UML 2 sequence diagram symbols in UMLet? - uml

I would like to know if there is any possibility of representing the UML2 Boundary/Control/Entity symbols of a Sequence Diagram in UMLet ? (
Do I have to write their java code myself or does it already exist somewhere ?

This is the snippet I used to create a boundary symbol in UMLet. You can alter it as needed.
int h = height - textHeight() * textlines.size();
int radius = h/2;
drawCircle(width-radius, radius, radius);
drawLine(0, 10, 0, h-10);
drawLine(0, radius, width-h, radius);
int y = textHeight()+5;
for(String textline : textlines) {
printCenter(textline, height-3);

I am not sure whether you are referring to Sequence, or Sequence all-in-one.
While those new lifelines are not supported, you can easily add a custom element to the former. There is a nice and easy tutorial how to add a new element here
If you want to add it to the all-in-one, you would need to dive into the internals, since it would require also changes in the text parser.

So I sort of made some models based on Noah's own. It's far from being a professional thing, and is pretty dirty code, but it does the trick for some time, I guess. So if anyone ever gets the same problem as me before these symbols are better implemented in UMLet :
Entity :
int h = height - textHeight() * textlines.size();
int radius = h*2/5;
int w = radius*2 ;
double x = (width - w)/2 + radius ;
double y = h/10 + radius;
double x2 = x + radius/4 * Math.sqrt(3);
double y2 = y - radius/4 ;
drawCircle((int)x, (int) y, radius);
drawLine((int)x-radius , (int)y + radius , (int) x+ radius, (int) y+radius);
drawLine((int)x - radius , (int) y - 2*radius , (int) x + radius, (int) y - 2*radius);
for(String textline : textlines) {
printCenter(textline, h);
Control :
int h = height - textHeight() * textlines.size();
int radius = h*2/5;
int w = radius*2 ;
double x1 = (width - w)/2 + radius ;
double y1 = h/10;
double x2 = x1 + radius/4 * Math.sqrt(3);
double y2 = y1 - radius/4 ;
double x3 = x1 + radius/4 * Math.sqrt(3);
double y3 = y1 + radius/4;
drawCircle((int)x1, (int) y1+radius, radius);
drawLine((int)x1, (int) y1 , (int)x2, (int)y2);
drawLine((int)x1, (int) y1 , (int)x3, (int)y3);
int y = textHeight()+5;
for(String textline : textlines) {
printCenter(textline, h);


Problems drawing an SVG arc path in a PDF using itextsharp

I'm trying to draw an SVG path in a PDF using itextsharp v5.
The approach I am following is roughly this:
Reading the SVG path from the SVG file (Svg.SvgPath)
Getting the list of segments from the path ({Svg.Pathing.SvgPathSegmentList})
Creating an iTextSharp PdfAnnotation and associate a PdfAppearance to it
Drawing each segment in the SvgPathSegmentList using the corresponding PdfContentByte method ( for SvgLineSegment I use PdfContentByte.LineTo, for SvgCubicCurveSegment I use PdfContentByte.CurveTo )
For most of the SvgPathSegments types, there is a clear mapping between values in the SvgPathSegments and the arguments in the PdfContentByte method. A few examples:
SvgMoveToSegment has the attribute End which is the target point (X, Y) and the PdfContentByte.MoveTo takes two parameters: X, Y
SvgLineSegment, very similar to the Move. It has the Target End and the PdfContentByte.LineTo takes two parameters X and Y and draws a line from the current position to the target point.
app.MoveTo(segment.Start.X, segment.Start.Y);
SvgCubicCurveSegment has all you need to create a Bezier curve (The Start point, the End point, and the first and second control point). With this I use PdfContentByte.CurveTo and get a curve in the PDF that looks exactly as it looks in the SVG editor.
var cubicCurve = (Svg.Pathing.SvgCubicCurveSegment)segment;
cubicCurve.FirstControlPoint.X, cubicCurve.FirstControlPoint.Y,
cubicCurve.SecondControlPoint.X, cubicCurve.SecondControlPoint.Y,
cubicCurve.End.X, cubicCurve.End.Y);
The problem I have is with the ARC ("A" command in the SVG, SvgArcSegment)
The SvgArcSegment has the following values:
Start (X, Y)
End (X, Y)
On the other hand, PdfContentByte.Arc method expect:
X1, X2, Y1, Y2
As per the itextsharp documentation, Arc draws a partial ellipse inscribed within the rectangle x1,y1,x2,y2 starting (counter-clockwise) at StartAngle degrees and covering extent degrees. I.e. startAng=0 and extent=180 yield an openside-down semi-circle inscribed in the rectangle.
My question is: How to "map" the values in the SvgArcSegment created from the SVG A command into the arguments that PdfContentByte.Arc method expects.
I know that the Start and End values are indeed the origin and target of the curve I want, but no clue what RadiusX and RadiusY mean.
As #RobertLongson pointed in his comment, what I needed was to convert from Center to Endpoint Parametrization.
I'm posting my own C# implementation of the algorithm documented in the SVG documentation, just in case someone else needs it.
public static SvgCenterParameters EndPointToCenterParametrization(Svg.Pathing.SvgArcSegment arc)
//// Conversion from endpoint to center parameterization as in SVG Implementation Notes:
var sinA = Math.Sin(arc.Angle);
var cosA = Math.Cos(arc.Angle);
//// Large arc flag
var fA = arc.Size == Svg.Pathing.SvgArcSize.Large ? 1 : 0;
//// Sweep flag
var fS = arc.Sweep == Svg.Pathing.SvgArcSweep.Positive ? 1 : 0;
var radiusX = arc.RadiusX;
var radiusY = arc.RadiusY;
var x1 = arc.Start.X;
var y1 = arc.Start.Y;
var x2 = arc.End.X;
var y2 = arc.End.Y;
* Step 1: Compute (x1′, y1′)
//// Median between Start and End
var midPointX = (x1 - x2) / 2;
var midPointY = (y1 - y2) / 2;
var x1p = (cosA * midPointX) + (sinA * midPointY);
var y1p = (cosA * midPointY) - (sinA * midPointX);
* Step 2: Compute (cx′, cy′)
var rxry_2 = Math.Pow(radiusX, 2) * Math.Pow(radiusY, 2);
var rxy1p_2 = Math.Pow(radiusX, 2) * Math.Pow(y1p, 2);
var ryx1p_2 = Math.Pow(radiusY, 2) * Math.Pow(x1p, 2);
var sqrt = Math.Sqrt(Math.Abs(rxry_2 - rxy1p_2 - ryx1p_2) / (rxy1p_2 + ryx1p_2));
if (fA == fS)
sqrt = -sqrt;
var cXP = sqrt * (radiusX * y1p / radiusY);
var cYP = sqrt * -(radiusY * x1p / radiusX);
* Step 3: Compute (cx, cy) from (cx′, cy′)
var cX = (cosA * cXP) - (sinA * cYP) + ((x1 + x2) / 2);
var cY = (sinA * cXP) + (cosA * cYP) + ((y1 + y2) / 2);
* Step 4: Compute θ1 and Δθ
var x1pcxp_rx = (float)(x1p - cXP) / radiusX;
var y1pcyp_ry = (float)(y1p - cYP) / radiusY;
Vector2 vector1 = new Vector2(1f, 0f);
Vector2 vector2 = new Vector2(x1pcxp_rx, y1pcyp_ry);
var angle = Math.Acos(((vector1.x * vector2.x) + (vector1.y * vector2.y)) / (Math.Sqrt((vector1.x * vector1.x) + (vector1.y * vector1.y)) * Math.Sqrt((vector2.x * vector2.x) + (vector2.y * vector2.y)))) * (180 / Math.PI);
if (((vector1.x * vector2.y) - (vector1.y * vector2.x)) < 0)
angle = angle * -1;
var vector3 = new Vector2(x1pcxp_rx, y1pcyp_ry);
var vector4 = new Vector2((float)(-x1p - cXP) / radiusX, (float)(-y1p - cYP) / radiusY);
var extent = (Math.Acos(((vector3.x * vector4.x) + (vector3.y * vector4.y)) / Math.Sqrt((vector3.x * vector3.x) + (vector3.y * vector3.y)) * Math.Sqrt((vector4.x * vector4.x) + (vector4.y * vector4.y))) * (180 / Math.PI)) % 360;
if (((vector3.x * vector4.y) - (vector3.y * vector4.x)) < 0)
extent = extent * -1;
if (fS == 1 && extent < 0)
extent = extent + 360;
if (fS == 0 && extent > 0)
extent = extent - 360;
var rectLL_X = cX - radiusX;
var rectLL_Y = cY - radiusY;
var rectUR_X = cX + radiusX;
var rectUR_Y = cY + radiusY;
return new SvgCenterParameters
LlX = (float)rectLL_X,
LlY = (float)rectLL_Y,
UrX = (float)rectUR_X,
UrY = (float)rectUR_Y,
Angle = (float)angle,
Extent = (float)extent

Finding image pixel coordinates (integers) from UV values (floats) of obj file

I am parsing an obj file which contains the texture coordinates (vt) values. From what I understand, vt values are a mapping into the texture image corresponding to this obj.
Assume, I have image im = 400x300 pixels
and I have a vt value
vt .33345 .8998
The mapping says, in the image, go the coordinate :
imageWidth x .3345 , imageHeight x .8998 and use the value there.
I have loaded the image values in a 2-d array.
The problem is, these mapping coordinates are floating values, how am I suppose to map them to the integer values of the pixel coordinates ? I can always truncate the decimal part, round off etc. But does the standard defines which one of the option is to be done ?
UV coordinates to Pixel coordinates :
pix.x = (uv.x * texture.width) -0.5
pix.y = ((1-uv.y) * texture.height) -0.5
The y axis of uv coordinates is opposite to the Pixel coordinates on an image.
For nearest neighbor interpolation, just round off the pixel coordinates.
For bilinear interpolation, calculate the participation percentage from the four neighbouring pixels and do a weighed average.
When UV coordinates go outside of range, there is a choice on how to handle the "texture wrapping":
Here's some java code for bilinear interpolation with "repeat" texture wrapping:
private static int billinearInterpolation(Point2D uv, BufferedImage texture) {
uv.x = uv.x>0 ? uv.x%1 : 1+(uv.x%1);
uv.y = uv.y>0 ? uv.y%1 : 1+(uv.y%1);
double pixelXCoordinate = uv.x * texture.getWidth() - 0.5;
double pixelYCoordinate = (1-uv.y) * texture.getHeight() - 0.5;
pixelXCoordinate = pixelXCoordinate<0?texture.getWidth()-pixelXCoordinate: pixelXCoordinate;
pixelYCoordinate = pixelYCoordinate<0?texture.getHeight()-pixelYCoordinate : pixelYCoordinate;
int x = (int) Math.floor(pixelXCoordinate);
int y = (int) Math.floor(pixelYCoordinate);
double pX = pixelXCoordinate - x;
double pY = pixelYCoordinate - y;
float[] px = new float[]{(float) (1 - pX), (float) pX};
float[] py = new float[]{(float) (1 - pY), (float) pY};
float red = 0;
float green = 0;
float blue = 0;
float alpha = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < px.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < py.length; j++) {
float p = px[i] * py[j];
if (p != 0) {
int rgb = texture.getRGB((x + i)%texture.getWidth(), (y + j)%texture.getHeight());
alpha += (float) ((rgb >> 24) & 0xFF) * p;
red += (float) ((rgb >> 16) & 0xFF) * p;
green += (float) ((rgb >> 8) & 0xFF) * p;
blue += (float) ((rgb >> 0) & 0xFF) * p;
return (((int) alpha & 0xFF) << 24) |
(((int) red & 0xFF) << 16) |
(((int) green & 0xFF) << 8) |
(((int) blue & 0xFF) << 0);
Uv-Coordinates are always in the range [0,1]. This means, you will get the actual pixel coordinates by multiplying them with the image size:
texel_coord = uv_coord * [width, height]
Note, that even here one gets floating point values and there are several ways how to deal with them. The most primitive one is to simply round to the next integer to get the nearest texel. A more sophisticated method would be bilinear filtering.

Points on circle separated by given distance

First of all, I am not looking to for points spaced uniformly around a circle, I know that has been answered many times. Instead, I have one point on a circle, and I need to find another that is a certain distance from it.
Here is an illustration :
The distance can be either between the two points (black dotted line), or the length of the circumference between the points (blue line), whatever is simplest (accuracy is not very important).
I know the following variables:
(green point x, y)
(centre point x, y)
So how can I find one of the red points?
So, basically you want to get intersection points of two circles:
The big one (BluePoint, radius = R)
A small one (GreenPoint, radius = D)
(Please excuse my amazing drawing skills :P)
I've at first tried to solve it myself, and fruitlessly wasted several sheets of paper.
Then I started googling and found an algorithm in other question.
Here is my Java implementation
double[][] getCircleIntersection(
double x0, double y0, double r0,
double x1, double y1, double r1) {
// dist of centers
double d = sqrt(sq(x0 - x1) + sq(y0 - y1));
if (d > r0 + r1) return null; // no intersection
if (d < abs(r0 - r1)) return null; // contained inside
double a = (sq(r0) - sq(r1) + sq(d)) / (2 * d);
double h = sqrt(sq(r0) - sq(a));
// point P2
double x2 = x0 + a * (x1 - x0) / d;
double y2 = y0 + a * (y1 - y0) / d;
// solution A
double x3_A = x2 + h * (y1 - y0) / d;
double y3_A = y2 - h * (x1 - x0) / d;
// solution B
double x3_B = x2 - h * (y1 - y0) / d;
double y3_B = y2 + h * (x1 - x0) / d;
return new double[][] {
{ x3_A, y3_A },
{ x3_B, y3_B }
// helper functions
double sq(double val) {
return Math.pow(val, 2);
double sqrt(double val) {
return Math.sqrt(val);
double abs(double val) {
return Math.abs(val);
This is how you would use it for the question situation:
double centerX = 0;
double centerY = 0;
double radius = 5;
double pointX = 10;
double pointY = 0;
double newPointDist = 5;
double[][] points = getCircleIntersection(centerX, centerY, radius, pointX, pointY, newPointDist);
System.out.println("A = [" + points[0][0] + " , " + points[0][3] + "]");
System.out.println("B = [" + points[1][0] + " , " + points[1][4] + "]");
Project your right red point down on both axes to get X and Y.
From there, you'll get 2 distinct right angle triangles:

How can I find the general form equation of a line from two points?

Given the input:
double x1,y1,x2,y2;
How can I find the general form equation (double a,b,c where ax + by + c = 0) ?
Note: I want to be able to do this computationally. So the equivalent for slope-intercept form would be something like:
double dx, dy;
double m, b;
dx = x2 - x1;
dy = y2 - y1;
m = dy/dx;
b = y1;
Obviously, this is very simple, but I haven't been able to find the solution for the general equation form (which is more useful since it can do vertical lines). I already looked in my linear algebra book and two books on computational geometry (both too advanced to explain this).
If you start from the equation y-y1 = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1) * (x-x1) (which is the equation of the line defined by two points), through some manipulation you can get (y1-y2) * x + (x2-x1) * y + (x1-x2)*y1 + (y2-y1)*x1 = 0, and you can recognize that:
a = y1-y2,
b = x2-x1,
c = (x1-x2)*y1 + (y2-y1)*x1.
Get the tangent by subtracting the two points (x2-x1, y2-y1). Normalize it and rotate by 90 degrees to get the normal vector (a,b). Take the dot product with one of the points to get the constant, c.
If you start from the equation of defining line from 2 points
(x - x1)/(x2 - x1) = (y - y1)/(y2 - y1)
you can end up with the next equation
x(y2 - y1) - y(x2 - x1) - x1*y2 + y1*x2 = 0
so the coefficients will be:
a = y2 - y1
b = -(x2 - x1) = x1 - x2
c = y1*x2 - x1*y2
My implementation of the algorithm in C
inline v3 LineEquationFrom2Points(v2 P1, v2 P2) {
v3 Result;
Result.A = P2.y - P1.y;
Result.B = -(P2.x - P1.x);
Result.C = P1.y * P2.x - P1.x * P2.y;
Shortcut steps:
"Problem : (4,5) (3,-7)"
m=-12/1 then
12x-y= 48
"NOTE:m is a slope"
Positive fraction Negative sign on between.
(tip: simmilar sign = add + copy the sign)
1.Change the second set into opposite signs,
2.ADD y1 to y2 (means add or subtract them depending of the sign),
3.ADD x1 to x2 (also means add or subtract them depending of the sign),
4.Then Multiply 12 and 1 to any of the problem set.
After that "BOOM" Tada!, you have your answer
#include <stdio.h>
int a,b,c;
char x,y;
printf("the equation of line is %dx+%dy=%d" ,a,b,c);

How to draw partial-ellipse in CF? (Graphics.DrawArc in full framework)

I hope there will be an easy answer, as often times, something stripped out of Compact Framework has a way of being performed in a seemingly roundabout manner, but works just as well as the full framework (or can be made more efficient).
Simply put, I wish to be able to do a function similar to System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawArc(...) in Compact Framework 2.0.
It is for a UserControl's OnPaint override, where an arc is being drawn inside an ellipse I already filled.
Essentially (close pseudo code, please ignore imperfections in parameters):
FillEllipse(ellipseFillBrush, largeEllipseRegion);
DrawArc(arcPen, innerEllipseRegion, startAngle, endAngle); //not available in CF
I am only drawing arcs in 90 degree spaces, so the bottom right corner of the ellipse's arc, or the top left. If the answer for ANY angle is really roundabout, difficult, or inefficient, while there's an easy solution for just doing just a corner of an ellipse, I'm fine with the latter, though the former would help anyone else who has a similar question.
I use this code, then use FillPolygon or DrawPolygon with the output points:
private Point[] CreateArc(float StartAngle, float SweepAngle, int PointsInArc, int Radius, int xOffset, int yOffset, int LineWidth)
if(PointsInArc < 0)
PointsInArc = 0;
if(PointsInArc > 360)
PointsInArc = 360;
Point[] points = new Point[PointsInArc * 2];
int xo;
int yo;
int xi;
int yi;
float degs;
double rads;
for(int p = 0 ; p < PointsInArc ; p++)
degs = StartAngle + ((SweepAngle / PointsInArc) * p);
rads = (degs * (Math.PI / 180));
xo = (int)(Radius * Math.Sin(rads));
yo = (int)(Radius * Math.Cos(rads));
xi = (int)((Radius - LineWidth) * Math.Sin(rads));
yi = (int)((Radius - LineWidth) * Math.Cos(rads));
xo += (Radius + xOffset);
yo = Radius - yo + yOffset;
xi += (Radius + xOffset);
yi = Radius - yi + yOffset;
points[p] = new Point(xo, yo);
points[(PointsInArc * 2) - (p + 1)] = new Point(xi, yi);
return points;
I had this exactly this problem and me and my team solved that creating a extension method for compact framework graphics class;
I hope I could help someone, cuz I spent a lot of work to get this nice solution
Mauricio de Sousa Coelho
Embedded Software Engineer
public static class GraphicsExtension
// Implements the native Graphics.DrawArc as an extension
public static void DrawArc(this Graphics g, Pen pen, float x, float y, float width, float height, float startAngle, float sweepAngle)
//Configures the number of degrees for each line in the arc
int degreesForNewLine = 5;
//Calculates the number of points in the arc based on the degrees for new line configuration
int pointsInArc = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(sweepAngle / degreesForNewLine)) + 1;
//Minimum points for an arc is 3
pointsInArc = pointsInArc < 3 ? 3 : pointsInArc;
float centerX = (x + width) / 2;
float centerY = (y + height) / 2;
Point previousPoint = GetEllipsePoint(x, y, width, height, startAngle);
//Floating point precision error occurs here
double angleStep = sweepAngle / pointsInArc;
Point nextPoint;
for (int i = 1; i < pointsInArc; i++)
//Increments angle and gets the ellipsis associated to the incremented angle
nextPoint = GetEllipsePoint(x, y, width, height, (float)(startAngle + angleStep * i));
//Connects the two points with a straight line
g.DrawLine(pen, previousPoint.X, previousPoint.Y, nextPoint.X, nextPoint.Y);
previousPoint = nextPoint;
//Garantees connection with the last point so that acumulated errors cannot
//cause discontinuities on the drawing
nextPoint = GetEllipsePoint(x, y, width, height, startAngle + sweepAngle);
g.DrawLine(pen, previousPoint.X, previousPoint.Y, nextPoint.X, nextPoint.Y);
// Retrieves a point of an ellipse with equation:
private static Point GetEllipsePoint(float x, float y, float width, float height, float angle)
return new Point(Convert.ToInt32(((Math.Cos(ToRadians(angle)) * width + 2 * x + width) / 2)), Convert.ToInt32(((Math.Sin(ToRadians(angle)) * height + 2 * y + height) / 2)));
// Converts an angle in degrees to the same angle in radians.
private static float ToRadians(float angleInDegrees)
return (float)(angleInDegrees * Math.PI / 180);
Following up from #ctacke's response, which created an arc-shaped polygon for a circle (height == width), I edited it further and created a function for creating a Point array for a curved line, as opposed to a polygon, and for any ellipse.
Note: StartAngle here is NOON position, 90 degrees is the 3 o'clock position, so StartAngle=0 and SweepAngle=90 makes an arc from noon to 3 o'clock position.
The original DrawArc method has the 3 o'clock as 0 degrees, and 90 degrees is the 6 o'clock position. Just a note in replacing DrawArc with CreateArc followed by DrawLines with the resulting Point[] array.
I'd play with this further to change that, but why break something that's working?
private Point[] CreateArc(float StartAngle, float SweepAngle, int PointsInArc, int ellipseWidth, int ellipseHeight, int xOffset, int yOffset)
if (PointsInArc < 0)
PointsInArc = 0;
if (PointsInArc > 360)
PointsInArc = 360;
Point[] points = new Point[PointsInArc];
int xo;
int yo;
float degs;
double rads;
//could have WidthRadius and HeightRadius be parameters, but easier
// for maintenance to have the diameters sent in instead, matching closer
// to DrawEllipse and similar methods
double radiusW = (double)ellipseWidth / 2.0;
double radiusH = (double)ellipseHeight / 2.0;
for (int p = 0; p < PointsInArc; p++)
degs = StartAngle + ((SweepAngle / PointsInArc) * p);
rads = (degs * (Math.PI / 180));
xo = (int)Math.Round(radiusW * Math.Sin(rads), 0);
yo = (int)Math.Round(radiusH * Math.Cos(rads), 0);
xo += (int)Math.Round(radiusW, 0) + xOffset;
yo = (int)Math.Round(radiusH, 0) - yo + yOffset;
points[p] = new Point(xo, yo);
return points;
