let ${i}_ERROR=1000+j++
This outputs:
I'd use eval.
I think this would be considered bad practice though (it had some thing to do with the fact that eval is "evil" because it allows bad input or something):
eval "${i}_ERROR=1234"

Bash and Dash inconsistently check command substitution error codes with `errexit`

I seem to have encountered a very, very strange inconsistency in the way both dash and bash check for error conditions with the errexit option.
Using both dash and bash without the set -e/set -o errexit option, the following program:
echo pre
echo post
will print the following (with slightly different error strings for dash):
./ line 4: fail: command not found
With the errexit option, it will print the following:
./ line 4: fail: command not found
Surprisingly, however, if bar is local, the program will always echo both pre and post. More specifically, using both dash and bash with our without the errexit option, the following program:
echo pre
local bar=$(fail)
echo post
will print the following:
./ line 4: fail: command not found
In other words, it seems that the return value of a command substitution that is assigned to a local variable is not checked by errexit, but it is if the variable is global.
I would have been inclined to think this was simply a corner case bug, if it didn't happen with both shells. Since dash is specifically designed to be POSIX conformant I wonder if this behavior is actually specified by the POSIX standard, though I have a hard time imagining how that would make sense.
dash(1) has this to say about errexit:
If not interactive, exit immediately if any untested command fails. The exit status of a command is considered to be explicitly tested if the command is used to control an if, elif, while, or until; or if the command is the left hand operand of an “&&” or “||” operator.
bash(1) is somewhat more verbose, but I have a hard time making sense of it:
Exit immediately if a pipeline (which may consist of a single simple command), a list, or a compound command (see SHELL GRAMMAR above), exits with a non-zero status. The shell does not exit if the command that fails is part of the command list immediately following a while or until keyword, part of the test following the if or elif reserved words, part of any command executed in a && or || list except the command following the final && or ||, any command in a pipeline but the last, or if the command's return value is being inverted with !. If a compound command other than a subshell returns a non-zero status because a command failed while -e was being ignored, the shell does not exit. A trap on ERR, if set, is executed before the shell exits. This option applies to the shell environment and each subshell environment separately (see COMMAND EXECUTION ENVIRONMENT above), and may cause subshells to exit before executing all the commands in the subshell.
If a compound command or shell function executes in a context where -e is being ignored, none of the commands executed within the compound command or function body will be affected by the -e setting, even if -e is set and a command returns a failure status. If a compound command or shell function sets -e while executing in a context where -e is ignored, that setting will not have any effect until the compound command or the command containing the function call completes.
TL;DR The exit status of local "hides" the exit status of any command substitutions appearing in one of its arguments.
The exit status of a variable assignment is poorly documented (or at least, I couldn't find any specifics in a quick skim of the various man pages and the POSIX spec). As far as I can tell, the exit status is taken as the exit status of the last command substitution that occurs in the value of the assignment, or 0 if there are no command substitutions. Non-final command substitutions appear to be included in the list of "tested" situations, as an assignment like
does not exit with errexit set.
local, however, is a command itself whose exit status is normally 0, independent of any command substitutions that occur in its arguments. That is, while
has an exit status of 1,
local foo=$(false)
will have an exit status of 0, with any command substitutions in an argument seemingly considered "tested" for the purposes of errexit.
Try this:
set -e
echo pre
local bar
echo post
!! OR !!
set -e
echo pre
local bar
echo post
$ ./errexit_function
./errexit_function: line 8: fail: command not found
$ echo $?
As far as I can tell this is a work around for a bug in bash, but try this,
set -e
echo true || return_value=$?
echo the command returned a value of ${return_value:-0}
$(fail) || return_value=$?
echo the command returned a value of ${return_value:-0}
echo post

Exit code of variable assignment to command substitution in Bash

I am confused about what error code the command will return when executing a variable assignment plainly and with command substitution:
a=$(false); echo $?
It outputs 1, which let me think that variable assignment doesn't sweep or produce new error code upon the last one. But when I tried this:
false; a=""; echo $?
It outputs 0, obviously this is what a="" returns and it override 1 returned by false.
I want to know why this happens, is there any particularity in variable assignment that differs from other normal commands? Or just be cause a=$(false) is considered to be a single command and only command substitution part make sense?
-- UPDATE --
Thanks everyone, from the answers and comments I got the point "When you assign a variable using command substitution, the exit status is the status of the command." (by #Barmar), this explanation is excellently clear and easy to understand, but speak doesn't precise enough for programmers, I want to see the reference of this point from authorities such as TLDP or GNU man page, please help me find it out, thanks again!
Upon executing a command as $(command) allows the output of the command to replace itself.
When you say:
a=$(false) # false fails; the output of false is stored in the variable a
the output produced by the command false is stored in the variable a. Moreover, the exit code is the same as produced by the command. help false would tell:
false: false
Return an unsuccessful result.
Exit Status:
Always fails.
On the other hand, saying:
$ false # Exit code: 1
$ a="" # Exit code: 0
$ echo $? # Prints 0
causes the exit code for the assignment to a to be returned which is 0.
Quoting from the manual:
If one of the expansions contained a command substitution, the exit
status of the command is the exit status of the last command
substitution performed.
Quoting from BASHFAQ/002:
How can I store the return value and/or output of a command in a
The assignment to output has no effect on command's exit status, which
is still in $?.
Note that this isn't the case when combined with local, as in local variable="$(command)". That form will exit successfully even if command failed.
Take this Bash script for example:
function funWithLocalAndAssignmentTogether() {
local output="$(echo "Doing some stuff.";exit 1)"
local exitCode=$?
echo "output: $output"
echo "exitCode: $exitCode"
function funWithLocalAndAssignmentSeparate() {
local output
output="$(echo "Doing some stuff.";exit 1)"
local exitCode=$?
echo "output: $output"
echo "exitCode: $exitCode"
Here is the output of this:
nick.parry#nparry-laptop1:~$ ./
output: Doing some stuff.
exitCode: 0
output: Doing some stuff.
exitCode: 1
This is because local is actually a builtin command, and a command like local variable="$(command)" calls local after substituting the output of command. So you get the exit status from local.
I came across the same problem yesterday (Aug 29 2018).
In addition to local mentioned in Nick P.'s answer and #sevko's comment in the accepted answer, declare in global scope also has the same behavior.
Here's my Bash code:
ls file_not_existed
local local_ret1=$?
echo "local_ret1=$local_ret1"
local local_var2=$(ls file_not_existed)
local local_ret2=$?
echo "local_ret2=$local_ret2"
local local_var3
local_var3=$(ls file_not_existed)
local local_ret3=$?
echo "local_ret3=$local_ret3"
ls file_not_existed
echo "global_ret1=$global_ret1"
declare global_var2=$(ls file_not_existed)
echo "global_ret2=$global_ret2"
declare global_var3
global_var3=$(ls file_not_existed)
echo "global_ret3=$global_ret3"
The output:
$ ./ 2>/dev/null
Note the values of local_ret2 and global_ret2 in the output above. The exit codes are overwritten by local and declare.
My Bash version:
(not an answer to original question but too long for comment)
Note that export A=$(false); echo $? outputs 0! Apparently the rules quoted in devnull's answer no longer apply. To add a bit of context to that quote (emphasis mine):
3.7.1 Simple Command Expansion
If there is a command name left after expansion, execution proceeds as described below. Otherwise, the command exits. If one of the expansions contained a command substitution, the exit status of the command is the exit status of the last command substitution performed. If there were no command substitutions, the command exits with a status of zero.
3.7.2 Command Search and Execution [ — this is the "below" case]
IIUC the manual describes var=foo as special case of var=foo command... syntax (pretty confusing!). The "exit status of the last command substitution" rule only applies to the no-command case.
While it's tempting to think of export var=foo as a "modified assignment syntax", it isn't — export is a builtin command (that just happens to take assignment-like args).
=> If you want to export a var AND capture command substitution status, do it in 2 stages:
# ... check $?
export A
This way also works in set -e mode — exits immediately if the command substitution return non-0.
As others have said, the exit code of the command substitution is the exit code of the substituted command, so
echo $?
However, unexpectedly, adding export to the beginning of that produces a different result:
export FOO=$(false)
echo $?
This is because, while the substituted command false fails, the export command succeeds, and that is the exit code returned by the statement.

Any way to exit bash script, but not quitting the terminal

When I use exit command in a shell script, the script will terminate the terminal (the prompt). Is there any way to terminate a script and then staying in the terminal?
My script is expected to execute by directly being sourced, or sourced from another script.
To be more specific, there are two scripts as
echo "place A"
and as
when I run it by ., and if it hit exit codeline in, I want it to stop to the terminal and stay there. But using exit, the whole terminal gets closed.
PS: I have tried to use return, but echo codeline will still gets executed....
The "problem" really is that you're sourcing and not executing the script. When you source a file, its contents will be executed in the current shell, instead of spawning a subshell. So everything, including exit, will affect the current shell.
Instead of using exit, you will want to use return.
Yes; you can use return instead of exit. Its main purpose is to return from a shell function, but if you use it within a source-d script, it returns from that script.
As §4.1 "Bourne Shell Builtins" of the Bash Reference Manual puts it:
return [n]
Cause a shell function to exit with the return value n.
If n is not supplied, the return value is the exit status of the
last command executed in the function.
This may also be used to terminate execution of a script being executed
with the . (or source) builtin, returning either n or
the exit status of the last command executed within the script as the exit
status of the script.
Any command associated with the RETURN trap is executed
before execution resumes after the function or script.
The return status is non-zero if return is used outside a function
and not during the execution of a script by . or source.
You can add an extra exit command after the return statement/command so that it works for both, executing the script from the command line and sourcing from the terminal.
Example exit code in the script:
if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
echo "Needs at least two arguments"
return 1 2>/dev/null
exit 1
The line with the exit command will not be called when you source the script after the return command.
When you execute the script, return command gives an error. So, we suppress the error message by forwarding it to /dev/null.
Instead of running the script using ., you can run it using sh or bash
A new sub-shell will be started, to run the script then, it will be closed at the end of the script leaving the other shell opened.
Actually, I think you might be confused by how you should run a script.
If you use sh to run a script, say, sh ./, even if the embedded script ends with exit, your terminal window will still remain.
However if you use . or source, your terminal window will exit/close as well when subscript ends.
for more detail, please refer to What is the difference between using sh and source?
This is just like you put a run function inside your script
You use exit code inside run while source your file in the bash tty.
If the give the run function its power to exit your script and give the
its power to exit the terminator.
Then of cuz the run function has power to exit your teminator.
#! /bin/sh
# use .
echo "this is run"
#return 0
exit 0
echo "this is begin"
echo "this is end"
Anyway, I approve with Kaz it's a design problem.
I had the same problem and from the answers above and from what I understood what worked for me ultimately was:
Have a shebang line that invokes the intended script, for example,
#!/bin/bash uses bash to execute the script
I have scripts with both kinds of shebang's. Because of this, using sh or . was not reliable, as it lead to a mis-execution (like when the script bails out having run incompletely)
The answer therefore, was
Make sure the script has a shebang, so that there is no doubt about its intended handler.
chmod the .sh file so that it can be executed. (chmod +x
Invoke it directly without any sh or .
Hope this helps someone with similar question or problem.
To write a script that is secure to be run as either a shell script or sourced as an rc file, the script can check and compare $0 and $BASH_SOURCE and determine if exit can be safely used.
Here is a short code snippet for that
[ "X$(basename $0)" = "X$(basename $BASH_SOURCE)" ] && \
echo "***** executing $name_src as a shell script *****" || \
echo "..... sourcing $name_src ....."
I think that this happens because you are running it on source mode
with the dot
You should run that in a subshell:
It's correct that sourced vs. executed scripts use return vs. exit to keep the same session open, as others have noted.
Here's a related tip, if you ever want a script that should keep the session open, regardless of whether or not it's sourced.
The following example can be run directly like or sourced like . Either way it will keep the session open after "exiting". The $# string is passed so that the function has access to the outer script's arguments.
read -p "Would you like to XYZ? (Y/N): " response;
[ $response != 'y' ] && return 1;
echo "XYZ complete (args $#).";
return 0;
echo "This line will never execute.";
foo "$#";
Terminal result:
$ Would you like to XYZ? (Y/N): n
$ .
$ Would you like to XYZ? (Y/N): n
$ |
(terminal window stays open and accepts additional input)
This can be useful for quickly testing script changes in a single terminal while keeping a bunch of scrap code underneath the main exit/return while you work. It could also make code more portable in a sense (if you have tons of scripts that may or may not be called in different ways), though it's much less clunky to just use return and exit where appropriate.
Also make sure to return with expected return value. Else if you use exit when you will encounter an exit it will exit from your base shell since source does not create another process (instance).
Improved the answer of Tzunghsing, with more clear results and error re-direction, for silent usage:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo -e "Testing..."
if [ "X$(basename $0 2>/dev/null)" = "X$(basename $BASH_SOURCE)" ]; then
echo "***** You are Executing $0 in a sub-shell."
exit 0
echo "..... You are Sourcing $BASH_SOURCE in this terminal shell."
return 0
echo "This should never be seen!"
Or if you want to put this into a silent function:
function sExit() {
# Safe Exit from script, not closing shell.
[ "X$(basename $0 2>/dev/null)" = "X$(basename $BASH_SOURCE)" ] && exit 0 || return 0
# have to be called with an error check, like this:
sExit && return 0
echo "This should never be seen!"
Please note that:
if you have enabled errexit in your script (set -e) and you return N with N != 0, your entire script will exit instantly. To see all your shell settings, use, set -o.
when used in a function, the 1st return 0 is exiting the function, and the 2nd return 0 is exiting the script.
if your terminal emulator doesn't have -hold you can sanitize a sourced script and hold the terminal with:
sed "s/exit/return/g" script >/tmp/script
. /tmp/script
otherwise you can use $TERM -hold -e script
If a command succeeded successfully, the return value will be 0. We can check its return value afterwards.
Is there a “goto” statement in bash?
Here is some dirty workaround using trap which jumps only backwards.
set -eu
trap 'echo "E: failed with exitcode $?" 1>&2' ERR
my_function () {
if git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree > /dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "this is run"
return 0
echo "fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git"
goto trap 2> /dev/null
echo "Command succeeded" # If my_function failed this line is not printed
How to use $? and test to check function?
I couldn't find solution so for those who want to leave the nested script without leaving terminal window:
# this is just script which goes to directory if path satisfies regex
if [[ "$pwd" =~ ddev.*web ]]; then
# echo "your in wordpress instalation"
wpDir=$(echo "$pwd" | grep -o '.*\/web')
cd $wpDir
echo 'please be in wordpress directory'
# to leave from outside the scope
# nested function which returns $leave variable
# interupts the script if $leave is true
if $leave; then
echo 'here is the rest of the script, executes if leave is not defined'
I have no idea whether this is useful for you or not, but in zsh, you can exit a script, but only to the prompt if there is one, by using parameter expansion on a variable that does not exist, as follows.
Though this does create an error message in your script, you can prevent it with something like the following.
{ ${missing_variable_ejector:?} } 2>/dev/null
1) exit 0 will come out of the script if it is successful.
2) exit 1 will come out of the script if it is a failure.
You can try these above two based on ur req.
