xPage add placeBar item - xpages

I want to add placeBar label to the right..
PlaseBar title appears as a text on left, all buttons/items appears on right. But there is no option to add just a text/label as an item. If I cannot add a lebel then how can I style the button to hide borders?

To answer your question on the button styling: add border: none to your buttons in the place bar by adding this to your custom css file:
.lotusPlaceBar .lotusBtn {
border: none;
This will target buttons in the place bar only.
You can also add your own class to a specific button and then target that class only.
The most simple solution is probably to just add inline CSS to your button:
<xp:button value="need a label here" id="button3" style="border:none"></xp:button>

Add a basicLeafNode to your placeBarActions
label="need a label here"
and give it a class "labelPlaceBar".
Set enabled to "false". This way it won't change mouse cursor hovering over the label.
Use class "labelPlaceBar" in css to hide label's border and background for normal mode and for hovering:
.labelPlaceBar a, .labelPlaceBar a:hover {
border: none;
background: transparent;
Then it will show the label just as a label.


In jsf, how to wrap the text in select option(SelectOneMenu)

In SelectOneMenu, one of the value is overflowing in drop-down and that value should be aligned according with other value.
Following skinning styles are available for selectOneMenu
.ui-selectonemenu Main container.
.ui-selectonemenu-label Label of the component.
.ui-selectonemenu-trigger Container of dropdown icon.
.ui-selectonemenu-items Items list.
.ui-selectonemenu-items Each item in the list.
try the following for your menu
.ui-selectonemenu-items {
display: inline !important;
or you can use
word-wrap: break-word;

How to remove xPage table borders

First question is: do I really need to use tables to align/organize labels/fields on my xPage?
It's like old style development (using hidden tables) that helps group components on the form/page.
Anyway I just switched from Notes 8 to Notes 9 and apply Bootstrap 3 theme. Now all tables have top border I cannot remove. It's something weird. Even my own class doesn't remove the border.
table, th, td {
border-collapse: collapse;
Moreover if I try to set border size/color it works only for left,righ and bottom. If I set border size 2px then it sets the color for top border as well
table, th, td {
border: 1px solid black;
So how do I remove tables borders on my page. See picture below
Add the following lines to your CSS:
.table>thead>tr>th, .table>tbody>tr>th, .table>tfoot>tr>th, .table>thead>tr>td,
.table>tbody>tr>td, .table>tfoot>tr>td {
border-top: 0px;
You don't need a table to align label and field. Use style "display:inline-block" and set an appropriate width:
Use separate classes for label and fields with those styles to set the same align to all label/fields in your application.
If you move to a Bootstrap theme you would not need the tables for alignment plus you would be creating a responsive design that could adapt to mobile devices.

How to set the width of suggest boxes in RedQueryBuilder

After you have chosen a field name, then you start typing in the value textbox, the dropdown defaults to a width of 150px which causes lots of things to be cut off. A scrollbar shows up so you can scroll left and right, but I would like to figure out how to set the minimum width of this element.
The css path to the element defining this is:
body > div.gwt-SuggestBoxPopup > div > table > tbody > tr.suggestPopupMiddle > td.suggestPopupMiddleCenter > div > div
It seems to be an inline style in the element
<div class="" style="overflow: auto; position: relative; zoom: 1; height: 322px; width: 150px;">
The field dropdown seems to re-size dynamically, so it does not get scroll bars, the suggest box starts at 150px and resizes sometimes, but it doesn't seem to have any rhyme or reason.
I added the following to my stylesheet:
.suggestPopupMiddleCenter > div > div
min-width: 300px; !important
But that also affects the field dropdown, which appears to be working properly.
Is this a bug, or is there a configuration that I can use that will allow the value suggestion box dropdown to dynamically resize based on the widest element?
It is hard wired in the tardis branch https://github.com/salk31/RedQueryBuilder/blob/tardis/redquerybuilder-core/src/main/java/com/redspr/redquerybuilder/core/client/expression/SuggestEditorWidget.java#L107
It probably could use some rule to choose the width. Best if you raise a bug and make a suggestion?

rich:autocomplete truncates selected text for display

I have a rich:autocomplete dropdown selector in my application. In the dropdown list that appears as the user begins entering text, the strings that have been loaded into the list of selections will happily display out to the entire width of the dropdown. However, once you make a selection only about 34 characters of the string will be displayed, with the result that the end user has to scroll left and right in the input box to see the entire string, see here (StackOverflow won't allow me to post inline images yet): http://imgur.com/Y9LLaBi
Here's the offending table cell in the frontend XHTML file. It uses the JSF and richfaces namespaces and there's a backing bean that creates the autocomplete suggestion list and executes other business logic, but I believe this is the only relevant code:
<td height="20" class="addborderright addborderbottom inputbox" colspan="4">
<!-- nb: richfaces autocomplete to ensure proper name entry -->
<h:message styleClass="errormsg" for="campusName" />
<rich:autocomplete id="campusName" length="50" mode="client" minChars="1"
layout="table" autofill="true" selectFirst="true"
style="width:370px" fetchValue="#{fn}" var="fn" maxlength="100">
To make the dropdown box left-justify text and be the same as the width of the input field the following CSS is at the top of the XHTML file:
text-align: left; float: left;
.rf-au-lst-dcrtn .rf-au-lst-scrl {
width: 370px; !important
However, there doesn't appear to be a CSS property relating to the width of the displayed text in the input box, so it appears cut off to the end user, and only fills about half the available space in the input box! Could someone please help? Thanks!
rf-au-fnt is the class of the input, you're already overriding it so just add the width.
As a sidenote, rather than directly overriding the RichFaces classes you should set a class for the component and then write stylesheets like
.myAutocomplete .rf-au-fnt {text-align: left; float: left; width: 370px !important
This way you don't change something you wouldn't want to.

CSS: Positioning components using margins

In the image below, you can see i have two tabs help and Instructions, i want to place these two tabs next to each other where the Help tab currently is. When i use the margin-left: property, only the help button moves to the left and the instructions button stays in the same place.
The css i am using to configure this:
.v-csslayout-topbarapplicant .v-button,
.v-csslayout-topbarapplicant .v-nativebutton,
.v-csslayout-topbarapplicant-invert .v-button,
.v-csslayout-topbarapplicant-invert .v-nativebutton {
float: right;
display: inline;
margin-left: 268px;
margin-top: -18px;
padding: 0 3px 2px 0;
line-height: 11px;
How can i change the spacing so that both tabs (vaadin components) move together?
You need to make sure both items are wrapped with a div. Then you set the margin-left to that div, not only one of the items.
There's no way of telling in the CSS that you posted which items are being manipulated. If both of these items, "help" and "Instructions", are in the CSS you posted, then you to need to change it so that both items exist as one, meaning in one div. If only one of these items exist in your CSS that you posted, then you have only one of them being manipulated with the CSS, and that one is floating right. Ensure both items are floated in the same direction and they are wrapped. Apply the margin to this wrapper div.
The general structure should look like this:
#help, #instructions {
float: right;
div#wrapper {
margin-left: 268px;
] /* wrapper containing both items, "help" and "Instructions" */
<div id="wrapper">
<div id="help"></div>
<div id="instructions"></div>
I think that you are having some inheritance problems.
I would suggest first checking what inheritance this property is following, and if you still have problems I would then create separate divs for Help and Instructions, where instructions has a different right margin. I hope this helps! This type of problems are stubborn.
