how to implement the function like left join of mysql in mongoose - node.js

I am going to implement the function like left join of mysql in mongoose.
the date is
var mongoose = require('mongoose')
, Schema = mongoose.Schema
var personSchema = Schema({
_id : Number,
name : String
var storySchema = Schema({
_creator : { type: Number, ref: 'Person' },
title : String
var personProfile = Schema({
userid : {type: Number, ref: 'Person'},
birthday: Date,
profilelink: String,
email: String
var Story = mongoose.model('Story', storySchema);
var Person = mongoose.model('Person', personSchema);
var personProfile = mongoose.model('Personprofile', personProfile );
I am going to display the Story model with the user profile.
We have to get the profile info with the _creator of story and the userid of personProfile
How can I get the info using mongoose query?
Thanks Nelis

What your are trying to do is not possible because there is no join statement on mongodb.
You can achieve this in two ways:
1 - By DBRefs: Changing your Schema to one that include all the user info and do not split them in two different schemas as you are doing, see denormalized. Then you can use the Population function to get all the persons data.
2 - By Manual references: The second solution is to make a second call to the database getting the personProfile data using the userid as a filter.
Example 1:
This way you can get all persons data without a second call to the database.
var personSchema = Schema({
_id : Number,
name : String,
birthday: Date,
profilelink: String,
email: String
var storySchema = Schema({
_creator : { type : Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Person' },
title : String
.exec(function(err, stories) {
//do your stuff here
Notice that I'm using the type Schema.Types.ObjectId and not the Number. This way, you can assign a new value to _creator passing either the _id or the person object and the mongoose will convert the object to its _id. For example, you can post something like
_creator : {
_id : 123123123123,
name : 'Foo',
birthday: '0000-00-00',
profilelink: '',
email: ''
title : 'Mr'
... and the mongoose will convert to
_creator : 123123123123,
title : 'Mr'
Example 2:
This way your data still normalized and you can get all the persons data with a second call.
.exec(function(err, stories) {
var arrayLength = stories.length;
for (var i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
var story = stories[i];
personProfile.findById(story._creator, function (err, person) {
story._creator = person;
// do your stuff here


mongoose-schema - are both children array + parent doc's ID necessary?

I'm using a couple of one-to-many models and was wondering what the advantage of having both an array of "children" ObjectID()s and a "parent" model's ObjectID() in the child is. For example:
// a client will have a new card every ten visits
var ClientSchema = new Schema({
first_name: String,
last_name: String,
email: String,
cards: [] // ObjectID()s, <--- is this necessary?
var CardSchema = new Schema({
client: ObjectID(), // <--- or is this enough?
visits: []
I think the client: ObjectID() should do the trick in most cases, specially with the Population options Mongoose offers.
It suffices to store the reference ObjectId in one of the documents.
As you can read in the documentation or in this answer, the reference field needs a type and a ref. The name of field is arbitrary. Once you have done this and registered your models, you can use the models to populate your queries.
var clientSchema = new Schema({
first_name: String,
last_name: String,
email: String
var cardSchema = new Schema({
client: {
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'client'
// models
var Card = mongoose.model('Card', cardSchema);
var Client = mongoose.model('Client', clientSchema);
Yet, it could be helpful to store an array of ObjectId's. However, this also creates a huge window for mistakes. A mismatch of foreign key and primary key, in SQL dialect. You can always do a count query if you need to count. I would say, do either the above or do this:
var clientSchema = new Schema({
first_name: String,
last_name: String,
email: String,
cards: [
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'card'
var cardSchema = new Schema({
card_name: String
// models
var Card = mongoose.model('Card', cardSchema);
var Client = mongoose.model('Client', clientSchema);

Mongoose Populate Cast Error

I have the follwing schemas:
// online.js
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
// Online Friends
var onlineSchema = mongoose.Schema({
userid:{ type: Number, ref:'Player' }
},{timestamps : true});
// Export
module.exports = mongoose.model('Online', onlineSchema);
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
// define the schema for player data
var playerSchema = mongoose.Schema({
userid : { type: Number, required: true,unique:true, default: 0 },
firstname : { type: String },
nick : {type: String, required: true},
lastname : {type: String},
lastupdate: {type: Date, default:}
},{timestamps : true});
// create the model and expose it to our app
module.exports = mongoose.model('Player', playerSchema);
const Online = require('./config/models/online.js');
const Player = require('./config/models/player.js');
if (err) {
} else {
I want to search Online for a userid and then print the name of the user, not exactly sure what I am doing wrong.
This is the error I'm getting:
MongooseError: Cast to ObjectId failed for value "3441341" at path "_id"
What is the proper way to achieve this ?
Change the userid type from Number to mongoose.Schema.ObjectId and it should work. It basically says you are trying to cast a number to Object Id. Pass the ids as strings.
In NoSQL DBS your documents must have _id field. Do you have a User model or do you use Player for the job? If you use Player as User model so change user_id to _id

mongoose schema, is it better to have one or have several for different tasks?

so I'm been making a site that has comments section, messaging, profile and shopping for the user. I been wondering about when making a schema for those functions, is it better to have all in one schema like
userSchema {
name: String,
or have them seperate like
userSchema {
commentSchema {
gallerySchema {
No one can give you clear answer for this, everyone has different views.
Basically, It depends on your project's scalability
As I see your requirement for this project
You can create a single schema and use it as embedded form, but it's not a very good idea if you are scaling the app.
My recommendation is to create the separate schema for all the tasks which will be easy to debug,scaling the app and in readable form.
If you are creating separate schema and want to connect them then you can use populate on the basis of ObjectId
See the docs to populate collections
var mongoose = require('mongoose')
, Schema = mongoose.Schema
var personSchema = Schema({
_id : Number,
name : String,
age : Number,
stories : [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Story' }]
var storySchema = Schema({
_creator : { type: Number, ref: 'Person' },
title : String,
fans : [{ type: Number, ref: 'Person' }]
var Story = mongoose.model('Story', storySchema);
var Person = mongoose.model('Person', personSchema);
.findOne({ title: 'Once upon a timex.' })
.exec(function (err, story) {
if (err) return handleError(err);
console.log('The creator is %s',;
// prints "The creator is Aaron"

Updating a Record in Mongo After Retrieving Its ID From Another Record

I am trying to make an API point that would do the following. I submit an Object ID in the path. The record with that ID is found. Then, the program looks into a certain field of this object. The field contains an ObjectID for another entry in the database. At last, I need to pull up that record and increment a certain field in it.
In short, I have a child->parent relationship between certain records and would like the ability of incrementing a certain field within the parent record by submitting the child's id to the API point.
Here is the code I had that did the basic child increment. How can I go about doing it for the parent?
router.get('/today/parent/up/:id', function(req, res){
var collection = db.get('Activity');
$inc: {
"": 1,
"": 1
}, function(err, activity){
if (err) throw err;
First use mongo references, heres documenttion:
here's mongoose documentation
Basically You need to do this:
var mongoose = require('mongoose')
, Schema = mongoose.Schema
var PersonSchema = new Schema({
name : String
, age : Number
, stories : [{ type: Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'Story' }]
var StorySchema = new Schema({
_creator : { type: Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'Person' }
, title : String
, fans : [{ type: Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'Person' }]
var Story = mongoose.model('Story', StorySchema);
var Person = mongoose.model('Person', PersonSchema);
Then you could use .populate() method, and then you could extract your populated model and make changes and save them with .save(), but remember to use it in populated model, not the parent one. For ex. You've got author which contains reference to books, so you make request
author.findOne({'name': 'King'}).populate('books').exec((err, king) => {
let book0 = king.books[0];
book0.title = 'I need to change this one';, data) => {
console.log('saved referenced object')

mongodb: a query issue

I am designing a MEAN (MongoDb + Express.js + Angular.js + Node.js) app.
The application actors are users and persons; currently there are ~1000 persons and ~100 users.
The users are the application registered users, and the persons are external people the users need to be informed of.
Each user is able to rate and take some notes about any person she is interested in.
The database schemas I'm planning are:
var person = new mongoose.Schema({
name: String,
phone: String,
var user = new mongoose.Schema({
name: String,
email: String,
var userToPersonSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
userId: { type: ObjectId , required: true },
personId: { type: ObjectId, required: true },
rating: Number,
notes: String,
This is the query I plan to add user rating for a person:
userId: currentUserId,
personId: currentPersonId,
rating: 10,
notes: 'my preferred person!'
This is the code I have to find all persons with a rating by a user:
var currentUserId = '123...';
var personsAll = db.person.find();
var usersToPersonsAll = db.userToPerson.find({ _id: currentUserId });
var personsRatedByCurrentUser = [];
for (var p = 0; p < personsAll.length; p++) {
for (var u = 0; u < usersToPersonsAll.length; u++) {
if (personsAll[p]._id === usersToPersonsAll[u].personId) {
The question:
for the last "query" I suppose I'd better use some form of aggregation, but I can't find out any...
Any advise about a schema design modification should be welcome, too, of course...
Any time I need a join in MongoDB, I break the problem into two queries.
First, fetch the ids from the first collection using distinct. Distinct just returns an array of unique values.
Then, query the second collection for documents corresponding to those ids. The $in parameter conveniently takes an array.
var currentUserId = '123...';
var personIds = db.userToPerson.distinct("personId", { _id: currentUserId });
var personsRatedByCurrentUser = db.person.find({ _id: {$in, personIds}});
