Expect script for ssh login - linux

I has a simple expect script for sshing into a remote machine adapted from here https://serverfault.com/questions/79645/ssh-run-a-command-on-login-and-then-stay-logged-in:
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
set host [lrange $argv 0 0]
spawn ssh $host
expect "root"
The only problem is that when I exit from the remote host by typing "exit", there's a 3 second hang and then I get the prompt back. I don't know much about the internals of expect, so I was wondering if somebody knows about the reason and how to avoid it.


Expect/Send Issue

Currently, I am working on a script to automatize a process, in this point my script is short and simple but I have had some Issues with expect/send.
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
set ip ***
set ip2 ***
set user ***
set usr2 ***
set OTP [lindex $argv 0]
spawn ssh "usr#$ip";
expect "OTP Password:"
send -- "$OTP"
expect "prompt >"
send -- "ssh usr2#$ip2"
For this point script works until the first ssh but... for the second ssh (expect "prompt >" / send -- "ssh $ip2") It doesn't work... I don't get the idea why. I have tried with some commands like expect eof, wait, timeout and nothing as well I checked to expect version is on latest (5.45).
Do you have any idea? thanks!
Your spawn looks fine to me, but in the send, you forgot to send the carriage return, which actually terminates the command:
send -- "$OTP\r"

Linux Shell script (bash) to change IP address of remote machine using SSH

I'd like to have a shell script to change the IP address of a remote machine using SSH.
The problem I am having is that both SSH and remote commands require passwords. I am using 'expect' to handle the password input and this works works well in isolation for each step, but not combined.
i.e. I have a separate script on the remote machine to change the IP address. This works when running manually on the remote machine.
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
set ipaddr [lindex $argv 0]
set password "mypassword"
set timeout 2
if {[llength $argv] == 0} {
send_user "Usage: ./set_ip.sh ipaddress/24\n"
exit 1
spawn sudo nmcli dev modify eth0 ipv4.addresses $ipaddr
expect {
password { send "$password\r" ; exp_continue }
timeout { send_user "\nFailed to get password prompt\n"; exit 1 }
eof exit
And I have a script to perform the SSH, then call the above remote script
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
set target [lindex $argv 0]
set newipaddr [lindex $argv 1]
set password "mysshpassword"
set timeout 2
spawn ssh $target
expect {
password: {send "$password\r"}
timeout { send_user "\nFailed to get password prompt\n"; exit 1 }
eof exit
send "~/set_ip.sh $newipaddr/r"
send "exit\r"
When the remote script gets called, it seems to run okay but the password prompt following the nmcli command is never received.
If someone could advise where I am going wrong I'd be grateful.
Also, this is the first time I've used bash, so feel free to express critique.

Use of expect to run scripts on remote machine

I am working on a project that requires some assistance.
I have automated most of the information required for the completion of this project but the only thing that is lagging is the running of local shell scripts on the remote machine.
As we are aware that no Linux command is recognized by the script that uses the 'expect' library.
Herein we have two use cases that I have tried:
1) Running the desired list of commands on the remote server using only one expect script which has both the script execution as well as pushing of output using scp to the local machine, here is a snippet of this code:
`chmod 777 localscript.sh
cat > script1.sh <<- "ALL"`
set password [lindex $argv 0];
set ipaddress [lindex $argv 1];
set timevalue [lindex $argv 2];
set timeout $timevalue
spawn /usr/bin/ssh username#$ipaddress /bin/bash < ./localscript.sh
expect "assword:"
send "$password\r"
set timeout $timevalue
spawn /usr/bin/scp username#$2:"/path/from/source/*" /path/to/destination/folder/
expect "assword:"
send "$password\r"
chmod 777 script1.sh
./script1.sh $password $2 $timevalue`
2) Running the desired list of commands on the remote server in a separate expect script and using scp to get files in a different script:
`cat > script1.sh <<- "ALL" `
set password [lindex $argv 0];
set ipaddress [lindex $argv 1];
set timevalue [lindex $argv 2];
set timeout $timevalue
spawn /usr/bin/ssh username#$ipaddress /bin/bash < ./localscript.sh
expect "assword:"
send "$password\r"
cat > script2.sh <<- "ALL2"`
set password [lindex $argv 0];
set ipaddress [lindex $argv 1];
set timevalue [lindex $argv 2];
set timeout $timevalue
spawn /usr/bin/scp username#ipaddress:"/path/from/source/*" /path/to/destination/folder/
expect "assword:"
send "$password\r"
chmod 777 localscript.sh script1.sh script2.sh
./script1.sh $password $2 $timevalue
sleep 5
./script2.sh $password $2 $timevalue`
I believe the above codes should both be valid in their own respect however, the output for the same seem to be quite unexpected:
1) Both the commands ssh and scp are being executed almost simultaneously after password is entered hence, it is not giving localscript enough time to do its job, here's the output I see:
spawn /usr/bin/ssh username# /bin/bash < ./localscript.sh
Warning private system unauthorized users will be prosecuted.
username#'s password: spawn /usr/bin/scp
username#"/home/some/file/*" /another/file/
Warning private system unauthorized users will be prosecuted.
username#'s password:
scp: /home/some/file/*: No such file or directory
Please note: This functionality is working fine without the involvement of expect
2) Here we are executing ssh and scp separately, however, it seems like it is unable to recognize that the file localscript.sh exists:
spawn /usr/bin/ssh username# /bin/bash < ./localscript.sh
Warning private system unauthorized users will be prosecuted.
username#'s password:
bash: localscript.sh: No such file or directory
Warning private system unauthorized users will be prosecuted.
username#'s password:
scp: /home/some/file/*: No such file or directory
Any feedback on the same would be appreciated, I think the first approach might be a feasible solution, except the fact that spawn is too fast and none of the 'sleep' or 'after' commands are helping/working. I think the second approach is also valid however it seems like there is a different way of running a local script on a remote server than the usual way we do on Linux when using 'expect'.
Sorry for so much elaboration, I am hoping to be out of my misery soon :)
Indeed the timeout you are setting is not working as you expect it to. Both scripts are spawned, and the expect "assword:" after each spawn is actually catching and reacting to the same password prompt.
expect is actually more sophisticated than a cursory glance would lead you to believe. Each spawn should return a PID, which you can use with your expect to look for output from a specific process.
expect can also be broken down into multiple parts, and have the ability to define subroutines. Here are some more advanced use examples https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/10045
In this specific case I would suggest waiting for the scp to complete before spawning the next process.
expect {
"assword:" {
send "$password\r"
exp_continue # Keep expecting
eof {
puts -nonewline "$expect_out(buffer)"
# eof so the process should be done
# It is safe to execute the next spawn
# without exp_continue this expect will
# break and continue to the next line

What's the best way to mix remote expect scripts and local bash commands?

I'm automating tasks on a local and remote machine (behind a firewall). Once I'm done with tasks on the remote machine, I'd like the script to return to executing commands on the local machine.
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
set timeout -1
spawn ssh username#host
expect "Password: "
send "mypassword\r"
expect "username#host:~$"
...do some stuff...
send "exit\r"
expect eof
[then, once on the local machine, change directories and do other things]
What's the best way to append bash commands? I suppose I could start with bash, call expect within it, then simply return to bash once expect is done.
Expect is based on Tcl, so it can run the same commands. But if your goal is to run bash commands, the best bet is to run them from bash as a separate script, exactly as you propose in your last sentence.
It really depends on what your idea of ...do some stuff... is. Here's an example of something I recently did from my OSX w/s to an AWS instance
export all_status
init_scripts=($(ssh -q me#somehost 'ls /etc/init.d'))
for this_init in ${init_scripts[#]};do
all_status="${all_status}"$'\n\n'"${this_init}"$'\n'"$(ssh -q somehost \'sudo /etc/init.d/${this_init} status\')"
echo "$all_status" > ~/somehost_StatusReport.txt
unset all_status
Passing a command at the end of the ssh command will cause the command to be run on the remote host. Or you can scp a script to the remote host and run it with
ssh somehost '/home/me/myscript'
I met this situation recently too. I make a shell supexpect.sh which could login and execute command automatically. It will return to your local shell at the end.
#Usage:supexpect <host ip> <ssh username> <ssh password> <commands>
set timeout 60
spawn ssh [lindex $argv 1]#[lindex $argv 0] [lindex $argv 3]
expect "yes/no" {
send "yes\r"
expect "*?assword" { send "[lindex $argv 2]\r" }
} "*?assword" { send "[lindex $argv 2]\r" }
send "exit\r"
expect eof
To execute:
./supexpect.sh username password "ls -a;pwd;your_stuff_on_remote_host"
The prompt might need to adapt to your own system, and of course you need to pass execute permission to it.

How to automate telnet session using Expect?

I'm trying to write an expect script to automate telnet. This is what I have so far.
# Test expect script to telnet.
spawn telnet
expect "foobox login:"
send "foo1\r"
expect "Password:"
send "foo2\r"
send "echo HELLO WORLD\r"
# end of expect script.
Basically, what I want to do is telnet to the following IP address and then echo HELLO WORLD. However, it seems that the script fails after attempting to telnet...I'm not sure if it's able to accept login and password input, but it is not echoing HELLO WORLD. Instead, I just get this output:
cheungj#sfgpws30:~/justin> ./hpuxrama
spawn telnet
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
Welcome to openSUSE 11.1 - Kernel (7).
foobox login: foo1
Password: foo2~/justin>
It's hard to tell, but from the output you're pasting it looks like:
Your script isn't waiting for login to complete before sending the next command.
Your script is exiting and closing the process before you can see any output.
There are no guarantees in life, but I'd try this as a first step:
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
spawn telnet
expect "foobox login:"
send "foo1\r"
expect "Password:"
send "foo2\r"
# Wait for a prompt. Adjust as needed to match the expected prompt.
expect "justin>"
send "echo HELLO WORLD\r"
# Wait 5 seconds before exiting script and closing all processes.
sleep 5
If you can't get your script to work by manually programming it, try the autoexpect script that comes with Expect. You can perform your commands manually, and autoexpect will generate an Expect typescript based on those commands, which you can then edit as needed.
It's a good way to find out what Expect actually sees, especially in cases where the problem is hard to pin down. It's saves me a lot of debugging time over the years, and is definitely worth a try if the solution above doesn't work for you.
You're sending the echo command without first expecting the prompt. Try:
# after sending the password
expect -re "> ?$"
send "echo HELLO WORLD\r"
expect eof
Have you seen this StackOverflow Question?
He seems to have got things working by using curly braces.
Here is a simplified version
# just do a chmod 755 one the script
# if you get "Escape character is '^]'" as the output it means got connected otherwise it has failed
set ip [lindex $argv 0]
set port [lindex $argv 1]
set timeout 5
spawn telnet $ip $port
expect "'^]'."
