SQL Azure - Importing CSV file that resides in a blob - azure

I have read this SO question but mine is quite specific to the "import" of CSV and not how to access the blob to get the CSV out
Which is the best way?
1) CSV Stored in the Blob - use a worker role, read the CSV from the blob, parse data and update database
2) Is SQL BulkCopy/BulkInsert an option. The challenge here is that it should not have any on-premise involvement. All within Azure: blob->SQL DAtabase.
3) Will Azure Automation help? Are there PS scripts/workflows that help in such bulk update of CSV data to Azure SQL DB? I haven't found any though
Are there other options that help import blob CSV data to SQL DB without having to write custom code?
Appreciate any thoughts...

Your first method would work. You could also use azcopy (http://aka.ms/azcopy) to download the file locally, and then use BCP to load it into SQL - this way you wont have to write any code for this.
Azure Automation would help if you want to do this repeatedly. You should be able to set this up as a script even if one doesn't exist.

I know this is outdated question but for anyone looking for quick way to do this feel free to check my article on how to do this quickly using SQL prodecure triggered by Logic App.
In short you run on master
Then you run on DB
LOCATION = 'https://<account_name>.blob.core.windows.net/<container_name>',
CREDENTIAL = BlobCredential
And then
BULK INSERT <my_table>
FROM '<file_name>.csv'
DATA_SOURCE = 'AzureBlob',
Just wrap this insert in procedure and execute it from logic app.
or just use ADF like here

Late answer to old question, but...
If you can use an Azure SQL Data warehouse you could take advantage of PolyBase to directly query the data in CSV format stored in the blob https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/sql-data-warehouse/sql-data-warehouse-load-polybase-guide#export-data-to-azure-blob-storage. This will allow you to directly map the data as an external table and query it dynamically.
This saves you the trouble of writing an external tool/solution for extracting, parsing and uploading the data to the Azure SQL database. Unfortunately PolyBase only works for Azure SQL Data warehouse, not Database, but you could setup something that read the structured data from the warehouse to your solution.

I know this question is two years old, but for those just now searching on the topic, I'd like to mention that the new Azure Feature Pack for SSIS makes this an easy task in SSIS. In VS Data Tools, after installing the Azure Feature pack, you would open an empty SSIS project and 1) Create an Azure Storage Connection Manager, then 2) Add a Data Flow Task, then open the Data Flow task and 3) Add a Blob Source tool to connect to the CSV, and then 4) using Destination Assistant connect to the SQL Table where the data is going. You can then execute this as a one-time load interactively inside the VS Data Tools IDE, or publish it to the SQL Server instance and create a recurring job.


Azure Database -> Excel Query

I have a query being executed in a Azure server periodically and I need to add some code to it, so it can save some data from Tables/Views to a Excel file during the execution.
I have implemented some code like this on other databases (non-Azures), but executing the same code in Azure gives me messages like "Azure doesn't support" some of the tools I used.
What should I use to do this? I just got to save some Tables data to specific sheets in Excel.
Thanks in advance!
In case if the requirement is specific to Excel file creation ; you can use a logic app to query database from Azure SQL database and generate Excel file based on the below link:
Note: You can select Excel file generation for Logic app rather than CSV mentioned in the above example or generate an CSV file and then convert into Excel
Since OPENDATASOURCE is not supported in Azure SQL. You also can use other ETL tools to save some data from Tables/Views to a Excel.
Such as Azure data factory:
Using Copy activity in Azure data factory, you can query from table, execute your sql query and execute stored procudure then convert to a Excel file. There are multiple destinations for you to choose to store this excel, cloud or local server.

How to access an azure Database containing data from Azure Log Analytics Query

I have a working query for my app data to be analyzed.
currently it analyzes the last two weeks data with an ago(14d).
Now i want to use a value containing the release date of the apps current version. Since i havent found a way to add a new database table to the already existing database containing the log data in azure analytics, i created a new database in azure and entered my data there.
Now i just don't know, if i can get access to that database at all from within the web query interface of Azure log analytics, or if i have to use some other tool for that?.
i hope that somebody can help me on this.
As always with azure there is a lot of stuff to read about it, but nothing concrete for my issue (or at least i haven't found it yet).
And yes, i know how to insert the data into the query with a let, but since I want to use the same data in different queries, an external location which can be accessed from all the queries would be the solution I prefer.
Thx in advance.
You cannot access a db directly. You are better of using a csv/json file in blob storage. In the following example I uploaded a txt file with csv data like this:
2a6c024f-9093-434c-b3b1-000821a15b1a,"Customer 1"
28a658a8-5466-45ea-862c-003b20507dd4,"Customer 2"
c46fb949-d807-4eea-8de4-005dd4beb39a,"Customer 3"
e05b67ee-ff83-4805-b004-0064449f196c,"Customer 4"
Then I can reference this data from log analytics / application insights in a query like this using the externaldata operator:
let customers = externaldata(id:string, companyName:string) [
] with(format="csv");
| extend CompanyId = tostring(customDimensions.CustomerId)
| join kind=leftouter
on $left.CompanyId == $right.id
The url https://xxx.blob.core.windows.net/myblob.txt?sv=2019-10-10&st=2020-09-29T11%3A39%3A22Z&se=2050-09-30T11%3A39%3A00Z&sr=b&sp=r&sig=xxx is created by creating a url including a SAS token by using the Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer, selecting a blob and then right click -> Get Shared Access Signature. In the popup create a SAS and then copy the uri.
i know Log Analytics uses Azure Data Explorer in the back-end and Azure Data Explorer has a feature to use External Tables within the queries but I am not sure if Log Analytics support External Tables.
External Tables in Azure Data Explorer

I want to import Text file(CSV) data to Azure SQL by using logic-App

I tried using HTTP request I am able to send the data from HTTP request to azure SQL but I am manually Send the data through postman but that is not my requirement
Requirement:I need to use a scheduler and a particular time the data from the text file need to be read and to be stored into Azure-SqlDB
if you have any resource or examples please let me know
About how import Text file(CSV) data to Azure SQL by using logic-App, you could reference this tutorial: Quick, easy and cheap way to automate data loading from CSV file into Azure SQL:
Check out how to leverage Azure Blob Storage and Logic Apps for
simple scenario of data loading from CSV into Azure SQL in less than
30 minutes and with almost no coding.
About any developer out there at some point or another had to
automate ETL process for data loading. This article will present a
fast and convinient way to create data loading workflow for CSVs
using Azure SQL and blob storage.
It also introduced other ways you could reference:
How import Text file(CSV) data to Azure SQL by using Data Factory.
How import Text file(CSV) data from Blob stroage to Azure SQL by
using T-SQL.
You also could reference:
Upload Flat File on Azure SQL Database using Azure Logic App
Using Azure Logic Apps to Import CSV to SQL Server
I'm agree with #Mandar Dharmadhikari, Logic app is not the best way to do it.
If your csv file with large data, I also suggest you to use Data Factory,when the copy active pipeline created, you could trigger the pipeline executing in schedule.
Hope this helps.
I would suggest you yo use Azure Data Factory as it is more suited to the task that you want to perform. Following post gives the idea on how to move csv data fo SQL.

Can I store txt files in Azure SQL Database?

Hi is it possible to store .txt files inside azure sql database? if not then which service provides this?
You can write them into an nvarchar(max) column if you'd like. If they are CSV files, you may want to shred them into columns in a table. However, if you have a lot of text file data, you may find it cheaper to use Azure Storage instead. It is generally better for colder data where you don't need to process it if your text data is all want to store or if it is a majority of what you are trying to store.
hope that helps
You can have them first uploaded/stored on an Azure Storage Account and have them automatically processed and uploaded to a table on an Azure SQL Database using Azure Functions as explained here. Azure Functions have triggers to respond to an event like a new file has been uploaded.

Bulk upload Excel to SQL Azure daily

I have a requirement to bulk upload data from a excel file to an Azure SQL table on a daily basis. I did some research and found that we could create a VM install full SQL and use SSIS package to do this.
Is there any other reliable way to go about this? The excel may contain up to 10,000 rows.
I have also read we could upload file to a blob storage and read from there but found it's not very robust approach.
Can anyone suggest if this is feasible approach-
Place excel file in Azure Website accessed via FTP
Azure Timer job using SQL Bulk copy code to update the SQL table
Any help would be highly appreciated!
You could use Azure Data Factory - check out the documentation here. Place your files in Azure Data Lake and the ADF will process them.
