SoapUI Load test groovy sequentially reading txt file - groovy

I am using free version of soapui. In my load test, I want to read request field value from a text file. The file looks like following
In load test, for each request I want to read this file sequentially. I am using the code mentioned in Unique property per SoapUI request using groovy to read the file. How can I use the values from the file in a sequential manner?
I have following test setup script to read the file
def projectDir = context.expand('${projectDir}') + File.separator
def dataFile = "usernames.txt"
File file = new File(projectDir + dataFile) = file.readLines()
context.dataCount = " data count" + context.dataCount
context.index = 0; //index to read data array in sequence
catch (Exception e)
{"Failed to load " + dataFile + " from project directory.")
In my test, I have following script as test step. I want to read the current index record from array and then increment the index value
def randUserAccount =;
context.setProperty("randUserAccount", randUserAccount)
context.index = ((int)context.index) + 1;
But with this script, I always get 2nd record of the array. The index value is not incrementing.

You defined the variable context.index to 0 and just do +1
You maybe need a loop to read all values.
something like this :
for(int i=0; i <; i++){
context.setProperty("randUserAccount", i);
//your code

You can add this setup script to the setup script section for load test and access the values in the groovy script test step using:
context.LoadTestContext.index =((int)context.LoadTestContext.index)+1

This might be a late reply but I was facing the same problem for my load testing for some time. Using index as global property solved the issue for me.
Index is set as -1 initially. The below code would increment the index by 1, set the incremented value as global property and then pick the context data for that index.
<confirmationNumber>${=com.eviware.soapui.SoapUI.globalProperties.setPropertyValue( "index", (com.eviware.soapui.SoapUI.globalProperties.getPropertyValue( "index" ).toLong()+1 ).toString()); return ( (com.eviware.soapui.SoapUI.globalProperties.getPropertyValue( "index" )).toInteger())) }</confirmationNumber>


jmeter - how to creat new csv from original csv with groovy

I have a csv file (UTF-8 with BOM) like this
I would like to discard the first three lines and create new csv (UTF-8 with BOM)
I get some idea from the page and code this in JSR223 PreProcessor
def originalCsvFile = new File('g:/Workspace/1.csv')
def newCsvFile = new File('g:/Workspace/2.csv')
originalCsvFile.readLines().take(5).each {line ->
newCsvFile.withWriter('UTF-8') { writer ->
writer.writeLine line
The above code does not work.
It is better to put the new csv path to the variable, I want to get the variable in jmeter CSV Data Set Config
Do you realize that:
take(5) function returns 5 first lines of the list
newCsvFile.withWriter function overwrites the file with the new data each time it's being called
So I believe you're looking for copying and pasting something like this:
originalCsvFile.readLines().eachWithIndex { line, index ->
if (index == 0 || index > 3) {
newCsvFile.withWriterAppend('UTF-8') { writer ->
writer.writeLine line
More information on Groovy scripting in JMeter: Apache Groovy - Why and How You Should Use It
Not as elegant, perhaps, but this is how I would do it:
List li = originalCsvFile.readLines()
newCsvFile.append(li[0] + "\n", 'UTF-8') //headers
li[4..-1].each { newCsvFile.append(it + "\n", 'UTF-8') }

Java Application taking long time to execute Groovy scripts which are precomplied

I have my groovy script precomplied on server start (I have stored groovy scripts as varchar in DB) up like below in Map ,
final Binding sharedData = new Binding();
final GroovyShell shell = new GroovyShell(sharedData);
script= shell.parse(rs.getString("VALIDATION_SCRIPT"));
Now when checking the validation on input records based on specified validation id i try to execute the precompiled script as below.
Script scrpt = Validation.getScript(); //getting from cache
scrpt.getBinding().setVariable("attributes", objects);
scrpt.getBinding().setVariable("tools", scrpt);
GroovyResponse gr = scrpt.evaluate("tools.valid(attributes)");
but here my application takes long time to evaluate..i guess heap size also gets increase and GC takes place. Can any one help me if there are better way to do it. with out impacting the performance.
one of My groovy script :
import com.fis.derivatives.utility.generic.model.GroovyResponse;
def valid(Map mapInput){
GroovyResponse obj = new GroovyResponse()
obj.setStatus(true) ;
obj.setResultValue("B") ;
} else if(mapInput.inputVal.equals("2")){
obj.setStatus(true) ;
obj.setResultValue("S") ;
obj.setComment("Error : Unable to extract BUY_SELL. Please check BS value "+mapInput.inputVal+".")
return obj;
1 - I have doubts about your cache. getting from cache without any key is strange...
Script scrpt = Validation.getScript(); //getting from cache
2 - rework a little the call of groovy:
Script scrpt = Validation.getScript(); //getting from cache
//we will pass attributes as a parameter to method
//scrpt.getBinding().setVariable("attributes", objects);
//not necessary to pass to script link to itself
//scrpt.getBinding().setVariable("tools", scrpt);
GroovyResponse gr = scrpt.invokeMethod​("valid", objects);

Is there any way to pass Global Properties from external file or something?

-Is there any way to pass Global Properties from external file or something?
-I don't want to navigate Preference-Global Properties and changing the values.
-Is there any alternative way to do this.
You can parse external file in groovy script Step, for example *.csv file with values into the local groovy variables, and then set value in Properties of Test Suite or Test Case or Global Properties too.
Example of parsing *.csv file:
def testDataSet = []
def index = testRunner.testCase.getPropertyValue("index")
int indx = index.toInteger()
def fileName = "phoneNumbers.csv"
//read from file
new File(fileName).eachLine { line -> testDataSet.add( line.split(";") ) } "Read " + testDataSet.size() + " test values from " + fileName )
//convert value to properties
def testDataLine = testDataSet[indx]
phoneNumber = testDataLine[0].value as String phoneNumber
Example of set property:
testRunner.testCase.setPropertyValue("phoneNumber", phoneNumber)
String indexString = Integer.toString(indx)
testRunner.testCase.setPropertyValue("index", indexString)
Example of set Global Preporty:
globalProperty = com.eviware.soapui.SoapUI.globalProperties.getPropertyValue( "MyProp" )
more info provide here
Global properties are stored in soapui-settings.xml in the user.dir. If you change it, it will be recognized by readyApi/soapUI.

Using Groovy Script, How to access the dynamic soap request which is stored in MessageExchange in a Data-Driven Approach?

I am trying a data driven approach in soap ui using groovy script and I wanted to export each of the dynamic request and response from MessageExchange to an Excel sheet. I am using the input data Excel file "dataFile.xls" for a simple "Login" operation. It consists of 2 fields Username and Password with 4 records. My script is doing a data driven approach and executing all the records from the excel file. But I wanted to export all the four dynamic request and response into an Excel file "Output.xls". My soap pack is having 2 groovy test request(one for data driver and the other for looping), one property test step to hold the input element properties and temporary variables, one soap test request "login". Below is the code snippet I am using in the "data driver" groovy test step.
import jxl.*
import jxl.write.*
import com.eviware.soapui.model.iface.MessageExchange
def myTestCase = context.testCase //myTestCase contains the test case
def counter,next,previous,size //Variables used to handle the loop and to move inside the file
Workbook workbook1 = Workbook.getWorkbook(new File("d:\\Groovy videos\\dataFile.xls")) //file containing the data
Sheet sheet1 = workbook1.getSheet(0) //save the first sheet in sheet1
size = sheet1.getRows().toInteger() //get the number of rows, each row is a data set
propTestStep = myTestCase.getTestStepByName("Property - Looper") // get the Property TestStep object
req = myTestCase.getTestStepByName("login").getProperty("Request").getValue()
propTestStep.setPropertyValue("Total", size.toString())
counter = propTestStep.getPropertyValue("Count").toString() //counter variable contains iteration number
counter = counter.toInteger() //
next = (counter > size-2? 0: counter+1) //set the next value
Cell u = sheet1.getCell(0,counter) // getCell(column,row) //obtains user
Cell p = sheet1.getCell(1,counter) // obtains password
workbook1.close() //close the file
usr = u.getContents()
pass = p.getContents()
propTestStep.setPropertyValue("user", usr) //the value is saved in the property
propTestStep.setPropertyValue("pass", pass) //the value is saved in the property
propTestStep.setPropertyValue("Count", next.toString()) //increase Count value
next++ //increase next value
propTestStep.setPropertyValue("Next", next.toString()) //set Next value on the properties step
WritableWorkbook workbook2 = Workbook.createWorkbook(new File("d:\\output.xls"))
WritableSheet sheet2 = workbook2.createSheet("Request", 0)
def groovyUtils = new
def temp=testRunner.testCase.testSteps["login"]
def testStepContext = new com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.testcase.WsdlTestRunContext(temp)
def reqq = testStepContext.getRequestContent()
//def temp=testRunner.testCase.testSteps.testRequest.getRequestContent()
//holder = groovyUtils.getXmlHolder(messageExchange.requestContent)"request : "+temp)
Label label1 = new Label(0, 6, temp);
//Decide if the test has to be run again or not
if (counter == size-1)
propTestStep.setPropertyValue("StopLoop", "T") "Setting the stoploop property now..."
else if (counter==0)
def runner = new com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.testcase.WsdlTestCaseRunner(testRunner.testCase, null)
propTestStep.setPropertyValue("StopLoop", "F")
propTestStep.setPropertyValue("StopLoop", "F")
I am getting the fault
"groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.testcase.WsdlTestRunContext.getRequestContent() is applicable for argument types: () values: [] error at line: 50"
Could some one please help me in this.
The main objective is to get all the dynamic request and response from the MessageExchange and export all the data into the excel sheet.
Your program throws the exception there:
def testStepContext = new com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.testcase.WsdlTestRunContext(temp)
def reqq = testStepContext.getRequestContent()
The exception is pretty clear MissingMethodException so the problem is that com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.testcase.WsdlTestRunContext doesn't have getRequestContent() method.
Anyway in your code you only use reqq on then without analyzing the whole code the easy solution to solve the problem is simply remove this lines due they are useless.
You better make use of project level event "TestRunListener.afterStep" to accomplish your task.
In this event you'll have access to testRunner, context & testStepResult Objects. The following code snippet can help you.
For Soap Services:
if (context.getCurrentStep() instanceof WsdlTestRequestStep) {
WsdlTestStepResult soapResult= (WsdlTestStepResult) testStepResult; "Request: "+soapResult.getRequestContent(); "Response: "+soapResult.getResponseContent();
For Rest Services:
if (context.getCurrentStep() instanceof RestTestRequestStep) {
RestRequestStepResult restResult= (RestRequestStepResult) testStepResult; "Request: "+restResult.getRequestContent(); "Response: "+restResult.getResponseContent();

SoapUI + Groovy + Get 3 test data from 3 different environment respectively

In SoapUI, We have 3 different environment and 3 different test data property files.
So my problems are:
How to set 3 different end points in SoapUI?
How to get test data as per the environment using Groovy?
I try to answer your questions
1.- How to set 3 different end points in SoapUI.
Set your test steps URL with a property like:
And add the endpoint property in your test data file.
2.- How to get test data as per the environment using Groovy.
If you have a typical property file with key=value you can use the code shown below:
// read property file
def properties = new java.util.Properties();
properties.load( new "/tmp/" ));
proj = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project;
def names = [];
names = properties.propertyNames();
while( names.hasMoreElements() )
def name = names.nextElement(); name + " " + properties.getProperty(name);
proj.setPropertyValue(name, properties.getProperty(name)) ;
With this you save all properties in the project level, if you prefer to save in testCase or testSuite use testRunner.testCase or testRunner.testCase.testSuite instead of testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project.
Hope this helps,
