I want to force my users to either enter a value or press cancel.
here is my current code but I can't find how to state the used pressed OK without entering anything.
On Error GoTo Cancel
var_TauxUS = InputBox("Veuillez aller sur www.xe.com et entrer le taux d'echange US/CAN:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Exemple: 1,26 (avec une virgule)", "TAUX US") 'La variable reçoit la valeur entrée dans l'InputBox
If StrPtr(var_TauxUS) = 0 Then
GoTo InputBox
ElseIf var_TauxUS <= 1 Then
MsgBox "Vous devez entrer un chiffre plus grand que 1"
GoTo InputBox
ElseIf var_TauxUS >= 1.35 Then
MsgBox "Vous devez entrer un chiffre plus petit que 1.36"
GoTo InputBox
var_TauxUS = var_TauxUS + vECHANGEDEVISE 'Calculer l'échange de la devise
var_US = True
MsgBox "Nous commenceons a updater les prix à un taux de " & var_TauxUS & " - Merci!"
GoTo Programme
End If
I tried:
If var_TauxUS = "" then
and it's not working
Below is a sample to get you started:
Sub test()
var_TauxUS = InputBox("Enter here:")
If StrPtr(var_TauxUS) = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
Loop While var_TauxUS = vbNullString
End Sub
I got a macro that opens 2 workbooks and make some calculations. It works perfectly on Excel 2007 32 bit.
But in Excel 365 64 bits it crashes right after opening the first workbook, with no messages errors. Excel quits directly with no warning.
After some testing, I think it fails right after asking first workbook. The code is:
Sub PROCESO(ByVal EstasHojas As String)
Dim WBSource As Workbook
Dim WBDestiny As Workbook
Dim WKSource As Worksheet
Dim WKDestiny As Worksheet
Dim WBintermedio As Workbook
Dim WKIntermedia As Worksheet
Dim Ruta As String
Dim MiMatriz As Variant
Dim MatrizCampos As Variant
Dim LR As Long
Dim LC As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim MiF As WorksheetFunction: Set MiF = WorksheetFunction
Dim FechaPrevista As Long
Dim FechaReal As Long
Dim PagoEur As Long
Dim Proveedor As Long
Dim MatrizHojas As Variant
Dim NoHayDatos As Byte
Dim STRColor As String
Dim MatrizFinal() As Variant
Dim DictFechas As Object
Dim FechaDict As Variant
RutaCostIncomes = ""
RutaCashflow = ""
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
'primero total hojas
MatrizHojas = Split(EstasHojas, "||")
With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
.Title = "Seleccione archivo COST AND INCOMES"
.AllowMultiSelect = False
If .Show = False Then
MsgBox "No se ha seleccionado ningún archivo.", vbCritical, "PROCESO ABORTADO"
GoTo Final
Ruta = .SelectedItems(1)
Set WBSource = Application.Workbooks.Open(Ruta)
End If
End With
'//////////////////////////////////////añadimos primero comprobación de que cada campo sea del tipo que le corresponde.
' se crean variables solo para esta comprobación y no se usarán más
Dim HayDatosMal As Boolean
Dim WKErrores As Worksheet
Dim KK As Long
KK = 3
HayDatosMal = False
For j = 0 To UBound(MatrizHojas) - 1 Step 1
Set WKSource = Nothing
Set WKSource = WBSource.Worksheets(CByte(MatrizHojas(j))) 'la posición de la hoja
LR = WKSource.Range("A" & WKSource.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Dim ZZ As Long
For ZZ = 12 To 3 Step -1
Select Case ZZ
Case 3, 4, 9, 10 'son campos de fechas
For i = 2 To LR Step 1
If IsDate(WKSource.Cells(i, ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("PANEL CONTROL").Range("C" & ZZ).Value)) = False And WKSource.Cells(i, ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("PANEL CONTROL").Range("C" & ZZ).Value) <> "" Then
HayDatosMal = True
If WKErrores Is Nothing Then Set WKErrores = Application.Workbooks.Add.ActiveSheet
With WKErrores
.Range("A3").Value = "HOJA"
.Range("B3").Value = "FILA"
.Range("C3").Value = "CAMPO"
KK = KK + 1
.Range("A" & KK).Value = UCase(WKSource.Name)
.Range("B" & KK).Value = i
.Range("C" & KK).Value = UCase(ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("PANEL CONTROL").Range("A" & ZZ).Value)
End With
End If
Next i
Case 5, 11 'tienen que ser numéricos
For i = 2 To LR Step 1
If IsNumeric(WKSource.Cells(i, ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("PANEL CONTROL").Range("C" & ZZ).Value)) = False And WKSource.Cells(i, ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("PANEL CONTROL").Range("C" & ZZ).Value) <> "" Then
HayDatosMal = True
If WKErrores Is Nothing Then Set WKErrores = Application.Workbooks.Add.ActiveSheet
With WKErrores
.Range("A3").Value = "HOJA"
.Range("B3").Value = "FILA"
.Range("C3").Value = "CAMPO"
KK = KK + 1
.Range("A" & KK).Value = UCase(WKSource.Name)
.Range("B" & KK).Value = i
.Range("C" & KK).Value = UCase(ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("PANEL CONTROL").Range("A" & ZZ).Value)
End With
End If
Next i
Case Else 'son textos o están vacíos, no hacemos nada
End Select
Next ZZ
Next j
If HayDatosMal = True Then
'hay que abortar proceso
WBSource.Close False
Set WKErrores = Nothing
MsgBox "Se cancela el proceso porque se han encontrado errores en los datos de origen. Se ha generado un informe de errores para consultar.", vbCritical, "PROCESO CANCELADO"
GoTo Final
End If
'////////////////////// fin comprobación
'compruebo que los campos coincida con mis datos del configurador
MatrizCampos = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("PANEL CONTROL").Range("A2").CurrentRegion.Value
'compruebo todas las hojas
For j = 0 To UBound(MatrizHojas) - 1 Step 1
Set WKSource = Nothing
Set WKSource = WBSource.Worksheets(CByte(MatrizHojas(j))) 'la posición de la hoja
With WKSource
'los campos empiezan en la fila 2 de los datos de la matriz de campos
'comprobamos que en source estén con el mismo nombre en su posición
For i = 2 To UBound(MatrizCampos) Step 1
If MiF.CountIf(.Rows(1), MatrizCampos(i, 1)) = 0 Then
'el campo no está presente. Abortamos
MsgBox "El campo " & UCase(MatrizCampos(i, 1)) & " no está en la hoja " & WKSource.Index & " de COST AND INCOMES", vbCritical, "PROCESO ABORTADO"
WBSource.Close False
GoTo Final
'compruebo que esté en su posición
LR = MiF.Match(MatrizCampos(i, 1), .Rows(1), 0)
If LR <> MatrizCampos(i, 3) Then
'no está donde marca el PANEL CONTROL
MsgBox "El campo " & UCase(MatrizCampos(i, 1)) & " no está en la posición que marca PANEL CONTROL en la hoja " & WKSource.Index & " de COST AND INCOMES", vbCritical, "PROCESO ABORTADO"
WBSource.Close False
GoTo Final
End If
End If
Next i
End With
Next j
Set WKSource = Nothing
'también comprobamos los campos de ingresos
MatrizCampos = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("PANEL CONTROL").Range("A8").CurrentRegion.Value
'compruebo todas las hojas
For j = 0 To UBound(MatrizHojas) - 1 Step 1
Set WKSource = Nothing
Set WKSource = WBSource.Worksheets(CByte(MatrizHojas(j))) 'la posición de la hoja
With WKSource
'los campos empiezan en la fila 2 de los datos de la matriz de campos
'comprobamos que en source estén con el mismo nombre en su posición
For i = 2 To UBound(MatrizCampos) Step 1
If MiF.CountIf(.Rows(1), MatrizCampos(i, 1)) = 0 Then
'el campo no está presente. Abortamos
MsgBox "El campo " & UCase(MatrizCampos(i, 1)) & " no está en la hoja " & WKSource.Index & " de COST AND INCOMES", vbCritical, "PROCESO ABORTADO"
WBSource.Close False
GoTo Final
'compruebo que esté en su posición
LR = MiF.Match(MatrizCampos(i, 1), .Rows(1), 0)
If LR <> MatrizCampos(i, 3) Then
'no está donde marca el PANEL CONTROL
MsgBox "El campo " & UCase(MatrizCampos(i, 1)) & " no está en la posición que marca PANEL CONTROL en la hoja " & WKSource.Index & " de COST AND INCOMES", vbCritical, "PROCESO ABORTADO"
WBSource.Close False
GoTo Final
End If
End If
Next i
End With
Next j
Set WKSource = Nothing
MatrizCampos = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("PANEL CONTROL").Range("A2").CurrentRegion.Value
'the code never reachs this part when it crashes
EstasHojas is just a string that contains text like 1|2|
I've read this but could not find a solution.
VBA force closes Excel 365 but works fine in Excel 2019
64-bit Excel 365 crashes, 32-bit Excel 365 works fine
Also tried adding DoEvents right after opening the workbook with no luck.
No add-ins involved at all.
Now comes the funny part. If I add a Stop command right after opening the first workbook, and then VBa stops there, I press F5 so macro keeps going, everything works perfect!
With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
.Title = "Seleccione archivo COST AND INCOMES"
.AllowMultiSelect = False
If .Show = False Then
MsgBox "No se ha seleccionado ningún archivo.", vbCritical, "PROCESO ABORTADO"
GoTo Final
Ruta = .SelectedItems(1)
Set WBSource = Application.Workbooks.Open(Ruta)
End If
End With
Stop 'this fixes everything
So if I try to execute all at once, it crashed with no errors. But if I force it to make a break and then continue, it works.
I would like to know why adding the Stop makes the code works perfectly on Eccel 365 but without it it crashed and closes Excel with no errors. Tried DoEvents as I said, but it did not help in this case.
By the way, the workbooks opened are just data in XLSX files, no other macros or events. Just this code. I can post the full code if needed but it's really long.
Thanks in advance.
I'm new at VBA and would like to ask for help.
I have a userform that is supposed to help me fill a range in my worksheet.
It was working fine when I made it a few days ago.
Now though, it only adds an empty row to my table and I don't know where to look to find the error. I've been at it for a couple of hours now..
Any help would be appreciated.
This is my code :
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Dim dl As Integer
Dim list_num As Integer
Dim ligne As Integer
list_num = Me.liste_com3.ListCount - 1
If Me.liste_com3.ListCount > 0 Then 'contrôl si la liste n'est pas vide
If MsgBox("Voulez-vous enregistrer cette transaction ?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
For ligne = 0 To list_num
'ajouter nouvelle ligne dans le tableau
'chercher numéro prochaine ligne du tableau
dl = Sheets(8).Range("b9999").End(xlUp).Row
'ajouter les infos dans la bdd
Sheets(8).Range("Z" & dl) = Me.info1
Sheets(8).Range("C" & dl) = Format(Me.txt_fac3, """FAC-""00000")
Sheets(8).Range("D" & dl) = Format(CDate(Now()), "dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss")
Sheets(8).Range("E" & dl) = Me.cbx_com
'controler si c'est un fournisseur ou un client
If Me.label_type = "Fournisseur :" Then
Sheets(8).Range("F" & dl) = Me.cbx_type3
Sheets(8).Range("G" & dl) = Me.cbx_type3
End If
'ajouter les données de la zone de liste
Sheets(8).Range("H" & dl) = Me.liste_com3.List(ligne, 0)
Sheets(8).Range("J" & dl) = Int(Me.liste_com3.List(ligne, 1))
Next ligne
MsgBox "Enregistrement réussi !"
Unload Me
End If
End If
Sheets(8).Range("K6:N9999").NumberFormat = "#,##0 [$XOF]"
End Sub
Private Sub liste_com3_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
If Me.liste_com3.ListIndex >= 0 Then
If MsgBox("Voulez-vous supprimer cette entrée ?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
Me.liste_com3.RemoveItem Me.liste_com3.ListIndex
memo = memo - 1
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub opt_in_Click()
Me.label_type = "Fournisseur :"
Me.cbx_type3.RowSource = "col_fourni"
Me.cbx_com.RowSource = "col_comm"
Me.info1 = "Entrée"
End Sub
Private Sub opt_out_Click()
Me.label_type = "Client :"
Me.cbx_type3.RowSource = "col_clients"
Me.cbx_com.RowSource = ""
Me.info1 = "Sortie"
End Sub
Private Sub txt_fac3_Change()
If Not IsNumeric(txt_fac3) And txt_fac3 <> "" Then
MsgBox "Veuillez entrer un nombre..."
Me.txt_fac3 = ""
End If
End Sub
Private Sub txt_num3_Change()
'controle si numérique
If Not IsNumeric(txt_num3) And txt_num3 <> "" Then
MsgBox "Veuillez entrer un nombre..."
Me.txt_num3 = ""
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Me.label_info_3.Caption = "Mouvements"
End Sub
Also the weird thing is that when I change the sheet that the userform is supposed to write to, it works. But not on the sheet I want.
This is a picture of my userform
Thanks in advance !
I have created some UDF to automate some calculus me and some coworkers use regularly.
For the sake of simplicity I paste a MWE of what I have a problem with, my actual code is longer, but takes the same input, a range of cells with one of the dimensions being equal to one (so one line or one column)
Public Function Test(Donnees As Range)
Dim Nombre_Cellules, Temp As Double
Dim Format_Donnees As String
Temp = 0
' '
' Parametres utiles generaux '
' '
Nb_Lignes = Donnees.Rows.Count
Nb_Colonnes = Donnees.Columns.Count
Premiere_Ligne = Donnees.Row
Premiere_Colonne = Donnees.Column
Derniere_Ligne = Donnees.Row + Nb_Lignes - 1
Derniere_Colonne = Donnees.Column + Nb_Colonnes - 1
'On definit la frequence et la taille associee
If Nb_Lignes = 1 Then
Format_Donnees = "Colonnes"
Nombre_Cellules = Nb_Colonnes
End If
If Nb_Colonnes = 1 Then
Format_Donnees = "Lignes"
Nombre_Cellules = Nb_Lignes
End If
' '
' Verifications des parametres et messages d'erreurs '
' '
'On verifie que la plage renseignée est soit sur une seule ligne soit sur une seule colonne
If (Nb_Lignes <> 1 And Nb_Colonnes <> 1) Then
MsgBox _
"La plage de données considérée est incorrecte, il ne peut s'agir que " & vbNewLine & _
Chr(149) & " de données sur une seule ligne ou " & vbNewLine & _
Chr(149) & " de données sur une seule colonne" _
, , "Parametres incorrects"
Test = CVErr(xlErrRef)
Exit Function
End If
'On verifie que toute la période qui sert au calcul contient bien des valeurs numériques et ne contient pas de valeurs vides
If Format_Donnees = "Lignes" Then
For i = 0 To Nombre_Cellules - 1
If Not IsNumeric(Cells(Premiere_Ligne + i, Premiere_Colonne).Value) Then
MsgBox _
"La plage de donnée considérée est incorrecte" & vbNewLine & _
"Toutes les cellules nécessaires au calcul dans la colonne ne sont pas numériques" _
, , "Parametres incorrects"
Test = CVErr(xlErrRef)
Exit Function
End If
If (Cells(Premiere_Ligne + i, Premiere_Colonne).Value = "") Then
MsgBox _
"La plage de donnée considérée est incorrecte" & vbNewLine & _
"Une cellule de la colonne considérée est vide et semble avoir une valeur manquante" _
, , "Parametres incorrects"
Test = CVErr(xlErrRef)
Exit Function
End If
End If
If Format_Donnees = "Colonnes" Then
For i = 0 To Nombre_Cellules - 1
If Not IsNumeric(Cells(Premiere_Ligne, Premiere_Colonne + i).Value) Then
MsgBox _
"La plage de donnée considérée est incorrecte" & vbNewLine & _
"Toutes les cellules nécessaires au calcul dans la ligne ne sont pas numériques" _
, , "Parametres incorrects"
Test = CVErr(xlErrRef)
Exit Function
End If
If (Cells(Premiere_Ligne, Premiere_Colonne + i).Value = "") Then
MsgBox _
"La plage de donnée considérée est incorrecte" & vbNewLine & _
"Une cellule de la ligne considérée est vide et semble avoir une valeur manquante" _
, , "Parametres incorrects"
Test = CVErr(xlErrRef)
Exit Function
End If
End If
' '
' Calculs a proprement parler '
' '
If Format_Donnees = "Lignes" Then
For i = 0 To Nombre_Cellules - 1
Temp = Temp + Cells(Premiere_Ligne + i, Premiere_Colonne).Value
End If
If Format_Donnees = "Colonnes" Then
For i = 0 To Nombre_Cellules - 1
Temp = Temp + Cells(Premiere_Ligne, Premiere_Colonne + i).Value
End If
Test = Temp
End Function
So as I will not be the sole user of this function, I have tried to include several checks and error messages.
One is to check if the range selected has any empty values and any non numerical value.
Now my functions work (at least they calculate the thing I want them to), but I have some troubles with how they update.
Note that I have pushed against user preferences so that all the value used are included in the range passed in input.
One of the issues I have been able to reproduce with this code is that If I use this function on several sheets of one workbook (so one Test() in worksheet1, and one Test() in worksheet2, and for one reason try to update the whole workbook (e.g. via Ctrl + alt + shift + F9), then I will get one warning I have set up ("Une cellule de la ligne considérée est vide et semble avoir une valeur manquante") in a non active sheet.
Can someone explain me one ?
You are using Cells() with no sheet qualification. This means that it refers to whatever the active sheet happens to be. So it won't work correctly unless all the calls to your UDF are on the currently active sheet
You need to change this to Donnees.Cells( ) and change the Cell indexes to refer to the cells within Donnees rather than cells within the whole sheet
I have a template which represents a data table for the days of the week, I want to protect the template for modification (I done that), and when I press the button "Insert a new sheet for the next week", I get a copy of the template but it's not protected like the template.
How can I do That ?
There is my code :
Sub Bouton_NewSheet()
Dim NumSemaine As String
NumSemaine = InputBox("Veuillez entrer le numéro de la semaine :", "Insertion d'une feuille vierge")
If NumSemaine <> "" Then
'vérifier si valeur nuémrique
While Not IsNumeric(NumSemaine)
MsgBox "Merci de saisir une valeur numérique", vbExclamation
NumSemaine = InputBox("Veuillez entrer un numéro de semaine", "Insertion d'une feuille vierge")
Sheets("Template").Visible = True
Sheets("Template").Copy After:=Sheets(Worksheets.Count)
ActiveSheet.Name = "S" & NumSemaine
ActiveSheet.Range("B1").Value = "S" & NumSemaine
Sheets("Template").Visible = True
MsgBox "Votre feuille de suivi de stock est pour la semaine N°" & NumSemaine
End If
End Sub
Thank you
I've tried to export an Outlook attachment to Excedl using the following cocde:
Public bCancel As Boolean
Public dDate As Date
Public sPath As String
Public Sub TESTMACRO()
Dim MyOlApp As New Outlook.Application
Dim MyOlExp As Outlook.Explorer
Dim MySelection As Outlook.Selection
Dim msg As MailItem
Dim amount As Long
Set MyOlExp = MyOlApp.ActiveExplorer
Set MySelection = MyOlExp.Selection
amount = MySelection.Count
bCancel = True
If Not bCancel Then
If amount = 1 Then
WaitFinish.Show (False)
Dim objTesteInforme As New TesteInforme
objTesteInforme.fecha = dDate
objTesteInforme.path = sPath
' Procesamos el mensaje seleccionado
If MySelection.Item(1).Class = olMail Then
' El objeto seleccionado es un correo
Set msg = MySelection.Item(1)
If InStr(1, msg.Subject, "YYYYY") > 0 And InStr(1, msg.Subject, "ZZZZZ") > 0 Then
' Se trata de un mensaje de xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
objTesteInforme.CLIENTE = "YYYYYZZZZZ"
If (Not objTesteInforme.GeneraTestMacro(msg)) Then
' El procesamiento fracasó
MsgBox "El procesamiento del mensaje " & msg.Subject & " fracasó; por favor, revisa el formato del archivo adjunto", vbCritical
End If
MsgBox "El mensaje " & msg.Subject & " no se reconoce como diario Batch de ningún cliente", vbCritical
End If
End If
Set msg = Nothing
MsgBox "Por favor, selecciona un correo electrónico", vbExclamation
End If
MsgBox "Por favor selecciona uno y solo un mesaje. Gracias", vbExclamation
End If
Set MySelection = Nothing
Set MyOlExp = Nothing
End Sub
The problem is that I select only one message, with the subject YYYYY ZZZZZ - LLLLLLL: 140109, but instead of opening an excel sheet with the attachment it send teh error message "Por favor selecciona uno y solo un mesaje. Gracias". Why?
I tried your code, but I can't translate the spanish methods into english properly (I can't find equivalent of New TestInforme).
Based on the error message, it seems that your loop logic is failing. Try to not use a negative loop. Something like:
If bCancel=False then
End If