How do you set up Haskell + ghc-mod on OS/X? - haskell

I first set up Haskell from but ghc-mod had problems with sandboxes and to update it I needed a newer cabal which needed a newer ghc. Or something like that. ( ??)
So I deleted everything, and installed from
Then some strange failure setting up a new sandbox was because something didn't properly have a dependancy for happy. (
Ok. Installed happy. Now trying (again) to install ghc-mod and I get a giant mess (below).
Should I use
I've seen some people mention ghc-pkg recache or cabal install cabal-install... Are those things I need to do?
Resolving dependencies... Configuring ghc-mod- Building ghc-mod- Failed to install ghc-mod- Build log ( /Users/mark/.cabal/logs/ghc-mod- ): Configuring ghc-mod- Building ghc-mod- Preprocessing library ghc-mod-
Language/Haskell/GhcMod/Convert.hs:1:51: Warning:
-XOverlappingInstances is deprecated: instead use per-instance pragmas OVERLAPPING/OVERLAPPABLE/OVERLAPS [ 1 of 38] Compiling Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Read ( Language/Haskell/GhcMod/Read.hs, dist/build/Language/Haskell/GhcMod/Read.o ) [ 2 of 38] Compiling Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Cabal21 ( Language/Haskell/GhcMod/Cabal21.hs, dist/build/Language/Haskell/GhcMod/Cabal21.o ) [ 3 of 38] Compiling Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Cabal18 ( Language/Haskell/GhcMod/Cabal18.hs, dist/build/Language/Haskell/GhcMod/Cabal18.o ) [ 4 of 38] Compiling Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Cabal16 ( Language/Haskell/GhcMod/Cabal16.hs, dist/build/Language/Haskell/GhcMod/Cabal16.o ) [ 5 of 38] Compiling Language.Haskell.GhcMod.GHCChoice ( Language/Haskell/GhcMod/GHCChoice.hs, dist/build/Language/Haskell/GhcMod/GHCChoice.o ) [ 6 of 38] Compiling Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Error ( Language/Haskell/GhcMod/Error.hs, dist/build/Language/Haskell/GhcMod/Error.o )
Language/Haskell/GhcMod/Error.hs:12:1: Warning:
Module ‘Control.Monad.Error’ is deprecated:
Use Control.Monad.Except instead
Language/Haskell/GhcMod/Error.hs:40:10: Warning:
In the use of type constructor or class ‘Error’
(imported from Control.Monad.Error, but defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Error):
Deprecated: "Use Control.Monad.Trans.Except instead"
Language/Haskell/GhcMod/Error.hs:40:10: Warning:
In the use of type constructor or class ‘Error’
(imported from Control.Monad.Error, but defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Error):
Deprecated: "Use Control.Monad.Trans.Except instead" [ 7 of 38] Compiling Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Utils ( Language/Haskell/GhcMod/Utils.hs, dist/build/Language/Haskell/GhcMod/Utils.o )
Language/Haskell/GhcMod/Utils.hs:15:1: Warning:
The import of ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant
except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Applicative’
To import instances alone, use: import Control.Applicative()
Language/Haskell/GhcMod/Utils.hs:45:51: Warning:
In the use of ‘strMsg’
(imported from Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Error, but defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Error):
Deprecated: "Use Control.Monad.Trans.Except instead" [ 8 of 38] Compiling Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Types ( Language/Haskell/GhcMod/Types.hs, dist/build/Language/Haskell/GhcMod/Types.o ) [ 9 of 38] Compiling Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Gap ( Language/Haskell/GhcMod/Gap.hs, dist/build/Language/Haskell/GhcMod/Gap.o )
Not in scope: data constructor ‘ExposePackageId’
Perhaps you meant ‘ExposePackage’ (imported from DynFlags) cabal: Error: some packages failed to install: ghc-mod- failed during the building phase. The exception was: ExitFailure 1
After applying the accepted answer (which seemed to install ghc-mod), running gch-mod gives the following:
> ghc-mod check x.hs
cabal-helper-wrapper: Installing a private copy of Cabal, this might take a
while but will only happen once per Cabal version.
If anything goes horribly wrong just delete this directory and try again:
If you want to avoid this automatic installation altogether install version of Cabal manually (into your user or global package-db):
$ cabal install Cabal-
...In order, the following would be installed:
filepath- (latest: (new version)
directory- (new version)
process- (reinstall) changes: directory- ->,
filepath- ->
Cabal- (latest: (new version)
cabal: The following packages are likely to be broken by the reinstalls:
Use --force-reinstalls if you want to install anyway.
cabal-helper-wrapper: Installing Cabal version failed.
nYou have two choices now:
- Either you install this version of Cabal in your globa/luser package-db
n- Or you can see if you can update your cabal-install to use a different
version of the Cabal library that we can build with:
$ cabal install cabal-install --constraint 'Cabal >'
nTo check the version cabal-install is currently using try:
$ cabal --version
ghc-mod: readCreateProcess: /Users/mark/.cabal/libexec/cabal-helper-wrapper "/Users/mark/work/haskell/ixberg/dist" "entrypoints" "source-dirs" "ghc-options" "ghc-src-options" "ghc-pkg-options" "--with-ghc=ghc" "--with-ghc-pkg=ghc-pkg" "--with-cabal=cabal" (exit 1): failed
Strangely, it wants the version of Cabal that is currently installed:
> cabal --version
cabal-install version
using version of the Cabal library

Edit (August 2015) Better fix
A better command line tool for installing Haskell binaries and libraries by the awesome FPComplete group called stack means you can install ghc-mod with stack install ghc-mod (outside a project to make it global) and it will just work. The binary will be installed to ~/.local/bin and should be put on your path so your editor can find it.
I will leave the below for anyone who wishes to know what cabal Hell really meant.
Problem With DanielG's Fork
I asked on the Haskell reddit and NihillstDandy explained that the GHC for Mac OS X does not register the Cabal library. This is not true for your install from It does register the Cabal library.
ghc-mod needs the cabal library to work, but it does not compile with the cabal library. Instead it compiles with cabal-helper and that looks to see if you have a registered version of the cabal library. If it does not find any then cabal-helper-wrapper will install a private copy and in this case it tired to install the same version as what cabal-install was compiled with, cabal-
When I installed DanielG's Fork it worked for my current project, but after testing it in other projects I am getting the same error you are. This is a problem with the fork and not Haskell (as far as I can tell).
Original Answer
So, while I was putting this post together ghc-mod was fixed for GHC-7.10. Thanks to DanielG!
git clone
cd ghc-mod
cabal install -j4
And if you get errors that say "setup-Simple-Cabal- The program 'happy' version
>=1.17 is required but it could not be found."
cabal install happy -j4
The same for any other problems and it should work. (Although you have happy installed, so it should just work).
The rest of the post is on how to downgrade the cabal executable, also known as cabal-install, to version Although you could really use this to downgrade to any version. Since there is a working fork of ghc-mod that works with GHC-7.10 and cabal-1.22 you do not need to downgrade to fix ghc-mod.
I'm just leaving the rest of the post up here since, unfortunately, this is a problem with Haskell as a whole. Halcyon and nix are ways to deal with Haskell's shortcomings in this regard.
How to downgrade Cabal in Haskell
When I wrote this post ghc-mod, nor any fork, compiled with GHC-7.10 and versions below 7.10 broke with cabal-1.22 sandboxes.
However, even if you compile ghc-mod with GHC-7.8.4 (the version before 7.10) and cabal- you still cannot use ghc-mod inside a sandbox created by cabal-1.22 and above. So the only way to use ghc-mod is to either downgrade your entire system to cabal- or don't use sandboxes. This means you can still use GHC-7.10, but you have to use the older version of cabal. That is unless you want to wait until the convener or someone else fixes it for GHC-7.10. Its been over a week already, but some kind Haskell programmer fixed it in a fork (see above).
If this is something you still want here is how to compile ghc-mod with GHC-7.8.4 and cabal- Also, I replace the executable cabal-1.22 with the older cabal- Note, it does not matter what directory you download the sources to.
download GHC-7.8.4 source for your OS from here
tar -xf path_to_zipped_source
cd path_to_ghc-7.8.4
The next steps will install ghc-7.8.4 as ghc-7.8.4 in the same folder as ghc-7.10 is install for you. The -j4 is to tell make to use 4 threads to compile it.
make install -j4
To get the correct version of cabal we can just ask cabal to get it.
cabal get cabal-install-
cd cabal-install-
Now to install cabal with ghc-7.8.4. Here cabal-1.22 will pull all the decencies and should give you some warning about installing another version of the cabal library (not to be confused with cabal-install), this should not cause problems.
cabal --with-compiler=ghc-7.8.4 install
So now you should have cabal- installed, but not on your path. It will be in ~/.cabal/bin. We need to make this global, so remove cabal-1.22 (it only removes the symlink).
rm `which cabal`
And create the symlink to cabal- Btw, you will need to remove any sandboxes you made with cabal-1.22 and remake them with cabal-
If you do not have realpath you can just type in the full path of cabal. I use it for connivence.
cd ~/.cabal/bin
ln -s `realpath cabal` /usr/local/bin
Now this is how I compiled ghc-mod on my mac (you may run into your own problems). I'm not sure why cabal couldn't do it in one call, but this worked in the end.
cabal --with-compiler=ghc-7.8.4 install happy
cabal --with-compiler=ghc-7.8.4 install haskell-src-exts-
cabal --with-compiler=ghc-7.8.4 install hlint-1.9.19
cabal --with-compiler=ghc-7.8.4 install ghc-mod
Now you should be able to call ghc-mod from anywhere. To test it just type ghc-mod after you have cabal sandbox init. If it does not throw any errors then your in the clear.

The version of executable cabal that is used to configure this project should be the same as the version of the global Cabal package.
It's easier to install a compatible version of cabal-install than Cabal as follows:
$ ghc-pkg list | grep Cabal
$ cabal install cabal-install-
Or build one in sandbox and replace/shadow the original one.
Then don't forget to re-configure the project with the new cabal:
$ cabal clean && cabal configure
Now the ghc-mod should works.

If Cabal-1.22 isn't registered (ghc-pkg list cabal), the cabal-helper-wrapper will install a private copy because it needs the library installed to work, but it doesn't want to stomp on anything you have that might break by upgrading Cabal directly.
GHC for Mac OS X doesn't register the Cabal library, it comes bundled with a version of cabal-install built against it.


How do you import a Haskell module that was installed using Cabal?

I installed the timezone-series Haskell module using cabal install timezone-series-
I then defined a module named Main.hs that starts with:
import Data.Time.LocalTime.TimeZone.Series -- from timezone-series-
when I run ghc Main.hs, GHC throws the following error:
/home/ubuntu/Main.hs:2:1: error:
Failed to load interface for ‘Data.Time.LocalTime.TimeZone.Olson’
I tried explicitly including the cabal directory in GHC's search path using:
ghc -i/home/ubuntu/.cabal/lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-8.0.2/timezone-olson-0.2.0-KqRNJj3zomR7zz2Yx6P5Oq/ Main.hs
This resulted in the correct path being searched, but GHC is only looking for files ending in the suffix ".hs":
Locations searched:
Cabal installed interface files instead however:
From line 318 of GHC's source code it looks like GHC ignores "*.hi" files unless it is called in single-shot mode (with the -c flag). Is this correct? (See:
How can I get GHC to import this module?
An help will be greatly appreciated!
My suggested ways of installing packages in order of my preference:
Make a cabal package and add timezone-series you want to install to the build-depends field as described in the cabal manual.
Use the experimental cabal-env tool to basically automate the process of point 3 below, but then with the global environment. This makes a new build-plan every time you install a new package, so it is like removing the package environment and building it again with all the old packages and the new package added to it. You can add specific constraints like this: cabal-env "timezone-series ==".
Install a package into local package environment with cabal --package-env . --lib timezone-series. You can add as many packages as you want after the --lib option to install more than one package. If you later want to use a different set of packages simply remove the .ghc.environment.* file that is generated and rerun the installation with a new set of packages. GHC will automatically use these package environment files that are in the current or parent directories. You can specify specific constraints with the --constraint option like this: --constraint "timezone-series ==".
Use cabal install --lib timezone-series to install it directly into the global environment (~/.ghc/x86_64-linux-8.0.2/environments/default), this will fail if a conflicting package was installed earlier. When you run into errors you can remove that package environment and try again.
Finally, I want to note that GHC 8.0.2 is quite old, so I would advise you to upgrade if you don't have a specific reason for using that version.

With HaskellStack install packages to use with GHC without stack

I install GHC on Windows10 using the recommended Haskell Stack. I want to us GHC without all the Stack overhead for Advent of Code. This was working fine until I tried to get the extra package.
I can install it with Stack, but I don't seem to have a way to get it in the global package database. Haskell Stack apparently does not install the cabal executable and seems to have it locked out of their package database.
How do I install the extra package for use with vanilla GHC?
John Miller#DESKTOP-NENAGQH MSYS /d/dev/AdventOfCode2020
$ stack ghc -- AoC/Utils.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling AoC.Utils ( AoC\Utils.hs, AoC\Utils.o )
John Miller#DESKTOP-NENAGQH MSYS /d/dev/AdventOfCode2020
$ ghc AoC/Utils.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling AoC.Utils ( AoC\Utils.hs, AoC\Utils.o ) [Data.List.Extra changed]
AoC\Utils.hs:3:1: error:
Could not find module `Data.List.Extra'
Use -v (or `:set -v` in ghci) to see a list of the files searched for.
3 | import Data.List.Extra
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
I don't know whether stack supports installing to the global package DB. cabal does though:
$ cabal install --lib extra
Resolving dependencies...
Up to date
$ ghci
GHCi, version 8.10.2: :? for help
Loaded package environment from /home/simon/.ghc/x86_64-linux-8.10.2/environments/default
Prelude> import Data.List.Extra
Prelude Data.List.Extra>
Ok, so stack can install the cabal executable if you beat at it long enough. The package is called cabal-install and it is not in any resolver, but is on Hackage.
stack install cabal-install
Because it is not in the resolver there is a pretty good chance that the version of Cabal, the library for manipulating cabal packages in Haskell, is not compatible. First, ask stack where it keeps its global config
stack path --config-location
Edit that file to allow for the needed dependencies under extra-deps: Stack will helpfully tell you what they are. It may also be helpful to change the resolver to a newer version in that file while your at it.
Now try
stack install cabal-install
again and if these instructions have not fallen out of date since December 2020 you will get the cabal executable somewhere potentially useful.
Before using cabal you will have to run a cabal update to get the package list.
At this point cabal should manipulate your global package database and stack can install GCH and all its libraries over and over and over again if you want to use it for a project instead. They should just keep out of each other's way.

Haskell cannot import GHC.SrcLoc

I can't get module "GHC.SrcLoc" in package "srcloc" on Ubuntu Haskell ...
-- "import" works on Windows, but not on Ubuntu 14.04
-- Module name is "GHC.SrcLoc"
-- Cabal build error below
Take 2: tried adding package "srcloc" to Cabal dependencies
^ Adding "srcloc" to dependencies causes "cabal configuration failed". ^
GHCI version...
$ ghci --version
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 7.6.3
Please help
My Haskell Code...
* Attempt #1 *
:~/IdeaProjects/IntelliJHaskellPrintDebugger$ cabal install srcloc
Resolving dependencies...
All the requested packages are already installed:
Use --reinstall if you want to reinstall anyway.
* Attempt #2 *
-- Tried replacing "import GHC.SrcLoc" with "import Data.Loc", but failed.
-- Tried adding "srcLock" to "build-depends" in .cabal, but failed.
^ Hopeless
Since Data.SrcLoc is a part of the GHC distribution and it wasn't added until (I believe) GHC 7.10.1, it will not exist in GHC 7.6.3. If you install the latest version of GHC, this should work fine.
The package you are seeing that is called srcloc appears to be unrelated to what you want, and does not provide the GHC.SrcLoc module. The GHC.SrcLoc module is instead provided by the GHC base standard library, which is included in (and requires) a newer version of GHC.
Newer versions of GHC also include a lot of other nice features that 7.6.3 (which was released more than 2 years ago) doesn't have.
You also mentioned stack traces, so you might be interested in this.
You must install the srcloc package; in the simple case where you are not using sandboxes, this is done by running cabal install srcloc at the command line.

GTK2HS fails to install with recent cabal versions

I'm starting a new project that will hopefully use gtk2hs. However, I can not get this package to install on my fairly typical Linux box. Here is the failure :
[1 of 2] Compiling SetupWrapper ( /tmp/cairo-0.12.4-4201/cairo-0.12.4/SetupWrapper.hs, /tmp/cairo-0.12.4-4201/cairo-0.12.4/dist/dist-sandbox-58b5f9c6/setup/SetupWrapper.o )
Ambiguous occurrence `moreRecentFile'
It could refer to either `SetupWrapper.moreRecentFile',
defined at /tmp/cairo-0.12.4-4201/cairo-0.12.4/SetupWrapper.hs:149:1
or `Distribution.Simple.Utils.moreRecentFile',
imported from `Distribution.Simple.Utils' at /tmp/cairo-0.12.4-4201/cairo-0.12.4/SetupWrapper.hs:8:1-32
Ambiguous occurrence `moreRecentFile'
It could refer to either `SetupWrapper.moreRecentFile',
defined at /tmp/cairo-0.12.4-4201/cairo-0.12.4/SetupWrapper.hs:149:1
or `Distribution.Simple.Utils.moreRecentFile',
imported from `Distribution.Simple.Utils' at /tmp/cairo-0.12.4-4201/cairo-0.12.4/SetupWrapper.hs:8:1-32
Failed to install cairo-0.12.4
[1 of 2] Compiling SetupWrapper ( /tmp/glib-0.12.4-4201/glib-0.12.4/SetupWrapper.hs, /tmp/glib-0.12.4-4201/glib-0.12.4/dist/dist-sandbox-58b5f9c6/setup/SetupWrapper.o )
Ambiguous occurrence `moreRecentFile'
It could refer to either `SetupWrapper.moreRecentFile',
defined at /tmp/glib-0.12.4-4201/glib-0.12.4/SetupWrapper.hs:149:1
or `Distribution.Simple.Utils.moreRecentFile',
imported from `Distribution.Simple.Utils' at /tmp/glib-0.12.4-4201/glib-0.12.4/SetupWrapper.hs:8:1-32
Ambiguous occurrence `moreRecentFile'
It could refer to either `SetupWrapper.moreRecentFile',
defined at /tmp/glib-0.12.4-4201/glib-0.12.4/SetupWrapper.hs:149:1
or `Distribution.Simple.Utils.moreRecentFile',
imported from `Distribution.Simple.Utils' at /tmp/glib-0.12.4-4201/glib-0.12.4/SetupWrapper.hs:8:1-32
Failed to install glib-0.12.4
It seems to be related to recent cabal versions, since that used to work before. It seems to be a known bug ( , and, however it has not moved for weeks. I am not sufficiently competent to suggest a good fix, so I would like your advice. This is very annoying since I am stuck on this important project, and it pains me to think that the main GUI lib of our language has been broken for many weeks now.
cabal-install version using version of the Cabal library / ghc 7.4.1
Thanks for your help
The correct solution for now is to build from darcs. Detailed instructions are given in the Getting the latest and greatest section of the installation instructions; the short version is:
darcs get --lazy
cd gtk2hs
EDIT: The official 0.12.5 release of gtk2hs from December 2013 supports cabal 1.18, so the above darcs instructions are no longer needed. The full installation instructions are still available from the Gtk2Hs download page; the short version is:
cabal install gtk2hs-buildtools
cabal install gtk gtk3
You can try with older Cabal version using cabal install --cabal-lib-version=1.16.0 gtk.

Haskell Cabal: How to ignore dependencies

I'm trying to install a package (nymphaea as it happens). This depends on an earlier version of base than the one I have. I'm not keen on downgrading my base libraries, so I'd like to try to just ignore that dependency, and see how things go.
Is there a way to tell cabal to miss out a particular dependency?
Update: After I edit the cabal file, what do I do with it? Cabal doesn't have an obvious way to point it at a file, nor anywhere I can manually put cabal files, as far as I can tell.
[As per below, apparently I should just invoke cabal install in a directory containing the edited cabal file ]
Update 2: Unfortunately, cabal gives me a weird error about package versions being required which I appear to have:
$ cabal install -v --upgrade-dependencies time
Reading available packages...
Resolving dependencies...
In order, the following would be installed:
time- (new version)
to C:\Users\Marcin\time-
Creating C:\Users\Marcin\time-\time-\dist\setup (and its
C:\Program Files (x86)\Haskell Platform\2011.2.0.1\bin\ghc.exe --make C:\Users\Marcin\time-\time-\Setu
p.hs -o C:\Users\Marcin\time-\time-\dist\setup\setup.exe -odir C:\Users\Marcin\time-\time-1
.2.0.5\dist\setup -hidir C:\Users\Marcin\time-\time-\dist\setup -i -iC:\Users\Marcin\time-\
time- -package Cabal-
<command line>: cannot satisfy -package Cabal-
Cabal- is unusable due to missing or recursive dependencies:
directory- process-
(use -v for more information)
World file is already up to date.
cabal.exe: Error: some packages failed to install:
time- failed during the configure step. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1
To follow up on the comments to Don's answer:
First, grab the package from Hackage.
$ cabal unpack nymphaea
Then edit the .cabal file and change base <= to base > 3 && < 5.
$ cd nymphaea-0.3
$ vim nymphaea.cabal
Now, try to install it.
$ cabal install
I got it to work with this change using Haskell Platform 2011.2.0.1 on Ubuntu Natty after installing the required Debian packages.
You must edit the .cabal file associated with the package and remove any constraints on base that you see. Change, for example,
base < 3
base >= 3 && < 5
And see if it compiles. If it works, you might bump the version and let the maintainer know. If they don't respond, you might upload the fixed version to Hackage yourself.
