gnuplot: filledcurves with color from data - gnuplot

I would like to use filledcurves with palette.
My data looks like this:
0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0.5
2 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 0.6
My plotting commands:
set terminal pngcairo size 800,600
set output "test.png"
set style fill solid 1.0 noborder
unset border
unset xtics
unset ytics
plot '< awk ''{print $1,$2,$9,"\n",$3,$4,$9,"\n",$5,$6,$9,"\n",$7,$8,$9,"\n",$1,$2,$9,"\n"}'' rect.txt' \
using 1:2:3 with filledcurves fillcolor palette notitle
This unfortunately only yields black squares where as I would like them to be colored. Is there a way to achieve correctly colored figures with gnuplot?
Using as suggested:
set terminal pngcairo size 800,600
set output "test.png"
set style fill solid 1.0 noborder
unset border
unset xtics
unset ytics
file = 'rect.txt'
lines = system(sprintf('wc -l %s | cut -d'' '' -f 1', file))
frac(x) = system(sprintf('awk ''{if (NR==%d){ print $9 }}'' %s', x, file))
rect(x) = sprintf('awk ''{if (NR==%d){ print $1,$2,$4,"\n",$5,$8,$6,"\n"}}'' %s', x, file)
plot for [i=1:lines] '< '.rect(i) using 1:2:3 with filledcurves palette frac frac(i) notitle
with the content of rect.txt:
0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0.5
2 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 0.6
2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 0.2
yields the following result:

The filledcurves plotting style doesn't support coloring by palette with data from a file. The main issue here is, that usually, when using palette, one wants to change the color within a single area depending on some data values.
To color a single rectangle taking the color value from a fractional position of the palette, you can use palette frac <value>. This requires you to iterate over all rectangles.
And for proper use with filledcurves, you need a different data format, like
x1 y1_low y1_high
x2 x2_low y2_high
Since you are using awk anyways, you can extract some more information for the actual plotting:
set terminal pngcairo size 800,600
set output "test.png"
set style fill solid 1.0 noborder
unset border
unset xtics
unset ytics
file = 'rect.txt'
lines = system(sprintf('wc -l %s | cut -d'' '' -f 1', file))
frac(x) = system(sprintf('awk ''{if (NR==%d){ print $9 }}'' %s', x, file))
rect(x) = sprintf('awk ''{if (NR==%d){ print $1,$2,$4,"\n",$5,$8,$6,"\n"}}'' %s', x, file)
plot for [i=1:lines] '< '.rect(i) using 1:2:3 with filledcurves palette frac frac(i) notitle
With the data file
0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0.5
2 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 0.6
2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 0.2
you get the output


Polar plot in gnuplot

I have a problem. Im trying to do a polar plot, the fact it's that i want to plot some theorical line as some experimental data in the plot. But the theorical line has a range different of the experimental data because i had to do it like that to had gnuplot paint it.
I have the following script:
set encoding utf8
set size 1,1
set terminal epslatex
set output "direccionalidad.tex"
unset border
set polar
set angles degrees #set gnuplot on degrees instead of radians
set style line 10 lt 1 lc 0 lw 0.3
set grid polar 30 #set the grid to be displayed every 60 degrees
set grid ls 10
set trange[-90:90]
f(t)=27.934*sin(1.81651*t+96.1991) # Theorical line
set xrange[-31:32]
set yrange[-30:30]
set xtics axis #disply the xtics on the axis instead of on the border
set ytics axis
set xtics scale 0 #"remove" the tics so that only the y tics are displayedj
set ytics (0, 6, 12) #make the ytics go from the center (0) to 6000 with incrment of 1000
unset ytics
set xtics ("5" 6, "15" 16.5, "30" 32)
# set the xtics only go from 0 to 6000 with increment of1000 but do not display anything. This has to be done otherwise the grid will not be displayed correctly.
set rtics (5,15,30)
set rtics format ' ' scale 0
set_label(x, text) = sprintf("set label '%s' at (32*cos(%f)), (32*sin(%f)) center", text, x, x) #this places a label on the outside
eval set_label(0, "0")
eval set_label(30, "30")
eval set_label(60, "60")
eval set_label(90, "90")
eval set_label(120, "120")
eval set_label(150, "150")
eval set_label(180, "180")
eval set_label(-150, "-150")
eval set_label(-120, "-120")
eval set_label(-90, "-90")
eval set_label(-60, "-60")
eval set_label(-30, "-30")
set size square
plot "direccionalidaddatos.txt" u 1:3 pointtype 7 ps 2 lt 1 lw 3 lc rgb 'blue' notitle ,\
f(t) dt '-' lc rgb 'blue' notitle
And here there are some examples of columns in the direccionalidaddatos.txt archive, the column in the middle it's just the angle in radians but it's usless cause i just want the angle in degrees so just ignore it ;):
-90 -1.570796327 0.1
-85 -1.483529864 0.2
-80 -1.396263402 0.4
-75 -1.308996939 0.7
-70 -1.221730476 1.1
-65 -1.134464014 1.7
-60 -1.047197551 2.5
And the result it is the image Polar plot
As you see in the image there are two branches that have no points, i want those branches to simply don't disappear cause they don't mean notihng in the graphic.So if anyone knows a form to made dissapear the branches, or to improve the script let me know hehe.
Thanks so much.
Can you just reduce the sampled range for the second plot component?
plot "direccionalidaddatos.txt" u 1:3 pointtype 7 ps 2 lt 1 lw 3 lc rgb 'blue' notitle ,\
[-52:45] '+' using 1:(f($1)) with lines dt '-' lc rgb 'blue' notitle

Separate key (legend) for colors and markers

I have a plot with several types of objects (each read from a separate file). I'm plotting the same several functions for all of them, all on the same graph (same X-axis).
I set the markers (pt) explicitly for each, and the color (lc), so the same object has the same marker, but the same function has the same color. As an example we have 2 files, one for each object (| is just to separate the files here):
0 0 0 | 0 1 1
1 1 2 | 1 1 2
Let's call the left file A, the right B. Column 1 in each file is the x axis, column 2 is using 1:2, and column 3 is using 1:3. So using the above files in an interactive session:
gnuplot> plot "A" using 1:2 with lp pt 1 lc 'black'
gnuplot> replot "A" using 1:3 with lp pt 1 lc 'red'
gnuplot> replot "B" using 1:2 with lp pt 2 lc 'black'
gnuplot> replot "B" using 1:3 with lp pt 2 lc 'red'
we get:
Is it possible to have the key separated, so A/B appear next to their respective marker, and the function name ("using...") appears next to a line (or anything) with the appropriate color?
Right now by omitting titles (notitle in the plot command) I can get one or the other, though I would have to settle on some uniform arbitrary marker/color (depending on what I chose to set as key). Can I:
Get two keys somehow? - Preferably setting the missing attribute (color or marker) to something not in the plot.
If not, can I customize a manual legend somehow?
I am not fully sure what you want to achieve, nevertheless as for the splitting of the key, I don't think that Gnuplot has some "out-of-the-box" feature for this. However, you could (ab)use multiplot to achieve this effect. The idea is basically to generate two overlapping plots - one with points and one with lines - and to position the keys independently:
set terminal pngcairo rounded font ",16"
set output 'fig.png'
$A << EOD
0 0 0
1 1 2
$B << EOD
0 1 1
1 1 2
set multiplot
set xtics out nomirror
set ytics out nomirror
eps = 0.1
set lmargin at screen eps
set rmargin at screen 1 - eps/2
set bmargin at screen eps
set tmargin at screen 1 - eps/2
#common key settings
set key left top Left reverse spacing 1.5
set key at screen 0.1,screen 1-eps
plot \
$A u 1:2 with p ps 1.5 pt 1 lc 'black' t 'A', \
$A u 1:3 with p ps 1.5 pt 1 lc 'red' t 'A' , \
$B u 1:2 with p ps 1.5 pt 2 lc 'black' t 'B', \
$B u 1:3 with p ps 1.5 pt 2 lc 'red' t 'B'
unset border; unset xtics; unset ytics
set key at screen 0.3,screen 1-eps
plot \
$A u 1:2 with l lc 'black' t 'using 1:2', \
$A u 1:3 with l lc 'red' t 'using 1:3', \
$B u 1:2 with l lc 'black' t '', \
$B u 1:3 with l lc 'red' t ''
This would give you:

Why my commands do not work for gnuplot?

I have input file test.dat that contains
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
I wrote the script for gnuplot:
gnuplot <<EOF
set term png size 1000,1000;
set output "out.png";
set arrow from graph 0,1 to graph 0,1.1 filled
set arrow from graph 1,0 to graph 1.1,0 filled
set tmargin 5
set rmargin 20
set border 3
set tics nomirror
set grid
set xtics font "Verdana,14"
set ytics font "Verdana,14"
set nokey
set style line 1 lt 1 lw 3 pt 3 linecolor rgb "black"
set ylabel "Efficiency, %" offset 2,0,0 font "Verdana,14"
set xlabel "Cores, N" offset 0,0,0 font "Verdana,14"
func1(x) = x / 2
func2(x) = x * 2
plot "test.dat" u (func1($1)):(func2($2)) ls 1 smooth csplines;
But the error occurs when you try to start it:
gnuplot> plot "test.dat" u (func1()):(func2()) ls 1 smooth csplines;
line 0: invalid expression
The dollar signs are interpreted as starting a shell variable. Use column instead:
gnuplot <<EOF
set term png size 1000,1000;
set output "out.png";
func1(x) = x / 2
func2(x) = x * 2
plot "test.dat" u (func1(column(1))):(func2(column(2))) ls 1 smooth csplines;

How to highlight regions of plot with gnuplot

I'd appreciate if somebody can help with this question.
I am working with a radar (or spiderweb) plot with gnuplot 5.0.0:
The scale and range in all axes is the same. The numbers at and beyond 1 have a special meaning and I would like to highlight that.
I am thinking of three things that would increase visibility:
Simply make the tick mark at 1 (labelled "Limit") boldfaced. How could I highlight just a specific tick and label?
I could also highlight the circular dashed line at level 1
On the plot itself I'd like to have the background colored differently for radius > 1.
How can I achieve either of the three options above? All three would be ideal of course, but just a a minimum differentiation from the rest of that value would help.
This is what generated the plot in the link:
set term x11
set title "My title "
set polar
set angles degrees
npoints = 6
a1 = 360/npoints*1
a2 = 360/npoints*2
a3 = 360/npoints*3
a4 = 360/npoints*4
a5 = 360/npoints*5
a6 = 360/npoints*6
set grid polar 360
set size square
set style data lines
unset border
set grid ls 0
set linetype 1 lc rgb 'red' lw 2 pt 7 ps 2
set arrow from 0,0 to first M*cos(a1), M*sin(a1)
set arrow from 0,0 to first M*cos(a2), M*sin(a2)
set arrow from 0,0 to first M*cos(a3), M*sin(a3)
set arrow from 0,0 to first M*cos(a4), M*sin(a4)
set arrow from 0,0 to first M*cos(a5), M*sin(a5)
set arrow from 0,0 to first M*cos(a6), M*sin(a6)
a1_min = 0
a1_max = 1
a2_min = 0
a2_max = 1
a3_min = 0
a3_max = 1
a4_min = 0
a4_max = 1
a5_min = 0
a5_max = 1
a6_min = 0
a6_max = 1
set label "M1" at M*cos(a1),M*sin(a1) center offset char 1,1
set label "M2" at M*cos(a2),M*sin(a2) center offset char 1,1
set label "M3" at M*cos(a3),M*sin(a3) center offset char 1,1
set label "M4" at M*cos(a4),M*sin(a4) center offset char 1,1
set label "M5" at M*cos(a5),M*sin(a5) center offset char 1,1
set label "M6" at M*cos(a6),M*sin(a6) center offset char 1,1
set xrange [0:1]
set yrange [0:1]
set xtics axis 0,0.5,M
unset ytics
set rrange [0:M]
set rtics (""0,""0.25,""0.5,""0.75,"Limit"1,""1.25,""1.50,""1.75,""2)
set rtics scale 0 format ''
set style fill transparent solid 0.5
set style function filledcurves y1=0.5
set grid noxtics nomxtics noytics nomytics front
plot '-' u ($1==1?a1:($1==2?a2:($1==3?a3:($1==4?a4:($1==5?a5:($1==6?a6:$1)))))):($1==1?(($2-a1_min)/(a1_max-a1_min)):($1==2?(($2-a2_min)/(a2_max-a2_min)):($1==3?(($2-a3_min)/(a3_max-a3_min)):($1==4?(($2-a4_min)/(a4_max-a4_min)):($1==5?(($2-a5_min)/(a5_max-a5_min)):($1==6?(($2-a6_min)/(a6_max-a6_min)):$1)))))) w filledcurve lt 1 title "AAA",\
'-' u ($1==1?a1:($1==2?a2:($1==3?a3:($1==4?a4:($1==5?a5:($1==6?a6:$1)))))):($1==1?(($2-a1_min)/(a1_max-a1_min)):($1==2?(($2-a2_min)/(a2_max-a2_min)):($1==3?(($2-a3_min)/(a3_max-a3_min)):($1==4?(($2-a4_min)/(a4_max-a4_min)):($1==5?(($2-a5_min)/(a5_max-a5_min)):($1==6?(($2-a6_min)/(a6_max-a6_min)):$1)))))) w filledcurve lt 2 title "BBB"
1 2.1
2 1
3 0.1
4 0.5
5 0.5
6 0.1
1 2.1
1 2.2
2 0.9
3 0.9
4 0.2
5 0.3
6 0.1
1 2.2
set output
I've taken the liberty to streamline your script a bit, you can now easily adjust the number of arms in the web. Also added a coloured background for 1 >r > M.
Btw., there is no need to enter the first datapoint again at the end to close the contour.
Update: That is, there shouldn't be. However the line between the last and first point is missing then, even with giving the "closed" option to "with filledcurve". I wonder if this is a bug.
set term wxt
set title "My title "
set polar
set angles degrees
set grid polar 360
set size square
set style data lines
set key top left
unset border
set grid ls 0
set linetype 1 lc rgb 'red' lw 2 pt 7 ps 2
npoints = 7
minima = "0 0 0 0 0 0 0" # adjust and add more as necessary
maxima = "1 1 1 1 1 1 1"
a(n) = 360./npoints*n
amin(n) = 0.0 + word(minima,int(n))
amax(n) = 0.0 + word(maxima,int(n))
do for [i=1:npoints] {
set arrow i from 0,0 to first M*cos(a(i)), M*sin(a(i))
set label i sprintf("M%.f",i) at M*cos(a(i)),M*sin(a(i)) \
center offset char 1,1
set object 1 circle at 0,0 size M fillc rgb "yellow" behind
set object 2 circle at 0,0 size 1 fillc rgb "white" behind
set xrange [0:1]
set yrange [0:1]
set xtics axis 0,0.5,M
unset ytics
set rrange [0:M]
set rtics (""0,""0.25,""0.5,""0.75,"{/:Bold Limit}"1,""1.25,""1.50,""1.75,""2)
set rtics scale 0 format ''
set style fill transparent solid 0.5
set style function filledcurves y1=0.5
set grid noxtics nomxtics noytics nomytics front
plot '-' us (a($1)):(($2-amin($1))/(amax($1)-amin($1))) \
w filledcurve closed lt 1 title "AAA",\
'-' us (a($1)):(($2-amin($1))/(amax($1)-amin($1))) \
w filledcurve closed lt 2 title "BBB"
1 2.1
2 1
3 0.1
4 0.5
5 0.5
6 0.1
7 0.5
1 2.2
2 0.9
3 0.9
4 0.2
5 0.3
6 0.1
7 1.8

values at x-axis fall in between xtics

I am trying to plot a graph where the x-values fall in between xtics.
For example, I want my xtics to be
C72 C73 C74 C75 C76 C77 C78 C79 C80 C81
and the points fall in between C72 C73 ; C73 C74 ; C74 C75 ; and so on.
My data points are
> 2.5 0.17509 C72
> 3.5 0.220434 C73
> 4.5 0.164918 C74
> 5.5 0.172477 C75
> 6.5 0.156145 C76
> 7.5 0.171699 C77
> 8.5 0.165199 C78
> 9.5 0.191207 C79
> 10.5 0.211656 C80
> 11.5 0.202233 C81
I used xticlabels() in the script definitions as below:
set terminal pngcairo size 650,450 enhanced dash
set output "xplot_gauche_malto-thermo.png"
set style line 4 lt 4 lw 10 # Please DISABLE pause -1
set macro
labelFONT="font 'arial,22'"
scaleFONT="font 'arial,18'"
scaleFONT2="font 'arial,18'"
keyFONT="font 'arial,18'"
set xrange [0:12]
set yrange [0:0.8]
set xtic (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) #scaleFONT2
set ytic #scaleFONT
set boxwidth 0.8
set size square
plot "all_dihedrals_in_layers_malto.dat" using 1:2:xticlabels(3) with linespoints lw 2 linecolor rgb "black" pointtype 1 pointsize 2 title ""
If I use the code as above, to get a plot using only column 1 and 2 from data file (as given above) I get the points fall in between 2-3, 3-4, 4-5 and so on.
Unfortunately if I use "xticlabels()", I don't get the graph as I wanted where the point supposed to fall in between C72-C73, C73-C74, C74-C75 and so on.
Appreciate in advance for any help.
try something like this.. (Untested i dont have gnuplot on this machine..)
plot "all_dihedrals_in_layers_malto.dat" using 1:2 with linespoints \
lw 2 linecolor rgb "black" pointtype 1 pointsize 2 title "" ,\
"all_dihedrals_in_layers_malto.dat" using ($1-.5):0/0:xticlabels(3)
of course you could alternately manually key in the labels on the set xtics line..
Edit..had a chance toi try it, the 0/0 or (0/0) does not work. What you need to do is plot some value out of range.. eg:
set yrange [0:]
plot "all_dihedrals_in_layers_malto.dat" using 1:2 with linespoints \
lw 2 linecolor rgb "black" pointtype 1 pointsize 2 title "" ,\
"all_dihedrals_in_layers_malto.dat" using ($1-.5):-1:xticlabels(3) notitle
