Howto get list of IIS changes - iis

I've made some tweaks here and there on an IIS7, and am about to migrate to IIS8. How can I get a good overview of the things I've been poking with? Mime-types, rewrite-rules etc.
WinMerge would be nice - towards the default files. But I'm guessing IIS won't let me of the hook that easy, right?

Besides application level configs, you can try to WinMerge on the following configuration files:


.htaccess file location for OpenStack with Go

I'm using OpenShift, and I'd like to know where the .htaccess file should go with Go language (golang). I tried all locations with other languages, none of them worked.
Yes, I created a 1 small gear application with Go language cartridge. Everything default, so it's The Go Cartridge
I guess you are using the Go cartridge; as far as I know it the .htaccess file should be on the web server gear. Your web server should run on the primary gear but without any other info it's hard to provide a meaningful answer.

IIS Test Server From Existing IIS Server with Joomla

I am in a situation where the current web server is a production environment and there is no development environment. It is running Joomla on an IIS Web Server and is an Intranet site with all of the security, IP restrictions, Certificates, and whatever else required to run an enterprise level Intranet site.
I am wondering what I can do to set up a development environment to work within (preferably using some type of version control).
I have full reign over the IIS server, and I have had a co-worker set up a VM clone of the current system to work with, however the security is making it difficult to work with and set up.
I would like to not use Visual Studio as I don't believe I have a license for it; however I can get it if need be. I would like to stick with Notepad++ if at all possible.
Thank you.
If you're wanting to literally take the site content out and be able to edit and work without any of the security restrictions of the production environment, there's a couple of ways you could do it. However, it's going to depend on what DB the system is running with.
Joomla, regardless of what web platform it is running on, is coded in PHP, so you don't have to worry about getting visual studio. You can use Notepad++ as normal.
Option 1 - IIS Clone
If you can take a SQL backup of the database, you build a from-scratch box with IIS. You'd need to add the PHP drivers to IIS to do this. Go to Microsoft's site for more info:
Option 2 - Apache Port
You can make an Apache box using WAMP to run, if you're using a Windows machine. PHP is PHP, on any platform, so it should work without modification.
The tricky bit will be the database, depending on your situation. If the database is MySQL, you can import your database backup and be good to go, after changing the config files for the Joomla site.
If the site used MSSQL, it's a little trickier. You'll need to install an MSSQL PHP plugin to get this medthod to work. There's plenty of instructions online on how to do this, it's a case of finding the right one for your implementation.

How to keep web deployment package parameter values set through IIS UI across package updates?

My question is similar to this one, which remained unanswered, unfortunately.
We are rolling out a web application as a web deployment package (Web Deploy/MSdeploy) to different environments. The package is created from within Visual Studio 2012/Team Build. Several parameters are to be set at install time (connection strings, WCF endpoints, logging settings, etc.). We have these in a parameters.xml at the root of the project.
Most of our customers import the package through IIS UI. Each time we roll out an update, customer IIS administrators have to provide the parameter values again through the UI. Most of the time, parameters do not change across updates.
What is the best way to handle this? Advise customer IIS administrators to use the command-line instead, injecting a SetParameters.xml that they keep separately (the level of some of our customer administrators isn't particularly high, so having something UI-based which we can document with a couple of screenshots is an advantage)? Keep the settings file (web.config or appconfig) out of the package altogether? What is the neatest way to do this?
I had the same problem, but decided to go with the batch-script installer file that comes with the web deploy package. In my mind it is more secure, doing this installation by script, instead of having to install through GUI. It can be documented, and maybe they need to learn a little bit of command-line?
As you say, they can use the same SetParameters-file for all following releases, if nothing in it changed - which in my mind is a huge benifit - not having to manage web.configs manually.
Automated deploys minimizes manual errors.

Is it ok to copy a domain in weblogic in situations where we need to have the same configuration for dev/testing purposes?

I am aware of weblogic templates, but out of curiosity I wanted to know, Is it ok to copy a domain in weblogic in situations where we need to have the same configuration? I have already done the same and have been successful in testing my application.
You can get away with doing this, but there are a couple of more reliable (and scriptable) ways to migrate the same configuration through the development team, or to create new deployment environments.
The domain template builder lets you build your own custom domain template from an existing domain:
There's a couple of ways to get it done with WLST, as well:
You can use configToScript to spit out an entire WLST script (and properties file) to recreate the exact configuration you've got, or...
You can use readDomain and writeDomain in offline mode to recreate an existing configuration in a new domain:
It's okay to copy the domains over and it worked exceptionally well prior to WebLogic 9.2. However, there are some weird bugs that pop up for versions that are using the portal for the console.
Also, after copying the file you would want to make sure that all listen addresses and ports have been modified accordingly so that your local managed server doesn't attempt to connect to the production administration server on startup.

Advice Needed: Deploying application to IIS - Can this be fully automated?

I am seeking advice: Ideally, I would like to give an Administrator (of the web server) one file (.exe, .msi, .bat, whatever you suggest), so that when they execute the package, it will setup my application (contains .aspx, .xap silverlight, web service .svc, etc.) on IIS. This will include and certainly not be limited to such things in the IIS Manager, like creating a virtual directory, path, default document, security, and all of the IIS settings one finds via inetmgr and properties. I would also maybe like to run a .bat file (not sure if this correct), but to check for certain settings and pinging other servers for status.
Many years ago, I used to automate everything and used concepts like .bat files - got the job done and it was amazing what I could do. Fast forward a couple of years now and am approaching the automation process again. I wanted to know if there is anything new out there.
Any and all advice will be greatly appreciated!
It's quite a bit of a learning curve but yes, WiX / InstallShield / MSI can do this. I've done installers for n-Tier / SOA systems including single tenant SaaS where you could run the application layer installer dozens of times creating new instances running on different host headers or ports pointed to different data layers and different configuration settings. You could then do the same for the WebUI pointing to which ever application layer you want.
Basically whether it's instaling .NET, setting up vDir / AppPools / WebSites / Extensions, reading and writing XML config files, executing SQL scripts, creating services and so on it can all be done... if you take the time to learn it all. Deployment Engineering is a bigger domain then it first appears to be.
As for .BAT, that's bad form. First you work to leverage native capabilities before writing custom actions. Then when you do have to write one, you design it to be declarative and transactional ( install, uninstall, rollback, commit ). WiX has a really nice framework called DTF that allows you to encapsulate C# classes as if they were C++ from MSI's perspective and provides a nice interop library needed to talk to MSI during the install.
Visual Studio has a Web Setup Package project you can use for this.
