Assigning an integer to a register - verilog

I am new to Verilog so I am having problems making conversions between different bases or types. More specifically I am trying to assign an integer to a 9 bit long register. The register will represent a signed integer in binary. I am trying to do something like this.
integer i = -10;
reg [8:0] r;
always #(posedge clk)
r <= i;
P.S. I am using Verilog with Xilinx ISE v12.4

Integers can be assigned to registers - and the other way around, ref here. But care needs to be taken so that the value isn't truncated.


Bit by bit comparison between two variables in Verilog

Currently, I am beginning to write the firmware by Verilog for one idea. It is comparing bit by bit between two variables and then using one binary counter to count the number of different bits.
For example:
I have two variables in verilog
A : 8'b00100001;
B : 8'b01000000;
Then I give the condition to compare bit by bit between two variables. If there is difference between 1 bit of A and 1 bit of B at same bit position, binary counter will count.
This is my verilog code:
module BERT_test(
input CLK,
input RST,
input [7:0] SIG_IN,
input [7:0] SIG_OUT,
output [7:0] NUM_ERR
integer i;
reg[7:0] sign_in;
reg[7:0] sign_out;
always #(posedge CLK) begin
sign_in[7:0] <= SIG_IN[7:0];
sign_out[7:0] <= SIG_OUT[7:0];
reg [15:0] bit_err;
// Combinational Logic
always #* begin
bit_err = 8'b0;
for (i=0;i<8;i=i+1) begin
if (sign_in[i] == sign_out[i]) begin
bit_err = bit_err + 8'b0;
end else begin
bit_err = bit_err + 8'b1;
assign NUM_ERR = bit_err;
Then I had a mistake
Reference to vector wire 'NUM_ERR' is not a legal reg or variable lvalue
I do not know how to solve this problem. Are there any solutions for this problem or how I need to modify my firmware, please suggest me.
You are driving NUM_ERR (a net) from an always block. It is not permitted to drive nets from always blocks (or initial blocks). You need to move this line:
assign NUM_ERR = bit_err;
outside the always block.
You should not use an assign statement inside an always block. This is legal but is deprecated and means something weird. If you have included this line inside the always block by mistake, then indenting you code properly would have shown it up.
You have an assign WITHIN an always block. Move it outside.
Adding zero to bit error if the bits are the same is superfluous.
if (sign_in[i] != sign_out[i])
bit_err = bit_err + 8'b1;
Also bit error is 16 bits so it is not wrong to add 8'b1 but misleading.

Verilog: Using reg As Counters For for-loops

In a module:
reg a, b;
integer i, j;
for (a = 0; a < 2; a = a + 1)
//some code
The textbook says it would be incorrect to get rid of integers i and j and use reg a and b directly as loop counters. Hint: reg variables have a fixed size and, hence, they wrap.
What does that mean? Doesn't integer have a fixed size as well? And what's wrapping?
A reg is either single bit, or multiple bit if you define it as an array. An integer, on the other hand is 32 bits. So if you have a loop, it is more convenient to use an integer variable that doesn't overflow as the loop advances.
In your example, you set a < 2, so with a single bit reg the loop never terminates.
Moreover integers are singed values.

How to prevent ISE compiler from optmizing away my array?

I'm new to Verilog, ISE, FPGAs. I'm trying to implement a simple design into an FPGA, but the entire design is being optimized away. It is basically an 2D array with some arbitrary values. Here is the code:
module top(
output reg out
integer i;
integer j;
reg [5:0] array [0:99][0:31];
initial begin
for(i=0;i<100;i=i+1) begin
for(j=0;j<32;j=j+1) begin
array[i][j] = j;
out = array[i][j];
It passes XST Synthesis fine, but it fails MAP in the Implementation process. Two Errors are given:
ERROR:Map:116 - The design is empty. No processing will be done.
ERROR:Map:52 - Problem encountered processing RPMs.
The entire code is being optimized away in XST. Why? What am I doing wrong?
The reason your design is being synthesized away is because you have not described any logic in your module.
The only block in your design is an initial block which is typically not used in synthesis except in limited cases; the construct mainly used for testbenches in simulation (running the Verilog through ModelSim or another simluator).
What you want is to use always blocks or assign statements to describe logic for XST to synthesize into a netlist for the FPGA to emulate. As the module you provided has neither of these constructs, no netlist can be generated, thus nothing synthesized!
In your case, it is not entirely clear what logic you want to describe as the result of your module will always have out equal to 31. If you want out to cycle through the values 0 to 31, you'll need to add some sequential logic to implement that. Search around the net for some tutorials on digital design so you have the fundamentals down (combinational logic, gates, registers, etc). Then, think about what you want the design to do and map it to those components. Then, write the Verilog that describes that design.
The reason you are get no LUT/FF usage on the report is because the FPGA doesn't need to use any resources (or none of those resources) to implement your module. As out is tied to constant 31, it will always have the value of 1, so the FPGA only needs to tie out to Vdd (NOTE that out is not 31 because it is only a 1-bit reg). The other array values are never used nor accesses, so the FPGA synthesized them away (ie, not output needs to know the value of array[0][1] as out is a constant and no other ports exist in the design). In order to preserve the array, you need only use it to drive some output somehow. Heres a basic example to show you:
module top( input [6:0] i_in, // Used to index the array like i
input [4:0] j_in, // Used to index the array like j
output reg [5:0] out // Note, out is now big enough to store all the bits in array
integer i;
integer j;
reg [5:0] array[0:99][0:31];
always #(*) begin
// Set up the array, not necessarily optimal, but it works
for (i = 0; i < 100; i = i + 1) begin
for (j = 0; j < 32; j = j + 1) begin
array[i][j] = j;
// Assign the output to value in the array at position i_in, j_in
out = array[i_in][j_in];
If you connect the inputs i_in and j_in to switches or something and out to 6 LEDs, you should be able to index the array with the switches and get the output on the LEDs to confirm your design.

How to constrain a counter reg size in verilog for ise synthesis?

I want to declare a counter reg in function of some parameters. I did it in this way :
parameter clk_freq = 95000; // clock frequency in kHz
parameter debounce_per_ms = 20;
localparam MAX_COUNT = ((debounce_per_ms * clk_freq)) + 1;
reg [$ln(MAX_COUNT)/$ln(2):0] count;
This work well in simulation with icarus but ISE 14.7 don't want to synthesize it. That give this error:
WARNING:HDLCompiler:1499 - "/src/button_deb.v" Line 4: Empty module <button_deb> remains a black box.
If I define the count like this :
reg [22:0] count;
ISE synthesize it well. If someone have a clue ?
This worked for me, although I'd swear I used functions like $log, $log10, $ceil and the like in the past with no problems.
module param_with_log2 (
input wire clk,
output wire d
function integer log2;
input integer value;
value = value-1;
for (log2=0; value>0; log2=log2+1)
value = value>>1;
parameter clk_freq = 95000; // clock frequency in kHz
parameter debounce_per_ms = 20;
localparam MAX_COUNT = ((debounce_per_ms * clk_freq)) + 1;
localparam integer UPPER = log2(MAX_COUNT);
reg [UPPER:0] count;
always #(posedge clk)
count <= count + 1;
assign d = count[UPPER];
XST seems to have a problem with using constant functions: they only can be at the right side of a parameter declaration expression (as I suggested in my first comment). Credits and more information here:
Notice too that UPPER is declared as localparam integer so we can use it inside a register definition upper bound expression. Credits go to the owner of this post:
(the module is just a phony module to have something that I can symthesize without the fear that the synthesizer will wipe all my code. It doesn't perform any kind of debouncing)

How to dynamically reverse the bit position in verilog?

wire [9:0] data_reg;
reg [3:0] Reverse_Count = 8; //This register is derived in logic and I need to use it in following logic in order to reverse the bit position.
assign data_reg[9:0] = 10'h88; // Data Register
genvar i;
for (i=0; i< Reverse_Count; i=i+1)
assign IReg_swiz[i] = IReg[Reverse_Count - 1 -i];
This is generating syntax error. May I know how to do this in verilog
If you'd have Reverse_Count as constant, your task boils down to just wire mix-up, which is essentially free in HDL.
In your case, the task can be nicely reduced to first mirroring wide data and then shifting by Reverse_Count to get LBS bit on its position, which itself is done just by a row of N-to-1 multiplexers.
integer i;
reg [9:0] reversed;
wire [9:0] result;
// mirror bits in wide 10-bit value
always #*
reversed[i] = data_reg[9-i];
// settle LSB on its place
assign result = reversed>>(10-Reverse_Count);
Reverse_Count is not a constant, ie it is not a parameter or localparam.
This means that the generate statement you would be creating and destroying hardware as required, this is not allowed in verilog as it would not be possible in hardware.
The Bus that your reversing should have a fixed width at compile time, it should be possible to declare Reverse_Count as a parameter.
Since the value of Reverse_Count dunamic, you cannot use a generate statement. You can use an always block with for-loop. To be synthesizable, the for-loop needs able to static unroll. To decide which bits reverse, use an if condition to compare the indexing value and Reverse_Count
parameter MAX = 10;
reg [MAX-1:0] IReg_swiz;
integer i;
always #* begin
for (i=0; i < MAX ; i=i+1) begin
if (i < Reverse_Count) begin
IReg_swiz[i] = IReg[Reverse_Count - 1 -i];
else begin
// All bits need to be assigned or complex latching logic will be inferred.
IReg_swiz[i] = IReg[i]; // Other values okay depending on your requirements.
