Quadratic Equation Program Outputs Incorrect Answer - python-3.x

I'm really tired, so I'm probably just forgetting something, but here it is. It's been a long time since I've even touched quadratics. The answers are totally off, for example:
2x**2 – 4x – 3 = 0 should result in x = –0.58, x = 2.58. Instead, I get x=10, x=-2. I'm sure I'm doing something super basic wrong here.
import math
import sys
a = float(input('a ='))
b = float(input('b ='))
c = float(input('c ='))
cont = float(input('Continue? (1/0)'))
a1 = int((-b + math.sqrt(b**(2)-4*a*c))/2*a)
a2 = int((-b - math.sqrt(b**(2)-4*a*c))/2*a)
if cont == 1:
print('x1 =',a1)
print('x2 =', a2)
elif cont == 0:

Add parenthesis to your equation around (2*a):
a1 = (-b + math.sqrt(b**(2)-4*a*c))/(2*a)
a2 = (-b - math.sqrt(b**(2)-4*a*c))/(2*a)
Also, do you mean to convert to integer?


python programme that calculate de the number of moves from one point to another on a chessboard

Hi everyone I have a problem that I have difficulty resolve in Python. this the statement
Have the function ChessChallenge(str) read str which will be a string consisting of the location of a space on a standard 8x8 chess board with no pieces on the board along with another space on the chess board. The structure of str will be the following: "(x y)(a b)" where (x y) represents the position you are currently on with x and y ranging from 1 to 8 and (a b) represents some other space on the chess board with a and b also ranging from 1 to 8 where a > x and b > y. Your program should determine how many ways there are of traveling from (x y) on the board to (a b) moving only up and to the right. For example: if str is (1 1)(2 2) then your program should output 2 because there are only two possible ways to travel from space (1 1) on a chessboard to space (2 2) while making only moves up and to the right.
If you have a solution please, let me know
Okay, that is my code
def Substr(s):
arr = []
for i in s:
if i.isdigit():
return arr
def Steps(sourceX, sourceY, destX, destY):
SourceX = sourceX
SourceY = sourceY
DestX = destX
DestY = destY
i = 0
j = 0
while( (SourceX != DestX) or (SourceY != DestY) ):
#Go up
if(SourceX < DestX):
#Go right
if(SourceY < DestY):
return i+j
def ChessChallenge(strParam):
arr = Substr(strParam)
SourceX = arr[0]
SourceY = arr[1]
DestX = arr[2]
DestY = arr[3]
# code goes here
return Steps(SourceX, SourceY, DestX, DestY)
# keep this function call here
print ChessChallenge(raw_input())
input: "(2 2)(4 3)"
Output: 3
Input: "(1 1)(3 3)"
Output: 6

How to append values in a while loop by using an if statement

records = [["chi", 20.0],["beta", 50.0],["alpha", 50.0]]
a = len(records)
i = 0
b = []
while i < a:
i = i + 1
c = len(b)
#from previous question
unique_list = []
for el in b:
if el not in unique_list:
print ("Element already in the list")
second_lowest_score = unique_list[1]
names_list = []
g = 0
while g < a:
if records[g][1] == second_lowest_score:
g = g + 1
What I want to do is to append the names of records which have the second lowest score (50) to the names_list. However, the while loop gives me no result. There is no syntax error so I am not sure why my code is wrong. However, when I use the previous while loop for appending the numbers, it seems to work fine. Is it not possible to use an if statement in a while loop?
This is a pretty simple problem. The g variable is not getting incremented if the if statement does not run, so the loop will endlessly continue on the same value of g.
The fix for this is to move the increment of g outside of the if statement (but still in the while loop). That way it will continue past values even if they do not match the if condition.
if records[g][1] == second_lowest_score:
g = g + 1

Multiplication Python Script giving wrong output

The Code below gives an answer for almost any number I have tested with, even a 64 digits *64 digits. But when tried with
a = 123456
b = 123456
The final answer is negative.
Up until
a = 12345
b = 12345
The answer is correct.
Not sure where this is going wrong. I am relatively new to python so is there something I am missing out?
import numpy as np
a = int(input("Enter Number 1: "))
b = int(input("Enter Number 2: "))
c = 1
pos_nums = []
while b != 0:
z = b % 10
pos_nums.append(z *c)
b = b // 10
c = c*10
pos_num = np.array([pos_nums])
multiply = pos_num *a
add = np.sum(multiply)
I don't know why numpy is playing up, but something like this appears to work, and does the same thing.
All I've done is removed the conversion to a numpy array. Now when you multiply pos_num it essentially makes a copies of it into one list. sum counts the total value of the list, which has a amounts of b stored in it.
Hope this works for you :)
a = int(input("Enter Number 1: "))
b = int(input("Enter Number 2: "))
c = 1
pos_nums = []
while b != 0:
z = b % 10
pos_nums.append(z *c)
b = b // 10
c = c*10
#pos_num = np.array(pos_nums)
pos_num = pos_nums
multiply = pos_num *a
add = sum(multiply)
Enter Number 1: 123456
Enter Number 2: 123456
numpy can't guess your next move!
you see when you define a numpy array it will assume a type for the array (like np.int16) and its not will not change unless you multiply it into something with other formats
what happend here?
you have multiplied a dtype=np.int32 array into an int in line:
multiply = pos_num *a
the result will be another np.int32 array (you can see that with print(multiply.dtype))
numpy can not guess that you intend to extend the array into for example np.float64
(not like regular python code, because there is a great performace hit to that)
what to do?
just simply define the type for it! (it a good practice to do this in other codes)
pos_num = np.array(pos_nums, dtype=np.float64)

My python code give this type error ''IndentationError: expected an indented block".give any solution

for i in range(1000): #153
pre = i #pre=153
a =str (i) #a='153'
for j in a:
k = int (j) #k=1
q = k*k*k
summ = summ+q
if (pre = summ):
print("Armstorng ",pre)
print("not Armstorng ",pre)
if (pre = summ):
That should be a double equals sign because it's a comparison between two values, not a variable assignment.
if (pre == summ):
Also, a couple of (potential) spelling errors: "Armstorng" and "summ". (Unless you intend "sum"/"summ" to be different variables.)

Shortest path program Python

I've written the following program, and there are 2 'mistakes' which I don't know how to fix. Inputs b1, c1, d1, and e1 correspond to points and adjacent nodes.
For instance, if I give the input: A B C, this means that from point A you can travel to B and C. The input f1 corresponds to the starting and endpoint. For instance, if I give the input: A D, this means that you start at point A and want to finish at point D.
b1 = input()
c1 = input()
d1 = input()
e1 = input()
f1 = input()
b = b1.split()
c = c1.split()
d = d1.split()
e = e1.split()
f = f1.split()
b_node = b[1:]
c_node = c[1:]
d_code = d[1:]
e_node = e[1:]
f_node = f[1:]
G = {b[0]:b_node, c[0]:c_node, d[0]:d_node, e[0]:e_node}
def find_path(graph, start, end, path = []):
path = path + [start]
newpath = []
if start == end:
return path
shortest = None
for node in graph[start]:
if node not in path:
newpath = find_path(graph, node, end, path)
if newpath:
if not shortest or len(newpath)<len(shortest):
shortest = newpath
return shortest
print(find_path(G, f[0], f[1]))
I give my program the following input
My questions are the following:
1. My program gives an error because d_node = [] (empty). However, this is
supposed to be so since from point D, you can't travel to any point! How can I make it run correctly?
2. Is there a way to let my program ask for a number 'N' points, and then give me N lines to give for those points all the adjacent info? I tried something of the form
input_list = []
x = int(input())
for i in range(x):
But couldn't make it work.. Any ideas?
You have a typo for 'd_node' as you have written 'd_code'.
Try with a while-loop; continue if you enter a blank line (which will indicate that you are done entering points). Something like:
while True:
i = input()
if not i:
