How to access website hosted on IIS, from remote computer? - iis

I hosted a website on IIS, running on port 81. I can access it on the server machine from http://localhost:81/test.aspx.
I also can establish a remote desktop connection to the server, using its ip adress server-ip.
Now I want to access the web site using my PC (or any other PC). However, I type type http://server-ip:81/test.aspx on my web browser and the page is not loaded.
I've already opened port 81, by adding a new inbound rule to the server's windows firewall. The exception for World Wide Web Services (HTTP) is also ticked on. I even shut down the firewall entirely, but I still can't access the web site remotely.
Can somebody tell what the problem may be? Thanks in advance.


Not able to access blazor website from other computers

I am trying to host a Blazor website on a local Windows machine via IIS, and it can be accessed from the same machine using IP address in the URL like, and I also make sure port 8080 is opened on the firewall, but I am not able to access my Blazor website using the same URL from other computers. Does anyone know why? Thanks in advance!
I added another regular website (simple HTML website) and I can access from other computers. So doesn't look like it's the firewall issue or IIS issue.

Local windows service not accessible to the remote computer

I am deploying a React app on a virtual machine, windows server 2012, hosted on the IIS server. The website is successfully running on the local server. When I try to access the website through a remote computer, the static components are rendered successfully, but the API doesn't work. The API is written in node.js and installed as a windows service on the windows server with the port number 5000.
I put localhost:5000 as the axios base url in react. But when I try to access from the remote computer, the computer is reading from its own localhost instead of the server's localhost.
Even if I change the axios base url from localhost to the server's ip address, it still cannot read the API properly.
My questions are as follows:
How to make the remote computer reads from the server's localhost without putting the server's ip address?
How to make the local server's windows service accessible to other computers?
What is the best practice to store the API base url in React in production? (store in.env, config, etc...)?
I just solve the issue and I post the answer here for anyone who has the same issue.
Create a firewall rule (Windows only)
You need to allow other computers to connect through your firewall.
Open the Windows Firewall
Go to “Inbound Rules”
Click “New Rule”
Select “Port” to make a port rule
Under “Specific local ports”, enter 80 and 8000 (for me it's port 5000)
Select “Allow the connection”
Click “next” then choose a name for your rule.
Source of this answer: [][1]

Domain creation on windows machine via IIS

I wanted to create and map a domain(ex: locally to the server running on localhost with some port, I've been trying to do via IIS, but raising port conflict issue, unable to create and start site domain while web server is up since the port is already occupied and vice versa.
Could you please provide how to resolve this or any other simple way to create and map the domain with the server running on localhost.

Web Deploy connection timed out

I've previously had Web Deploy up and running without any issues. Following a company wide installation of Bitdefender, Web Deploy has stopped working. I've tried the following without any success
Added the following rule to Bitdefender firewall
Local Address: Any
Remote Address: our server IP port 8172
Protocol: TCP
Direction: Both
IP: Any
Network: Home / Office
Permission: Allow
Using the following telnet command, telnet [IP address] 8172, I get a blank screen.
Navigating to the URL for the publishing server connection, I'm prompted with a login and then a blank screen.
I don't have Fiddler, or anything similar, running.
I've tried on other machines in our office yet I get the same response.
Re-installed Web Deploy via Web Platform Installer Recommended Server Configuration for Web Hosting Providers and using command prompt I've restarted the agent services with the following commands
net stop msdepsvc & net start msdepsvc
net stop wmsvc & net start wmsvc
I've added IIS Manager Permissions to the appropriate site in IIS, using the server administrator account (which worked in the past) and configured web deploy publishing.
I'm running out of ideas of what to try so I'd appreciate any suggestions.
When attempting to validate the connection in Visual Studio I see the failed notification, "The operation has timed out".
The problem is in the Policies for Content Control. Exceptions need to be added for the sites you would like to web deploy to.
Click on policies, then go to the policy that applies to your development system. In my case this was "IT Policy." If you don't know, you can go to Network and drill down through Active Directory to find what policy applies.
Next, go to Content Control => Traffic. Check the boxes for Web (HTTP traffic) and Traffic Scan exclusions. Then add the URL or IP address for whatever system you are trying to deploy to (We used IP).
Hope that helps!

Allowing only local network connections to a Windows Azure VM?

I am trying lock down a virtual machine that acts as an app server for a web application. I have a two VM's: One for the app server and another one running the web server. I have to open a ton of ports to allow the web server talk to some wcf services, but I only want to allow those connections from the web server and no one outside of that network. I have to add endpoints in order for the web server to access the wcf services, but this also makes them accesible to the public IP. How can I only allow this traffic on the
For Virtual Machines, the only way of accessing ports from outside the hosted service is by defining input endpoints (with or without load-balancing across a set of machines). In your case, you'd just open, say, 80 and 443, specifically for your web server (e.g. not load-balanced). This is considered a port-forwarded endpoint since traffic on these two ports get forwarded directly to your web server. For more clarity around port-forwarded endpoints, I suggest Michael Washam's blog post, here.
At this point, you'd open various other ports on your app server (through its firewall config), and now your web server can talk to the app server, yet the outside world won't be able to reach the app server. Note: I'm assuming you placed your web server and app server in the same hosted service. Otherwise, you'd need to find a different way to connect between web and app servers, such as configuring a Virtual Network.
EDIT 6/5/2013 You can now enable ACLs on input endpoints, allowing (or blocking) IP ranges. Today ACLs may only be managed through PowerShell, with the June 2013 update. See this post to learn more.
Machines that exist on the same virtual network will be able to talk to each other as long as the local firewall has been opened to those ports. This problem was with my configuration in my application and not because of this. I also didn't have the correct ports open. Now it works like a charm.
