How do I install the Haskell Platform in Debian?
unfortunately, isn't working.
If there is no way to install the platform, then how do I install the most up to date versions of GHC and Cabal with apt-get?
Have you tried Haskell Platform for Linux ?
Using the Generic Linux Binaries, you can get the 2014.2.0.0 version of Haskell instead of the 2012.2.0.0 community version.
I use the Generic Linux Binaries on Ubuntu 12 and 14 without any problem. It is designed for Deb 7 systems, it should work for you.
Debian has a haskell-platform package in the main repository, though the version in Wheezy isn't the latest (as is common for a stable release with long-term support). That's the easiest and most convenient way to install Haskell in Debian, and it's supported e.g. with security updates for the life of the Wheezy release. Consider using that unless you specifically need a newer version.
Also, note that a new version of Debian (Jessie) is likely to be released in the next few months. That includes a newer version of the haskell-platform package.
I have installed debian stable version and it is packaged default with mono 3.2.8 version. However I see mono 3.2.8 is from 3 years back and the latest stable version is in the mono release list
Here is the link where it shows packaged version of mono with debian§ion=all
1) I want to know why stable version of debian points to very outdated mono version? Is there any reason for not updating default mono version to latest one's 4.8 or higher?
Debian stable is not "stable versions of software," it's a stable operating system. Stable in this context doesn't mean "it doesn't crash," it means that the packages in it doesn't change. Here's the official description of the releases.
The reason why debian stable points to an outdated version of pretty much everything is that it takes a long time for a version of a package to get into stable. If you want modern versions of things, I suggest running unstable or testing.
I'm working with Ubuntu 14.04 and I need to use stress-ng.
If I type: apt-cache policy stress-ng
I obtain:
Installed: 0.03.15-1~ubuntu14.04.1
Candidate: 0.03.15-1~ubuntu14.04.1
Version table:
*** 0.03.15-1~ubuntu14.04.1 0
100 trusty-backports/universe amd64 Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
So if I run apt-get install stress-ng, it downloads version 0.03.15.
Unfortunately, this version does not allow me to do some things which are present in the last one, 0.07.16, supported by Ubuntu 17.04.
How can I do to use this latest version on 14.04?
You can add the repositories of the newer release to sources.list,and use apt-pinning,this is an advanced feature to install packages from a newer version of Ubuntu.
Check out Pinning.
Pinning is a process that allows you to remain on a stable release of
Ubuntu (or any other debian system) while grabbing packages from a
more recent version.
Note however that the processes described below will only work if
things like libc6 versions match, so you should probably not do this
on an Ubuntu system. I strongly recommend you look at UbuntuBackports
before doing this.
Also you can just download the package and make install.
Hope this helps.
Im interested on installing the 0.12.0 version of Node.js on a CentOS 6 machine. I have noticed however that through yum, the latest version available is 0.10.33.
Given my environment I can ONLY install packages through RPM, and as I might be inclined to generate my own rpm of Node.js 0.12.0, I would like to know if there is any specific reason why the latest version has yet been made available. Are there by any chance some known problems when running the latest version of Node.js on CentOS 6? Or are there any stable 0.12.0 rpm packages out there I might have missed?
Thanks in advance!
Apparently there is no problem:!topic/nodejs/tqiKHCqpeuM
Node v0.12.0 should be stable on all versions os Centos back to 5.7
I want to install the latest Haskell Platform on my Raspberry Pi.
Unfortunately my linux-fu is very weak. I can apt-get install haskell-platform which works, as far as it goes, but installs a very old version from the official package repository. Part of the code I want to compile only compiles against GHC 7.8.
You can get the latest GHC Debian Packages from
Instructions for installation here
As the comments discuss, the experimental suite contains (very) recent ghcs (including ghc release candidates).
You can install packages from there like so:
apt-get update
apt-get -t experimental install packagename
unstable also contains ghcs that are actually released.
And the generic linux binary platform also will work with debian.
I am using Ubuntu for developing my c++ and others software .But the annoying thing about Ubuntu is most of the repositories it has are not the latest version .For example gcc compiler which I from
sudo apt-get install build-essential
Have version 4.6.x which not the latest version. I know Some people may say that I can Install GCC from the source and its not a problem .
But I want to know , Is there a Linux Distribution which already have all the latest repositories?
Arch Linux prides itself on having the bleeding edge in its distribution. The downside is that things sometimes break between releases, so if you aren't at least slightly confident in using Linux + the command line it isn't necessarily for you.