How to find a free TCP port - linux

How do I find a completely free TCP port on a server? I have tried the command line;
netstat -an
but I am told the ones with a status of LISTENING are already being used.
I also tried a tool called TCPView but again it only showed which TCP ports were being used. I know how to telnet to a port to check its open but I need to find one that is free.

netstat -lntu
This will solve your purpose.

Inspired by
Start with a seed port, and increment it till it is usable
isfree=$(netstat -taln | grep $port)
while [[ -n "$isfree" ]]; do
isfree=$(netstat -taln | grep $port)
echo "Usable Port: $port"

In Bash you can write simple for loop to check which TCP ports are free, e.g.
$ for i in {1..1024}; do (exec 2>&-; echo > /dev/tcp/localhost/$i && echo $i is open); done
22 is open
25 is open
111 is open
587 is open
631 is open
841 is open
847 is open
1017 is open
1021 is open
For more info, check: Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide: Chapter 29. /dev and /proc


Netcat uses different port than requested

I have the following problem. I'm using Debian GNU/Linux Stretch and I am trying to use netcat as a simple server. I start it using following command:
$ netcat -l 33333
It starts just fine and accepts connections but on a different port than requested:
$ netstat -tulpn | grep netcat
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 2851/netcat
This behavior is independent of requested port, user or ufw status. Recently I installed LXC with following packages:
All have been removed later, but somehow I feel like this behavior may be related to some changes in configuration.
It looks like you are using traditional netcat which requires providing -p argument for the listening port:
netcat -l -p 33333
From nc -h:
-p port local port number
Syntax you use would work with OpenBSD netcat.

Close established TCP connection on Linux

I am not able to find an answer to a simple thing I will try to achive:
once a tcp connection is established to my linux server, let's say ssh / tcp 22 or x11 / tcp 6000 display -> how do I close this connection without killing the process (sshd / x11 display server).
I saw also some suggestoin to use iptables, but it does not work for me, the connection is still visible in netstat -an.
would be good if someone can point me to the right direction.
what I tried so far
tcpkill: kills the process, not good for me
iptables: does not close the established connection, but prevent further connections.
Thanks in adavnce
Ok, I found at least one solution (killcx) which is working. Maybe we will be able to find an easier solution.
Also, i saw the comment from "zb" - thanks - which might also work, but I was not able to find a working syntax, since this tool seems to be really useful but complex.
So here is an example how to work with the 1. solution which is working for me:
netstat -anp | grep 22
output: tcp 0 0 VERBUNDEN 25258/0
iptables -A INPUT -j DROP -s (to prevent reconnect)
perl (to kill the tcp connection)
killcx can be found here:
it "steals" the connection from the foreign host ( and close it. So that solution is working fine, but to complex to setup quickly if you are under stress. Here are the required packages:
apt-get install libnetpacket-perl libnet-pcap-perl libnet-rawip-perl
wget -O
however, would be good to have an easier solution.
tcpkill wont work, since it will only kill any new connection, it doesnt kill existing ESTABLISHED connections
heres how you remove an Established TCP connection
find the PID of the process and the IP of the client connecting,
lets say you are on serverA and someone is connecting from serverB
root#A> netstat -tulpan | grep ssh | grep serverB
should see something like,
tcp 0 0 <serverA IP>:<port> <serverB>:<port> ESTABLISHED 221955/sshd
use lsof utility to get the File Descriptor of this connection using the parent PID
root#A> lsof -np 221995 | grep serverB IP
should see something like this
sshd 221955 <user> 17u IPv4 2857516568 0t0 TCP <serverA IP>:<port>-><serverB IP>:<port> (ESTABLISHED)
get the File Descriptor number (4th column) = 17u
use GDB to shut down this connection, w/out killing sshd
root#A> gdb -p 211955 --batch -ex 'call shutdown(17u, 2)'
should see something similar,
0x00007f0b138c0b40 in __read_nocancel () from /usr/lib64/
$1 = 0
[Inferior 1 (process 211955) detached]
that TCP connection should now be closed

How to listen for multiple tcp connection using nc

How to create a TCP connection using nc which listens to multiple hosts?
nc -l -p 12345
Simultaneous connections are not possible with netcat. You should use something like ucspi-tcp's tcpserver tool or leverage xinetd since you're on Linux.
Consecutive connections could be handled through a shell script that restarts netcat after it finishes.
ncat can do it.
E.g. ncat --broker --listen -p 12345 will distribute all incoming messages to all other clients (think of it as a hub).
I recommend socat as nc alternative.
For OP's problem, socat - TCP-LISTEN:12345,fork,reuseaddr can do the job.
Forces nc to stay listening for another connection after its current connection is completed. It is an error to use this option without the -l option.
using nc it is not possible to open parallel connections to same port, however you can trick nc to open multiple connections to same port.
To understand this, lets say you start listening on 4444 port using $ nc -l -p 4444 -v. Now, if you check output of $ netstat -anp | grep 4444 you will get its state as LISTEN and in here its pid is 3410.
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 3410/nc
Now, after it gets connected to client, lets say you run $ nc localhost 4444 -v, its state will get changed into ESTABLISHED. Now, try running $ netstat -anp | grep 4444 you will get its state as ESTABLISHED, see for same pid 3410, and a client process with pid 3435
tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 3435/nc
tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 3410/nc
Please note that there is no available listening port, so you can't have another client process. However if you run again $ nc -l -p 4444 -v you can have a listening port and can have multiple client process.
see netstat -anp | grep 4444 output after you start listening to same port.
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 3476/nc
tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 3435/nc
tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 3410/nc
see netstat -anp | grep 4444 output after you attach new client to same port.
tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 3476/nc
tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 3435/nc
tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 3410/nc
tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 3483/nc
You can say connections behavior is like:
so, you can write some script to simulate this behavior, or use this bash script to modify.
while [ true ]; do
echo "opening socket $(( i++ ))";
if [[ "$(ss sport = :$lport -l -H | wc -l)" -eq 0 ]]; then
nc -l -vv -p $lport &
#do something else to process or attach different command to each diff server process
if [[ "$(ss sport = :$lport -l -H | wc -l)" -ne 0 ]]; then
watch -n 0.1 -g "ss sport = :$lport -l -H" > /dev/null;
if [[ i -eq 10 ]]; then
in here every time client consume a connection this script will start new listen socket.
This behavior is however can be changed in ncat (here, using -k)as you can analyze the with below example:
server is started using $ ncat -l -p 4444 -v -4 -k and 3 clients are started using $ ncat -4 localhost 4444. Now output for $ netstat -anp | grep 4444 is:
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 3596/ncat
tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 3596/ncat
tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 3602/ncat
tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 3597/ncat
tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 3596/ncat
tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 3596/ncat
tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 3601/ncat
Every time new client connect, server fork its process to attach to client, so each server process is using same pid. So output of server in this way is shared to every attached clients, however each client can send individual message to server.
You can say connections behavior is like:
without -k, ncat will behave same as nc.
Benefits or loses can be defined on how they are to be needed.
For this example, i used nc or nc.traditional (v1.10-41.1+b1), and ncat (7.80).
This is an incomplete answer, because I haven't got it working. Arguably more of a question, in fact. Maybe someone else can finish it off.
First of all, it seems there are different versions of netcat. I'm on Ubuntu, so I've probably got the version that came with Ubuntu. When I nc -h, it says this:
OpenBSD netcat (Debian patchlevel 1.187-1ubuntu0.1)
When I run man nc, it says this:
-F Pass the first connected socket using sendmsg(2) to stdout and exit. This
is useful in conjunction with -X to have nc perform connection setup with
a proxy but then leave the rest of the connection to another program (e.g.
ssh(1) using the ssh_config(5) ProxyUseFdpass option).
It seems to me that this means that, instead of doing the usual thing with stdin and stdout, it just prints something to stdout. That something could then be used by another process to do the actual connection to the client.
Unfortunately, -F has no effect that I can see. So maybe I'm doing it wrong. Or maybe there's some secret pipe somewhere that I have to listen to, or a supplementary argument they forgot to document. Or maybe I happen to have a broken build of netcat, and it works for everyone else who's on Ubuntu.
In combination with the -k option (or, failing that, a while-true loop), this would allow many different clients to have separate connections. Suppose you have an executable called handle_connection, which takes as arguments an in file descriptor from a client and an out file descriptor to the client, and spawns a subprocess which communicates with the client. Then the server script might look like this:
nc -lkF $host $port | while read in out ; do
handle_connection $in $out ;
ncat can do it, but the correct command with ncat is:
ncat --keep-open --listen -p 12345
This will accept multiple connections at the same time.
You can then send the data with multiple clients. e.g. open in two or more terminals, and try typing there:
nc localhost 12345

Efficiently test if a port is open on Linux?

From a bash script how can I quickly find out whether a port 445 is open/listening on a server.
I have tried a couple of options, but I want something quick:
1. lsof -i :445 (Takes seconds)
2. netstat -an |grep 445 |grep LISTEN (Takes seconds)
3. telnet (it doesn't return)
4. nmap, netcat are not available on the server
It will be nice to know of a way that doesn't enumerate first and greps after that.
A surprise I found out recently is that Bash natively supports tcp connections as file descriptors. To use:
exec 6<>/dev/tcp/ip.addr.of.server/445
echo -e "GET / HTTP/1.0\n" >&6
cat <&6
I'm using 6 as the file descriptor because 0,1,2 are stdin, stdout, and stderr. 5 is sometimes used by Bash for child processes, so 3,4,6,7,8, and 9 should be safe.
As per the comment below, to test for listening on a local server in a script:
exec 6<>/dev/tcp/ || echo "No one is listening!"
exec 6>&- # close output connection
exec 6<&- # close input connection
To determine if someone is listening, attempt to connect by loopback. If it fails, then the port is closed or we aren't allowed access. Afterwards, close the connection.
Modify this for your use case, such as sending an email, exiting the script on failure, or starting the required service.
There's a very short with "fast answer" here : How to test if remote TCP port is opened from Shell script?
nc -z <host> <port>; echo $?
I use it with as "remote" address.
this returns "0" if the port is open and "1" if the port is closed
nc -z 80; echo $?
-z Specifies that nc should just scan for listening daemons,
without sending any data to them. It is an error to use this option
in conjunc-
tion with the -l option.
You can use netstat this way for much faster results:
On Linux:
netstat -lnt | awk '$6 == "LISTEN" && $4 ~ /\.445$/'
On Mac:
netstat -anp tcp | awk '$6 == "LISTEN" && $4 ~ /\.445$/'
This will output a list of processes listening on the port (445 in this example) or it will output nothing if the port is free.
You can use netcat for this.
nc ip port < /dev/null
connects to the server and directly closes the connection again. If netcat is not able to connect, it returns a non-zero exit code. The exit code is stored in the variable $?. As an example,
nc ip port < /dev/null; echo $?
will return 0 if and only if netcat could successfully connect to the port.
Based on Spencer Rathbun's answer, using bash:
true &>/dev/null </dev/tcp/$PORT && echo open || echo closed
they're listed in /proc/net/tcp.
it's the second column, after the ":", in hex:
> cat /proc/net/tcp
sl local_address rem_address st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt uid timeout inode
0: 00000000:0016 00000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000 0 0 10863 1 ffff88020c785400 99 0 0 10 -1
1: 0100007F:0277 00000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000 0 0 7983 1 ffff88020eb7b3c0 99 0 0 10 -1
2: 0500010A:948F 0900010A:2328 01 00000000:00000000 02:00000576 00000000 1000 0 10562454 2 ffff88010040f7c0 22 3 30 5 3
3: 0500010A:E077 5F2F7D4A:0050 01 00000000:00000000 02:00000176 00000000 1000 0 10701021 2 ffff880100474080 41 3 22 10 -1
4: 0500010A:8773 16EC97D1:0050 01 00000000:00000000 02:00000BDC 00000000 1000 0 10700849 2 ffff880104335440 57 3 18 10 -1
5: 0500010A:8772 16EC97D1:0050 01 00000000:00000000 02:00000BF5 00000000 1000 0 10698952 2 ffff88010040e440 46 3 0 10 -1
6: 0500010A:DD2C 0900010A:0016 01 00000000:00000000 02:0006E764 00000000 1000 0 9562907 2 ffff880104334740 22 3 30 5 4
7: 0500010A:AAA4 6A717D4A:0050 08 00000000:00000001 02:00000929 00000000 1000 0 10696677 2 ffff880106cc77c0 45 3 0 10 -1
so i guess one of those :50 in the third column must be stackoverflow :o)
look in man 5 proc for more details. and picking that apart with sed etc is left as an exercise for the gentle reader...
ss -tl4 '( sport = :22 )'
2ms is quick enough ?
Add the colon and this works on Linux
nc -l 8000
Where 8000 is the port number. If the port is free, it will start a server that you can close easily. If it isn't it will throw an error:
nc: Address already in use
Here's one that works for both Mac and Linux:
netstat -aln | awk '$6 == "LISTEN" && $4 ~ "[\\.\:]445$"'
I wanted to check if a port is open on one of our linux test servers.
I was able to do that by trying to connect with telnet from my dev machine to the test server. On you dev machine try to run:
$ telnet 8080
Connected to
In this example I want to check if port 8080 is open on host
You can use netcat command as well
[location of netcat]/netcat -zv [ip] [port]
nc -zv [ip] [port]
-z – sets nc to simply scan for listening daemons, without actually sending any data to them.
-v – enables verbose mode.
tcping is a great tool with a very low overhead.It also has a timeout argument to make it quicker:
[root#centos_f831dfb3 ~]# tcping 22 -t 1 port 22 open.
[root#centos_f831dfb3 ~]# tcping 22 -t 1 port 22 user timeout.
[root#centos_f831dfb3 ~]# tcping 22 -t 1 port 22 closed.
nmap is the right tool.
Simply use nmap -p 80
You can use it from local or remote server.
It also helps you identify if a firewall is blocking the access.
If you're using iptables try:
iptables -nL
iptables -nL | grep 445

How to tie a network connection to a PID without using lsof or netstat?

Is there a way to tie a network connection to a PID (process ID) without forking to lsof or netstat?
Currently lsof is being used to poll what connections belong which process ID. However lsof or netstat can be quite expensive on a busy host and would like to avoid having to fork to these tools.
Is there someplace similar to /proc/$pid where one can look to find this information? I know what the network connections are by examining /proc/net but can't figure out how to tie this back to a pid. Over in /proc/$pid, there doesn't seem to be any network information.
The target hosts are Linux 2.4 and Solaris 8 to 10. If possible, a solution in Perl, but am willing to do C/C++.
additional notes:
I would like to emphasize the goal here is to tie a network connection to a PID. Getting one or the other is trivial, but putting the two together in a low cost manner appears to be difficult. Thanks for the answers to so far!
I don't know how often you need to poll, or what you mean with "expensive", but with the right options both netstat and lsof run a lot faster than in the default configuration.
netstat -ltn
shows only listening tcp sockets, and omits the (slow) name resolution that is on by default.
lsof -b -n -i4tcp:80
omits all blocking operations, name resolution, and limits the selection to IPv4 tcp sockets on port 80.
On Solaris you can use pfiles(1) to do this:
# ps -fp 308
root 308 255 0 22:44:07 ? 0:00 /usr/lib/ssh/sshd
# pfiles 308 | egrep 'S_IFSOCK|sockname: '
6: S_IFSOCK mode:0666 dev:326,0 ino:3255 uid:0 gid:0 size:0
sockname: AF_INET port: 22
For Linux, this is more complex (gruesome):
# pgrep sshd
# ls -l /proc/3155/fd | fgrep socket
lrwx------ 1 root root 64 May 22 23:04 3 -> socket:[7529]
# fgrep 7529 /proc/3155/net/tcp
6: 00000000:0016 00000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000 0 0 7529 1 f5baa8a0 300 0 0 2 -1
00000000:0016 is Here's the equivalent output from netstat -a:
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
Why don't you look at the source code of netstat and see how it get's the information? It's open source.
For Linux, have a look at the /proc/net directory
(for example, cat /proc/net/tcp lists your tcp connections). Not sure about Solaris.
Some more information here.
I guess netstat basically uses this exact same information so i don't know if you will be able to speed it up a whole lot. Be sure to try the netstat '-an' flags to NOT resolve ip-adresses to hostnames realtime (as this can take a lot of time due to dns queries).
The easiest thing to do is
strace -f netstat -na
On Linux (I don't know about Solaris). This will give you a log of all of the system calls made. It's a lot of output, some of which will be relevant. Take a look at the files in the /proc file system that it's opening. This should lead you to how netstat does it. Indecently, ltrace will allow you to do the same thing through the c library. Not useful for you in this instance, but it can be useful in other circumstances.
If it's not clear from that, then take a look at the source.
Take a look at these answers which thoroughly explore the options available:
How I can get ports associated to the application that opened them?
How to do like "netstat -p", but faster?
