multiline contents of a IO handle in haskell display nothing - haskell

I have been experimenting with Haskell. I am trying to write a web crawler and I need to use external curl binary (due to some proxy settings, curl needs to have some special arguments which seem to be impossible/hard to set inside the haskell code, so i rather just pass it as a command line option. but that is another story...)
In the code at the bottom, if I change the marked line with curl instead of curl --help the output renders properly and gives:
"curl: try 'curl --help' or 'curl --manual' for more information
otherwise the string is empty - as the `curl --help' response is multiline.
I suspect that in haskell the buffer is cleared with every new line. (same goes for other simple shell commands like ls versus ls -l etc.)
How do I fix it?
The code:
import System.Process
import System.IO
main = do
let sp = (proc "curl --help"[]){std_out=CreatePipe} -- *** THIS LINE ***
(_,Just out_h,_,_)<- createProcess sp
out <-hGetContents out_h
print out

proc takes as a first argument the name of the executable, not a shell command. That, is when you use proc "foo bar" you are not referring to a foo executable, but to an executable named exactly foo bar, with the space in its file name.
This is a useful feature in practice, because sometimes you do have spaces in there (e.g. on Windows you might have c:\Program Files\Foo\Foo.exe). Using a shell command you would have to escape spaces in your command string. Worse, a few other characters need to be escaped as well, and it's cumbersome to check what exactly those are. proc sidesteps the issue by not using the shell at all but passing the string as it is to the OS.
For the executable arguments, proc takes a separate argument list. E.g.
proc "c:\\Program Files\\Foo\\Foo.exe" ["hello world!%$"]
Note that the arguments need no escaping as well.

If you want to pass arguments to curl you have to pass that it in the list:
sp = (proc "/usr/bin/curl" ["--help"]) {std_out=CreatePipe}
Then you will get the complete output in the entire string.


How do I pass ">>" or "<<" to my script without the terminal trying to interpret it as me either appending to something or getting stdin?

My python script can take a series of bitwise operators as one of its arguments. They all work fine except for "=<<" which is roll left, and "=>>" which is roll right. I run my script like ./ -b +4,-4,=>>10,=<<1, where anything after -b can be any combination of similar operations. As soon as the terminal sees "<<" though, it just drops the cursor to a new line after the command and asks for more input instead of running the script. When it sees ">>", my script doesn't process the arguments correctly. I know it's because bash uses these characters for a specific purpose, but I'd like to get around it while still using "=>>" and "=<<" in my arguments for my script. Is there any way to do it without enclosing the argument in quotation marks?
Thank you for your help.
You should enclose the parameters that contain special symbols into single quotation marks (here, echo represents your script):
> echo '+4,-4,=>>10,=<<1'
Alternatively, save the parameters to a file (say, params.txt) and read them from the file onto the command line using the backticks:
> echo `cat params.txt`
Lastly, you can escape some offending symbols:
> echo +4,-4,=\>\>10,=\<\<1

Is there a way to know how the user invoked a program from bash?

Here's the problem: I have this script, and if the user invokes it without the --bar option, I'd like to display the following error message:
Please add the --bar option to your command, like so:
python --bar
Now, the tricky part is that there are several ways the user might have invoked the command:
They may have used python like in the example
They may have used /usr/bin/
They may have a shell alias frob='python', and actually ran frob
Maybe it's even a git alias flab=!/usr/bin/, and they used git flab
In every case, I'd like the message to reflect how the user invoked the command, so that the example I'm providing would make sense.
sys.argv always contains, and /proc/$$/cmdline doesn't know about aliases. It seems to me that the only possible source for this information would be bash itself, but I don't know how to ask it.
Any ideas?
UPDATE How about if we limit possible scenarios to only those listed above?
UPDATE 2: Plenty of people wrote very good explanation about why this is not possible in the general case, so I would like to limit my question to this:
Under the following assumptions:
The script was started interactively, from bash
The script was start in one of these 3 ways:
foo <args> where foo is a symbolic link /usr/bin/foo ->
git foo where!/usr/bin/foo in ~/.gitconfig
git baz where alias.baz=!/usr/bin/foo in ~/.gitconfig
Is there a way to distinguish between 1 and (2,3) from within the script? Is there a way to distinguish between 2 and 3 from within the script?
I know this is a long shot, so I'm accepting Charles Duffy's answer for now.
UPDATE 3: So far, the most promising angle was suggested by Charles Duffy in the comments below. If I can get my users to have
trap 'export LAST_BASH_COMMAND=$(history 1)' DEBUG
in their .bashrc, then I can use something like this in my code:
like_so = None
cmd = os.environ['LAST_BASH_COMMAND']
if cmd is not None:
cmd = cmd[8:] # Remove the history counter
if cmd.startswith("foo "):
like_so = "foo --bar " + cmd[4:]
elif cmd.startswith(r"git foo "):
like_so = "git foo --bar " + cmd[8:]
elif cmd.startswith(r"git baz "):
like_so = "git baz --bar " + cmd[8:]
if like_so is not None:
print("Please add the --bar option to your command, like so:")
print(" " + like_so)
print("Please add the --bar option to your command.")
This way, I show the general message if I don't manage to get their invocation method. Of course, if I'm going to rely on changing my users' environment I might as well ensure that the various aliases export their own environment variables that I can look at, but at least this way allows me to use the same technique for any other script I might add later.
No, there is no way to see the original text (before aliases/functions/etc).
Starting a program in UNIX is done as follows at the underlying syscall level:
int execve(const char *path, char *const argv[], char *const envp[]);
Notably, there are three arguments:
The path to the executable
An argv array (the first item of which -- argv[0] or $0 -- is passed to that executable to reflect the name under which it was started)
A list of environment variables
Nowhere in here is there a string that provides the original user-entered shell command from which the new process's invocation was requested. This is particularly true since not all programs are started from a shell at all; consider the case where your program is started from another Python script with shell=False.
It's completely conventional on UNIX to assume that your program was started through whatever name is given in argv[0]; this works for symlinks.
You can even see standard UNIX tools doing this:
$ ls '*.txt' # sample command to generate an error message; note "ls:" at the front
ls: *.txt: No such file or directory
$ (exec -a foobar ls '*.txt') # again, but tell it that its name is "foobar"
foobar: *.txt: No such file or directory
$ alias somesuch=ls # this **doesn't** happen with an alias
$ somesuch '*.txt' # ...the program still sees its real name, not the alias!
ls: *.txt: No such file
If you do want to generate a UNIX command line, use pipes.quote() (Python 2) or shlex.quote() (Python 3) to do it safely.
from pipes import quote # Python 2
except ImportError:
from shlex import quote # Python 3
cmd = ' '.join(quote(s) for s in open('/proc/self/cmdline', 'r').read().split('\0')[:-1])
print("We were called as: {}".format(cmd))
Again, this won't "un-expand" aliases, revert to the code that was invoked to call a function that invoked your command, etc; there is no un-ringing that bell.
That can be used to look for a git instance in your parent process tree, and discover its argument list:
def find_cmdline(pid):
return open('/proc/%d/cmdline' % (pid,), 'r').read().split('\0')[:-1]
def find_ppid(pid):
stat_data = open('/proc/%d/stat' % (pid,), 'r').read()
stat_data_sanitized = re.sub('[(]([^)]+)[)]', '_', stat_data)
return int(stat_data_sanitized.split(' ')[3])
def all_parent_cmdlines(pid):
while pid > 0:
yield find_cmdline(pid)
pid = find_ppid(pid)
def find_git_parent(pid):
for cmdline in all_parent_cmdlines(pid):
if cmdline[0] == 'git':
return ' '.join(quote(s) for s in cmdline)
return None
See the Note at the bottom regarding the originally proposed wrapper script.
A new more flexible approach is for the python script to provide a new command line option, permitting users to specify a custom string they would prefer to see in error messages.
For example, if a user prefers to call the python script '' via an alias, they can change the alias definition from this:
alias myAlias=' $#'
to this:
alias myAlias=' --caller=myAlias $#'
If they prefer to call the python script from a shell script, it can use the additional command line option like so:
exec "$#" --caller=${0##*/}
Other possible applications of this approach:
bash -c --caller="bash -c"
For listing expanded command lines, here's a script '', based on feedback by #CharlesDuffy, that lists cmdline for the running python script, as well as the parent process that spawned it.
If the new -caller argument is used, it will appear in the command line, although aliases will have been expanded, etc.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os, re
with open ("/proc/self/stat", "r") as myfile:
data = [x.strip() for x in str.split(myfile.readlines()[0],' ')]
pid = data[0]
ppid = data[3]
def commandLine(pid):
with open ("/proc/"+pid+"/cmdline", "r") as myfile:
return [x.strip() for x in str.split(myfile.readlines()[0],'\x00')][0:-1]
pid_cmdline = commandLine(pid)
ppid_cmdline = commandLine(ppid)
print "%r" % pid_cmdline
print "%r" % ppid_cmdline
After saving this to a file named '', and then calling it from a bash script called '' with various arguments, here's the output:
$ ./ a b "c d" e
['python', './']
['/bin/bash', './', 'a', 'b', 'c d', 'e']
NOTE: criticisms of the original wrapper script were valid. Although the existence of a pre-defined alias is part of the specification of the question, and may be presumed to exist in the user environment, the proposal defined the alias (creating the misleading impression that it was part of the recommendation rather than a specified part of the user's environment), and it didn't show how the wrapper would communicate with the called python script. In practice, the user would either have to source the wrapper or define the alias within the wrapper, and the python script would have to delegate the printing of error messages to multiple custom calling scripts (where the calling information resided), and clients would have to call the wrapper scripts. Solving those problems led to a simpler approach, that is expandable to any number of additional use cases.
Here's a less confusing version of the original script, for reference:
shopt -s expand_aliases
alias myAlias=''
# called like this:
set -o history
myAlias $#
CALL_HISTORY=( `history` )
case "$_EXITCODE" in
0) # no error message required
echo "customized error message #1 [$_CALLING_MODE]" 1>&2
echo "customized error message #2 [$_CALLING_MODE]" 1>&2
Here's the output:
$ 1 2 3
['./', '1', '2', '3']
customized error message #2 [myAlias]
There is no way to distinguish between when an interpreter for a script is explicitly specified on the command line and when it is deduced by the OS from the hashbang line.
$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env bash
ps -o command $$
$ bash ./
bash ./
$ ./
bash ./
This prevents you from detecting the difference between the first two cases in your list.
I am also confident that there is no reasonable way of identifying the other (mediated) ways of calling a command.
I can see two ways to do this:
The simplest, as suggested by 3sky, would be to parse the command line from inside the python script. argparse can be used to do so in a reliable way. This only works if you can change that script.
A more complex way, slightly more generic and involved, would be to change the python executable on your system.
Since the first option is well documented, here are a bit more details on the second one:
Regardless of the way your script is called, python is ran. The goal here is to replace the python executable with a script that checks if is among the arguments, and if it is, check if --bar is as well. If not, print the message and return.
In every other case, execute the real python executable.
Now, hopefully, running python is done trough the following shebang: #!/usr/bin/env python3, or trough python, rather than a variant of #!/usr/bin/python or /usr/bin/python That way, you can change the $PATH variable, and prepend a directory where your false python resides.
In the other case, you can replace the /usr/bin/python executable, at the risk of not playing nice with updates.
A more complex way of doing this would probably be with namespaces and mounts, but the above is probably enough, especially if you have admin rights.
Example of what could work as a script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
function checkbar
for i in "$#"
if [ "$i" = "--bar" ]
echo "Well done, you added --bar!"
return 0
return 1
command=$(basename ${1:-none})
if [ $command = "" ]
if ! checkbar "$#"
echo "Please add --bar to the command line, like so:"
printf "%q " $0
printf "%q " "$#"
printf -- "--bar\n"
exit 1
/path/to/real/python "$#"
However, after re-reading your question, it is obvious that I misunderstood it. In my opinion, it is all right to just print either " must be called like --bar", "please add bar to your arguments" or "please try (instead of )", regardless of what the user entered:
If that's an (git) alias, this is a one time error, and the user will try their alias after creating it, so they know where to put the --bar part
with either with /usr/bin/ or python
If the user is not really command line-savvy, they can just paste the working command that is displayed, even if they don't know the difference
If they are, they should be able to understand the message without trouble, and adjust their command line.
I know it's bash task, but i think the easiest way is modify ''. Of course it depends on level of script complicated, but maybe it will fit. Here is sample code:
import sys
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == '--bar':
print 'make magic'
print 'Please add the --bar option to your command, like so:'
print ' python --bar'
In this case, it does not matter how user run this code.
$ ./
Please add the --bar option to your command, like so:
python --bar
$ ./ -dua
Please add the --bar option to your command, like so:
python --bar
$ ./ --bar
make magic
$ python --t
Please add the --bar option to your command, like so:
python --bar
$ /home/3sky/test/
Please add the --bar option to your command, like so:
python --bar
$ alias a='python'
$ a
Please add the --bar option to your command, like so:
python --bar
$ a --bar
make magic

How to get the complete calling command of a BASH script from inside the script (not just the arguments)

I have a BASH script that has a long set of arguments and two ways of calling it:
my_script --option1 value --option2 value ... etc
my_script val1 val2 val3 ..... valn
This script in turn compiles and runs a large FORTRAN code suite that eventually produces a netcdf file as output. I already have all the metadata in the netcdf output global attributes, but it would be really nice to also include the full run command one used to create that experiment. Thus another user who receives the netcdf file could simply reenter the run command to rerun the experiment, without having to piece together all the options.
So that is a long way of saying, in my BASH script, how do I get the last command entered from the parent shell and put it in a variable? i.e. the script is asking "how was I called?"
I could try to piece it together from the option list, but the very long option list and two interface methods would make this long and arduous, and I am sure there is a simple way.
I found this helpful page:
BASH: echoing the last command run
but this only seems to work to get the last command executed within the script itself. The asker also refers to use of history, but the answers seem to imply that the history will only contain the command after the programme has completed.
Many thanks if any of you have any idea.
You can try the following:
myInvocation="$(printf %q "$BASH_SOURCE")$((($#)) && printf ' %q' "$#")"
$BASH_SOURCE refers to the running script (as invoked), and $# is the array of arguments; (($#)) && ensures that the following printf command is only executed if at least 1 argument was passed; printf %q is explained below.
While this won't always be a verbatim copy of your command line, it'll be equivalent - the string you get is reusable as a shell command.
chepner points out in a comment that this approach will only capture what the original arguments were ultimately expanded to:
For instance, if the original command was my_script $USER "$(date +%s)", $myInvocation will not reflect these arguments as-is, but will rather contain what the shell expanded them to; e.g., my_script jdoe 1460644812
chepner also points that out that getting the actual raw command line as received by the parent process will be (next to) impossible. Do tell me if you know of a way.
However, if you're prepared to ask users to do extra work when invoking your script or you can get them to invoke your script through an alias you define - which is obviously tricky - there is a solution; see bottom.
Note that use of printf %q is crucial to preserving the boundaries between arguments - if your original arguments had embedded spaces, something like $0 $* would result in a different command.
printf %q also protects against other shell metacharacters (e.g., |) embedded in arguments.
printf %q quotes the given argument for reuse as a single argument in a shell command, applying the necessary quoting; e.g.:
$ printf %q 'a |b'
a\ \|b
a\ \|b is equivalent to single-quoted string 'a |b' from the shell's perspective, but this example shows how the resulting representation is not necessarily the same as the input representation.
Incidentally, ksh and zsh also support printf %q, and ksh actually outputs 'a |b' in this case.
If you're prepared to modify how your script is invoked, you can pass $BASH_COMMANDas an extra argument: $BASH_COMMAND contains the raw[1]
command line of the currently executing command.
For simplicity of processing inside the script, pass it as the first argument (note that the double quotes are required to preserve the value as a single argument):
my_script "$BASH_COMMAND" --option1 value --option2
Inside your script:
# The *first* argument is what "$BASH_COMMAND" expanded to,
# i.e., the entire (alias-expanded) command line.
myInvocation=$1 # Save the command line in a variable...
shift # ... and remove it from "$#".
# Now process "$#", as you normally would.
Unfortunately, there are only two options when it comes to ensuring that your script is invoked this way, and they're both suboptimal:
The end user has to invoke the script this way - which is obviously tricky and fragile (you could however, check in your script whether the first argument contains the script name and error out, if not).
Alternatively, provide an alias that wraps the passing of $BASH_COMMAND as follows:
alias my_script='/path/to/my_script "$BASH_COMMAND"'
The tricky part is that this alias must be defined in all end users' shell initialization files to ensure that it's available.
Also, inside your script, you'd have to do extra work to re-transform the alias-expanded version of the command line into its aliased form:
# The *first* argument is what "$BASH_COMMAND" expanded to,
# i.e., the entire (alias-expanded) command line.
# Here we also re-transform the alias-expanded command line to
# its original aliased form, by replacing everything up to and including
# "$BASH_COMMMAND" with the alias name.
myInvocation=$(sed 's/^.* "\$BASH_COMMAND"/my_script/' <<<"$1")
shift # Remove the first argument from "$#".
# Now process "$#", as you normally would.
Sadly, wrapping the invocation via a script or function is not an option, because the $BASH_COMMAND truly only ever reports the current command's command line, which in the case of a script or function wrapper would be the line inside that wrapper.
[1] The only thing that gets expanded are aliases, so if you invoked your script via an alias, you'll still see the underlying script in $BASH_COMMAND, but that's generally desirable, given that aliases are user-specific.
All other arguments and even input/output redirections, including process substitutiions <(...) are reflected as-is.
"$0" contains the script's name, "$#" contains the parameters.
Do you mean something like echo $0 $*?

how to write command inside command

im using system command in perl to execute su command like this
system("su -");
The above command works fine..
But if my command is this
su -c "echo hello"
Then how do i embed this command into system command of perl?
system can work with a list rather than a single string:
system LIST
[...] Note that argument processing varies depending on the number of arguments. If there is more than one argument in LIST, or if LIST is an array with more than one value, starts the program given by the first element of the list with arguments given by the rest of the list.
So you could avoid the nested quote problems with this:
system('su', '-c', 'echo hello')
You simple need quote escaping, either by using a different quote set:
system('su -c "echo hello"');
Or by "escaping" the quotes themselves:
system("su -c \"echo hello\"");
Or as individual arguments, as mu is too short points out:
system("su", "-c", "echo hello");

Bash script execution with and without shebang in Linux and BSD

How and who determines what executes when a Bash-like script is executed as a binary without a shebang?
I guess that running a normal script with shebang is handled with binfmt_script Linux module, which checks a shebang, parses command line and runs designated script interpreter.
But what happens when someone runs a script without a shebang? I've tested the direct execv approach and found out that there's no kernel magic in there - i.e. a file like that:
$ cat target-script
echo Hello
echo "bash: $BASH_VERSION"
echo "zsh: $ZSH_VERSION"
Running compiled C program that does just an execv call yields:
$ cat test-runner.c
void main() {
if (execv("./target-script", 0) == -1)
$ ./test-runner
./target-script: Exec format error
However, if I do the same thing from another shell script, it runs the target script using the same shell interpreter as the original one:
$ cat test-runner.bash
$ ./test-runner.bash
bash: 4.1.0(1)-release
If I do the same trick with other shells (for example, Debian's default sh - /bin/dash), it also works:
$ cat test-runner.dash
$ ./test-runner.dash
Mysteriously, it doesn't quite work as expected with zsh and doesn't follow the general scheme. Looks like zsh executed /bin/sh on such files after all:
greycat#burrow-debian ~/z/test-runner $ cat test-runner.zsh
greycat#burrow-debian ~/z/test-runner $ ./test-runner.zsh
Note that ZSH_VERSION in parent script worked, while ZSH_VERSION in child didn't!
How does a shell (Bash, dash) determines what gets executed when there's no shebang? I've tried to dig up that place in Bash/dash sources, but, alas, looks like I'm kind of lost in there. Can anyone shed some light on the magic that determines whether the target file without shebang should be executed as script or as a binary in Bash/dash? Or may be there is some sort of interaction with kernel / libc and then I'd welcome explanations on how does it work in Linux and FreeBSD kernels / libcs?
Since this happens in dash and dash is simpler, I looked there first.
Seems like exec.c is the place to look, and the relevant functionis are tryexec, which is called from shellexec which is called whenever the shell things a command needs to be executed. And (a simplified version of) the tryexec function is as follows:
tryexec(char *cmd, char **argv, char **envp)
char *const path_bshell = _PATH_BSHELL;
execve(cmd, argv, envp);
if (cmd != path_bshell && errno == ENOEXEC) {
*argv-- = cmd;
*argv = cmd = path_bshell;
goto repeat;
So, it simply always replaces the command to execute with the path to itself (_PATH_BSHELL defaults to "/bin/sh") if ENOEXEC occurs. There's really no magic here.
I find that FreeBSD exhibits identical behavior in bash and in its own sh.
The way bash handles this is similar but much more complicated. If you want to look in to it further I recommend reading bash's execute_command.c and looking specifically at execute_shell_script and then shell_execve. The comments are quite descriptive.
(Looks like Sorpigal has covered it but I've already typed this up and it may be of interest.)
According to Section 3.16 of the Unix FAQ, the shell first looks at the magic number (first two bytes of the file). Some numbers indicate a binary executable; #! indicates that the rest of the line should be interpreted as a shebang. Otherwise, the shell tries to run it as a shell script.
Additionally, it seems that csh looks at the first byte, and if it's #, it'll try to run it as a csh script.
