AndroidStudio doesn't recognize R - android-studio

I am teaching android app programming at a highschool. I found Eclipse to fragile so we are now trying out Android Studio. But a couple of students get that Android Studio with R. in red font, showing that it is not recognized.
This happened for example when the student copied the contents of my files.

It sometimes happens when you open a proyect from other sources. Just Synchronize it or press Ctrl-Alt-Y. file issues : 1) check the naming convention of images in drawable folder with size.
2) check the style of your application
In your case it may be missing style .. So upadate the style in value folder as per application .

The most common reason for this error is bad XML coding. For example using android:src="#drawable#drawable/picture" in ImageView will give you R error as it will not let R.Java file to build. Its hard to trace such errors as XML file will not show any error.
Also take a look if your resources are of good quality!
Hope it helps! Cheers

Build -> Clean Project
Tools -> Android -> Sync Project with Gradle Files
and all OK!

Try adding the following:
to and Refresh:
You can also do the following: Clean Project and Sync Project with Gradle Files.

try importing your project :
To migrate existing Android projects, simply import them using Android Studio:
In Android Studio, close any projects currently open. You should see the Welcome to Android Studio window.
Click Import Non-Android Studio project.
Locate the project you exported from Eclipse, expand it, select the build.gradle file and click OK.
In the following dialog, leave Use gradle wrapper selected and click OK. (You do not need to specify the Gradle home.)
Android Studio properly updates the project structure and creates the appropriate Gradle build file.

First if the existing project was developed in eclipse you need to import the project and then check what are the error. If your students are coping codes from your project then after coping the codes they need to clean and sync the project. If still your problem not solved try this in android studio :-
File/invalidate caches/restart.
Hope it helps you :)

Especially, for regeneration of R.Java file.
If you have tried all these options:
Clean Project
Rebuild Project
Invalidate Caches / Restart
deleted .gradle folder
deleted .idea folder
deleted app/build/generated folder
checked your xml files
checked your drawables and strings
and still face problem then check your classpath dependency in your Project Gradle Scripts and if it's, this:
classpath ''
then downgrade it to, this:
classpath ''
clean and rebuild it will sync your project.

I had the same issue, and the lint gave me a hand...
If you're using lint, it can help too.
In add the lintOptions sub-element in android element as shown below, then lint will fix it for you!!.
android {
lintOptions {
abortOnError false
I hope it helps!!


Android Studio broken .studio instead of classes shows incomprehensible pieces – xml

I started the studio and see such a picture, considering that all the classes are broken and everything is lit in red - the project is going and working. Help me fix it. Invalidate does not help. Instead of classes in general pieces of markup ...
Close Project
Try Removing .idea folder from your project.
Restart your project again in android studio
I have delete caches folder from C: Drive. after open project in an Android studio.
link here

Trying to convert projects that werent built using Gradle

I have tried to clone the following repository on GitHub using Android Studio,, but I have the error:
Before this I selected build project using Gradle and then accepted anything it wanted to install. I am having similar problems with,, where I get that
Each time I selected "create project from existing sources" and then accepted everything it suggested.
What am I doing wrong?
The projects have eclipse .classpath files in the folder. I'm guessing you should be able to import the project into eclipse.
As an alternative to using Eclipse you might want to try using a feature of IntelliJ IDEA (Android Studio's parent project). File > New > Project from Existing Sources... Then select the .project file for the import

Android studio no main activity, no layouts on a new project

I installed new Android Studio. I created new Project and asked the wizard to create main activity. But there were no layouts, no main activity class, no nothing. Error on trying to make new Java class files. The new project tree looks like this:
No (main/java) folder.
No (res/layout) folder.
Other words project is useless.
From what i learned is that you may be picking the "no layout" option when prompted to pick one. Try picking the basic activity and the rest of the files will show
After creating the project, you need to go to File menu and then Import Project. Then browse to the location of your project and import it. Then you will see all of these files and folders. I had this problem too, and it seems to be something that they overlooked in the newer versions of Android Studio (which is quite pathetic if you ask me).
Empty Activity
Choose "Empty Activity" instead of "No Activity",
while creating a NEW PROJECT in Android Studio.
I don't know if anyone is having the same problem right now but i solved this issue by changing the Android Gradle plugin version and the Gradle version.
For doing this you have to open the project you're having issues with and click on
File->Project Structure->Project
and there you will see the two options.
Android Gradle Plugin Version 4.0.0 and Gradle version 6.1.1 worked for me. After that I went to the file directory, right click on the package folder "com.example.myProject" and manually created an empty activity. The layout folder with my new activity was created automatically after that.
I found it's because I changed the Java runtime version before through the Android Studio plugin Choose Runtime. I changed to JDK 8 from JDK 11 then the problem occured. It worked for me to change back to JDK 11 through plugin Choose Runtime.
Typing main activity (without quotes) in the search box and
Press enter.
For me it got restored. Search window is useful in finding many hidden tools quickly.
I created a new activity by right clicking on java then selected activity and the layout file was automatically written
When you open a new project, you can't select "empty project" you have to select and activity project. I just went through this had to delete my project and start a new one now everythings there.

AndroidStudio not showing .gradle files

As said by the title, I cannot find any .gradle file and i dont understand why.
My project works and compiles fine, I dont have any problem inside the IDE but I would like to add SherlockActionBars, and to do that I have to modify settings.gradle and build.gradle, but I just can't find those two files anywere.
NB: The project was imported from eclipse
Thanks in advance
You can just create these files, if it is compiling and working fine in Android Studio 0.2.2 then likely they can just be manually created.
One thing, you said you imported from Eclipse - but did you do the manual step of exporting while in Eclipse? Also - I suggest the eclipse be the version that comes with the Gootle ADT download.
Steps on exporting:

Android Studio: disabling "External build" to display error output create duplicate class errors

I am starting my migration from Eclipse to Android Studio, and start playing with new projects on Studio.
My test project was working fine till I got some errors messages.
I had to do some manipulation ( to enable the error output to display, and found the issue that I fixed.
Unfortunately, after this "workaround" (Why the hell have I to make such things to see my errors?), I found that there was an error message that I cannot fix:
error: duplicate class:
error: duplicate class:
I also noticed that I am not the only one to have this issue (see the comment in the SO answer I linked above)
First time, I was able to fix it by enabling "External build" again, but that happened again, because I needed to see the error output and everything is now broken, and I cannot find what happen.
With Eclipse, the R file was easy to find, in the gen folder, but with Android Studio, there are too many files, and I am a little bit lost.
Any idea/suggestion?
I've found a question like this that has some replies here:
Cannot resolve, duplicate class
You can try this:
Delete the Build folder generated by Android Studio automatically
Also you can try to Rebuild project by clicking Build->Rebuild project after deleting build folder.
So, just to let you know...
A few minutes after I posted my question, Google released an update to Android Studio (0.1.5)
See link:
Tor Norbye kindly answered my question in this community, and I am sharing here
So the workaround I quoted in the OP is no more mandatory.
Enabling again External build after upgrading Android Sudio let me see the real errors ( a library and some Gradle import that I fixed)
So, I consider the Android Studio upgrade as the best answer to this question...
Ok, I also have the same problem, and this is what worked for me.
I first unticked external build from compiler settings. Then when I compiled i get two errors related to, duplicate class.
Then i delete the build folder manually from finder. Then rebuild it from android studio, but still same error.
Then I again go back to compiler preference and tick the external build setting, and it worked fine after that.
Looks like some bug.
apparently, or at least for me 0.1.5 has a bug and cannot run in external build
because of some path error you can read about here
so i switched to internal building, and then i hit the double R symbol bug
after deleting the build path application is compiled without errors but the build folder is not fully rebuilt, I'm missing the file which the internal builder does not make.
i've rebuilt it on the external builder on an unupdated version as a temp workaround while this issues is fixed.
btw if anyone knows how to tell internal gradle to rebuild the build folder please share.
I just had the same problem and found a way to solve it (You can do this with Android Studio open):
Go to you Android Studio projects folder located in c:\users[USERNAME]\AndroidStudioProjects
Locate your project folder and open it.
Delete the folder named build.
From here, enter your application name folder, where you can find another build folder among with libs and src folders and a file named build.gradle.
RENAME the build folder to build2 or something else.
Now in Android Studio go to Build->Rebuild Project.
And after the project was rebuilt, open again the folder where the build2 folder that you renamed is located.
Delete the new folder named build that was created.
Rename your build2 folder to build again.
