TypeScript and Node and importing - node.js

I'm trying to use TypeScript inside Node.js with typescript-require. So I init it like:
// index.js, line 1.
require("typescript-require")({ "nodeLib": true });
And so I load the Main.ts file. Like it:
// index.js, line 2.
So I have a Dictionary interface:
// Main.ts, line 8.
interface Dictionary<TValue> {
[index: string]: TValue;
When I put this code directly on Main.ts it run fine, like it:
// Main.ts, line 12.
var list: Dictionary<number> = {};
But I like to separate the Dictionary from Main. To allow others files use this interface without duplicate it. And here starts my problem. I don't know how I can do that. I tried a lot things, like use reference and import require, and I receive errors from all methods.
/// Without any import, I get an obvious error; or,
/// <reference path="Dictionary" />; or,
/// <reference path="Dictionary.ts" />; or,
/// <reference path="./Dictionary.ts" />; or,
import Dictionary = require("Dictionary");
>> Main.ts(6,18): error TS2304: Cannot find name 'Dictionary'.
import Dictionary = require("Dictionary.ts");
>> Main.ts(1,29): error TS2304: Cannot find name 'Dictionary'.
>> Main.ts(6,18): error TS2315: Type 'any' is not generic.
In all cases, seems that Main.ts doesn't include the file correctly, so I can't reuse that. So I'm forgetting something?

Before I post it I found the solution. I was trying export interface on file Dictionary.ts like it:
export interface ... { ... }
But I need export = it. Like:
interface Name { ... }
export = Name;


VSCode does not recognize jest custom matcher

I'm currently struggling with making a Jest custom matcher work in VSCode with typescript.
I wrote a custom matchers file like the following (I've simplified the test for brevity reasons):
export {}
declare global {
namespace jest {
interface Matchers<R, T = {}> {
toSucceed(): R
function toSucceed(this: jest.MatcherContext, received: Result<any>): any {
return {
pass: true,
message: () => 'Custom matcher message',
I included this file path in my jest.config.ts under the tag setupFilesAfterEnv.
Then I wrote tests like:
it('should pass', () => {
All this configuration works fine, but I still get a VSCode inline error:
Property 'toSucceed' does not exist on type 'JestMatchers<any>'
JestMatchers is a type definition inside the #types/jest root, since it is a type I cannot augment it directly.
Have anyone experienced any similar problem?
I encountered a similar error message when the namespace declaration of "interface Matchers" was incorrect. After fixing that, a custom matcher appeared in jestMatchers, too. Matchers and jestMatchers are connected.
Your code works fine for me—except for the undefined Result<any>—so you can try to directly import in test and see if Visual Studio Code can understand the declaration:
import "./toSucceed";
If direct import works for you, I would guess that there's a problem with the jest extension which helps Visual Studio Code understand jest.config.
Did you remember to add the type definitions to your tsconfig?
For me it works fine when I put the type definition in a d.ts file at the root level, and add that path to the "include" option in my tsconfig:
// Some other config
"include": [
Haven't tested with your custom matcher specifically, but I had a similar issue that I resolved like this.
So your custom-matchers.d.ts would be:
export {}
declare global {
namespace jest {
interface Matchers<R, T = {}> {
toSucceed(): R

Extending class from external 3rd party typescript module

Hello I have a problem with overwriting types
I want overwrite a type from a libary that adds a property to an other library's typings, the line is: https://github.com/discord-akairo/discord-akairo/blob/e092ce4e0c9e749418601476bcd054a30a262785/src/index.d.ts#L14
and in my code I declare it like this:
declare module 'discord.js' {
export interface Message {
util?: KopekUtil;
KopekUtil is extending the CommandUtil and the error i get is:
TS2717: Subsequent property declarations must have the same type. Property 'util' must be of type 'CommandUtil', but here has type 'KopekUtil'. index.d.ts(16, 13): 'util' was also declared here.
You mentioned trying to extend Command util class like so
export class KopekUtil extends CommandUtil{
constructor(handler, message: Message | CommandInteraction) {
super(handler, <Message>message);
send(options:string | MessageOptions , reply? : boolean){
//your logic
But I'm afraid it's not possible to overwrite a class that comes from external typescript module.
Although you can introduce a new method in class from external module or extend one of existing methods using object protoype.
The right way to do that
declare module 'discord-akairo'{
export interface CommandUtil {
mySendMethod(options:string | MessageOptions , reply?:any) : boolean
CommandUtil.prototype.mySendMethod = function (options:string | MessageOptions , reply?:any) : boolean{
return true;
Typescript now merges interfaces and you can use your extension
const message = new Message(new Client(),{},new TextChannel(new Guild(new Client(),{})))

Type an untyped package with types from another package

Is it possible to re-export an existing typed module and use its types for an untyped module?
I am importing a library react-final-form-html5-validation that is just a tiny wrapper around typed react-final-form.
Are there any options for this?
I have tried many many many things ......., but this looks most promising, however, react-final-form does not declare a namespace and so I cannot use its types like I can use the React below.
/// <reference types="react-final-form" />
//// <reference types="./node_modules/react-final-form/dist/index.d.ts" />
//// <reference path="./node_modules/react-final-form/dist/index.d.ts" />
//// <amd-dependency path="./node_modules/react-final-form/dist/index.d.ts" />
// importing resolves the types, but also turns it into a module, which in turn breaks it
// import * as RFF from react-final-form;
// import { FieldProps } from react-final-form;
// export * from react-final-form;
declare module 'react-final-form-html5-validation' {
var Field: React.ComponentType<FieldProps>
import { Field, Abc } from 'react-final-form-html5-validation'
// correct: Module '"react-final-form-html5-validation"' has no exported member 'Abc'
// later in App.render() { return ( .....
<Field />
// Field is of type React.ComponentType<any>
I also ran into the same problem, and I'm not very experienced in typescript so I'm not sure if this is the correct method of handling this very well, but I think I have a solution that seems to be working.
I implemented the types to match the ones from flow that were provided in the react-final-form-html5-validation files, which was basically FieldProps, but with some extra props to account for the error messages. I've only tested a little bit, but it seems to be working at the minute. As I said though, I'm fairly new to typescript and have only a basic understanding.
declare module 'react-final-form-html5-validation' {
import { ComponentType } from 'react';
import { FieldProps } from 'react-final-form';
type Messages = {
badInput?: string;
patternMismatch?: string;
rangeOverflow?: string;
rangeUnderflow?: string;
stepMismatch?: string;
tooLong?: string;
tooShort?: string;
typeMismatch?: string;
valueMissing?: string;
export type Html5ValidationFieldProps = FieldProps<any> & Messages;
export const Field: ComponentType<Html5ValidationFieldProps>;
The <FieldProps<any> part was taken from the main react-final-form which seems to be how the Field element is exported from there too.

Exception with type definition for random-string module

I am trying to write a .d.ts for random-string.
I have this code:
declare module "random-string" {
export function randomString(opts?: Object): string;
I am able to import the module no problem then with:
import randomString = require('random-string');
and invoke:
console.log(randomString); // --> [Function: randomString]
However, this doesn't work with or without an argument:
console.log(randomString({length: 10});
I get this error from tsc:
error TS2088: Cannot invoke an expression whose type lacks a call signature.
I looked in the source for random-string and found this code for the method I am trying to interface with:
module.exports = function randomString(opts) {
// Implementation...
I managed to write a .d.ts for the CSON module, no problem, but that was exporting a 'class' rather than a function directly. Is that significant?
Your declaration says there is a module named random-string with a function named randomString within it...
So your usage should be:
console.log(randomString.randomString({ length: 10 }));
If the module does actually supply the function directly, you should adjust your definition to do the same:
declare module "random-string" {
function randomString(opts?: Object): string;
export = randomString;
This would allow you to call it as you do in your question.

What's the correct way to use requireJS with typescript?

The examples I have found here and here say to use module(). However, when I compile I get "warning TS7021: 'module(...)' is deprecated. Use 'require(...)' instead."
So a couple of basic questions:
When using typescript and requireJS, how do I access a class in one
.ts file from another .ts file where requireJS will load the second
file and give me the class in the first file?
Is there a way to do the standard requireJS approach with two .ts files where the define() at the top loads the second ts file and returns back the object it builds at the end?
Sort-of the same as question #2. From a java script file, can I use the define() construct on a type script file to get the instantiated object? If so, how?
Update: The following gives me a tsc compile error:
///<reference path='../../libs/ExtJS-4.2.0.d.ts' />
///<reference path='../../libs/require.d.ts' />
import fdm = require("./file-definitions");
require(["../../scripts/ribbon"], function () {
export module Menu {
export class MainMenu {
I would have commented on David's reply to basarat's answer (regarding modules and classes), but I don't have the reputation. I know this question is stale, but I didn't find an answer elsewhere.
I succeeded by using basarat's videos, combined with some other resources, to figure it out for classes like David Thielen needed. Note that I no longer have entries for my ts source files, but I do have amd-dependency and import statements. In Eclipse with palantir's TS plugin, my code completion and ability to jump from usage to definition is working with just the amd-dependency and import statements. The header files still need statements since they have nothing to do with deployment and are only used by the TS compiler. Note also that the .ts file extensions are used for reference statements but not the amd and import statements.
In Utils.ts I have:
///<reference path="headers/require.d.ts" />
export function getTime(){
var now = new Date();
return now.getHours()+":"+now.getMinutes()+':'+now.getSeconds();
In OntologyRenderScaler I have:
///<reference path="headers/require.d.ts" />
///<reference path="headers/d3.d.ts" />
///<reference path="headers/jquery.d.ts" />
///<amd-dependency path="Utils" />
import Utils = require('./Utils');
export class OntologyRenderScaler {
In OntologyMappingOverview.ts I have:
///<reference path="headers/require.d.ts" />
///<reference path="headers/d3.d.ts" />
///<reference path="headers/jquery.d.ts" />
///<amd-dependency path="Utils" />
///<amd-dependency path="OntologyGraph" />
///<amd-dependency path="OntologyFilterSliders" />
///<amd-dependency path="FetchFromApi" />
///<amd-dependency path="OntologyRenderScaler" />
///<amd-dependency path="GraphView" />
///<amd-dependency path="JQueryExtension" />
import Utils = require('./Utils');
import OntologyGraph = require('./OntologyGraph');
import OntologyRenderScaler = require('./OntologyRenderScaler');
import OntologyFilterSliders = require('./OntologyFilterSliders');
import GraphView = require('./GraphView');
export class OntologyMappingOverview extends GraphView.BaseGraphView implements GraphView.GraphView {
ontologyGraph: OntologyGraph.OntologyGraph;
renderScaler: OntologyRenderScaler.OntologyRenderScaler;
filterSliders: OntologyFilterSliders.MappingRangeSliders;
this.renderScaler = new OntologyRenderScaler.OntologyRenderScaler(this.vis);
I didn't manage (yet!) to get things working like codeBelt suggested above, but an exchange we had on his blog revealed that if I get his approach working (with export MyClass at the bottom of the file), then I would not need to double up the imported identifer with the class name. I suppose it would export the class of interest rather than the namespace it is defined in (the implicit external module, i.e. the TypeScript file name).
For :
When using typescript and requireJS, how do I access a class in one
.ts file from another .ts file where requireJS will load the second
file and give me the class in the first file? Is there a way to do the
standard requireJS approach with two .ts files where the define() at
the top loads the second ts file and returns back the object it builds
at the end?
simply :
// from file a.ts
export class Foo{
// from file b.ts
// import
import aFile = require('a')
// use:
var bar = new aFile.Foo();
and compile both files with --module amd flag.
For :
Sort-of the same as question #2. From a java script file, can I use
the define() construct on a type script file to get the instantiated
object? If so, how?
To use a.ts from b.js simply :
// import as a dependency:
define(["require", "exports", 'a'], function(require, exports, aFile) {
// use:
var bar = new aFile.Foo();
This is similar to what you would get if you compile b.ts
You want the export statement below the class you are creating.
// Base.ts
class Base {
constructor() {
public createChildren():void {
export = Base;
Then to import and use into another class you would do:
// TestApp.ts
import Base = require("view/Base");
class TestApp extends Base {
private _title:string = 'TypeScript AMD Boilerplate';
constructor() {
public createChildren():void {
export = TestApp;
I have been playing with typescript, trying to integrate it in our existing javascript/requirejs project.
As setup, I have Visual Studio 2013 with Typescript for vs v Typescript is configured (in visual studio) to compile modules in amd format.
This is what I have found works for me (there might be a better way of course)
Use amd-dependency to tell the typescript compiler adds the required module to the list of components which must be loaded
In the constructor of the class being exported, use requirejs’s require function to actually fetch the imported module (at this point this is synchronous because of the previous step). To do this you must reference require.d.ts
As a side note, but since it is in my view essential to typescript, and because it gave me a bit of a headache, in the example I show two ways to export classes which use interfaces. The problem with interfaces is that they are used for type checking, but they produce no real output (the generated .js file is empty), and it causes problems of the type ‘’export of a private class”
I have found 2 ways of exporting classes which implement an interface:
Simply add an amd-dependency to the interface (as is in the Logger.ts file)
And export a typed variable holding a new instance of the class
The exported class can be consumed directly (ie myClass.log(‘hello’));
Don’t add the amd- dependency to the interface (as is in the Import.ts file)
And export a function (ie Instantiate()) which returns a variable of type any holding a new instance of the class
The exported class can be consumed via this function (ie myClass.instantiate().log(‘hello’))
It seems like the first option is better: you don’t need to call the instantiate function, plus you get a typed class to work with. The downside is that the [empty] interface javascript file does travel to the browser (but it’s cached there anyway, and maybe you are even using minification in which case this does not matter at all).
In the next blocks of code there are 2 typescript modules loaded with requires (amd): Logger and Import.
ILogger.ts file
interface ILogger {
log(what: string): void;
Logger.ts file
///<reference path="./ILogger.ts"/>
//this dependency required, otherwise compiler complaints of private type being exported
///<amd-dependency path="./ILogger"/>
class Logger implements ILogger {
formatOutput = function (text) {
return new Date() + '.' + new Date().getMilliseconds() + ': ' + text;
log = function (what) {
try {
} catch (e) {
//this approach requires the amd-dependency above for the interafce
var exportLogger: ILogger = new Logger();
export = exportLogger;
Using Logger.ts in another ts file(Import.ts)
///<reference path="../../../ext/definitions/require.d.ts"/>
///<amd-dependency path="Shared/Logger"/>
///<amd-dependency path="./IImport"/>
class _Import implements IImport{
ko: any;
loggerClass: ILogger;
constructor() {
this.ko = require('knockout');//require coming from require.d.ts (in external_references.ts)
this.loggerClass = require('Shared/Logger');
init(vm: any) {
this.loggerClass.log('UMF import instantiated...');
////Alternative Approach:
////this approach does not require adding ///<amd-dependency path="./IImport"/>
////this can be consumed as <imported_module_name>.instantiate().init();
//export function instantiate() {
// var r : any = new _Import();// :any required to get around the private type export error
// return r;
//this module can be consumed as <imported_module_name>.init();
var exported: IImport = new _Import();
export = exported;
IImport.ts file
interface IImport {
init(vm: any): void;
To consume the Import module straight from javascript use something like (sorry I have not tried this one, but it should work)
define (['Import'], function (import)
//approach 1
////approach 2
