How to publish solution with class library projects in IIS - visual-studio-2012

I have an Asp.Net Web Api solution with 3 class library projects that are referenced from the main project. I have published the main project to another server on site - MySite/Main. I am unable to figure out how to publish the class library projects to location like so -
This shall enable the main project to reference them properly. How should I go about it?

When you build your web project all the referenced libraries are being copied to the bin folder (check for yourself). This folder is also being published.
If you use IIS it will automatically look for assemblies in the bin folder so you shouldn't worry about making the folder structure to be the same as in your local environment.
So the only thing you should worry about is referencing libraries properly.
The website project is the only one which should be published. You don't need to publish class libraries (I don't think you can do this using Visual Studio)


Setting up a modular project in Android Studio

I'm coming from the Visual Studio world of solutions, where each solution can consist of multiple projects that can refer to each other.
What I want to do is create a modular Android project in Android Studio such that all my code doesn't live in one huge app project. However, it seems terribly difficult to do this, so much so that I am sure I am doing something wrong.
I created a blank project called MyProject. This creates a project with the name MyProject and a package com.sohum.myproject. There is a single app project contained within containing no source files.
I now want to add another module under the same namespace (e.g. com.sohum.myproject.library1). However, it seems when I try to add a new module via the menu, I can only do so into a com.sohum.library1 project. How do I get it to use the same package as the project?
My end goal is to have all my modules under the com.sohum.myproject package, referencing each other. For example:
com.sohum.myproject.application will be the entry point. It might depend on com.sohum.myproject.library1 and com.sohum.myproject.someotherlibrary. And I would like to see all of these modules when I open the MyProject file.
You can click File > New > New Module. Then choose Android Library and enter the details.
Another way is to set up the project in a subpackage when creating it.
For example, create a project MyProject in a root directory. Call the application Application and rename the package to be instead of just com.sohum.myproject. Now any new modules created will be added below the com.sohum.myproject package space.

Service stack from a web application

I was looking at integrating a class library that uses service stack with an existing web application. I added the class library and its reference dlls in the bin folder for the web application and entries in the web.config file for dependency injection but I am getting an error as below. Please let me know the best way to approach this issue.
error: ServiceStack: AppHost does not exist or has not been initialized. Make sure you have created an AppHost and started it with 'new AppHost().Init();' in your Global.asax Application_Start() or alternative Application StartUp
Go through Creating your first web service from scratch to walk through how to add ServiceStack to an empty ASP.NET Web Application.
AppHost is your own class that you create that inherits AppHostBase.
You should get the .dlls from the ServiceStack NuGet package, but otherwise you never want to put dlls in /bin folder yourself, if you instead want to reference a copy of the ServiceStack dlls they should be in an external folder like /lib, when VS.NET builds your project it will automatically copy it to the /bin folder.
I would still recommend using the NuGet packages, but if you want to reference .dlls have a look at the Chat demo which references copy of ServiceStack dlls in custom /lib folder, it also has the minimal libs required for a ServiceStack + Razor ASP.NET Web Application.
Did you try to do what the error description suggested? Go into global.asax.cs, and add:
new AppHost().Init();
into the Application_Start() method.

Including a .targets file in the universal app shared project to include a custom build action

In separate Windows 8.1/Windows Phone 8.1 projects, including the SharpDX.targets file from the SharpDX repo includes all of its content build actions in each project. Doing the same in the shared project in a universal app doesn't work (project reloads successfully but tools are no in the Build Action list).
Is there an alternate solution to keeping the content in the shared project rather than keeping copies in each of the W8.1/WP8.1 projects just because there is no centralized way of building it?
No, a shared project in a universal app is never really built. It's merely a container of files to be shared into each of the specific projects. If you have custom build actions, you need to include them in each specific project (that requires them).

Which project file element specifies a WinRT class library project and not .NET?

I have a WPF class library that I want to port to be a WinRT class library. My plan is to copy the project, edit the project file so that it's a WinRT project instead of WPF, and see where I stand.
However, I cannot find which element in the project file makes it a WinRT project, and not .NET. Any ideas?
I've tried everything including diffing the project file with a WinRT class library project file, and slowly changing it over, but the WPF project never switches to WinRT in VS's eyes.
Sorry if this sounds nuts, I'm looking for the quickest way to find out how much work I need to do to port across.
I'd take a different approach to that:
First I'd create a new Windows Store apps class library project.
Then I'd copy all the files from the existing WPF class library folder to the new Windows Store apps class library project folder (without overwriting any of existing files)
In the Solution Explorer window I'd enable Show All Files to see all the copied files and folders.
I'd multi select all the items in the treeview that belong to the project and click on Include In Project from the context menu.
At this point the only thing potentially still missing would be settings at the project level such as conditional compilation symbols and missing references which could easily be added by comparing both projects in Visual Studio or just trying to compile the new projects and seeing what goes wrong.

Is there a way to use T4 templates with a web site project?

Can T4 templates be used in a web site project?
Or more specifically, can Subsonic be used in a web site project?
I can run the .tt files in a web application project but it does not nothing on a web site project. I guess they need a solution/project environment in order to run?
The easiest way to do this is to add a class library project to your solution and then have SubSonic do it's generation inside that. You can then reference the class library from your website project.
Edit To clarify you'll need an app.config in the library project with your connectionstring for gernation and you'll need a connectionstring in your web.config for runtime database connection
I believe they need a project to run. I blame it on microsoft.... so perhaps adding a lib project would work. Don't know if the runtime connection string should go in the web.config or the dll's config, though.
