bash listing subfolders in current folder doesn't give expected results [gives only first folder] - linux

I try to list subfolders and save them as list to a variable
DIRS=($(find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d ))
After that I want to do some work in subfolders. i.e.
for item in $DIRS
echo $item
But after
echo $DIRS
it gives only first item (subfolder). Could someone point me to error or propose another solution?

The following creates a bash array but lists only one of three subdirectories:
$ dirs=($(find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d ))
$ echo $dirs
To see all the directories, you must use the [#] or [*] subscript form:
$ echo "${dirs[#]}"
./subdir2 ./subdir1 ./subdir3
Or, using it in a loop:
$ for item in "${dirs[#]}"; do echo $item; done
Avoiding problems from word splitting
Note that, in the code above, the shell performs word splitting before the array is created. Thus, this approach will fail if any subdirectories have whitespace in their names.
The following will successfully create an array of subdirectory names even if the names have spaces, tabs or newlines in them:
If you need to use find and you want it to be safe for difficult file names, then use find's --exec option.
The form $dirs returns just the first element of the array. This is documented in man bash:
Referencing an array variable without a subscript is equivalent to referencing the array with a subscript of 0.
The use of [#] and [*] is also documented in man bash:
Any element of an array may be referenced using ${name[subscript]}. The braces are required to avoid conflicts with pathname expansion. If subscript is # or , the word expands to all members of name. These subscripts differ only when the word appears within double quotes. If the word is double-quoted, ${name[]} expands to a single word with the value of each array member separated by the first character of the IFS special variable, and ${name[#]} expands each element of name to a separate word.


Why does echo command interpret variable for base directory?

I would like to find some file types in pictures folder and I have created the following bash-script in /home/user/pictures folder:
for i in *.pdf *.sh *.txt;
echo 'all file types with extension' $i;
find /home/user/pictures -type f -iname $i;
But when I execute the bash-script, it does not work as expected for files that are located on the base directory /home/user/pictures. Instead of echo 'All File types with Extension *.sh' the command interprets the variable for base directory:
all file types with extension
all file types with extension
all file types with extension
I would like to know why echo - command does not print "All File types with Extension *.sh".
Revised code:
for i in '*.pdf' '*.sh' '*.txt'
echo "all file types with extension $i"
find /home/user/pictures -type f -iname "$i"
In bash, a string containing *, or a variable which expands to such a string, may be expanded as a glob pattern unless that string is protected from glob expansion by putting it inside quotes (although if the glob pattern does not match any files, then the original glob pattern will remain after attempted expansion).
In this case, it is not wanted for the glob expansion to happen - the string containing the * needs to be passed as a literal to each of the echo and the find commands. So the $i should be enclosed in double quotes - these will allow the variable expansion from $i, but the subsequent wildcard expansion will not occur. (If single quotes, i.e. '$i' were used instead, then a literal $i would be passed to echo and to find, which is not wanted either.)
In addition to this, the initial for line needs to use quotes to protect against wildcard expansion in the event that any files matching any of the glob patterns exist in the current directory. Here, it does not matter whether single or double quotes are used.
Separately, the revised code here also removes some unnecessary semicolons. Semicolons in bash are a command separator and are not needed merely to terminate a statement (as in C etc).
Observed behaviour with original code
What seems to be happening here is that one of the patterns used in the initial for statement is matching files in the current directory (specifically the *.sh is matching, and It is therefore being replaced by a list of these filenames ( in the expression, and the for statement will iterate over these values. (Note that the current directory might not be the same as either where the script is located or the top level directory used for the find.)
It would also still be expected that the *.pdf and *.txt would be used in the expression -- either substituted or not, depending on whether any matches are found. Therefore the output shown in the question is probably not the whole output of the script.
Such expressions (*.blabla) changes the value of $i in the loop. Here is the trick i would do :
for i in pdf sh txt;
echo 'all file types with extension *.'$i;
find /home/user/pictures -type f -iname '*.'$i;

How to list all the folder in a folder and exclude a specific one

Let's say I have a folder like this:
I would like a command that return a string like this :
["my_sub_folder_1", "my_dub_folder_2", "my_dub_folder_3"]
(Notice the exclusion of the excude folder)
The best I could is :
ls -dxm */
That return the following.
my_sub_folder_1/, my_dub_folder_2/, my_dub_folder_3/
So I'm still trying to remove the / at the end of each folder, add the [] and the "".
If it's possible I would like to do that in one line so I could diretly put in a shell variable, other wise I will put it in .sh file that will return the string I'm trying to build.
(I don't know if the last part is really possible).
Assuming you are executing the script in the directory where my_folder
belongs, how about:
while IFS= read -r -d "" f; do
done < <(find "my_folder" -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -not -name "exclude" -printf "\"%f\"\0")
(IFS=","; echo "[${ary[*]}]")
-printf option to find command specifies the output format. The format "\"%f\"\0"
prints the filename (excluding leading directory name) wrapped by
double quotes and followed by a NUL character \0.
The NUL character is used as a filename delimiter and the filenames
are split again in the read builtin by specifying the delimiter
to the NUL character with -d "".
Then the filenames (with double quotes) are stored in the array ary
one by one.
Finally echo "[${ary[*]}]" command prints out the elements of ary
separated by IFS. The whole output are surrounded by the square brackets [].
The last line is surrounded by parens () to be executed in the subprocess.
The purpose is just not to overwrite the current IFS.
If you save the script in my answer as, then you can assign
a variable MY_VAR to the output by saying:
echo "$MY_VAR"
# or another_command "$MY_VAR" or whatever
Alternatively you can assign the variable within the script by modifying
the last line as:
MY_VAR=$(IFS=","; echo "[${ary[*]}]")
echo "$MY_VAR"
Hope this helps.
In bash this can be done as follows, it's close but it doesn't work in one line.
Change the Internal Field Separator to be a new line rather than a space. This allows spaces in directory names to be ignored.
Then perform the following:
List the directories, one per line
Use grep to remove the directory to be excluded
Iterate over the results:
Output the directory name with the last character removed
Pipe everything to xargs to recombine into a single line and store in $var
Trim the last , from ${var} and wrap in '[]'
var=`for d in \`ls -d1 */ | grep -v exclude_dir \`; do echo '\"'${d::-1}'\",' ; done | xargs`
echo '['${var::-1}']'

How to add sequential numbers say 1,2,3 etc. to each file name and also for each line of the file content in a directory?

I want to add sequential number for each file and its contents in a directory. The sequential number should be prefixed with the filename and for each line of its contents should have the same number prefixed. In this manner, the sequential numbers should be generated for all the files(for names and its contents) in the sub-folders of the directory.
I have tried using maxdepth, rename, print function as a part. but it throws error saying that "-maxdepth" - not a valid option.
I have already a part of code(to print the names and contents of text files in a directory) and this logic should be appended with it.
cd home/TESTING
for file in home/TESTING;
find home/TESTING/ -type f -name *.txt -exec basename {} ';' -exec cat {} \;
P.s - print, rename, maxdepth are not working
If the name of the first file is File1.txt and its contents is mentioned as "Louis" then the output for the filename should be 1File1.txt and the content should be as "1Louis".The same should be replaced with 2 for second file. In this manner, it has to traverse through all the subfolders in the directory and print accordingly. I have already a part of code and this logic should be appended with it.
There should be fail safe if you execute cd in a script. You can execute command in wrong directory if you don't.
In your attempt, the output would be the same even without the for cycle, as for file in home/TESTING only pass home/TESTING as argument to for so it only run once. In case of
for file in home/TESTING/* this would happen else how.
I used find without --maxdepth, so it will look into all subdirectory as well for *.txt files. If you want only the current directory $(find /home/TESTING/* -type f -name "*.txt") could be replaced to $(ls *.txt) as long you do not have directory that end to .txt there will be no problem.
# try cd to directory, do things upon success.
if cd /home/TESTING ;then
# set sequence number
let "x = 1"
# pass every file to for that find matching, sub directories will be also as there is no maxdeapth.
for file in $(find /home/TESTING/* -type f -name "*.txt") ; do
# print sequence number, and base file name, processed by variable substitution.
# basename can be used as well but this is bash built in.
echo "${x}${file##*/}"
# print file content, and put sequence number before each line with stream editor.
sed 's#^#'"${x}"'#g' ${file}
# increase sequence number with one.
let "x++"
# unset sequence number
unset 'x'
# print error on stderr
echo 'cd to /home/TESTING directory is failed' >&2
Variable Substitution:
There is more i only picked this 4 for now as they similar.
${var#pattern} - Use value of var after removing text that match pattern from the left
${var##pattern} - Same as above but remove the longest matching piece instead the shortest
${var%pattern} - Use value of var after removing text that match pattern from the right
${var%%pattern} - Same as above but remove the longest matching piece instead the shortest
So ${file##*/} will take the variable of $file and drop every caracter * before the last ## slash /. The $file variable value not get modified by this, so it still contain the path and filename.
sed 's#^#'"${x}"'#g' ${file} sed is a stream editor, there is whole books about its usage, for this particular one. It usually placed into single quote, so 's#^#1#g' will add 1 the beginning of every line in a file.s is substitution, ^ is the beginning of the file, 1 is a text, g is global if you not put there the g only first mach will be affected.
# is separator it can be else as well, like / for example. I brake single quote to let variable be used and reopened the single quote.
If you like to replace a text, .txt to .php, you can use sed 's#\.txt#\.php#g' file , . have special meaning, it can replace any singe character, so it need to be escaped \, to use it as a text. else not only file.txt will be matched but file1txt as well.
It can be piped , you not need to specify file name in that case, else you have to provide at least one filename in our case it was the ${file} variable that contain the filename. As i mentioned variable substitution is not modify variable value so its still contain the filename with path.

Is it possible to use program output as values for brace expansion?

I'm a linux newbie. I would like to know if you can use a program's output (which is comma separated values) as the values that will be used for brace expansions.
I was mainly trying to do this with touch but started using echo to test different approaches with no luck. the base approach is
echo b/{$(find sourceFolder -type f -printf "%f,")}
I also tried cat but got the same results. The output of find is used as a single value to the braces not multiple comma separated values. I verified this with
echo b/{$(find sourceFolder -type f -printf "%f,"),otherValue}
with this I get 2 outputs b/(with the comma separated values list from find) and b/otherValue
I was able to create the files with touch in the current working folder I wanted to see if its possible to do that in another folder.
It is frustrating but brace expansion is performed before variable expansion. Consequently, you need a different approach. Consider:
find sourceFolder -type f -printf "b/%f\n"
This puts b/ in front of each found file name and does not require brace expansion.
While you cannot do this directly with bash, you can use eval to obtain the same result:
$ eval "echo {$(echo 2,3),4}"
2 3 4

find command works on prompt, not in bash script - pass multiple arguments by variable

I've searched around questions with similar issues but haven't found one that quite fits my situation.
Below is a very brief script that demonstrates the problem I'm facing:
includeString="-wholename './public_html/*' -o -wholename './config/*'"
find . \( $includeString \) -type f -mtime -7 -print
Basically, we need to search inside a folder, but only in certain of its subfolders. In my longer script, includeString gets built from an array. For this demo, I kept things simple.
Basically, when I run the script, it doesn't find anything. No errors, but also no hits. If I manually run the find command, it works. If I remove ( $includeString ) it also works, though obviously it doesn't limit itself to the folders I want.
So why would the same command work from the command line but not from the bash script? What is it about passing in $includeString that way that causes it to fail?
You're running into an issue with how the shell handles variable expansion. In your script:
includeString="-wholename './public_html/*' -o -wholename './config/*'"
find . \( $includeString \) -type f -mtime -7 -print
This results in find looking for files where -wholename matches the literal string './public_html/*'. That is, a filename that contains single quotes. Since you don't have any whitespace in your paths, the easiest solution here would be to just drop the single quotes:
includeString="-wholename ./public_html/* -o -wholename ./config/*"
find . \( $includeString \) -type f -mtime -7 -print
Unfortunately, you'll probably get bitten by wildcard expansion here (the shell will attempt to expand the wildcards before find sees them).
But as Etan pointed out in his comment, this appears to be needlessly complex; you can simply do:
find ./public_html ./config -type f -mtime -7 -print
If you want to store a list of arguments and expand it later, the correct form to do that with is an array, not a string:
includeArgs=( -wholename './public_html/*' -o -wholename './config/*' )
find . '(' "${includeArgs[#]}" ')' -type f -mtime -7 -print
This is covered in detail in BashFAQ #50.
Note: As Etan points out in a comment, the better solution in this case may be to reformulate the find command, but passing multiple arguments via variable(s) is a technique worth exploring in general.
The problem is not specific to find, but to how the shell parses command lines.
Quote characters embedded in variable values are treated as literals: They are neither recognized as argument-boundary delimiters nor are they removed after parsing, so you cannot use a string variable with embedded quoting to pass multiple arguments simply by directly using it as part of a command.
To robustly pass multiple arguments stored in a variable,
use array variables in shells that support them (bash, ksh, zsh) - see below.
otherwise, for POSIX compliance, use xargs - see below.
Robust solutions:
Note: The solutions assume presence of the following script, let's call it echoArgs, which prints the arguments passed to it in diagnostic form:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
for arg; do # loop over all arguments
echo "[$arg]" # print each argument enclosed in [] so as to see its boundaries
Further, assume that the equivalent of the following command is to be executed:
echoArgs one 'two three' '*' last # note the *literal* '*' - no globbing
with all arguments but the last passed by variable.
Thus, the expected outcome is:
[two three]
Using an array variable (bash, ksh, zsh):
# Assign the arguments to *individual elements* of *array* args.
# The resulting array looks like this: [0]="one" [1]="two three" [2]="*"
args=( one 'two three' '*' )
# Safely pass these arguments - note the need to *double-quote* the array reference:
echoArgs "${args[#]}" last
Using xargs - a POSIX-compliant alternative:
POSIX utility xargs, unlike the shell itself, is capable of recognized quoted strings embedded in a string:
# Store the arguments as *single string* with *embedded quoting*.
args="one 'two three' '*'"
# Let *xargs* parse the embedded quoted strings correctly.
# Note the need to double-quote $args.
echo "$args" | xargs -J {} echoArgs {} last
Note that {} is a freely chosen placeholder that allows you to control where in the resulting command line the arguments provided by xargs go.
If all xarg-provided arguments go last, there is no need to use -J at all.
For the sake of completeness: eval can also be used to parse quoted strings embedded in another string, but eval is a security risk: arbitrary commands could end up getting executed; given the safe solutions discussed above, there is no need to use eval.
Finally, Charles Duffy mentions another safe alternative in a comment, which, however, requires more coding: encapsulate the command to invoke in a shell function, pass the variable arguments as separate arguments to the function, then manipulate the all-arguments array $# inside the function to supplement the fixed arguments (using set), and invoke the command with "$#".
Explanation of the shell's string-handling issues involved:
When you assign a string to a variable, embedded quote characters become part of the string:
var='one "two three" *'
$var now literally contains one "two three" *, i.e., the following 4 - instead of the intended 3 - words, separated by a space each:
"two-- " is part of the word itself!
three"-- " is part of the word itself!
When you use $var unquoted as part of an argument list, the above breakdown into 4 words is exactly what the shell does initially - a process called word splitting. Note that if you were to double-quote the variable reference ("$var"), the entire string would always become a single argument.
Because $var is expanded to its value, one of the so-called parameter expansions, the shell does NOT attempt to recognize embedded quotes inside that value as marking argument boundaries - this only works with quote characters specified literally, as a direct part of the command line (assuming these quote characters aren't themselves quoted).
Similarly, only such directly specified quote characters are removed by the shell before passing the enclosed string to the command being invoked - a process called quote removal.
However, the shell additionally applies pathname expansion (globbing) to the resulting 4 words, so any of the words that happen to match filenames will expand to the matching filenames.
In short: the quote characters in $var's value are neither recognized as argument-boundary delimiters nor are they removed after parsing. Additionally, the words in $var's value are subject to pathname expansion.
This means that the only way to pass multiple arguments is to leave them unquoted inside the variable value (and also leave the reference to that variable unquoted), which:
won't work with values with embedded spaces or shell metacharacters
invariably subjects the values to pathname expansion
