Using NuGet for Universal Windows Store App development - visual-c++

I'm trying to use precompiled NuGet packages, like zlib, for WinRT Universal App development. Everything installs and compiles just fine, but running app ends up with "Unable to locate DLL" exception. Apparently, zlib.dll ends up copied into AppX\bin\v120\Win32\Debug\dynamic\cdecl instead of just AppX. If I manually copy .dll to AppX folder, everything works as a charm. What am I doing wrong? How to make .exe load a library in the correct subfolder or make packager copy a .dll into application root folder?


VS2022 not loading local nuget symbols

Created a class library locally, successfully packaged it, loaded it up in my project via nuget package manager, it works great.
I'm trying to debug from my project, and it's complaining that symbols do not exist for these files when trying to add a breakpoint.
The symbols package is being created: I have EfVueMantle.1.0.12.nupkg and EfVueMantle.1.0.12.snupkg both in the same directory. Changing the version number and repackaging creates both as expected, and I can update my project via nuget package manager.
I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling my package.
I've tried unloading and reloading the project.
I've tried opening and closing VS2022 at basically every step of this process.
I'm under the impression that installing the .nupkg will automatically discover the .snupkg file, but perhaps that is a misconception?
It is not supported yet.
For details see

how install libvips NetVips in Azure cloud - Error:Unable to load DLL \ 'libvips-42.dll\ ' or one of its dependencies

I can run an azure function app with libvips library from localhost for this function app - manipulation for images output correctly. I setup my local environment by saving libvips win64 in a folder in my windows 10 PC, added libvips bin folder to environment PATH and in Visual studio I installed nuget NetVips,
This is the method I run :
var rgbThumbnail = NetVips.Image.ThumbnailBuffer(thisRGBImgBytes, 256);
I'm trying to run the .Net Core 3.1 V3 function app from azure. When I run from cloud I get "Error:Unable to load DLL \ 'libvips-42.dll\ ' or one of its dependencies. The specified module could not be found . (0x8007007E)"
I had expected for the nuget packages in VS to suffice when uploading to the function app in azure. I've looked on the internet how to install libvips in Azure but I can't find any reference. Can someone please help?
thank you
Had similar problems.
Libvips is using more then one dll.
Download from
Add all dll's then remove one by one.
Or directly identify the missing dll.
In Visual Studio, right-click your Azure Functions project, then click on Manage NuGet Packages, and install the following packages:
NetVips (latest version)
NetVips.Native (latest version)
That should solve the issue related to missing DLLs.

Add MacOS Support to Existing Android Studio Project

How do you add a MacOS version of a Flutter/Dart project in Android Studio? I can create a new project and move everything over but I wonder if there is a more elegant way to add the MacOS (and later Windows and Linux as they come available) to the existing project.
This is pretty ugly, but it worked for me.
Rename the directory for the existing project (the one containing Pubspec.yaml) to old.my_app
Create a new project, in the same place with the same parameters (i.e., my_app)
Move/rename the macos directory in the newly created project (i.e., my_app) to the old.my_app directory
Delete the my_app directory (not the old.my_app directory!)
Move/rename the old.my_app directory to my_app
Obviously, the new macos app will not have any of the code that runs in the AppDelegate.swift file (if any) but the Dart side will run and the app will build.

Error: msvcp90.dll is missing on running an application built in visual C++

I have a project which I am trying to run (in both normal and debug modes) but every time I run it, it throws the error:
The program cannot start because MSVCP90.dll missing from your computer. Try re installing to fix your problem.
After going through lot of posts about the same problem I've tried the following things but nothing seems to work.
Found this .dll file in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Servers\15.0\Synchronization Service\Bin\Microsoft.VC90.CRT and copy pasted it in C:\Windows\System32\. Checked that the environmental variable path has system32 in it.
Checked in the project properties and have set the Embed Manifest option under Manifest Tool-> Input and Output as Yes for Debug as well as Release modes
The project I am building depends on 3 other projects (they are in same solution) and have set Embed Manifest as yes for all of them. Another .exe built for same project built on other machine runs perfectly fine on my machine but the one that I build on the same machine does not work.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Your best bet is to install the "official" Microsoft Redistributable on all target PCs that will run your app:

deploy java desktop application in netbeans

I create a java desktop application in Netbeans and now I want to deploy to work as software in Linux but I am not very familiar with neat beans I used visual studio and mono to build applications for both Windows and Linux and both of them create your application in bin/release directory and now I want to know what is equivalent to visual studio/mono release in Netbeans.
Thank you
Go to the project folder. Inside that there is a folder named "dist" this contains the jar file. This is the java equivalent of .exe. You need to use that to run on linux(given that JRE is installed on Linux machine). In case of external libraies: the libraries exists in side the "lib" folder which resides inside the "dist" folder.
