Android Studio - Can't move or drag buttons freely - android-layout

I'm new to Android Studio (working on Windows) and I am now using Buttons for the first time. I'm using them inside a TabHost. It seems that I can't move/drag the buttons to anywhere I want in the design, they just stay at the top of the design. I've searched this on Google and someone suggested a RelativeLayout instead of a LinearLayout. I've switched layouts already and I still can't move the Buttons as I want.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance


Android Studio Chipmunk - XML Layout Designer Split View Change Orientation

I'm not sure what happened, but the Split XML design view is now showing horizontally instead of vertically. (Design View is on bottom and Code view is on top.) I can't find anywhere on the UI to change the orientation of the design and code panes.
After playing around with the interface for longer than I'd like to admit...
Clicking on the Split button again flips the UI between horizontal and vertical split screen.
I'm not sure if this is a new feature in Android Chipmunk or if it's always been this way, but I could not find a duplicate question or answer on Stack Overflow or the web.
I faced a similar situation in version. Android Studio Chipmunk | 2021.2.1 Patch 2
I noticed that by pressing the Split button it became old value.

Why does Android Studio never show layout decorations when I open it?

As you can see in the image below, every time I open a project in Android Studio, the layout decorations option is deselected. How can I have it selected for default?
look on the top left of constraintLayout that you currently open, click on the eye icon and then click Show Layout Decorations. then you will be able to see it. but i don't know how to access it.
I think is not possible. I never see about that the solution

How to get rid of this Mouse pointer on Android studio and get the editable one

I am new to android development. The mouse pointer on the design page is as shown in the screenshot. I am not able to edit anything like increasing the height and width of the widget on this page. I might be able to do it in XML but I want it done here.
I want a normal mouse pointer where I can edit the widgets.
I tried looking at some of the blogs but it didn't help.
activity.xml - design
It worked after removing the cache files and restarting the android studio

cant' Drag and Drop for Design Systems

After update the android studio I am enable to use material designing. but I can't user any UI element in drag and drop mode. mouse curse shows in halfly cutted black circle
the new version of android studio uses 2 xml files for each layout. One (e.g. content_main.xml) embedded in the other one (Activity_main.xml). you should open the content_*.xml and do the design in it. hope it helps.

Switching TabHost Tabs in Android Studio UI Designer

How can I switch between the tabs of a TabHost in the UI Designer for inserting content? Is there a keyboard shortcut or something else
I found a way to visualise any tab using TabHost in the UI Designer. Is probably not the best way, but it works.
1. Go to the Component Tree, where you have all the elements of the UI.
2. Inside the FrameLayout that TabHost automatically creates for you, there are the tabs.
3. If you change the order of the tabs just drag and dropping in the Component Tree, you get to see the one that is placed in the first position.
According to this answer there is no way to change the tabs of a TabHost. That question refers to IntelliJ; I don't know if it applies to Android Studio.
Also, it seems that TabHost has been replaced by FragmentActivity and ActionBar. See Android how can i replace the deprecated tabhost? for a discussion.
It is defined as "Select next Tab in multi-editor file" in Settings -> Keymap.
On Windows it seems to default to CRTL+SHIFT+RIGHT/LEFT or ALT+SHIFT+RIGHT/LEFT. On my Mac it defaults to CTRL+SHIFT+RIGHT/LEFT.
Note that Studio doesn't allow the default Keymap to be edited so you will first need to copy the default and give it a new name.
Also see Shortcut to switch between design and text in android studio.
By mouse, select the FrameLayout then long left click on any space in it.
