Using supertest and co to validate database content after request - node.js

I want to write a test to update a blog post (or whatever):
* Insert a blog post in a database
* Get the id the blog post got in MongoDb
* POST an updated version to my endpoint
* After the request have finished: check in the database that update has been done
Here's this, using koa:
var db = require('../lib/db.js');
describe('a test suite', function(){
it('updates an existing text', function (done) {
co(function * () {
var insertedPost = yield db.postCollection.insert({ title : "Title", content : "My awesome content"});
var id = insertedPost._id;
var url = "/post/" + id;
var updatedPost = { content : 'Awesomer content' };
.expect('location', url)
.end(function () {
co(function *() {
var p = yield db.postCollection.findById(id);
console.log("CHECKED DB");
I realize that there's a lot of moving parts in there, but I've tested all the interactions separately. Here's the db-file I've included (which I know works fine since I use it in production):
var monk = require('monk');
var wrap = require('co-monk');
function getCollection(mongoUrl, collectionName) {
var db = monk(mongoUrl);
return wrap(db.get(collectionName));
module.exports.postCollection = getCollection([SECRET MONGO CONNECTION], 'posts');
The production code works as intended.
This test passes but it seems, to me, like the co-function in the .end()-clause never is run... but the done() call gets made. No "CHECKED DB" is being printed, at least.
I've tried with "done()" and "done" without. Sometimes that works and sometimes not.
I've tried to move the check of the database outside the request... but that just hangs, since supertest wants us to call done() when we are completed.
All of this leaves me confused and scared (:)) - what am I doing wrong here.

Realising that the question was very long-winding and specific I feared that I would never get a proper answer. Due to the badly asked question.
But the answer given and the comments made me look again and I found it. I wrote a long blog post about it but I'll give away the end of it here as a summary. If it doesn't make sense there's more of the same :) in the blog post.
Here is the TL;DR:
I wanted to check the state of the database after doing a request. This can be done using the .end() function of supertest.
Since I used co-monk I wanted to be able to do that using yield and generators. This means that I need to wrap my generator function with co.
co, since version 4.0.0, returns a promise. This perfect for users of mocha since it allows us to use the .then() function and pass the done variable to both the success and failure functions of .then(fn success, fn failure(err)).
The test in it’s entirety is displayed below. Running this returns the error due to failing assertion, as I want:
var co = require("co");
var should = require("should");
var helpers = require('./testHelpers.js');
var users = helpers.users;
var request = helpers.request;
describe('POST to /user', function(){
var test_user = {};
beforeEach(function (done) {
test_user = helpers.test_user;
afterEach(function (done) {
it('creates a new user for complete posted data', function(done){
// Post
.expect('location', /^\/user\/[0-9a-fA-F]{24}$/) // Mongo Object Id /user/234234523562512512
.end(function () {
co(function *() {
var userFromDb = yield users.findOne({ name : });"This is not the name you are looking for");
}).then(done, done);

This happens because
var p = yield db.postCollection.findById(id);
is the last line will be executed in your generator function.
You can test whether I am right by adding a console.log('before first yield').
yield is the replacement for return in generator functions, but it runs to the next yield if you call the function a second time.
A generator-function is executed from yield to yield
(best way to explain it the short way - I think).
Your solution:
simple erase the yield before the database find:
var p = db.postCollection.findById(id);


Creating promises in loop

I have to create promises in loop according to given config file and return response when all are resolved. Here goes the code-
{for(let type in spotlight){
switch (type){
case "outliers":{
let ops= spotlight[type];
for(let i=0;i<ops.length;i++){
let p= new Promise(function(resolve,reject){
let reqUrl= urlCreator(op.uri,op.query);
return reject(data);
// console.log(isSuccess);
// console.log(data);
// console.log("trend is ------"+JSON.stringify(op));
// create objects array
// let temp= [];
// let overallScore= data.overall.score;
// for(let day in overallScore){
// temp.push({"key": day,"value": parseFloat(overallScore[day])});
// }
//let outliers= stats.outliers(temp,"key","value");
resolve({"type":type,"name":,"data": outliers});
case "filters":{
let ops= spotlight[type];
for(let i=0;i<ops.length;i++){
let p= new Promise(function(resolve,reject){
let reqUrl= urlCreator(op.uri,op.query);
return reject(data);
// console.log(isSuccess);
// console.log(data);
// console.log("coc is ------"+JSON.stringify(op));
resolve({"type": type,"name":,"data": data});
return res.json(values);
return res.json(reason);
return res.json(reason);
Problem is that promises never return, neither resolved, nor rejected. According to the config file, it has to hit two URLs, say u1 and u2. I tried to log the output to see which requests are returning. When the server is started and very first req is made, U1 returns and req hangs. on refresh I get response from U2,U2 and request hangs, then on refresh again U1,U1 and this continues. It seems to me that for some reason only one request is returned and other sits in buffer or something and come when next request is made. Both requests are being made to the local server only, I am routing it externally just to make use of cache as url is being used as key for cache.
I tried using dummy urls like and, and it works perfectly fine.Using one local url and another like also works, but when both urls are of local server, it gets stuck.
Does it has any thing to do with single threaded nature of node or due to using same socket for making both requests.
PS- I am using npm-request to make URL calls.
Perhaps hesitating before making the second request would solve your problem.
I've made some tools that could help with that. See the MacroQTools.js file at
You're defining the request callback as function(success , data), while request consumes error-first callbacks, defined like function(error , response).
You're calling request like:
return reject(data);
// console.log(isSuccess);
// console.log(data);
// console.log("coc is ------"+JSON.stringify(op));
resolve({"type": type,"name":,"data": data});
Pretending that, if the first parameter misses, you have to reject it with the second parameter, data. While, really, it would something like:
// console.log(isSuccess);
// console.log(data);
// console.log("coc is ------"+JSON.stringify(op));
resolve({"type": type,"name":,"data": data});
Since request expects error-first callbacks (like almost anything in node that takes a callback).
So, when the requests actually work as expected, your code must be actually rejecting the promises with the actual real value, since when the request works, isSuccess is null and data has the real response value.
This surely is breaking something and is not good, while just fixing it maybe doesn't solve your issue completely: I believe your requests are acting weird because some configuration problem of your api, not just because you're rejecting promises when requests are successful (that would just send the data as the rejection reason).
Also you're handling the rejection of Promise.all() twice, passing a second handler to then and calling catch again. Only one is needed, and the .catch(handler) is probably better.
I made a small working example on how you can use Promise.all to collect async requests. I used imdb as the apiService, but any async http service would work too. I didn't reproduce totally from your code, but I'm sure you can adapt this to make your code work, at least the part of the code that is just consuming http services.
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var imdb = require('imdb-api');
app.get('/', controllerHandler );
app.listen(3000, function () {
console.log('Example app listening on port 3000!')
var apiService = {}
apiService.get = imdb.getReq;
function controllerHandler(request , response){
//like iterating through spotlight.type and returning an array of promises from it.
//in this case the array is from films and Airbag is obviously the best of them
var promises = [{name : 'The Matrix'} , { name : 'Avatar'} , {name : 'Airbag'}].map( createPromise );
//use either .catch(errorHandler) or then( successHandler , errorHandler ). The former is the better:
Promise.all(promises).then( successHandler ).catch( errorHandler );
function successHandler(result){
return response.json(result);
function errorHandler(reason){
console.log('There was an error calling to the service:');
return response.send('there was an error');
function createPromise(film){
return new Promise( function(resolve , reject){
apiService.get(film , function(err , data){
reject( new Error(err));
resolve( {title : data.title , year : data.year} );

How to append extra information based on mocha + jenkins framework?

I am using mocha.js to perform api automation while using jenkins to implement continuous integration. I am facing some issues while trying to logging some extra information for failed tests.
My code
Following are my basic code for single api testing.
var conf = require('../../../configuration.js');
var CONST = conf.CONST;
var R = require('../../../req.js');
var expect = R.expect;
var __path = R.__path;
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var supertest = R.supertest;
var tester = supertest.agent(env);
describe('TestA', function () {
it('TestPoint A', function (done) {
var url = __path(__filename);
var params = 'languageId=1';
tester.get(url + params)
.end(function (err, res) {
new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
var result = res.body.result;
}).then(body => {
return body;
}).then(body => {
return body;
}).catch(err => {
console.log(env + url + params);
When I run local test, for example, directly run mocha *.js, then the script goes well. If something wrong, it would fail the tests and print mocha exception. Also it would output the information I need(by console.log)
When it comes to jenkins, yea i can also do this in the same way and it can work fine. But for jenkins, i need to use 'Xunit reporter' of mocha, which would generate a reporter xml and read by jenkins. Then jenkins is easy to collect real time and historical test information and do further statistics. But when above code goes to jenkins, however, it will break the xml and throw Exception like
org.dom4j.DocumentException: Error on line 1 of document file:/
I know this is due to "console.log" but i have no idea about this. I just want to see those information if some cases are failed, no matter where it's located(jenkins console or xml report).
Oh I have found I can pass all I want as parameters of done() . This may not a big deal. Thanks for all you guys attention

How can I execute queries one after the other and extract value from 1st query and use it in the 2nd using expressJS?"/application_action", function(req,res){
var Employee = req.body.Employee;
var conn = new jsforce.Connection({
oauth2 : salesforce_credential.oauth2
var username = salesforce_credential.username;
var password = salesforce_credential.password;
conn.login(username, password, function(err, userInfo, next) {
if (err) { return console.error(err); res.json(false);}
// I want this conn.query to execute first and then conn.sobject
conn.query("SELECT id FROM SFDC_Employee__c WHERE Auth0_Id__c = '" + + "'" , function(err, result) {
if (err) { return console.error(err); }
Employee["Id"] = result.records[0].Id;
//I want this to execute after the execution of above query i.e. conn.query
conn.sobject("SFDC_Emp__c").update(Employee, function(err, ret) {
if (err || !ret.success) { return console.error(err, ret);}
console.log('Updated Successfully : ' +;
I have provided my code above. I need to modify Employee in the conn.query and use it in conn.sobject. I need to make sure that my first query executes before 2nd because I am getting value from 1st and using in the 2nd. Please do let me know if you know how to accomplish this.
New Answer Based on Edit to Question
To execute one query based on the results of the other, you put the second query inside the completion callback of the first like this:"/application_action", function (req, res) {
var Employee = req.body.Employee;
var conn = new jsforce.Connection({
oauth2: salesforce_credential.oauth2
var username = salesforce_credential.username;
var password = salesforce_credential.password;
conn.login(username, password, function (err, userInfo, next) {
if (err) {
return console.error(err);
// I want this conn.query to execute first and then conn.sobject
conn.query("SELECT id FROM SFDC_Employee__c WHERE Auth0_Id__c = '" + + "'", function (err, result) {
if (err) {
return console.error(err);
Employee["Id"] = result.records[0].Id;
//I want this to execute after the execution of above query i.e. conn.query
conn.sobject("SFDC_Emp__c").update(Employee, function (err, ret) {
if (err || !ret.success) {
return console.error(err, ret);
console.log('Updated Successfully : ' +;
The only place that the first query results are valid is inside that callback because otherwise, you have no way of knowing when those asynchronous results are actually available and valid.
Please note that your error handling is unfinished since you don't finish the response in any of the error conditions and even in the success case, you have not yet actually sent a response to finish the request.
Original Answer
First off, your code shows a route handler, not middleware. So, if you really intend to ask about middleware, you will have to show your actual middleware. Middleware that does not end the request needs to declare next as an argument and then call it when it is done with it's processing. That's how processing continues after the middleware.
Secondly, your console.log() statements are all going to show undefined because they execute BEFORE the conn.query() callback that contains the code that sets those variables.
conn.query() is an asynchronous operation. It calls its callback sometime IN THE FUTURE. Meanwhile, your console.log() statements execute immediately.
You can see the results of the console.log() by putting the statements inside the conn.query() callback, but that is probably only part of your problem. If you explain what you're really trying to accomplish, then we could probably help with a complete solution. Right now, you're just asking questions about flawed code, but not explaining the higher level problem you're trying to solve so you're making it hard for us to give you the best answer to your actual problem.
app.locals - properties scoped to your app, available to all request handlers.
res.locals - properties scoped to a specific request, available only to middleware or request handlers involved in processing this specific request/response.
req.locals - I can't find any documentation on this in Express or HTTP module. There is discussion of this as basically serving the same purpose as res.locals, though it is not documented.
Other relevants answers:
req.locals vs. res.locals vs. vs. vs. app.locals in Express middleware
Express.js: app.locals vs req.locals vs req.session
You miss the basics of the asynchronous flow in javascript. All the callbacks are set to the end of event loop, so the callback of the conn.query will be executed after console.logs from the outside. Here is a good article where the the basic concepts of asynchronous programming in JavaScript are explained.

Using ES6 Generator functions with SailsJS

I love generators in nodejs. They help nodejs look more like server-side code. I'm trying to use generators with my Sails app. This is my controller and it works when I visit 'get /hi':
* FooController
* #description :: Server-side logic for managing foos
* #help :: See!/documentation/concepts/Controllers
module.exports = {
hi: function (req, res){
return res.send("Hi there!");
However when I change that hi action to a generator function...
module.exports = {
hi: function* (req, res){
return res.send("Hi there!");
this action never gets to return the response. Like it's waiting for something. How does one utilize ES6 generators within SailsJS controllers and in-fact all of Sails?
You can use it, in fact it'll be great if we all use this style, it adds a lot of readability and flexibility in your code (no more callback-hell), but that is not the way to use it.
As #Cohars stated, sails expect a function as controller actions, you can't pass a generator like in Koa, but that does not prevent you from using them, the thing is that a generator by itself is very useless, you need a function that calls it and iterates it and i believe koa does this for you at framework level, but you have some options available to you at library level, like co or yortus/asyncawait/ which is what i use because node-fibers implemented as functions are way more flexible than es6 generators (though they are almost the same) and i'll show you why in a sec.
So here is how you use it:
First npm install co and require it in your controller, or add it as a global in config/bootstrap.js since you will be using it a lot. Once you are done with it, you can use it in your controllers.
module.exports = {
hi: function(req, res){
co(function* (){
// And you can use it with your models calls like this
let user = yield User.findOne(req.param('id'))
return res.send("Hi there" + + "!");
That's it
Now if you rather use async/await, its pretty similar, it goes like this:
module.exports = {
hi: function(req, res){
// Since await is a function, you can access properties
// of the returned values like this which is nice to
// access object properties or array indices
let userName = await(User.findOne(req.param('id'))).name
return res.send("Hi there" + userName + "!");
There is a caveat though, if you call other methods of you controller via this, remember that they will refer to the generator fn or the passed regular fn if you use async/await, so be sure to save its context, or since you are already using es6 syntax, you can use fat arrows with async/await, unfortunately not with co, since there is not fat arrow version of generators (..yet?)
So it'll be like this:
module.exports = {
hi: function(req, res){
async(() => {
let params = this._parseParams(req);
let userName = await(User.findOne(
return res.send("Hi there" + userName + "!");
_parseParams: function(req){
let params = req.allParams()
// Do some parsing here...
return params
I've been using the second method for months now, and works perfectly, i've tried with co too and works as well, i just liked more the async/await module (and is supposed to be a little bit faster) and its a perfect match if you are using coffeescript since your sintax will be like do async => await User.find()
I've created a wrapper that you can use if you use yortus async/await or check the source code and modify it to work with co or something else if you wish.
Here is the link, is in alpha but i'm using on my own apps and works as expected, if not submit an issue.
With that the las example would look like this:
module.exports = {
hi: asyncHandler((req, res)->{
let params = this._parseParams(req);
let userName = await(User.findOne(
return res.send("Hi there" + userName + "!");
_parseParams: function(req){
let params = req.allParams()
// Do some parsing here...
return params
With this handler you get the extra benefit of having async/promise errors to propagate correctly on sails if they are not caught by a try/catch
Sails expects a regular function here, not a generator. Maybe you could take a look at co, not sure it would really help with Sails though. If you really want to use generators, you should probably try Koa, which has several frameworks based on it
The way I am doing it is like this:
const Promise = require('bluebird');
module.exports = {
hi: Promise.coroutine(function* (req, res) {
let id = req.params('id'),
try {
userName = yield User.findOne(id).name;
catch (e) {
return res.serverError(e.message);
return res.ok(`Hi there ${userName}!`);
Works great. You just need to ensure any functions you call from your controllers return promises.
Put this code in your bootstrap.js, and every thing work like a charm!
var _ = require('lodash');
var coExpress = require('co-express');
sails.modules.loadControllers(function (err, modules) {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
sails.controllers = _.merge(sails.controllers, modules);
// hacking every action of all controllers
_.each(sails.controllers, function(controller, controllerId) {
_.each(controller, function(action, actionId) {
actionId = actionId.toLowerCase();
console.log('hacking route:', controllerId, actionId);
// co.wrap,generator => callback
action = coExpress(action);
sails.hooks.controllers.middleware[controllerId][actionId] = action;
// reload routes
sails.router.load(function () {
// reload blueprints
sails.hooks.blueprints.initialize(function () {

Unit testing with Bookshelf.js and knex.js

I'm relatively new to Node and am working on a project using knex and bookshelf. I'm having a little bit of trouble unit testing my code and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Basically I have a model (called VorcuProduct) that looks like this:
var VorcuProduct = bs.Model.extend({
tableName: 'vorcu_products'
module.exports.VorcuProduct = VorcuProduct
And a function that saves a VorcuProduct if it does not exist on the DB. Quite simple. The function doing this looks like this:
function subscribeToUpdates(productInformation, callback) {
.where({product_id: productInformation.product_id, store_id: productInformation.store_id})
.then(function(existing_model) {
if (existing_model == undefined) {
new model.VorcuProduct(productInformation)
.then(function(new_model) { callback(null, new_model)})
} else {
callback(null, existing_model)
Which is the correct way to test this without hitting the DB? Do I need to mock fetch to return a model or undefined (depending on the test) and then do the same with save? Should I use rewire for this?
As you can see I'm a little bit lost, so any help will be appreciated.
I have been using in-memory Sqlite3 databases for automated testing with great success. My tests take 10 to 15 minutes to run against MySQL, but only 30 seconds or so with an in-memory sqlite3 database. Use :memory: for your connection string to utilize this technique.
A note about unit tesing - This is not true unit testing, since we're still running a query against a database. This is technically integration testing, however it runs within a reasonable time period and if you have a query-heavy application (like mine) then this technique is going to prove more effective at catching bugs than unit testing anyway.
Gotchas - Knex/Bookshelf initializes the connection at the start of the application, which means that you keep the context between tests. I would recommend writing a schema create/destroy script so that you and build and destroy the tables for each test. Also, Sqlite3 is less sensitive about foreign key constraints than MySQL or PostgreSQL, so make sure you run your app against one of those every now and then to ensure that your constraints will work properly.
This is actually a great question which brings up both the value and limitations of unit testing.
In this particular case the non-stubbed logic is pretty simple -- just a simple if block, so it's arguable whether it's this is worth the unit testing effort, so the accepted answer is a good one and points out the value of small scale integration testing.
On the other hand the exercise of doing unit testing is still valuable in that it points out opportunities for code improvements. In general if the tests are too complicated, the underlying code can probably use some refactoring. In this case a doesProductExist function can likely be refactored out. Returning the promises from knex/bookshelf instead of converting to callbacks would also be a helpful simplification.
But for comparison here's my take on what true unit-testing of the existing code would look like:
var rewire = require('rewire');
var sinon = require('sinon');
var expect = require('chai').expect;
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var subscribeToUpdatesModule = rewire('./service/subscribe_to_updates_module');
var subscribeToUpdates = subscribeToUpdatesModule.__get__(subscribeToUpdates);
describe('subscribeToUpdates', function () {
before(function () {
var self = this;
this.sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();
var VorcuProduct = subscribeToUpdatesModule.__get__('model').VorcuProduct;
this.saveStub = this.sandbox.stub(VorcuProduct.prototype, 'save');
this.fetchStub = this.sandbox.stub()
this.sandbox.stub(VorcuProduct, 'where', function () {
return { fetch: self.fetchStub };
afterEach(function () {
it('calls save when fetch of existing_model succeeds', function (done) {
var self = this;
this.fetchResultPromise = Promise.resolve('valid result');
this.saveResultPromise = Promise.resolve('save result');
var callback = function (err, result) {
expect(result).to.equal('save result');
subscribeToUpdates({}, callback);
// ... more it(...) blocks
