Appending result of function into a list - python-3.x

I'm calling a function within a function. I want it so that every time the function loops (4 instances) it adds the result to a list. In bad programmer terms, something like: for each instance of the loop, run function, add result to list and increment counter, and go again.
Can you help here?
def genDigit():
import random
digit = (random.randint(0, 9))
def genNumber():
numList = list
for counter in range(0,4):
'from here on I need to finish the function
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. I understand in english terms how I would go about finishing this.
Kind regards,

Instead of printing the digit in your function and then returning nothing, you should return the generated digit. You can then collect those in a list, and return that list. Finally, you print the result.
import random # import once
def genDigit():
digit = random.randint(0, 9)
return digit # return the digit
def genNumber():
numList = list() # add missing ()
for counter in range(0,4):
numList.append(genDigit()) # add digits to list
return numList # return the list
print(genNumber()) # now print the entire list
Or shorter:
def genDigit():
return random.randint(0, 9)
def genNumber():
return [genDigit() for c in range(4)]


oneliner using reduce in python

I'm trying to take my Python skills (beginner) to the next level.
and I'm trying to teach myself the functools.reduce() function
So I'm running every time into the same error;
I'd appreciate if someone could explain to me what is the problem in my code
I'm trying to build a simple func that receive a number and return the sum of number digits
import functools
def sum_using_reduce(number):
return str(number)[0] + str(number)[1]
number = 104
print(functools.reduce(sum_using_reduce, number))
Try this:
number = 104
functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, [int(i) for i in str(number)])
Output: 5
Using your example:
import functools
def sum_using_reduce(x, y) -> int:
return x + y
print(functools.reduce(sum_using_reduce, [int(i) for i in str(105)]))
Output: 6
Another approach:
import functools
def sum_using_reduce(number: int) -> int:
return functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, [int(i) for i in str(number)])
Output: 7
In your sum_using_reduce function you are trying to sum two strings, which would simply perform concatenation. Moreover, you are providing an integer as the second argument to the reduce function, where the reduce function requires an iterable to be provided.
Below is a solution that fixes both these requirements:
from functools import reduce
print(reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,map(int,str(number))))
map(int,str(number)) transforms the number to a string (104->"104") and then turns every character in the string to an integer, returning an iterable map object ("104"->[1,0,4]).
lambda x,y:x+y is a function which takes two integers and sums them.

some python3 behavior i am unable to understood

I have used following codes.
from collections import defaultdict
from random import randint, randrange,choice, shuffle
def random_array(low, high, step, size):
lst = []
while len(lst)<size:
nexts = randrange(low, high, step)
if nexts in lst:continue
return lst
def find_pair_from_two_list(a, b, val):
b_dict = defaultdict(int)
for i,v in enumerate(b): b_dict[v] = i
for v in a:
if (val - v) in b_dict:
return v, val-v
return -1, -1
arr1 = random_array(1, 100, 1, 99)
arr2 = random_array(1, 100, 1, 99)
val1 = choice(arr1)
val2 = choice(arr2)
val = val1 + val2
print(find_pair_from_two_list(arr1,arr2, val))
However if i change size value in
arr1 = random_array(1, 100, 1, 99)
arr2 = random_array(1, 100, 1, 99)
upto 99 it works instantly but if i change any of the size value to 100 or more it just seems to hang in there.
I am curious to know why this is happening.I mean it works well till 99 but what causes it to hang for even 100.
Why is yours slow:
Using arr1 = random_array(1, 100, 1, 100) your method can take lots of time to draw the last missing numbers because you draw new random values over and over and discard them when they are already inside your resultlist:
while len(lst)<size:
nexts = randrange(low, high, step)
if nexts in lst:continue # discards already inside numbers
return lst
With inputs like this you essentially draw "all" possible numbers until done and the more your result contains the longer it takes to draw another "fitting" one.
You can even produce endless loops if your range(low,high,steps) has less total values then your size demands.
(1,100,5,100) # => only 20 in this range with this stepper -> endless loop
Possible simplification (not optimal)
You could simplyfy and speedup the code by:
import random
def random_array(low, high, step, size):
poss = list(range(low,high,step)) # this does not contain duplicates
random.shuffle(poss) # shuffle it
return poss[:size] # return size (or all) elements from it
This code will return if you specify "wrong" combinations to it, but the resulting list is then shorter as whatever you specified as size.
Even better
jonsharpes suggestion to use
like so:
def ra(low,high,step,size):
return random.sample(range(low,high,step),size)
Performance test
Performancewise they the random.sample outperforms mine for big lists easily:
import random
def random_array(low, high, step, size):
poss = list(range(low,high,step))
return poss[:size]
def ra(low,high,step,size):
return random.sample(range(low,high,step),size)
import timeit
if __name__ == '__main__':
import timeit
# create 100 times 495 randoms of range (1,1000000,22)
print(timeit.timeit("ra(1,1000000,22,495)", setup="from __main__ import ra",number = 10000))
print(timeit.timeit("random_array(1,1000000,22,495)", setup="from __main__ import random_array",number = 10000))
1.1825043768664596 # random.sample(...) of range(...)
92.12594874871951 # mine
Reason probably being I create actual lists from ranges, random.sample uses ranges with iterators smartly...

Finding the minimum value from a tuple list

I'm new to coding and need to find the minimum value from a list of tuples.
def min_steps(step_records):
""" random """
if step_records != []:
for steps in step_records:
day, step = steps
result = min(step)
result = None
return result
This results in an error:
'int' object is not iterable
How do I return the min if the list is something like this?
step_records = [('2010-01-01',1),
tuples can be indexed (see: Accessing a value in a tuple that is in a list).
Using that we can create a list from those indices and call minimum like you had done:
def min_steps(step_records):
""" random """
if step_records:
result = min([step[1] for step in step_records]) # min([1,2,3])
result = None
return result
step_records = [('2010-01-01',1),

Python, removing elements under nested loops from a list

I have written a code to get prime numbers upto a certain limit in a list.
As shown above.
import math
primes = []
for i in range(1, 101):
primes.remove(10) # Just removing for sake of experiment
tot = math.sqrt(len(primes))
for j in range(2, math.ceil(tot), 1):
for l in range(0, len(primes)):
k = j**2 + l*j
primes.remove(12) # Just removing for sake of experiment
This code is showing error while when it removes elements from nested loop.
Error is shown above.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/root/PycharmProjects/love/", line 13, in <module>
ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list
Why is this happening as this code was able to remove element which is not under nested loop but was unable to remove element which is being removed under nested loops.
Is there any alternate solution to this problem?
You are iterating over a list while you are editing a list, which is something you should never do! When you iterate the list here:
for l in range(0, len(primes)):
You are actually changing the value of len(primes) when you remove the primes! So this causes the code to act irregularly, as:
In the list comprehension, the original list is left intact, instead a new one is created. (SOURCE)
Instead, you can use list comprehension to achieve the same result!
import math
primes = []
for i in range(1, 101):
primeslst = []
def isPrime(number):
for i in range(2,int(number/2)+1):
if number%i == 0:
return True
return False
primes = [p for p in primes if not isPrime(p)]
Hope it helps!

Markov analysis - Return and recursion role

I am working on the solution of the Markov analysis in Think Python, but I do not understand the role of "Return" in the block code below.
As far as I known when the code reach return the function is cancel immediately, but isn't it unnecessary in this case, because there is a recursion here random_text(n-i) before the code reach the return statement, so the function will cancel only when the recursion is finish which mean when the for loop is over?? The question seem stupid but I am newbie in python and the recursion stuff is really confusing with me. I try to remove 'return' and it still run well.
def random_text(n=100):
start = random.choice(list(suffix_map.keys()))
for i in range(n):
suffixes = suffix_map.get(start, None)
if suffixes == None:
# if the start isn't in map, we got to the end of the
# original text, so we have to start again.
word = random.choice(suffixes)
print(word, end=' ')
start = shift(start, word)
The full code is as below so you can understand what each function do.
from __future__ import print_function, division
import os
import sys
import string
import random
# global variables
suffix_map = {} # map from prefixes to a list of suffixes
prefix = () # current tuple of words
def process_file(filename, order=2):
"""Reads a file and performs Markov analysis.
filename: string
order: integer number of words in the prefix
returns: map from prefix to list of possible suffixes.
fp = open(filename)
for line in fp:
for word in line.rstrip().split():
process_word(word, order)
def skip_gutenberg_header(fp):
"""Reads from fp until it finds the line that ends the header.
fp: open file object
for line in fp:
if line.startswith('*END*THE SMALL PRINT!'):
def process_word(word, order=2):
"""Processes each word.
word: string
order: integer
During the first few iterations, all we do is store up the words;
after that we start adding entries to the dictionary.
global prefix
if len(prefix) < order:
prefix += (word,)
except KeyError:
# if there is no entry for this prefix, make one
suffix_map[prefix] = [word]
prefix = shift(prefix, word)
def random_text(n=100):
"""Generates random wordsfrom the analyzed text.
Starts with a random prefix from the dictionary.
n: number of words to generate
# choose a random prefix (not weighted by frequency)
start = random.choice(list(suffix_map.keys()))
for i in range(n):
suffixes = suffix_map.get(start, None)
if suffixes == None:
# if the start isn't in map, we got to the end of the
# original text, so we have to start again.
# choose a random suffix
word = random.choice(suffixes)
print(word, end=' ')
start = shift(start, word)
def shift(t, word):
"""Forms a new tuple by removing the head and adding word to the tail.
t: tuple of strings
word: string
Returns: tuple of strings
return t[1:] + (word,)
def main(script, filename='emma.txt', n=100, order=2):
n = int(n)
order = int(order)
except ValueError:
print('Usage: %d filename [# of words] [prefix length]' % script)
process_file(filename, order)
if __name__ == '__main__':
